The female name Alina - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Alina: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Alina - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Alina: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Want to know the meaning and origin of the name Alina? Read the article, it has a lot of interesting information about this name.

The story of the name Alina is very interesting. This name came to us in the 20th century. There are many versions of the origin of this name. About this and much more, regarding the name of Alina, will be described in this article.

What does the name Alina according to the church calendar mean?

Church namerns do not know such a name as Alina. Therefore, at baptism, another name will be given to the girl Alina: Angelina, Alevtina, Alla or Elena.

Parents often choose for children such names that are not in the church calendar, and baptize them under other names. It is believed that the child cannot be jinxed or spoiled, since a bad person will not know the real name of the child on which he was baptized. Therefore, foreign or modern names have recently been so popular.

Patron saint of the name Alina

The patroness of all Alin is considered the holy great martyr Alevtin Caesarea, who was burned for being a Christian.

The secret of the name Alina

Alina is quickly tied to people, so she is truly friends and always faithful to her friends. It can closely allow a person of any warehouse. She will find a common language with all men and women of her age. The secret of the name Alina is that she will always be a leader and others will have to come to terms with this. Sometimes she will even be a despot, and she will not miss the moment not to use someone or use for their own purposes.

Name Alina: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Alina?

This name is most often found in Slavic countries. In a Russian person, Alina is associated with the word "scarlet". When you hear this name, “Scarlet Sails” or “Scarlet Flower” are immediately recalled. Such a name is also common in Scandinavians and Tatars. But it is believed that this is the name of Slavic origin on behalf of Alexander, but in female form or on behalf of Albin.

Name Alina: origin and meaning, popularity

Name Alina: origin and meaning, popularity
Name Alina: origin and meaning, popularity

The history of the origin of the name Alina has German and French roots. But many documents argue that the roots of this name are ancient and more correctly to say that Alina is an ancient German and ancient Greek name.

It means "noble", "immaculate." Translated from Latin means “not like” or “stranger”.

This name for girls and women is in the list of 30 most popular names.

Alina - Deciphering the name from Greek

Specialists in the field of anthroponymics decipher this name from Greek as "sunny". Therefore, Alina's main features are energy, swiftness, positiveness and radiation. In ancient Greece, girls were called when they wanted them to grow up generous, majestic and delight everyone around, like the sun.

Alina name in English, Latin, different languages

Many parents, before calling the child, pay attention to how the name is heard, heard and written in different languages. Suddenly, the baby will grow up and want to leave abroad, and with this name he will have to live in a new country, where he will be called in another language.

You also often need to translate the name to Latin, for example, for some document. Therefore, it is important to know how Alina will be read and write in English, Latin and other different languages. Here is a translation:

Alina name in English, Latin, different languages
Alina name in English, Latin, different languages

How is the name Alina written in the passport?

Of course, abroad will not be allowed without a passport. When drawing up this document, you need to know how the name Alina is written in the passport. It is also necessary for banks, for example, when applying for a plastic card or when buying a ticket. In the passport, Alina will be written as Alina.

Alina: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

Calling the girl always wants to be called affectionately, so parents should know how Alina will sound in an abbreviated form or in a diminutive affectionate.

Alina: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?
Alina: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

Alina: The meaning of the name, character and fate

The meaning of Alina’s name was described above, but it is worth adding that it was the French who always considered Alina to be their name. In France, before they called girls from noble families and predicted a happy fate to them.

Alina's character:

  • Girl Alina Always balanced, but will never let him sit on his head. In a certain situation, it can even become too aggressive. It is difficult for parents to educate Alina, as she grows an extrovert and cannot be led. But, if surrounded by care, then the girl becomes obedient.
  • Girl Alina He knows how to hide a storm of passions under external coldness. He does not tolerate when her aspirations are suppressed, it is impossible to dissuade her from something if she has already decided to act in a certain way. Alina always has a plan in which she lives in her head. Everything around is spinning at a fast pace that she set.
  • For woman Alina has no barriers. She will reveal any secret of a person - nothing to hide from her. Diplomaticity, exactingness, severity and sequence are the character traits of Alina's woman.

Alina at any age needs to monitor health, especially the state of her stomach. Only in this case her fate will be good. Regarding the choice of a life partner, Alina knows how to understand men, and quickly finds her only when the time comes.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Alina: compatibility with male names

We all imagine how our child will grow up, will become a respected person, and all of him will be called by name and patronymic. Accordingly, you need to think in advance which middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Alina and whether there is compatibility with the male name of the dad. One of these patronymics approaches the name Alina:

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Alina: compatibility with male names
What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Alina: compatibility with male names

Compatibility with male names in terms of family creation:

  • A successful relationship with Alina will develop from Boris, Eugene, Mikhail, Alexander, Victor, Peter, Vladimir and Yakov.
  • You should not marry Anatoly, Vladlen, Dmitry, Nikolai, Igor, Alexei.

