The female name of Alexander, Sasha - variants of the name. What can you call the girl Alexander, Sasha differently?

The female name of Alexander, Sasha - variants of the name. What can you call the girl Alexander, Sasha differently?

The female name of Alexander is beautiful and warlike. Owners of this adherence can use its forms and options.

A long and sonorous name, suitable for all Russian cartridges. The presence of four vowels in the name make it smooth and viscous. We pronounce Alexander and as if we expect to hear a response echo.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The female name Alice-what can be called differently?". You will find different interesting and beautiful forms of the name.

In this article you will find many different forms of the name of Alexander. Read further.

The name of Alexander, Sasha: meaning, origin

The name of Alexander, Sasha: meaning
The name of Alexander, Sasha: meaning

Greek female name - Alexandra, Sasha, paired male Alexander. It is likely that it is formed from him. The ribbon came to the Russian language with Christianity. Alexandra It is a church name. In the literary translation of the female, “protective humanity” sounds. Perhaps in Rus' the name became popular after the canonization of Alexander Nevsky.

There are two versions of the appearance:

  1. It is undoubtedly that this is a name from Greece. Its meaning in the men's version of the “defender”, respectively, is the female “defender”.
  2. The second version that the name became Greek due to the distorted form of the Turkic name Iskander. The meaning of the name "winner". Iskander is two -car - the second name of the great commander Alexander of Macedon. The biconal was his name because of the gold helmet with the horns, dressed by him in battles, according to the first version, and according to the second, he owned two cardinal points of the “horns of the world”.

Thanks to the greatness of Alexander the Great, the name is attributed to such qualities as strength, will, determination, the ability to prove their superiority. The first mention of the name Alexander dates back to 310 BC.

The name of Alexander, Sasha: What will be the full name?

Alexandra - full name. Sasha was and is a brief form and the most commonly used in circulation. In many countries, this form has gained independence. Since the last century, the name Sasha is very popular in the USA. Give it mainly to girls. But in Canada, Belgium and France, the name Sasha is more often used for boys.

The paired male name is Alexander. There are many diminutive forms applicable for both girls and boys with a slight change in the end in some versions.

The name of Alexander, Sasha-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

This name does not become obsolete, always occupied and occupies high positions. But, if you want to give a special sound, you can choose:

  • Lexa
  • Lexana
  • Aleksana
  • Alexandrina
  • Alex
  • Alexis
  • Alejandra

It sounds beautiful, but is considered a colloquial:

  • Lesondra
  • Lexandra

What else can be called differently? Here are the beautiful forms of the name:

  • Alexandrina
  • Oleksandra
  • Alasrina
  • Alistrina
  • Alesa
  • Alejandra
  • Alexandria
  • Alexandrine
  • Sandra
  • Sandrina
  • Alessandra
  • Aleshandra

But, before calling a person so, you need to ask him permission. Not everyone likes it when they change its names.

The name of Alexander, Sasha: Brief form of the name

You can often find a short form, instead of a complete name Alexandra:

  • Asya
  • Alya
  • Alix
  • Xandra
  • Sasha
  • Sannah
  • San
  • Sunny
  • Sandra
  • Shura

Some are not very similar to the basis. And there are independent names borrowed from other languages.

The name of Alexandra, Sasha: affectionate form

A rich selection of options to call a child. And a rather long full name allows you to invent and select from many proposed affectional forms:

  • Alexyusha
  • Aleksana
  • Aleksana
  • Alushka
  • Alechka
  • Alexanderol
  • Alushka
  • Alexanderushka
  • Alexandrinka
  • Aleksha
  • Aleksash
  • Xanechka
  • Lesik
  • Lexan
  • Sashulya
  • Sashuha
  • Sashun
  • Sashuta
  • Sanyusha
  • Sanyura
  • Sanyuta
  • Sasha
  • Sasha
  • Sashulychka
  • Sasha
  • Sanya
  • Sanichka
  • Shrews
  • Shurenka
  • Shurunya
  • Shurunchik
  • Shurochka

According to social networks, the female half does not really like a diminutive name Shura and its affectionate forms, preferring various transformations of the name Sasha. Remember this.

The name of Alexander, Sasha: a diminutive form

Perhaps this is the richest name for options for diminutive forms, changing the suffix, you can come up with new ones. Here are options for Alexandra:

  • Alka
  • Alexy
  • Aleksana
  • Aleksana
  • Aleksik
  • Xana
  • Lexesha
  • Sanyura
  • Sunny
  • Sashuta
  • Sanka
  • Sashura
  • Sashik
  • Sanyuta
  • Sanchez
  • Shukok
  • Shurka
  • Shunya
  • Shanya

Many of these forms are used on the Internet as nicknames on sites and in games.

The name of Alexander, Sasha: the form of the name in Latin

Filling out documents for international use takes place using the Latin language. Alexandra will be AleksandraSasha is written Sasha. Incorrect spelling of the name will lead to re -paperwork. Remember that you need to fill out forms in large or in capital letters - Aleksandra or Sasha.

How to write the name of Alexander, Sasha in Ukrainian?

The name of Alexander in Ukrainian
The name of Alexander in Ukrainian

In Ukrainian Alexandra It starts with the letter "O" -  Oleksandra. Sasha will be translated for the girl without change, but the boy will be Sashko. You can find the following forms of the name: Alesya, Lesya, Olesya.

How to write the name of Alexander, Sasha in Japanese?

Name Alexandra In Japanese, Arekisanda is pronounced. With the help of the alphabet of the katakan, it is written:

The name of Alexander in Japanese
The name of Alexander in Japanese

Using the hieroglyphs, the Russian name will be written in accordance with the sound. Translating from the meaning of the name Alexandra - Mamoru, Written by one hieroglyph, identical to the word "defender".

Alexandra - Mamoru,
Alexandra - Mamoru, "Defender"

How to write the name of Alexander, Sasha in French?

The influence of the French language on our culture in a certain period of history added new forms of pronunciation of the name to the Russian language Alexandra. New names appeared and became independent:

  • Sandrina
  • Alesa
  • Alexandria
  • Sandra

This name is written in French like this:

  • Alexandre -Alexandra , Sasha -Sasha

French is a beautiful language. But still, more often in the modern world, words are used in English. Read further.

How to write the name of Alexander, Sasha in English?

Aleksandra and Sasha - So the people are written in English. The option is used and Alexandra. Such a spelling difference is associated with two letters "KS", In English, this letter combination corresponds to the letter "X" And independent "KS".

How to write the name of Alexander, Sasha in German?

For an abbreviated form, you can take AlexThe last Russian emperor Nicholas II called his wife, and she was a German by nationality. Here's how to write the name of Alexander, Sasha in German:

  • Aleksandra, alexandra - Alexandra, sascha - Sasha

Not only in Russia, but throughout the world, the name is very popular, and the use of various forms and pronunciation features in different languages \u200b\u200bcreate new options.

Video: The meaning of the name of Alexander: Karma, character and fate

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