Plum blanks for the winter - compotes, mashed potatoes, plums in syrup with bones and without bones, own juice, wiped with sugar, whole, pickled, soaked, salty, without sugar in banks: the best recipes. How to save plums for the winter fresh?

Plum blanks for the winter - compotes, mashed potatoes, plums in syrup with bones and without bones, own juice, wiped with sugar, whole, pickled, soaked, salty, without sugar in banks: the best recipes. How to save plums for the winter fresh?

The article will be useful to everyone who wants to diversify their menu with delicious conservation of plums.

Harvesties made of yellow, blue, red and white plums for the winter are compote: the easiest recipe. How to close plums entirely for the winter: recipe

Yellow plum compote
Yellow plum compote

Requirements for fruits:

  • fleshy, with a dense skin,
  • size - medium or large,
  • the bone is small, easily separated,
  • the degree of maturity is slightly unripe or quite mature - depending on the variety.

Important: you can not use unripe, overripe, damaged or infected fruits.

Before laying in banks, fruits should

  • sort
  • sort by color, size and degree of maturity,
  • wash,
  • remove the seeds (optional).

Important: fruits should be washed with warm water until a natural wax plaque is removed from the surface of the skin.

Banks should be washed and sterilized. Methods of sterilization of cans see below.

Methods of sterilization of cans
Methods of sterilization of cans

Fruit and syrup consumption for a jar of 0.5 l:

  • plums are whole - 400 g,
  • syrup 40%-185-200 g.

Fruit and syrup consumption for a jar of 1 l:

  • plums are whole - 700 g,
  • syrup 40%-350-400 g.

How to cook 40%syrup:

  • Mix sugar sand 400 g in one container and ordinary drinking water 600 g.
  • Boil. Boil 2-3 minutes. In the process of boiling, remove the resulting foam.
  • The exit of the syrup from the above proportions is 850 g.

Advice. If the fruits are acidic, increase the concentration of sugar to 45%. To do this, take 450 g of sugar and 550 g of water.

Compote conservation:

  1. Put the prepared fruits in banks tightly, but not crowning.
  2. Pour syrup.
  3. Sterilize at a temperature of 100 ° C. Sterilization time for cans of 0.5 l-12-15 min., For cans of 1 l-15-20 minutes.
  4. Hermetically clog.

How to cook compote from plums and apricots for the winter: recipe without sterilization

Requirements for fruits:

  • fleshy, with a dense skin,
  • size - medium or large,
  • the bone is small, easily separated,
  • the degree of maturity is slightly unripe or quite mature - depending on the variety.

How to prepare fruits and banks for conservation, see the previous part of the article.

Fruit consumption for a jar of 0.5 l: plums and apricots are whole - 400 g.

Fruit consumption for a jar of 1 liter: plums and apricots as whole - 700 g.

Important: it is recommended to cut large fruits, having previously removed the bone.

The required amount of water for the part is:

  • on a jar of 0.5 l-200-250 g,
  • on a jar of 1 l-350-400 g.

Compote conservation:

  1. Put the prepared fruits in banks tightly, but not crowning.
  2. Boil water for a parting. Boiling water pour jars to the very top. Let stand for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Drain the water and on its basis prepare sugar syrup at the rate of 400 g of sugar for every 600 g of water. Pour the banks with boiling syrup.
  4. Hermetically clog.

Important: if the plums are too sweet add citric acid to syrup at the rate of 1 tsp. or 5 g of citric acid per 2.5 liters of syrup.

How to cook compote from plums and peaches for the winter: recipe without sterilization

Washed fruits before cleaning and laying in banks
Washed fruits before cleaning and laying in banks

How to prepare plums, see at the beginning of the article.

The preparation of peaches for conservation is slightly different, since the skin should be removed from the fruits. To do this, halves of the peaches are scalded with steam for 2-3 minutes, and then immediately poured with ice water. The skin is easily removed without the use of any special devices. If the fruits for conservation are not very large and it is not advisable to cut them, give in to blanching them in boiling water for 40-60 seconds. Then also quickly cool in ice water and remove the skin.

Important: it is recommended that the fruits are in cold water all the time (even during cutting). So you protect them from darkening.

Fruit consumption for a jar of 0.5 l: plums and peaches are whole - 400 g.

