The female name Alina-as can be called differently: forms of name

The female name Alina-as can be called differently: forms of name

The female name Alina is beautiful and feminine. He has an interesting meaning and many different forms.

In Russian, this name is associated with scarlet color: Alina - Alya - Alakoy. Thanks to A. Grin, the scarlet color became the color of hope, the fulfillment of desires. He is associated with a girl named Assol, standing on the seashore and waiting for a ship with red sails. Dreams must be fulfilled! Perhaps the name is filled with such magic.

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From this article you will find out what forms of Alina has forms. We will also talk about its meaning and origin. Read further.

Name Alina: meaning, origin

Name Alina: meaning
Name Alina: meaning

Alina's name has many meanings based on versions of its origin. Read more:

  • If it came from Arabic, the meaning will be “famous”, “exalted” and it came from the male name Ali.
  • The common in the Scandinavian countries and France was formed from the name of Adelin. And translated into Russian will be “generous”.
  • In Greece, he is considered an Elena’s "sunlight" or a derivative of the gospel. Assigning the origin of the name to the ancient Greeks, they consider it possible to educate from a word translated as an “angel”.
  • The ancient German name Adelhaid was transformed into Ala, and then to Alina.
  • In Scotland, it stands nearby paired with a male Alister. In the dictionary of personal names, he is considered Russian, formed from the name of Akulin.

It is worth knowing: It is mistaken that the name is Tatar or Kazakh, it is simply very popular among these peoples.

Alina has two more really visible paths of origin, both ancient German. The difference lies in the original education.

  • The first. From the male name Adal “noble” - Adela - Adeline. Separated into three languages: Italian, Romanian, German - ADELINA. Then these peoples appeared a brief form of the name - Alina.
  • Second. Of the two male names Adal + Heid “meadow” was formed female. Adalheidis - ADALA - Adeline - Alina.

Time passed and different nations have new forms of name:

  • Italy - Allinucca, Linuccia, Alinetta
  • Portugal - line, linin, Alininya
  • Romania is Alinutsu
  • Finland - Lina
  • Chinese - Alinna

As you can see, this is a universal navigation and in many countries has its own unique form.

To find out how Russian is Russian and how long, it is possible thanks to the church calendar with the list of all saints. In the Orthodox name, this cannot be found. Therefore, making a rite of baptism, the girls are given names that begin on the letter “A” and consonant with Alina. This is: Alla, Angelina, Alevtina, Elena, Akilina. But there is a patroness. Traditionally, for all Alin, the Great Martyr Alevtin Caesarea or Valentina Palestinian - “The Second Name”, burned for the Christian faith.

Name Alina: What will be the full name?

A lot of time has passed from the appearance of the name and metamorphoses that took place with him. It acquired different forms in many countries. For us it became independent, being complete - Alina.

Initially, in Russia it was considered a reduced form from two names - Adeline or Angelina. It came to us from Germany at the beginning of the 20th century and remains popular so far. A real boom fell on the 90s of the last century. In groups of kindergartens, there were several girls with this charming name.

It is not surprising that not so much time has passed, the name has become again in demand. Especially after the victory at the Olympics in 2004 in rhythmic gymnastics Alina Kabaeva. 2018 again gave him popularity thanks to the Russian skater Alina Zagitova, which also became the Olympic champion in solitary figure skating. And already many young Alin goes to the gymnastic carpet and still little girls - on the ice, conquering new heights in sports. Young parents give this softly sounding, tender name to their daughters. However, Angelina, along with Alina, does not lose her position.

One of the interesting versions of Alina’s formation, as a complete name, is that in pre -revolutionary times in the noble “salons” it was fashionable to change Russian names in the French manner: Natalya - Natalie, Nadezhda - Nadine, Polina - Polina. Here in the everyday life of Alexandra, sharks, peacocks, Apollinaria became Alins.

In Russian literature, it is found in A. Pushkin in the poem “Recognition”, the poem “Eugene Onegin”, the novel by M. Gorky “Life of Klim Samghin”, A. Solzhenitsyn “Red Wheel”. The heroine of the romantic ballad "Alina and Alsim" by V. Zhukovsky.

Alina name-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

The attractiveness of the name in his sound. And it depends on which letters are compiled and in what order the letters are located. In the Russian alphabet there are gold, silver and bronze.

