Feminine name Catherine - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Catherine: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Feminine name Catherine - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Catherine: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Catherine is the royal name. What it still talks about, read in the article.


When you hear the name Catherine, I involuntarily want to exclaim: "Queen!" This name is royal, and immediately in the imagination there is an image of the famous Catherine the Great - the Empress, who entered not only in the history of Russia, but also in the minds of people.

What does the name Catherine in the church calendar mean?

What does the name Catherine in the church calendar mean?
What does the name Catherine in the church calendar mean?

In the church name there is such a name Catherine. It means always immaculate, clean. There are five saints with the name Catherine in the church calendar:

  • February 5 is revered by the Martyr Ekaterina Cherkasova;
  • February 17 - Rev. Martyr Ekaterina Decalin;
  • March 20 - Rev. Martyr Ekaterina Konstantinova;
  • December 7 - Great Martyr Virgin Ekaterina Alexandria;
  • December 17 - Martyr Ekaterina Arskaya.

The name Catherine among Orthodox Christians always meant eternal purity. This is due to the saint, which Christ called His Bride in her dreams.

Saint patron named after Catherine

Saint patron named after Catherine
Saint patron named after Catherine

The origin of the name Catherine is associated with the great martyr Catherine of Alexandria.

  • She was a Christian and suffered for her faith in the distant 3rd century.
  • When she adopted Christianity, Christ appeared to her in a dream and gave the ring. He called her his bride.
  • Therefore, it was Catherine Alexandria who is considered the patroness of this name. She was a martyr, as she accepted death for refusing to renounce Christianity.
  • They even wanted to torture her, but the descending angel from heaven destroyed the instrument of torture. However, the emperor of that time did not calm down and ordered the girl to chop off his head, who did not want to worship pagan gods.

According to other interpretations, Catherine is a follower of the goddess of the moonlight. In ancient Greece, people worshiped her who wanted to get rid of witchcraft.

Secret named after Catherine

Secret named after Catherine
Secret named after Catherine

Catherine is a big dreamer, she tends to perceive everything around biased. The secret of the name Catherine is that the girls who bear this name, very attractive to representatives of the opposite sex and always have many fans. But the choice of soy of fate is thoroughly approached, and they will not marry the first person oncoming. Catherine is quick -tempered and sensual, but she copes with household chores and becomes a good mother and wife.

What is the nationality of the name Catherine?

By nationality, the name Catherine is purely Russian, but it came to us from Byzantium. Although in English -speaking countries the name Catherine is also very common. But it is precisely in a constant form that Catherine and Katya are the Slavic name, which was one of the most beloved by people at all times, in noble or ordinary families.

Name Catherine, Katya: origin and meaning, popularity

The name Catherine is a popular name in Russia, but few people know where this name came from. With his origin, the name Catherine, Katya is rooted in the Byzantine era. The word "Catarios" at that time meant purity, and "catharsis" - purification. In the manuscripts of the XI-XII centuries, the name Catherine is already found unchanged. Later, to make it more convenient to pronounce this name, it was reduced to Katya.

The meaning of this name lies in the fact that all its owners behave like the queen. In addition, to Catherine inherent in English snobbery, selfishness, stubbornness and eccentricity. Previously, people called their children the names of the kings. Now such names are also popular, because only successful women can have a name, like the famous Queen of Catherine the Great.

This proves the popularity of this name. It takes 9th place in the ranking of the most popular names. This rating is calculated on the basis of real statistics in the registry office and the number of views of Internet resources with information about this named after others.

Ekaterina - decoding a name from Greek

Ekaterina - Deciphering a name from Greek
Ekaterina - decoding a name from Greek

All decryptions of this name are associated with purity and royal heritage. Deciphering the name Catherine with Greek means "immaculate." The sound of this name contains unique majesty and authority.

Name Catherine, Katya in English, Latin, different languages

In English, almost all names sound beautiful. The consonance of the name Catherine in different languages \u200b\u200bmakes him fall in love with him from the first sound. Someone needs to know how the name is written in other languages \u200b\u200bfor documents, while others want to collect the collection just for themselves.

