Take it in the cemetery - why fall into the cemetery near the grave: signs

Take it in the cemetery - why fall into the cemetery near the grave: signs

In this material, we will talk about signs related to falling in the cemetery.

  • A cemetery is a piece of land or a place where the remains of dead people are stored. It can be public or private, and is usually used for the burial of the bodies or the ashes of dead people. Cemeteries can be organized according to religious, national or geographical principles, and they can have various forms of monuments and grave plates that can be used to mark the burial place. Cemeteries often have cultural and historical significance and can be used for ceremonies, memorable events. Also very often this place is called a churchyard.
  • The word "pogost" is an ancient Russian term, which meant a church or a monastery with the adjacent territory on which the graves of the deceased were located. In modern Russian, the word “pogost” can also be used as a synonym for the words “cemetery”. Initially, the graveyards were places of cult and social significance, where villagers could gather for religious rites and fees.
  • As new churches began to be built on the territory of Russia, graveyards have lost their original function and began to be used only for the burial of the deceased. Today, the word “pogost” is used mainly in the historical context to describe the old Russian cemeteries with the buildings characteristic of them, such as crosses, temples and grave monuments. This place has a special energy, and it must be reckoned with. She stumbled and fell into the cemetery - signs. What to do if it fell in the cemetery?

Stumbled and fell into the cemetery - signs

I stumbled and fell into the cemetery - signs:

  • For example, in some cultures it is believed that if a person accidentally falls into a cemetery near the grave, this may mean that he attracted the attention of the deceased, who wants to convey to him some kind of message or simply show his presence. In this case, the fall in the cemetery can be considered a good sign.
  • If we talk about more general signs, then in different cultures and traditions they may vary. For example, in some crops, falling or stumbling can be considered as a warning about possible difficulties or obstacles in the future. In other cultures, this can be considered as a harbinger of an accident or illness.

Take it in the cemetery - why fall into the cemetery near the grave: signs

Take it in the cemetery - why fall into the cemetery near the grave, signs:

  • If you fell into the cemetery in rainy and cloudy weather, this indicates the approach of a negativity that will very much affect your life.
  • If you fell into the cemetery and at the same time do not see the grave of a relative - this is a bad sign. It is believed that you should not stand your back to the grave or sit on it, as this can insult the soul of the deceased.
  • Some folk signs are associated with perfumes and ghosts, which, according to people, can be in the cemetery. For example, it is believed that when falling on a graveyard, prayers or chants should be pronounced in order to scare away evil spirits.

Stumbled and fell on the grave in the cemetery - signs

Stumbled and fell on the grave in the cemetery - signs
  • If you stumbled and fell on the grave in the cemetery, this is not very good. One of the most famous signs is the belief that you can’t advance on the grave, as this can lead to trouble or troubles. In some cultures, it is believed that attack on the grave can attract the curse or spirit of the deceased.
  • If you stumbled and fell on the grave in the cemetery, inspect the grave. If there is a crack on the grave, this may be a sign that the spirit of the deceased remained unsatisfied or haunted. And he is trying to show this to living people.

What to do if it fell in the cemetery?

  • In different cultures and traditions, there are many folk signs related to the cemetery. Some of them may be connected with the belief that the spirits of the dead live in the cemetery, which can influence the lives of the living. Other signs can be associated with superstitions, for example, it is believed that mirrors cannot be taken with you in the cemetery, because they can reflect the spirit of the dead and attract negative energy.
  • Some people believe that visiting the cemetery can attract misfortune, while others believe that on the contrary, visiting graves and remembering the dead can bring good luck. However, it is important to remember that signs have no scientific justification and are not a guarantee of anything. Ultimately, everyone has the right to believe or not to believe in folk signs and follow his beliefs.