When is the name day, Alina's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

The Angel Day according to the Orthodox calendar, all Alins celebrate July 29. This is the day of veneration of the patroness of all Alin. Also, name day can be celebrated on March 23, April 29, May 29, June 14, June 16, July 2, August 4 and September 29.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Alina are short in verses and prose

When you need to congratulate a person on a birthday or name day, I always want to do it in an original way. It is important that a person remembers the wishes and they lay down on his soul, which means that congratulations should be warm, sincere, beautiful and with the whole heart.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Alina are short in verses and prose:

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Alina are short in verses and prose
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Alina are short in verses and prose
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Alina short in verses
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Alina short in verses
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Alina in Verses
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Alina in Verses
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Alina in verses and prose
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Alina in verses and prose

Song named Alina

To sing a song with Alina’s name during the congratulations on the Angel Day or Birthday is even more original and more pleasant than congratulating in poetry. The culprit of the celebration will surely be surprised at such a congratulation, and he will remember it for a long time.

  Video: Murat Nasrov Alina (Live)

Tattoo named Alina

A tattoo in the modern world is a way of self -expression. Often parents make a tattoo named their child or a young man makes a native painting in the form of a name of his beloved. The owner of this name can do a tattoo named Alina, parents, if their daughter is so called or a guy in honor of love for his girlfriend named Alina. Here are a few sketches with this name:

Tattoo named Alina
Tattoo named Alina
Tattoo named Alina
Tattoo named Alina
Tattoo named Alina in Chinese
Tattoo named Alina in Chinese
Tattoo named Alina - sketch
Tattoo named Alina - sketch
Tattoo named Alina - original and beautiful
Tattoo named Alina - original and beautiful
Stylish tattoo named Alina
Stylish tattoo named Alina

Suspension named Alina from gold: photo

Gold has been valued since ancient times. The gold suspension is an excellent memorable gift. You can buy a jewelry with a full name or with its first letter. A young girl, a woman or even a little girl will be crazy about such a surprise. Photos of pendants named Alina from gold:

The original suspension of white gold with a star.

Suspension named Alina from gold: photo
Suspension named Alina from gold: photo

Suspension with crown and name Alina made of white gold with the addition of cubic zirconia.

Suspension named Alina from gold
Suspension named Alina from gold

Decoration with letter A made of pink gold and interspersed of cubic zones.

Suspension named Alina from gold with Fianites
Suspension named Alina from gold with Fianites

The pendant made of yellow gold and the scattering of the Fianites is beautiful and original. The fianite of a large size in the curl in the middle attracts attention.

Suspension named Alina made of yellow gold
Suspension named Alina made of yellow gold

The pendant made of yellow gold is registered and very stylish.

Stylish pendant named Alina from gold: photo
Stylish pendant named Alina from gold: photo

Name Alina: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Girls named Alina have a well -developed intuition. They easily understand the hidden secrets of people around. It is impossible to spend Alina, she knows everything in advance. Moreover, this concerns the thoughts of people around them or heart.

Alina’s intelligence is good. If she becomes a diplomat, she will use his gift in all situations. A good memory and a great interest in life help Alina achieve a lot.

Alina's morality is manifested in his complicity and severity in relation to herself. The actions of the surrounding people will be assessed strictly. But, if we talk about the whole people or some kind of event, then Alina is not so harsh and gestures, and can make a slight retreat.

Name Alina: Hobbies, Activities, Business

Alina good businessmen. It seems that they are born with a ready -made plan of their activities. Alina loves to work only for herself and sets herself a pace for others, that is, she will be a good business owner. But, if Alina loses faith in herself, he may lose everything - business, wealth.

Alina's hobbies are versatile. She loves everything related to creativity. She likes when she is admired by her works, whether it be pictures, poems written by her novels. He loves to know everything new, so he is easily taken to study the new creative sphere.

Name Alina: Health and psyche

Alina easily adapt to the surrounding life. Psychologically they feel the need to devote themselves to someone or some business. She cares well of loved ones and conducts any social activity perfectly.

Health is good, but you need to take care of the stomach. Proper nutrition is what should go with Alina in life.

