Women's name Alevtina: Options of the name. How can Alevtina be called differently?

Women's name Alevtina: Options of the name. How can Alevtina be called differently?

The female name Alevtina is beautiful and sonorous. It has many different forms.

Among the variety of female names there are those that cause genuine interest. Girls with an unusual or rare name are always in the spotlight. This is not surprising, because there is an opinion that the name endows a person with special character traits and qualities, and even to some extent affects fate.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Women's name Vasilisa: Name options". You will learn how to call Vasilisa differently.

What is special in the name Alevtina? What special magnetism does it give to its representatives? Below you will find answers to these questions, and we will also describe all interesting forms. Read further.

Alevtin's name: meaning, origin

Alevtin's name: meaning
Alevtin's name: meaning

According to one version, the name has an ancient Greek origin and is formed from “aleuo”, which means “beat off” or “protect”. Indeed, most often Alevtina It has a strong character, striving to protect the weak. Some believe that this naming has Old Russian roots and comes from church Valentine. To date, at baptism, Alevtina It is endowed with the second Orthodox name of Valentine. The name of the Gregorian calendar is celebrated on July 29.

  • Surprisingly, in both versions the meaning of the name suggests the same thing - “Strong”, “healthy”, “strong”.
  • In some sources, you can find information that Alevtina - This is a derivative of the Greek male name Alet. In ancient Greek mythology, the name of Hercules was so called and it meant a “monastery”.

Whatever the origin of the name, experienced researchers are confident: a girl with such a strong -willed name always strives for the rightness, demonstrating her strength. Alevtina will never stand aside if her help is needed and will always help to repulse soft people, patronizing them. Cheerful, but at the same time serious, easily makes acquaintances, in her environment are most often the same strong personalities as Alya herself.

Alevtin's name: What will be the full name?

With age, such a girl stands tightly at leading positions in society, she always listens to her and respect. Perhaps the whole point is that Alevtina The owner of a loud voice and interesting appearance. Therefore, she is always addressed to “you” by name and patronymic. Therefore, it is important to know what the full name will be.

  • Alevtina and there is a full name

That is how it sounds in all the official documents of the girl, does not inclined and does not decrease. Otherwise, this will be a completely different name that is not related to this word.

Alevtin's name-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

More often Alevtins They are very talented and have absolute hearing, they are extremely mobile and bending. Almost always they bring the matter to the end, their patience and determination can be envied. Many people, especially relatives, want to call such a girl differently-unusual and interesting.

  • For parents and friends girl Alevtina will call: Alechka, Tina, Alevtinochka.

Here are more beautiful forms of the name:

  • Alla
  • Ala (with stress on the second letter "a")
  • Alecina

In business communication, a special name will be in tune with absolutely any patronymic and surname.

Alevtin's name: Brief form of the name

Alevtina He knows how to truly be friends. She will always support, moral teachings and ridicule are alien to her. The girl knows how to keep secrets, which is why many seek to become her friends. Alevtina The selective and is well versed in people, so not everyone will be able to enter the narrow circle of her communication. Therefore, friends do not turn to her officially in full form, but use different brief options.

Like any other name, Alevtina It has brief forms. Often when addressing the representative, the name is reduced, but does not lose its uniqueness. Here are the most common short forms of the name:

  • Alya
  • Ala
  • Alka
  • Tinka
  • Alusha
  • Alusya
  • Alunya
  • Tinchik
  • Aliyah

You can come up with affectionate options. Read further.

Alevtin's name: affectionate form

To affectionately contact Alevtina, suffice it to say:

  • Alet
  • Alechka
  • Alichka
  • Tinochka
  • Tinushka
  • Tinchik
  • Alevtinochka
  • Alevtinushka
  • Alevtinka
  • Alevtinchik
  • Alevtana
  • Alusha
  • Alunya
  • Alusya
  • Alivushka

As a rule, family members can add additional suffixes to this name and create different variations of affectionate forms. Do not be afraid to start the imagination.

Alevtin's name: diminutive form

When contacting loved ones, the name may be modified beyond recognition. Not every name is so rich in affectionative-smart forms as Alevtina.

Friends, relatives and friends can call such a girl the same way:

  • Alevtinushka
  • Tinonka
  • Alushka
  • Alevtinka
  • Tinka
  • Alivka

In fact, you can independently come up with such forms of the name, leaving the root or some of its letters unchanged, and adding new suffixes and endings.

How to write the name Alevtin in Ukrainian?

This name is also common in Ukraine. It sounds and is written in the same way as in Russian - Alevtina. This is the name  it is often found in countries such as Estonia, Latvia, the Republic of Belarus.

Alevtin's name: Form of the name in Latin

By meaning and writing in Latin name Alevtina goes into its origin. Both in Greek and Latin, the adversation is written and pronounced the same: Alevtina.

How to write the name Alevtin in Japanese?

Alevtin's name in Japanese
Alevtin's name in Japanese

The name is pronounced Alevtina In Japanese, like Araefutin. It is written, as shown above in the picture. When contacting a girl Alevtina Some misunderstandings may arise with another pronunciation other than Russian. But usually this does not become an obstacle to communication, on the contrary, it will cause additional interest among the carrier of the name.

How to write the name Alevtin in French?

The French can easily pronounce and write this name - alevtina. From the mouth of the French it will sound in the same way as with Russian appeals. Only a characteristic emphasis will appear.

How to write the name Alevtin in English?

Transliteration of the name completely coincides with its pronunciation - Alevtina. This is how the column “name” is filled in when applying for a foreign passport in English.

How to write the name Alevtin in German?

When writing and pronouncing in German, the name acquires rude shades. It is written like this: Alewtina. But even in this case, Alevtina He can easily understand that a person addresses her.

Though Alevtina Friendly and open to communication, she knows how to trust only units. The sharp mind, non -standard thinking and specific humor endow the girl with a special charm. Few can understand it, so for others it remains unsolved and so in a special enchanting one.

Video: Alevtin's meaning - the secret of the name

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