What to do if it fell in the cemetery? This situation can cause some people anxiety and a desire to conduct a ceremony to protect against evil spirits or other negative consequences. In different cultures, there may be various rites associated with this situation. Some general rites that can be carried out include:

  1. A request for forgiveness in the dead: some people can conduct a rite during which they ask the dead to the cemetery about forgiveness for the fact that they accidentally fell on the grave or for bringing negative energy to this area.
  2. The ignition of suppositories or smoking incense: some people can conduct the rite by lighting candles on the graves to celebrate the life of the dead and respect their memory, as well as to protect against evil spirits. In some cultures, smoking incense is also used.
  3. Conducting prayer or reading of sacred texts: depending on religious beliefs, many people can conduct prayers or read sacred texts in order to protect themselves from evil spirits and gain spiritual comfort.
  4. Before leaving the cemetery, you need to go around the grave on which you fell three times and kiss the earth three times near the grave. This rite is considered favorable and intended for reconciliation with the spirit of the deceased.
  5. Some people advise burning the clothes that you wore when you fell in the cemetery. This ceremony is due to the fact that there can be negative energies on the clothes that need to be destroyed.
  6. After falling in the cemetery, some people recommend making a victim to the dead, for example, to lay flowers on the nearest grave. This is due to respect for the dead and the desire to avoid negative consequences.

What cannot be done in the cemetery - folk superstitions

What cannot be done in the cemetery - folk superstitions:
  1. You can not sit on the grave or rely on the crosses, as this is considered disrespectful to the dead.
  2. You can not photograph the graves without the permission of the relatives of the dead.
  3. You can’t talk about death and diseases in the cemetery, as this can attract negative energy.
  4. You cannot look in the mirror in the cemetery, as this can lead to attracting spirits and misfortunes.
  5. You can not leave candles or other items on the graves that can light up or attract insects.
  6. You can’t make crosses with your hands on your back, otherwise you can “bother” the souls of the dead, who lie underground.
  7. You can’t cross your hands on your chest, as this can lead to the fact that you will close the “sincere eye” and you will no longer see the dead relatives.
  8. You can not leave stones or other heavy objects on the grave, otherwise the dead can “crush” you with their weight.
  9. You can not put flowers on the grave with lying flowers, as this can lead to the fact that new graves will begin to grow in the cemetery.
  10. You can not touch or rearrange the grave stones and monuments, as this can bring trouble or break the peace of the deceased.

What to do after visiting the cemetery - rituals

After visiting the cemetery, you can conduct some rites related to the care of soul and body. Here are a few of them:

  1. Wash. In some crops, after visiting the cemetery, it is customary to wash to wash in order to cleanse oneself of negative energy.
  2. Light a candle or lamp. In many religions, lighting a candle or lamp on the grave symbolizes memory and respect for the dead.
  3. Read a prayer. In many religions, after visiting the cemetery, it is customary to read a prayer for the dead or for their relatives.
  4. Visit a sacred place. After visiting the cemetery, you can visit the sacred place, such as the temple or monastery, in order to continue contact with the spiritual side of life and see the spiritual mentor.

How to cleanse the negative energy after falling in the cemetery - folk rituals

In folk traditions, there are many rituals that help to cleanse themselves of negative energy after falling in the cemetery. Some of them include:

  1. Seat: In some crops, a brine is used to cleanse negative energy. To do this, mix 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 cup of water. Then you need to wash your arms, legs and face with this solution. After that, it is necessary to wash the solution from the body with running water.
  2. Obells: In different cultures, there are their amulets from negative energy, such as amulets, crosses, symbols that carry protection. You can wear such a amulet with you or place it at home.
  3. Aromatherapy: Some aromas help to clear of negative energy. For example, incense, Mirra, sandalwood, lavender, eucalyptus. To do this, you can use essential oils, incense or dry grass that need to be lighted in a special bowl.
  4. Prayer: For many people, prayer is a means of cleansing of negative energy. You can read a prayer that corresponds to your religion or spiritual practice.
  5. To turn around three times around its axis clockwise and say: "Stretn the negativity, come positive."
  6. Use holy water that can be bought in a temple or a holy source. Take the holy water and put on the window so that it attracts favorable energies.
  7. Ritual of smoking of herbs, such as white musk, sandalwood or lavender. They help to calm the mind and clean the space.
  8. Bring objects to the house that are considered protective from negativity, for example, amulets or stones.
  9. Smooth light. It is believed that candles can create positive energy and expel negative influences.
  10. Meditation. Meditation can help calm the mind and lead to a more harmonious state.

It is important to understand that these rituals are not magical, but help to focus our attentiveness on the desired energies. Cleaning of negative energy is a long process that can require a change in the life style and habits. If negative thoughts and emotions do not pass for a long time, you should seek help from a specialist.

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