Name Alina: Sexuality, Marriage

Alina attracts men with her charm and sexuality, but her true libido is an underdeveloped sexual attraction. Her vanity is amusing the constant attention of men, but Alina always plays, and does not understand the meaning of this game, since she herself does not feel desire. Female spells help to manipulate representatives of the strong half of humanity. Alina loves sex despite a weak attraction. She enjoys and always reaches climax. The partner needs to be prepared for the fact that she can refuse once again in intimacy for a banal reason - a fear of spoiling the hairstyle and the like.

She will not take care of the partner and will not even try to understand him. But she herself will put forward large claims and express her dissatisfaction. Speaking in a few words, then Alina perceives sex with his mind, and not in body or heart. Creativity helps her stimulate sexual energy.

In marriage, Alina is an egoist. She thinks only of herself and does not care at all about her partner. With the help of intimacy, she achieves what she wants. Men take Alina for another woman, because she looks very sexy, and this is not so. Many suffer disappointment, but continue to live with Alina until the end of life. Men accept Alina such as she is, and enjoy her impulsivity and sexual incontinence.

Which zodiac sign is the name Alina?

Which zodiac sign is the name Alina?

A person’s belonging to a certain zodiac sign affects his character. The name can strengthen or weaken such a manifestation. Therefore, many parents when choosing a name for the unborn child pay attention to the zodiac sign that the baby will have. The name Alina approaches such zodiac signs:

  • Aquarius;
  • Aries;
  • Crayfish;
  • Scales;
  • Sagittarius.

Each of the planets or constellations corresponds not only to a specific figure in our universe, but also by the name of man. Therefore, it is so important to choose a name for compliance with the constellation.

Talisman stone to the name Alina

Talisman stone to the name Alina
Talisman stone to the name Alina

To make Alina's life smooth and good in life, she needs to wear a pink quartz or sapphire.

  • Pink quartz He will give a sense of femininity, tenderness and sensuality. It will help restore the mental balance and give a good mood.
  • Sapphire He will remind of bright and warm relationships between people. He will fuel Alina's consciousness and protect from evil and intrigues. The intentions of enemies will be unrealized if it always carries this stone with her.

These stones will help Alina become reasonable, to moderate her impulsivity and temper.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Alina

Each name has its own flower, plant or wood that carry positive energy for people with this name. Therefore, people try to grow flowers-dumpers at home or carry a leaf of a dried plant with them, which protects them in life.

  • Flower - violet, jasmine;
  • Plant - mint, eucalyptus; lavender;
  • Wood - Fig.

Accordingly, if you drink tea, then with mint, if you eat fruits, then figs, and at home Alina should grow violets.

Totem animal named after Alina

The totem animal named Alina is the Mother of God. Animal-male animals-elephant, ram, deer, dolphin and swallow.

Numerology named after Alina

In the modern world, numerology is of great importance. There are even specialists such as numerologists and astrologer-numerologist. They calculate the numbers of people, for example, their names. Numerology named Alina:

  • The number of souls is 4. People of this number are prone to accurate sciences. They are excellent designers, engineers and researchers. They respect their colleagues. Their day is scheduled for minutes and it is impossible to shift anything from a pre -scheduled plan. But the "four" are reliable people and you can rely on them.
  • The number of hidden spirit is 3.
  • Body number - 1.

“Four” are very good people, but they need to find an approach to them, and those people who find him will be respected by Alin, whether it be a girlfriend or second half.

Pseudonym to the name Alina

In order to choose the right pseudonym by name, you just need to rearrange the letters and pronounce the resulting word out loud. If you like what you heard, then it can be used for yourself.

For example, for Alina you can consider such pseudonyms:

  • Helen;
  • Lin;
  • Ellie;
  • Lina;
  • Inna;
  • Rina;
  • Athena;
  • Elvina;
  • Eileen;
  • Lana;
  • Anila;
  • Lane;
  • Alinsia.

You can come up with a thousand more pseudonyms to this name - beautiful and mysterious.

Famous people, celebrities named Alina

It is always interesting which of the celebrities was called the same as you. When parents choose a name for their future baby, they are also interested in, was this a name for someone from celebrities? Suddenly, the child will repeat the fate of the star or the Olympic champion with the same name. Famous people, celebrities named Alina:

Famous people, celebrities named Alina
Famous people, celebrities named Alina

In the history of mankind, there are probably other famous people named Alina, but it is impossible to remember everyone. Alina is the singers, and dancers, gymnasts, musicians, and even the characters of the stories.

Video: The meaning of the name. Alina

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  7. Where to find out about the description of the name Alina

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