Name Catherine, Katya in English, Latin, different languages \u200b\u200bwith translation in brackets:

Name Catherine, Katya in English, Latin, different languages
Name Catherine, Katya in English, Latin, different languages

How is the name Catherine written in the passport?

Modern people have two passports - one speaks of citizenship in their own country, and the other allows you to travel abroad. Therefore, it is important to know how the name is written so that abroad there are no problems with the paperwork, when settlement in the hotel, and so on. How is the name Catherine written in the passport? This name should be written as Ekaterina.

Ekaterina: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

Despite the fact that Catherine is a royal name, and the queen was usually called without abbreviations, in the modern world there are many abbreviated and diminutive forms of this name. Each this form sounds very tender and cute. So, what is the abbreviated short name and diminutive affectionate for Catherine? Here are a few options:

Ekaterina: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?
Ekaterina: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

Ekaterina: The meaning of the name, character and fate

Ekaterina: The meaning of the name, character and fate
Ekaterina: The meaning of the name, character and fate

Catherine Big Family and inventor of different stories. It will replace the lack of confidence with ambition and revaluation of its capabilities.

  • Meaning of the name - The rude and impudent behavior of the owner of the name Catherine is explained by its indecision. Often her behavior is not even amenable to common analysis. Although in childhood, Katya is a calm and judicious child. But everything changes in adolescence, when Katya turns into a ruthless fury. She becomes a mood person.
  • Character Contacted with the meaning of the name Catherine. For friends, it should be the best, and if it does not manage to become the leader of the company, then it becomes an informal leader of the team and everyone should be respected with its dominant role. Catherine is witty and always ready for entertainment. Smooth, capricious, with its whims, pedantic, mercantile, but life -loving and sociable.
  • Fate Catherine has interesting. The owner of this name is attractive to the opposite sex. Success in men helps to choose a real life companion, which will be a support in any situation. The financial path of Catherine is not easy. Frusting interferes with career growth. Catherine always mistakenly wants to achieve recognition and success, but not status or high position. The principles from which it cannot get rid of all her life interfere.

Catherine reacts calmly to everyday problems. She understands that this is life and it is necessary to perceive all the machinations of fate with dignity.

Name Catherine: Sexuality, Marriage

Name Catherine: Sexuality, Marriage
Name Catherine: Sexuality, Marriage

For Catherine, some marriage difficulties are natural. But she sometimes does not understand her purpose, chasing a bird of good luck. The desire for harmony in the marriage is evident: Catherine loves luxury and comfort, but she always acts up and it interferes with her in life.

  • Sexuality in marriage for her - This is support in a loved one. Sex, as pleasure, is not interested in Catherine. For her, this is too small and unworthy.
  • In her husband is trying to find support and support. It does not let his soulmate be bored, showing tenderness and caring.
  • A man must understand Catherine and show patience, then he will be rewarded.

Fate will be good in marriage with Vyacheslav, Efim, Konstantin, Innocent, Tikhon, Anton, Ruslan.

Name Ekaterina: Health and psyche

Health Catherine is weak, although she is taking care of herself from the very youth. Disrupted metabolism, excessive weight, fragile bones - these problems prevent the Catherine from living a full life.

Psyche and nervous systemalso weak. There is a predisposition to diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is worth paying attention to diseases of the gastric tract and respiratory system. Of great importance should be given to Catherine to the psychosomatic factor of diseases - this is when you can get rid of the disease, removing its psychological beginning.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name of Catherine: compatibility with male names

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name of Catherine: compatibility with male names
What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name of Catherine: compatibility with male names

Calling the girl in the name of Catherine, parents are always interested in how this name will sound with the middle name. Below are written patronymics that are suitable for the name of Catherine. Therefore, if your husband has such a name from which one of the artists from the following comes, then you can call your daughter Catherine.