Fruit consumption for a jar of 1 l: plums and peaches are whole - 700 g.

Important: it is recommended to cut large fruits, having previously removed the bone. The consumption of cut fruits will be slightly greater than whole.

The required amount of water for the part is:

  • on a jar of 0.5 l-200-250 g,
  • on a jar of 1 l-350-400 g.

Compote conservation:

  1. Put the prepared fruits in banks tightly, but not crowning.
  2. Boil water for a parting. Boiling water pour jars to the very top. Let stand for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Drain the water and on its basis prepare sugar syrup at the rate of 400 g of sugar for every 600 g of water. Pour the banks with boiling syrup.
  4. Hermetically clog.

Important: be sure to add citric acid to syrup at the rate of 1 tsp. or 5 g of citric acid per 2.5 liters of syrup.

How to cook compote from plums and apples for the winter: a recipe without sterilization

How to prepare plums, see at the beginning of the article.

Apples Requirements:

  • sweet and sour or sour with dense juicy pulp,
  • size - medium or large,
  • the degree of maturity is slightly unripe or quite mature - depending on the variety.

Before laying in the banks, apples are cut, the core is cut out, and a rough skin is removed. To avoid darkening, fruit slices or halves blanch in a solution of citric acid (1 teaspoon of citric acid per 3 l of water). Blancing time depends on the density of apples: 5-10 minutes. at a temperature of 85 ° C.

If the apples are very acidic, they should first be shielded in sugar syrup (300 g of sugar per 700 g of water). Blancing time: 4-6 min. at a temperature of 85 ° C. In this case, it is better to preserve the compote by sterilization.

Without sterilization, the compote is preserved with a part.

The required amount of water for the part is:

  • on a jar of 0.5 l-200-250 g,
  • on a jar of 1 l-350-400 g.

Compote conservation:

  1. Prepared fruits, apple slices and plums, lay in the banks tightly, but not crowning.
  2. Boil water for a parting. Boiling water pour jars to the very top. Let stand for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Drain the water and on its basis prepare sugar syrup at the rate of 400 g of sugar for every 600 g of water. Pour the banks with boiling syrup.
  4. Hermetically clog.

How to make compote from plums and wounds for the winter: a recipe without sterilization

Compote from drain and wounds: an example of feeding
Compote from drain and wounds: an example of feeding

Preparation of apple-players requires special attention. They should be washed well, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe flower grinder and stalks. Make a few deep punctures next to the tail.

Next, follow the recommendations specified in the previous part of the article.

How to cook compote from plums and cherries for the winter: a recipe without sterilization

The same recommendations are preserved as for compote with apricots. With a single reservation: cherry requires a slightly different concentration of sugar syrup: 500 g of sugar per 500 ml of water. In addition, cherry is very acidic berry and there is no need for additional use of citric acid.

How to make puree from plums for the winter: recipe

Fruit preparation:

  • sort
  • rinse thoroughly in warm water until the wax raid from the skin,
  • remove the seeds.

Important: you can not use unripe, overripe, damaged or infected fruits.

How to prepare banks, see at the beginning of the article.

Preparation of mashed potatoes:

  • Pour a small amount of ordinary drinking water into the container (height 2-3 cm). Put the prepared fruits.
  • Boil the mass for 10 minutes until the fruit is completely softened.
  • Wipe the mass through a sieve or break through a blender. In the second case, you run the risk of getting a piquant plum skin in a delicate puree. But it is she who gives the dish a very interesting sourness, and a recognizable aftertaste.
  • The wiped mass should be brought to a boil on moderate heat. Be extremely attentive and careful: the mass needs constant stirring to avoid handling. However, as the mashed potatoes are heated, it can “spit” with hot juice.
  • Put the boiling mass into banks and sealed hermetically.

Important: for the preparation of 1 kg of mashed potatoes, it is necessary to use 1.2 kg of fresh fruits.

Plums canned in syrup with bones: Recipe

Plum in syrup with a bone: example
Plum in syrup with a bone: example

Fruit and syrup consumption for a jar of 0.5 l:

  • plums are whole - 400 g,
  • syrup 40%-185-200 g.

Fruit and syrup consumption for a jar of 1 l:

  • plums are whole - 700 g,
  • syrup 40%-350-400 g.

