What is the youth absorption, how is it carried out? What is an absorption on youth slang, types, rules, subtleties of

What is the youth absorption, how is it carried out? What is an absorption on youth slang, types, rules, subtleties of

Types of absorptions and how do they take place in modern youth?

In youth slang, there are a huge number of unusual words that are not always understandable to the adult. In this article, we will talk about one of these words - an inspection.  

What is the youth absorption when it appeared?

The most interesting thing is that the word appeared for a long time. To thank the hippie subculture for such a word, which appeared in the 60s of the last century. The word absorption arose a little later, around the 80s. In youth slang, this word means a cultural event, which is held in someone in the apartment. Most often, youth, adolescents organize absorptions, after one of the adults will go to the country or on a business trip. That is, thus, the apartment remains completely free and at the disposal of adolescents. The teenager, in turn, invites friends, friends in order to have fun.  

And hippie by the word of the absorption? The fact is that the participants in this subculture very often traveled and were forced to stay for the night in different places. Moreover, not always among friends, sometimes in completely strangers. It is precisely such nights that were called absorptions, a person seems to fit into a new society and rests there for a whole night. In adolescents, the meaning has changed somewhat. This is a party with an overnight stay on which alcohol is taken.


What is an absorption on youth slang and how it is carried out: VSSO Rules

Why do young people go to such parties? Most often, this is carried out with the aim of relaxing, getting to know each other, leave for a while from parents, and share some of your experience or news. The most interesting thing is that the word absorption does not always mean a party with an intake of alcohol.

Quite often, forced nights are called that when a person just stops spending the night with his friends because he does not have money for a hotel or a hostel. Perhaps he was late for his train, or a bus to the suburbs, so he was forced to stay visiting someone of his friends. This is also called the absorption, but most often the prefix "unplanned" is added to it.  



  • Such a party is rarely held without alcohol, quite often there are strong drinks. Usually youth buys a low alcohol, beer or prepare punch. You can imagine a more colorful absorption by watching Hollywood youth filmmeds.
  • Young people usually gather at them in a house, turn on loud music, dance, arrange a fun disco, party, can take alcohol and consume light snacks. But the most interesting thing is that among Russian youth everything happens in the same way.
  • But parties are usually organized less noisy, with the use of a large amount of alcohol. It is worth noting that in order to come to the sublime, you need to get an invitation.
  • That is, the owner of the apartment or the organizer of the party must invite you to his home. It is considered in a bad tone to come to such absorptions without an invitation.
A party
A party

There are certain codes or rules of conduct on an inspection.  


  • You can use the bathroom or in the bathroom only with the permission of the owner of the apartment.  
  • Without the permission of the owner of the housing, it is not allowed to call by phone.  
  • It is considered in a bad tone to ask the owner an apartment somewhere to put him to bed.
  • Most often, after the party, the light turns off and all simply fit on the floor.  
  • It is also considered in a bad tone to take the house of the owner of the apartment without demand, all the more to take them outside the housing.  
After the absorption
After the absorption

Types of youth absorptions

There are several varieties of absorptions that differ in content and organizations.  

Varieties List:  

  1. Subscribing. This means that none of the invited girls came to the party, and the guys are forced to relax in a men's company.  
  2. Legion. This is an interesting absorption that implies a crowd of young people who gather in order to drink alcohol. In this case, exclusively guys are invited. After that, through social networks, they write to many unfamiliar girls, from their school or an educational institution, and invite them to a party. That is, at such a party there is a huge number of acquaintances and strangers. Which allows you to create a pair or find a second half, girl or guy.  
  3. Flat. Such an absorption is not a party with alcohol. There are usually no strong drinks on it. This is a gathering for an overnight stay to work out some kind of favorite, interesting thing. It can be computer games, a prefix, or listen to music.  
  4. Very unusual thematic absorption submarine. The fact is that such an absorption has appeared recently. It is because of the fact that computer technologies, mobile phones flourish. The main task is to move away from the influence of the outside world. Thus, at the entrance, everyone is selected mobile phones and instant messengers, tablets, laptops. That is, there is no electronics in the hands of the party participants. Typically, they take a subtle somewhere in the country, in the forest, while you can not leave the room and use mobile phones.  
  5. Road Party. The party, which is organized inside the compartment of the sleeping car along the road somewhere. That is, people actually travel and rest, gathered in the compartment. Pretty interesting and unusual, because basically young people are taken precisely in reserved seats, they are booking separately. But there are situations when reserved seats is not enough, and young people go to compartmental ones.  
  6. Hustle, translated means the word interpretation. Thus, a huge number of people converge for the party that there is no free space in the apartment. However, not all adolescents like such a gathering, because there is little space, it is very noisy and there is no way to talk normally with each other. But this is a great opportunity if you organize such a party for the first time, having entered somewhere to study. That is, in fact, you do not know any of your classmates. This is an ideal option to get to know more closely and choose those with whom I would like to communicate further.  

As you can see, there are a huge number of absorptions, depending on people who invite and arrange a party. To get to such a party, you need to get an invitation. In addition, it is customary to come to visit with your drink and even a snack. That is, everyone brings some kind of alcohol and something to the table.

Thus, a person who organizes a party is not spent on the purchase of alcohol and products. This is very appropriate, since the main category of people who go to absorptions are students. That is, they, in fact, do not work at a permanent workplace, so they cannot boast of a stable income.  

Video: What is an absorption?


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