So, what patronymic is suitable for the girl to the name of Catherine? Compatibility with male names:

What patronymic is suitable for the girl to the name of Catherine?
What patronymic is suitable for the girl to the name of Catherine?

When is the name day, the day of the Angel at Catherine on the Orthodox calendar?

In the Orthodox Church, the name Catherine is associated with the holy maiden Catherine of Alexandria, who during his lifetime was a martyr for the adoption of the Christian faith.

  • The day of veneration of this saint falls on December 7th. But the day of the angel is chosen by the birthday of man.
  • If your birthday is close to the day of veneration of Catherine Alexandria (December 7), for example, in November or December, then your Angel Day will be December 7.
  • You can also choose an angel day on December 17 - on this day, Catherine Arskaya is revered.

When else can there be birthday, the day of the angel of Catherine on the Orthodox calendar? Here are the dates of veneration of saints Catherine:

  • January: 2nd number.
  • February: 5, 13 and 17.
  • March: 3, 9, 20 and 24.
  • May:5th number.
  • June: 26th number.
  • July: 4th number.
  • September: 4, 15 and 21.
  • November: 23, 25 and 28.
  • December: 28 and 31 numbers.

Choose a date located close to your date of birth and celebrate the Angel Day.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Catherine Short in verses and prose

Angel Day is a reverent holiday. I always want a close or dear person to congratulate the warmth and sincerely on this day. Learn by heart and read the culprit of the celebration Congratulations on the Day of Angel Catherine Short in verses and prose. Several unforgettable lines will remain in memory for a long time.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Catherine Short in verses and prose
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Catherine Short in verses and prose
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Catherine short in verses
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Catherine short in verses
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Catherine Short in beautiful verses
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Catherine Short in beautiful verses
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel of Catherine in Verses
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel of Catherine in Verses

Song named Ekaterina, Katya

Songs with names are always very touching to listen. Indeed, with the help of beautiful music and words, there is an appeal to a specific person. You can express feelings, congratulate the song on the holiday, or you can simply sing a motive in order to cheer a person’s mood.

Songs with the name Catherine, Katya:

Video: Derzhavin - Katya Katerina (TVC we sing my favorite songs together 31 12 2015)

Video: Natalia Lagoda Katya-Katenka

Tattoo named Ekaterina, Katya

Want to make a tattoo to surprise your loved one or want to have a beautiful inscription on your body, which will attract attention? Recently, a tattoo with names have been popular. Many people make a tattoo with the names of their favorite second halves, their children or their names - this is stylish and beautiful. If you do not want to endure pain from a real tattoo, then you can make a henna tattoo that will last on the body for up to 2 weeks.

Tattoo named Catherine, Katya:

Tattoo named Ekaterina, Katya
Tattoo named Ekaterina, Katya

Below you will see the hieroglyphs of the Japanese language of various forms of the name of Catherine. They can be used as a sketch for a tattoo.

Tattoo named Ekaterina
Tattoo named Ekaterina
Tattoo named Katya
Tattoo named Katya
Tattoo named Catherine in Japanese
Tattoo named Catherine in Japanese
Tattoo named Katya in Japanese
Tattoo named Katya in Japanese
Another option for a tattoo named Katya in Japanese
Another option for a tattoo named Katya in Japanese

A tattoo with a name on a female neck looks unique.

Tattoo named Catherine on her neck
Tattoo named Catherine on her neck

A whole sentence talking about love for Catherine.

Tattoo named Catherine about love
Tattoo named Catherine about love

Suspension with the name Catherine from gold: photo

An excellent gift for any woman will be a suspension with the name Catherine from gold. Young ladies or older ladies love surprises in the form of jewelry, and if there is even a small diamond in the product, then such a gift will be remembered for a long time.

Photos of beautiful pendants named Catherine:

Stylish pendant made of yellow gold with a clearly written name.

Suspension with the name Catherine from gold: photo
Suspension with the name Catherine from gold: photo

A delicate jewelry made of pink gold with an openwork pattern and an engraved name on the tape in the middle.