How to prepare a 40%syrup: mix sugar 400 g in one container and conventional drinking water 600 g. Bring to a boil. Boil 2-3 minutes. In the process of boiling, remove the forming foam. The exit of the syrup from the above proportions is 850 g.

If the fruits are acidic, increase the concentration of sugar to 45%. To do this, take 450 g of sugar and 550 g of water.

Compote conservation:

  1. Put the prepared fruits in banks tightly, but not crowning.
  2. Boil water for a parting. Boiling water pour jars to the very top. Let stand for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Prepare a syrup.
  4. Drain the water from the cans. Banks with broken fruits quickly pour syrup.
  5. Hermetically clog.

Plums canned in syrup without bones: recipe

The method of conservation of drain in the syrup is given in the previous part of the article.

To avoid losing the integrity of the lobules, before laying in the cans of the plums, it is worth shaking for a couple of 2-3 minutes, and then quickly cool in ice water. This method allows to compact the pulp of fruits.

Plums canned in your own juice: recipe

How to prepare fruits and banks, see at the beginning of the article.

  1. Put the prepared plum slices in jars, sprinkling each fruit layer with sugar. The ratio of fruits and sugar 2: 1, i.e., 1 kg of sugar will be required for conservation of 2 kg of fruits.
Bank with plums and sugar before sterilization
Bank with plums and sugar before sterilization
  1. Cover the cans with lids and send for sterilization.
  2. As sugar dissolves and fruit sagging, add plums and sugar until the bank is filled. As soon as the juice in the bank rises to the extreme level and boils, get banks and sealed hermetically.
Plum in its own juice before blockage
Plum in its own juice before blockage

How to make plums for the winter without sugar in banks: recipe

Preparation of fruits and cans are described at the beginning of the article.

You need 1 kg of sweet drain with dense pulp on a can of 1 liter.

Banks, at least 2 pcs., Should be tightly filled with plum slices, laying the fruit with a cut down.

Sterilize for 20 minutes.

As soon as the fruits begin to shrink, report the fruits from one can to another. Be sure to make sure that the spoon with which you shift the fruit is clean.

After sealing fruits, sterilize the banks for another 10 minutes and sealed hermetically.

Plums wiped with sugar: recipe

The method of preparing raw jam has its subtleties, which you need to consider if you want to get a delicious and healthy product, and not a “drunk” mixture and spoiled mood.

Requirements for fruits:

  • fresh! The ideal option is only from a tree,
  • the degree of maturity is quite mature.

Important: it is categorically impossible to use unripe, overripe, damaged or infected fruits.

The dishes that you use to make raw jam should be praised with boiling water and dried. Banks should be washed and sterilized. Sterilization methods of cans see at the beginning of the article.

Fruits follows

  • sort
  • sort by color, size and degree of maturity,
  • wash with warm water until a natural wax raid from the surface of the peel, and then pour boiling water, then,
  • remove the seeds,
  • to problem with granulated sugar. Sugar at the rate of 1: 1, that is, per 1 kg of fruit, you will need 1 kg of granulated sugar are added to the problematic fruit mass.

Lay the fruit mass into dry jars. Pour sugar on the top, creating a kind of sugar layer with a thickness of 0.3-0.5 mm.

Crunge with metal or nylon covers.

Such jam is stored exclusively in the refrigerator!

Tip: If you have a freezer, raw jam can be packaged in plastic trays and stored there. Before use, frozen jam needs thawing.

How to make wet and salty plums for the winter: recipe

Plum of meadow: example
Plum of meadow: example

The quenching and salting is based on the natural processes of fermentation. That's just we salt the vegetables, and the berries and fruits are wet. Therefore, one of the recipes presented below in the text is suitable for watering/salting plums.

Plums of the Hungarian or Tern are suitable for urinating. If these varieties are not, give preference to slightly unripe fruits with a very dense skin.

How to wash the fruits before conservation, see at the beginning of the article.

Important: before laying in the jar, the fruits should be well dried and pierced with a toothpick in several places.

Fruit and brine consumption on a jar of 1.5 l:

  • plums are whole - about 1 kg (the number of fruits depends on the density of laying the fruits),
  • seat - 1 l (the number of marinade depends on the density of the laying of the fruit).

