“Neither shame nor conscience”: how is it written correctly?

“Neither shame nor conscience”: how is it written correctly?

From this article you will learn how the phrase “neither shame nor conscience” is written.

Often expression "Neither shame nor conscience" It is used in relation to a person extremely impudent, shameless. The use is considered correct "no no"which connects homogeneous members or components of a complex sentence. Writing will be identical with other examples of a similar property. Read more about the rules for spelling such a phrase in this article.

How is it written correctly “neither shame nor conscience” or “not shame for no conscience”?

"Neither shame nor conscience"

At school, children teach spelling words, as well as phrases. How it is written correctly "Neither shame nor conscience" or "Not a shame of conscience"? The explanation of the rule is very simple. Such an explanation of the spelling of the expression will be reasonable "Neither shame nor conscience":

  • "Neither" Often in stable expressions.
  • Remembering is very simple. In all these options, there is uncertainty.

However, in this case "shame" and "conscience" They are considered as identical things. Analyzing the issue from a different point of view, we can conclude that there is a list of peculiar synonyms. This technique is used to enhance the effect to show how strong the tactlessness of a particular person is.

"Neither shame nor conscience": concept and interpretation

"Neither shame nor conscience"

The main goal of the expression "Neither shame nor conscience" - indicate (in the condemning vein) to the actions of a person who sometimes has no moral principles. Moreover, he considers his impermissible actions completely normal, does not even think that in a decent society this is nonsense. Here are more in more detail the concept and interpretation of this phrase:

  • "Shame" and "conscience" - The concepts are similar, but not quite equal.
  • When a person is tormented by a conscience, he may feel shame.
  • However, a sense of shame is able to appear not only due to remorse.
  • “Hams have no shame, no conscience, no fear of God” - Korolenko V.G.

In the last example, Korolenko adds the third element to the “standard” expression - which once again confirms the fact that the rule that is similar to the transfer can be applied to the phrase "no no" In other cases.

Often expression "No shame, no conscience" It is used to depict complete human shamelessness, the source of which is so confident in the correctness of his actions that he does not even regard them as his own flaw. Examples:

  • You haven't done lessons yet, but already sitting at the computer? No shame, no conscience.
  • If only the mother was shy. You see that I am returning from work, and in front of my eyes you kiss with this frost. You have no shame, Katka, nor conscience (mother - daughter).
  • No shame, no conscience among the neighbors. Who makes repairs at 3 a.m. Moreover, they know very well that we have a small child.
  • How much can you turn on the full volume? People are resting! No shame, no conscience!

Based on these examples, the interpretation of the phrase is well traced.

Synonyms for the phrase "neither shame nor conscience": the list

"Neither shame nor conscience"

Synonyms are simple to pick up. We need to look for words in Russian, which are similar in meaning. Here are synonyms for the phrase "Neither shame nor conscience" - List:

  • Impudent, shameless, shameless, rude, impudent
  • No shame in the eyes
  • The fear of God does not know, the punishment is not afraid of God
  • Shameless

Almost all words are suitable for this phrase, expressing the lack of upbringing and the concept of decency in humans.

Sentences with the phrase "neither shame nor conscience"

"Neither shame nor conscience"

If you can’t make a sentence with this expression, then we will help. It's simple. Here are sentences with a phrase "Neither shame nor conscience":

  • No shame, no conscience among workers. They know very well that in half an hour the customer will come to accept the object. And they have nothing yet done. But they don’t care. They are sitting, cutting into cards, as if before the object to pass for another six months.
  • - Neither shame, nor conscience with you, Petrov! I said in Russian that over the weekend you will prepare for the retardation of the control, but you again do not know half the correct answers. And what should I do with you?
  • “Do not even think to meddle there, they are scammers.” I myself worked for 2 months in this company. Not only is the salary three times less than indicated in the announcement, but they also do not pay these pennies. Neither shame, nor conscience with them.
  • -They heard, Lerka from the 34th apartment to live her hahal brought home. Would be ashamed. Oh, and the youth has gone today - neither shame, nor conscience.

Russian writers of classics also used this expression in their memoirs. Read more below.

Quotes from Russian classics with the phrase "neither ashamed or conscience"

There are many different works in the literature. All of them teach lives, and they can find answers to their questions. For example, here are quotes from Russian classics with a phrase "Neither shame nor conscience":

  • - Because if she does not want to enter into a legitimate marriage, and by the way, she lets the young people in the window, then this is what! This means that a person has neither shame nor conscience. Sologub F.K., Small Bes, 1902.
  • The horizon and Barsukova met like old acquaintances. It seems that they had neither fear, no shame, nor conscience when they talked to each other. Kuprin A.I., Yama, 1915.

What does the word "shame" mean? Read further.

The meaning of the word "shame"

Shame means shame. Read more about this word:

  • "Shame" The state that a person experiences is called when he realizes that his actions are inadmissible from the point of view of the moral and ethical principles established by society.
  • It is accompanied, as a rule, with emotional torment, unpleasant sensations, loss of self -confidence, the desire to quickly forget your embarrassment and that eyewitnesses and involuntary witnesses forget about it.
  • Similar in meaning, concepts: embarrassment, shame, shame and their derivatives.

In other words, shame is constraint. Only if the last person can feel and without doing anything shameful (but simply due to complexes, uncertainty), then shame can occur precisely due to awareness of their own evil deeds.

The meaning of the word "CONDERTION"

The word "conscience" in the everyday life of a resident of the 21st century is rarely used. Its main meaning is to “rebuke”, “shame”, “cause a state of repentance in a person”.

  • Mother for a long time sought Pavka for torn pants, which his father gave him just 2 days ago, for Easter.
  • No need to conscnse me! I am already an adult, and I decide what is better for me.
  • It is useless to conscience the one who is not able to repent.
  • The authorities for a long time conscved employees, but frequent coffee breaks did not stop.

Conscious-this means to shame if a person did not do something or vice versa, fulfilled, but incomprehensible, inappropriately.

The meaning of the word "conscience"

"Neither shame nor conscience"

Conscience is called a sense of responsibility of a person for his behavior. The personality perfectly understands that some of her actions are boasted, and some are contrary to upbringing and moral principles. Whenever a person sacrifices the principles, performs immoral actions, he feels remorse.

It turns out that conscience means nothing more than personal awareness of bad actions and regret about their commission. Examples of use:

  • Reproaches of conscience
  • Voice of conscience
  • Conscience torments
  • Bad conscience
  • Conscience deal
  • Do "for conscience"
  • Without a twinge of conscience
  • For cleaning conscience

Now you know what the expression "neither shame nor conscience" means. Make up sentences and find quotes in the literature. This will help to fix the material covered.

Video: The spelling of particles is not and no - 7th grade

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