The female name Tamara or Tomar: how to write correctly?

The female name Tamara or Tomar: how to write correctly?

Do not know how to write the female name Tamara? Read the article - it has rules and examples.

Names' contractions take place in any language. Russian does not stand aside. Suppose Katerina can be called Katya and Katenka, and Anna - nyura, nyurochka, Nyusy. As for Alexandra, it is generally easily transformed into Shura.

Read on our website an article on how the word is still written as before. In it you will find rules and examples of proposals.

About the same thing happens with the name Tamara. However, some are still trying to write this name through "about". Why do people make a grammatical mistake? How to write this female name correctly? Read this article.

How to write the female name of Tomar or Tamara in Russian: rule, examples

Female name Thomar or Tamara
Female name Thomar or Tamara

In the Russian language, human names and their spelling are outside the rules of spelling. Rules usually do not exist. But you can remember the spelling. How to write a female name correctly Tomara or Tamara in Russian? To understand how to write the name of Tamara, you should turn to the origins and roots:

  • The most common cause of the hitch is reduction.
  • In a diminutive version the name of Tamara sounds like "Tom". This is the main reason for error.

Writing a name with a letter will be wrong "about": Tomara or with two "M" in the middle: Tammara.

  • The only correct option: Tamara.

The name comes from Hebrew. At first it had only a male shape - Tamar. However, after it became applicable for girls. In a literal translation, the name means "Smoknitsa" or "date palm". It is also interesting to know:

  • The name of Tamara It is easily reduced to Tom, Tusi, Totley etc.
  • Many Tamaras are emotional, but strong in spirit. They instantly converge with people and have many friends. However, it is difficult to get along with their temperament.

Examples of sentences with this word:

  • In childhood, Tamara herself confused how to write her name - through “A” or through “O”. But very quickly got used to the correct spelling.
  • Victor loved a strong word. But with Tamara he tried not to swear.
  • There were no authorities for Tamara. She listened only to her own opinion, ignoring others.
  • Tamarochka is a wonderful neighbor and my best friend.
  • Now Tomochka is very difficult. Let's not pester her with questions. If she wants, she will tell everything herself.
  • Toma has always had order at home.

 Further, even more rules that will help to remember the spelling this name.

Why in the word Tamara there are three “A”, and in abbreviated volume: how to write correctly?

Female name Thomar or Tamara
Female name Thomar or Tamara

Many are embarrassed by the fact that the reduction of this word is written with the letter "about", and the full version name Tamara with three "A". Why is this happening and how to write correctly?

  • Unlike clear grammatical rules that exist relative to verbal constructions, this mechanism does not work with names.
  • Therefore, an abbreviated option "Tom" cannot be a verification word that should be focused on when writing a name "Tamara".
  • It is much better to remember the Hebrew the word Tamar. In this case, everything is logically explained. In the female version, it is simply added to it the letter a".

There are many other names in which the abbreviated form can also not be a verification for the full version: George - Gosha, Alexey - Lesha, Andrey - Andryusha, Eugene - Zhenya, etc. Such nuances should simply be remembered.

How is it wrong to write the word Tamara?

Incorrect spelling of the name Tamara
Incorrect spelling of the name Tamara

In most cases, instead of the letter "a" write "about": Tomara. All because people are trying to associate a diminutive option "Tom" With writing the full name. But this does not always work.

  • If a Kostya So it will be Konstantin (not kanstan), then in the case of Toma, "about" Present only in a diminutive version.
  • That's why with the letter "o" Writing this word is wrong.

There is also another wrong option: "Tammara". In fact, no additional letters are supposed to be in this name.

The male name Tomar or Tamar: origin, how is it written in Russian?

Male name Thomar or Tamar
Male name Thomar or Tamar

Male name Tamar It has a Hebrew origin. The main meaning: "date palm". According to another version, the name comes from the word "Famar"which also meant "palm".

There is also a southern plant "tamarisk". By the way, according to "Famar", "tamarisk" and "Tamar" You can remember how the female name is written "Tamara"since all of them are the second the letter a". Male option name Tamar Also correctly written in Russian only through "a". Tomar - it is not right.

Video: How to learn to write competently in Russian?

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