How to cook marinade:

  • Mix in one container ordinary drinking water 1 liter, salt (not iodized) 15 g, sugar 50 g, laurel sheet - 10 g.
  • Boil. Boil 2-3 minutes. In the process of boiling, remove the forming foam. Cool to room temperature.

How to cook:

  • Prepared fruits are put in a jar to the "shoulders". Pour the mustard powder 20 g on top and lay the leaves of cherries or currants (to the top).
  • Pour marinade to the edge. Cover with a kapron lid and leave in a dark place for fermentation. To prevent the flow of the marinade during fermentation, you should put a deep bowl or plate under the jar.
  • Fermentation time from 3 to 10 days (depending on the temperature in the room and the ripeness of the fruits).
  • After the plums pass the initial stage of fermentation, block the jar with a kapron lid, send it to the refrigerator and leave for 20-30 days to ripen.

How to make pickled plums with garlic for the winter: a recipe without sterilization - a recipe

Pickling pickled with scoop in a glass container
Pickling pickled with scoop in a glass container

How to wash fruits before conservation, see at the beginning of the article.

Important: before laying in the jar, the fruits should be well dried and pierced with a toothpick in several places.

Fruit consumption and marinade for a jar of 1.5 l:

  • plums are whole - about 1 kg (the number of fruits depends on the density of laying the fruits),
  • marinade-1.1-1.3 liters (the number of marinade depends on the density of the laying of the fruit).

How to cook marinade:

  • Mix in one container ordinary drinking water 780 g, sugar 460 g, table vinegar (9%) - 90 ml, spicy cloves - 4 pcs., Fragrant pepper - 3 pcs.
  • Boil. Boil 2-3 minutes. In the process of boiling, remove the forming foam.

How to marinate:

  • When making a neat incision, remove the bones from the plums. Instead of a bone, put a peeled garlic teeth.
  • Fold the plums fried in the jar to the “shoulders”.
  • Pour boiling marinade. Let it brew for 12 hours.
  • After 12 hours, drain the marinade, bring to a boil and pour the banks again.
  • Hermetic clog.

How to make pickled plums with mustard for the winter: recipe without sterilization: recipe

How to wash fruits before conservation, see at the beginning of the article.

Important: before laying in the jar, the fruits should be well dried and pierced with a toothpick in several places.

Fruit consumption and marinade for a jar of 1.5 l:

  • plums are whole - about 1 kg,
  • marinade - 1.1 l (the number of marinade depends on the density of the laying of the fruit).

How to cook marinade:

  • Mix in one container ordinary drinking water 1 liter, salt (not iodized) 15 g, sugar 75 g, table vinegar (9%) - 56 ml, spicy carnation - 4 pcs., Fragrant pepper - 5 pcs., Black pepper - 10 pcs., Lavka leaf - 1 pc., Ground cinnamon - 4 g.
  • Boil. Boil 2-3 minutes. In the process of boiling, remove the forming foam. Cool to room temperature.

How to marinate:

  • Prepared fruits are put in a jar to the "shoulders". Sprinkle with mustard powder 20 g.
  • Pour the marinade to the very edge. Cover with a kapron lid and leave in a dark place for fermentation. To prevent leakage of the marinade during fermentation, put a deep bowl or plate under the jar.
  • Fermentation time from 3 to 10 days (depending on the temperature in the room and the ripeness of the fruits).
  • After the fruits undergo the initial stage of fermentation, the bank should be clogged with a kapron lid, sent to the refrigerator and left for 20-30 days to ripen.

How to make pickled plums with cloves for the winter without sterilization: Recipe

Spicy carnation is included in the recipe of several previous recipes (see above). In addition, pickled plums love anise, cinnamon, ginger, a mixture of Italian herbs.

How to save plums for the winter fresh?

The most affordable way is freezing.

Put the prepared fruits in one layer and cool for 60 minutes in the main camera of the refrigerator, and then move to the freezer. The fruits are frozen for 2-3 hours. After that, they can be shifted into hermetically closing bags or plastic trays.

Slices of plums and apricots before freezing
Slices of plums and apricots before freezing

How to make sauces from berries and fruits, including Tkemali from drain, read here.

Video: pickled plum - video recipe

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