  • The more in the name of the gold letters: A, b, c, g, d, e, s, and, k, l, m, n, o, p, p, s, t, y, f. It is easier to pronounce it not only in his native, but also in a foreign language.
  • Silver letters: W, x, c, h, w, e, yu, i.
  • The remaining letters and signs include bronze: E, y, s, b, s, b.

Alina It consists completely of gold letters, it is short and very feminine. It has tenderness, romance and mystery.

If you want to choose another beautiful form of the name, so that Alina remains one of the diminutive, you can choose among these:

  • Angelina
  • Lina
  • Alinetta
  • Elaine
  • In
  • Adelaide
  • Adele
  • Adeline
  • Albina
  • Elena

There are many options, but you can have your own, which will be the sweetest and dear to you.

Name Alina: Brief form of the name

In our language, the name, written in a brief form, retains its foundation. And the ending is the letters "a" and "I". Here are abbreviated options for the name Alina:

  • Alya
  • Ala
  • Alinka
  • Lina
  • Alka
  • In

So we usually call friends, relatives and our children.

Name Alina: affectionate form

The birth of a child is a joyful event in the family. The name for the baby has already been chosen. But it is so accepted that the official name receives affectionate forms. Is it possible, seeing the first smile of his daughter, to say: "Alina smiles." We have prepared many delicate and affectionate options:

  • Alunya
  • Alinushka
  • Alusik
  • Alusya
  • Alechka
  • Alinka
  • Alinusya
  • Linusya
  • Alinenok
  • Alusya
  • Alichka

Even adult daughters and granddaughters continue to call this. It is beautiful and cute.

Name Alina: Squeezing

In a diminutive form, the name is used between close or well -known people in a friendly environment. For the name Alina The following options are suitable:

  • Alya
  • Alisha
  • Lina
  • Alchik
  • Lee
  • Adya
  • Ala
  • Lina
  • Ally
  • Ali

The name consists of only 5 letters, it is quite difficult to choose a short option. Therefore, diminutive, affectionate, brief forms are simply divided into more suitable little girls and adults.

Name Alina: Form of the name in Latin

If you translate this naming from the Latin language, we get "Alien" or "Other". There is an assumption that this is a possible form from the Latin name of Albin, which came from the word "albus". And then Alina receives additional values: "Bright", "white", "light -haired".

Alina In Latin, it is written in the transliteration of "transmitting signs of one writing of another - in full compliance." In this form, you often need to write data for official documents, for example, for a passport. But in this case, the name will be written in capital letters: Alina.

How to write the name Alina in Ukrainian?

It’s not difficult to write at all, just replace the Russian letter "and"since it is written in Ukrainian "I". The pronunciation does not change. Exactly it will be with reducing and affectionate forms: Alinka, Alinonka, Alinochka.

How to write the name Alina in Japanese?

In Japanese there are two forms of this name. We get such a spelling when accessing the dictionary, finding translation "Alina":

Name Alina in Japanese
Name Alina in Japanese

But in phrases, sentences of texts it is written a little differently. For example, “Dancer Alina”, the name will be written like this:

Name Alina in Japanese
Name Alina in Japanese

How to write the name Alina in French?

There will be no difficulties with writing in French- Alina.By the way, in France this name has its own forms, here are some of the synonymous to him:

  • Adeline
  • Aalis
  • Alix
  • Aude
  • Aline

This adherence refers to those that are written and pronounced equally in almost all languages. This is convenient for the owner of the name, since you do not need to specifically memorize other forms.

How to write the name Alina in English?

As the name is heard, and it is written, there are no hissing letters and signs that cause the possibility of discrepancies. Therefore, in English, the name Alina Write - Alina.

How to write the name Alina in German?

As mentioned above, this name was lucky. With its spelling, there are no difficulties in any European language and is written almost the same, sometimes with the exception of the last vowel. Could be Alina or Aline. In German Alina - Alina. There are also several forms:

  • Alinhen
  • Lina
  • Linhen
  • In
  • Lina
  • In
  • Inhen

It was always believed that the name is a kind of code given at birth, endowing certain qualities and character traits. It cannot be bad and unsuccessful if it is so popular in the world.

Video: The meaning of the name Alina - Karma, character and fate

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