Suspension with the name Catherine from gold
Suspension with the name Catherine from gold

Yellow gold, a crown in the middle of the word, interesting letters - all this makes such a decoration unique in design.

Suspension with the name Catherine of yellow gold: photo
Suspension with the name Catherine of yellow gold: photo

The name Katya in English, made of white gold with a reflection of the Fianites, will look great on a chain made of the same precious metal. This jewelry is perfect for blondes with fair skin.

Suspension with the name Catherine of white gold with cubic zirconias: photo
Suspension with the name Catherine of white gold with cubic zirconias: photo

Name Catherine: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Each person has his intellect and intuition. But these qualities can directly depend on the name. How is the name Catherine:

  • Intuition Katya is weak. This is due to the fact that emotions cannot prevail over the mind. She cannot trust her inner feelings and always only thinks her head.
  • Intelligence - Catherine is distinguished by a good mind, but her temper and measured impulsiveness prevent people from creating the right impression of her. Katya will not be able to accept the superiority of the people around. It should be the main thing in everything - it interferes with its career growth. Looking for shortcomings that are not and then suffers from a far -fetched feeling of inferiority.
  • Moral Catherine is moderate. The presence of ambitions depends on the people around it and related circumstances. If you need to show upsurities, Katya will do this, but she will feel dissolved comfortable if life demands this. It can be in different images, and just like Katya can not be broken. Her strong spirit will destroy any obstacles on the way to the goal. Honor, dignity and devotion make this woman strong and persistent.

Katya is too self -goodwood and consider themselves smarter than the rest. Often, it is precisely because of this that life prepares large “surprises” to them and they suffer defeats, but at the same time they do not give up and go forward.

Name Ekaterina: hobbies, activities, business

Name Ekaterina: hobbies, activities, business
Name Ekaterina: hobbies, activities, business

Catherine is ready to take on an excessive burden of responsibility and other people's suffering. Therefore, she can choose a profession related to other people. What is better to do a woman with the name Catherine, and which profession to choose? Here are a few aspects:

  • Hobbies Women of this name consist in the study of history and accurate sciences. They prefer to read a lot, so they are smart natures. Many give themselves dancing, counting in this field you also need a mind in order to correctly dance the composition and make some kind of movement.
  • Activity - Catherine will be an excellent doctor or teacher. She herself creates obstacles for herself and then successfully solves all the problems of enemies to envy. Pride and vanity helps her in this. She really thinks that without her the world will disappear. Katya is ready to help completely disinterestedly, so she can perfectly engage in charity, showing kindness and tolerance for people.
  • In business Katya is persistent and conscientiously treats all matters. She achieves success and wealth, if it is less impulsive and emotional and can show prudence. She will be able to bring her business to a new profitable level with the help of her determination, determination and rationalism. Katerina will be a successful business woman.

Catherine is successful in everything and everywhere. She is a confident person, but with a vulnerable and kind soul.

What zodiac sign is the name of Catherine?

What zodiac sign is the name of Catherine?
What zodiac sign is the name of Catherine?

Astrological forecasts have been popular since ancient times. Modern people also listen to the advice of astrologers. Each name is suitable only for specific signs of the zodiac - this is already known for a long time. Therefore, when choosing a name, all parents pay attention to this.

What zodiac sign is the name of Catherine? This name is suitable for Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aries and Scorpio. You should not call Catherine a girl with a sign of cancer or scales.

Calisman stone to the name Catherine

Calisman stone to the name Catherine
Calisman stone to the name Catherine

Stones are one of the most powerful talismans that protect us from evil languages, bad views and envious people. The Galisman stone to the name Catherine-chrysolite. This stone gives Catherine with insight and protects from rash acts. In addition, chrysolite will help solve problems in difficult life situations. It perfectly develops intuition, which Katya lacks in life.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Catherine

Everyone knows his sensations when he touches a particular flower, plant or wood. Often when it is next to one plant, the sensations are pleasant, and I do not want to be near another. This suggests that the green organism is not suitable for this particular person. Talismans protect flowers and plants and give strength. The name of Catherine also has her own talismans:

