What is hype: translation, how to explain the meaning of this word? What does the word hype in the youth language mean on the Internet? What is a hype project, hype money: meaning. What is Anti-Hip: meaning

What is hype: translation, how to explain the meaning of this word? What does the word hype in the youth language mean on the Internet? What is a hype project, hype money: meaning. What is Anti-Hip: meaning

Definitions of the words “hype”, “anti-Hip”, “hype-project”, “hype-money”. Their values \u200b\u200band features of use.

Globalization and progress inevitably led to the mixing of cultures and languages. There is a feeling of involvement in the general and following the masses.

New words, fashion trends in the speech of age groups lead to the replenishment of the language with phrases and meanings. It is only important to preserve your personality, and not to waste it in pursuit of recognition in a narrow environment.

Continuing the section on the analysis of words, their meanings, the context of application, we will talk about “hype” and “anti-Hip”.

What is hype: translation, how to explain the meaning of this word?

One of the meanings of the word hype
one of the meanings of the word "hype"

The word is borrowed from the English language “Hype”, it is especially popular among young people - Moscow hipsters. It is slang.

  • It came from the United States, where it was first used in the 20s. last century among drug addicts in the meaning of a single dose. Later, the word took root in the field of advertising, and currently reflects the main strategy for the work of this industry in America.
  • Its meanings are excitement, hype, obsessive advertising.
  • In modern realities, the word “hype” calls emotional excitement around something, increased interest, hysteria, advertising noise in the media that is happening around something new and expected-site, gadget, application, personality, events, etc.
  • Another meaning has a word that has a similar pronunciation, but another spelling in the language of the original. HYIP (hype) - “High Yield Investment Programms”, translates as “investment programs that bring high income”.
  • In the fashion industry, there is a separate direction with the name "hype". It is represented by a number of world brands Thrasher, Palph Lauren, Stone Island, Tommy Hilfiger, Gosha Rubchinsky.

If a verb forms from this word, its meaning expands. That is, “Hapip” is to promote, advertise, unwind, tie up the hype, warm up the excitement, hang out, breed noise.

What does the word hype in the youth language mean on the Internet?

On the slide, the inscription What is hype in youth slang?
on the slide, the inscription "What is a hype in youth slang?"

Among the youth, the Hyip has a lot of meanings: Tusa, move, popularity, fashion, quick risky type of income, worship, adoration.

In the Internet space, Haip is used with a hashtag "#" under the photo, a video with interesting people/events. Means a call for advertising, promotion. Or vice versa-under the boring failure activities of the word “#Haipim”, the author calls to support an anti-advertising action with a note of sarcasm.

What is a hype project, hype money: meaning

The man earned money on his hype project
the man earned money on his hype project

The hype project in the usual language is a scam, an enterprise with high profitability and dubious guarantees. The image is a financial pyramid of a fraudulent type, where the "old" participants are enriched at the expense of "beginners".

Below is the definition that Wikipedia gives.

Determining the project of the project from Wikipedia
determining the project of the project from Wikipedia

Hype money, respectively, are those monetary resources that were obtained by deception or high risk without much effort from the author of the project. In other words, they were brought by gullible newcomers, caught in the idea of \u200b\u200bearnings.

What is Anti-Hip, Anti-Hip in Clothing: Value

The word antihape in the picture
the word "Antihape" in the picture

Understanding the meaning of “hype”, just deal with it if the prefix “anti” is used. Seeing the Anti-Hip in the article, on the forum on the Internet, you understand that we are talking about something failure, boring, not fashionable, not justifying the author’s hope.

Anti-Haip is a movement against everything fashionable, popular, uniting musicians and ordinary people with an income level that does not allow you to be in Hype.

In the context of the appearance of a person, his clothes, such a statement is a label of bitterness, backwardness in terms of fashionable trends. Or a specially emphasized contemptuous attitude to those who follow the novelties and buys them.

So, we examined the meaning of the slang word "hype" and some of its derivatives. They determined the scope of their use, got acquainted with the history of origin.

Video: What is hype?

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  1. Yes, the origin is interesting to know. )))

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