AUE: Decryption - what does it mean, how is it translated? What does AUE mean: yard folklore or dangerous youth movement?

AUE: Decryption - what does it mean, how is it translated? What does AUE mean: yard folklore or dangerous youth movement?

The value of the abbreviation AUE.

Despite the fact that our state is now trying in every possible way to prevent the development of crime, the system itself is quite outdated, so various youth groups continue to flourish, which preach not quite the right lifestyle. In this article we will talk about the abbreviation AUE. What does it mean?

AUE: Decryption - what does it mean?

There is no exact decryption, but presumably - it is " the prisoner is one " or "Prisoner Urkagan Unity". As for the attraction of youth, very modern methods are used for this. These are social networks, VKontakte groups, as well as on Instagram. Many local authorities close their eyes on such movements, and in every possible way try to ignore the problem.

Features of the organization:

  • In fact, this is nothing more than a community, and rather young people, adolescents who reject the right lifestyle, standard values, and glorify the concepts that are in the zone of thieves. That is, they glorify prison romance in every possible way, and also believe that the best outcome of life is staying in prison.
  • Now the problem has gained huge scale precisely because of the development of social networks and the simplicity of establishing such groups. Almost every day, new groups arise, which are very often disguised as discussions of some computer games or youth problems. Only in the comments can you notice communication between the participants of this group, which in no way concerns the game or youth problems.
  • How and where do young people recruit for such groups? Most often, this can happen in ordinary schools, but of course, it acquired the greatest distribution in boarding schools. That is, where there are children from dysfunctional families, whose parents cannot take care of them. It is in educational institutions that is recruiting. To begin with, schoolchildren talk about how good it is to be in the zone, glorifying various thieves' concepts.
  • After that, certain funds are required to maintain this group. As for the funds, basically they all go to the maintenance of people in prison. If a teenager refuses to pay, then for him it is fraught with sad consequences. That is, it can be raped, beaten, omitted, it will be in the clan lowered.

AUE - where is it widespread?

As for the distribution of these groups, the most youth who consists in them are just in the regions not very prosperous. These are places that are quite far from the capital. Usually in such settlements the poor flourishes, decaying places. Most often, these are settlements in which the number of youth is constantly reduced due to a low educational level, a lack of work.

Young people are forced to steal in order to afford to acquire the most necessary. It is precisely because of the lack of educational level that the appearance and expansion of these groups occurs. Because children who are busy in a variety of sports sections or in computer courses are simply not able to communicate with such people and join such groups.

Territorial AUE is widespread in Siberia, Transbaikalia and the Far East. Judging by some posts on Instagram, the movement gradually gets to the capital. But the fact is that due to the high level of residents of Moscow, the spread of this society is not very active. Most often, just children of visitors enter it. That is, these are residents of Dagestan and small states who came to work in Moscow.


Many are interested in the question, is it possible to leave the organization? To which its participants are reply that it is almost impossible to get out of this association, because this is fraught with sad consequences for the participant. The fact is that now participants in this society do not support any connection with journalists, as well as police officers. Accordingly, on social networks they try to shine the least.

This applies not only to the participants who adhere to all the rules of the community, but also those who wanted to get out of there is lowered. Because unnecessary information, as well as anti -advertising for such people, is completely useless. A lot of teenagers are afraid to tell their parents about what they are in this society, and that money is extorted from them. Therefore, everything is quite complicated, due to the fact that the adolescents themselves are intimidated, and amenable to suggest criminal authorities.


How is AUE translated?

Initially, this greeting in Latin, if literally translated, sounded like "hello." The Latin word aue is translated - greeting, approval, expression of emotions, etc. Perhaps it was the Latin word that began to be used in prison circles as a greeting. The issue of the existence of these organizations was raised at the highest levels, because the situation is actually completely serious.

According to numerous investigations, a person sits in prison, he has a look at the will, which attracts to the dubious organization of adolescents, as well as children. He extracts money from them to maintain the common fund in prison. If the child does not want to receive this money, then a separate caste is assigned to him, he is ranked to the lowered ones.

He sits at a separate desk, and almost normally does not communicate with peers. Of course, in schools-gymnasium, as well as higher educational institutions, this is not the case. Because due to a high intellectual level, such children make contact more, and are ready to tell their parents, teachers, teachers about it, and are also ready to contact law enforcement agencies.

Show in Paris
Show in Paris

In some regions, such as the Trans -Baikal Territory, this problem is quite common. What is related to low income living in this region. It is worth noting that even children from prosperous families demanded money. Because of this, a huge scandal broke out. Now this problem has not been disclosed, everything is a little subsided, but according to unofficial data, approximately 1.5 million children are involved in this organization and are its participants.

Show in Paris AUE
Show in Paris AUE

The history of the AUE group: how to protect a child?

Where did she come from? There are several opinions regarding the appearance of the organization. Many believe that the organization takes its beginning in the post -war years, when it was very hungry and the incomes of the population were at a low level. After all, even young children were forced to work, providing themselves.

At that time, there were a lot of children of war who listened from more adults about prison romance, camps and so on. This organization later became less popular. But again it was revived in the eighties. The last surge in the popularity of this organization was noticed in 2011.

After numerous checks in 2016, many violations were revealed in the boarding schools of the Trans -Baikal Territory. The distribution also received a serious scandal with children who arrived in the orphanage because of that. They demanded money for a prison common fund. After this incident, there is very little information about this organization. It is known that it still exists and its participants continue to collect money for the common fund.

Thematic concert
Thematic concert

How to protect your child from participating in AUE:

  • To do this, it is necessary to make the child’s leisure interesting, that is, involve in sports, a variety of circles, and on a free basis. So that children from low -income and dysfunctional families can also visit these institutions.
  • It is necessary to tell children, educate them, and put as an example not at all criminal authorities, but vice versa. Stop making films that are based on the nobility of prison authorities, as well as criminals.
  • It is necessary to convey to the children that this kind of organization is bad and that sitting in prison is not paradise at all.
Difficult teenagers
Difficult teenagers

The main danger is that many parents do not quite understand the danger of movement. Participation in the community can make it so that their child will go in inclined. Many consider this an ordinary yard folklore, in fact it is not so.

Parents should pay attention, this is not entirely the organization in which the child should consist. It is necessary to devote more time to education, respectively, it is necessary to preach spiritual values, as well as the right lifestyle. When the child does not have time to think about the bad, he will have no time to participate and consist in these organizations. This is what it is worth paying the main attention.

It is noted that children with a high intellectual level, as well as with parents who constantly devote much time to their children, do not enter this kind of organization. Psychologists believe that the child’s desire to be in such an organization is due to a mental emptiness, as well as a lack of communication with parents.

Video: Danger AUE

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