  • The flower is a lotus. He is an attribute of divine power. This flower, as well as the name Catherine, radiates purity and freshness. But he is very fragile, despite his dense structure. If Katya will carry a dried lotus petal with him, then it will be easier for her to go through life. He will protect her from various hardships.
  • The plant is strawberries. All Katya love strawberries for her unique taste and sweetness. Strawberries are amazing, as well as Catherine constantly surprises with her character and internal attitude.
  • Tsolisman tree-cedar. It is believed that the cedar was created to serve man. He is ready to help at any moment. Obel, talismans, he has excellent healing properties from it. Also, Katya is always ready to help people. The cedar, like a talisman, will make it stronger and tolerant of others.

Catherine’s house should always have cedar nuts. This will help strengthen the aura of the hostess, succeed in business, strengthen the spirit and find healing.

Totem animal named after Catherine

Totem animal named after Catherine
Totem animal named after Catherine

The totem animal for humans is his patron. The animal forces of the patron helps Catherine to cope with life troubles and achieve the desired result. A person must get acquainted with his totem or at least see him in life in order to understand the energy.

Totemic animal named after Catherine - termite. You need to have an image or figure of a totem animal at home. Totem termite is a unique keeper who will protect in life. In order for the totem acted, you need to talk with an image or figure and represent this animal in nature.

Numerology named after Catherine

Numerology named after Catherine
Numerology named after Catherine

The number of the name Catherine is 8. The eight speaks of a strong nature, which acts decisively. Numerology named after Catherine also indicates an incredible susceptibility and the ability to grab everything on the fly. The eight likes to go through life clearly, without turning, according to a pre -planned plan. Only strong natures can have the number eight - and this is Catherine.

Pseudonym to the name Catherine

Many people need a pseudonym, for example, singers, dancers and other famous personalities. Knowing Katya's ambition, you can already start choosing a pseudonym for her from birth. To do it is simple, you can try to rearrange the letters in the name or simply substitute consonant foreign words. Pseudonyms to the name Catherine:

  • Caterina
  • Kira
  • Kati
  • Clar
  • Kitty

You can turn the name in different ways to come up with a beautiful nickname or pseudonym. You can also write your name in English and substitute another word to make a beautiful combination. For example, such English words are suitable for Kati, Katrin or Caterina:

Pseudonym to the name Catherine
Pseudonym to the name Catherine

Famous people, celebrities named Catherine: Photo

There are many famous people, celebrities named Catherine. Here are a few surnames and photos:

Catherine II is the Empress.

Famous people, celebrities named Catherine: Photo
Famous people, celebrities named Catherine: Photo

Ekaterina Guseva is an actress.

Famous people, celebrities named Catherine
Famous people, celebrities named Catherine

Ekaterina Maksimova is a ballerina, a well -known choreographer and honored artist of Russia.

Famous people named Ekaterina: photo
Famous people named Ekaterina: photo

Ekaterina Budanova is the first female pilot.

Celebrities named Ekaterina: Photo
Celebrities named Ekaterina: Photo

Ekaterina Semenova is a Russian actress.

Famous people, celebrities named Catherine in the photo
Famous people, celebrities named Catherine in the photo

Katherine Zeta-Jones is an American actress.

Famous people, foreign celebrities named Catherine: Photo
Famous people, foreign celebrities named Catherine: Photo

There are many famous Catherine in history, but it is impossible to recall or find a photo on the Internet. The only important thing is that the Catherine's calls are the great women who are resistant to life and to all her machinations.

Video: Catherine (Katya). Meaning and interpretation of the name


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  1. Even the middle name of Nikolaevna approaches the name of Catherine !!!

  2. How to get a description of the name Catherine

  3. Interested in a description of the name Ekaterina

  4. Where to find out about the description of the name Ekaterina

  5. Where to find out about the description of the name Ekaterina

  6. Interested in a description of the name Ekaterina

  7. Where to find out about the description of the name Ekaterina

  8. How to get a description of the name Catherine

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