Dogs made of Kizil for the winter - jam and jam made with bones: the best recipes. How to make delicious jam made with honey and lemon, raspberries, grapes, without sugar, five -minute for the winter: recipe. How to cook thick jam jam?

Dogs made of Kizil for the winter - jam and jam made with bones: the best recipes. How to make delicious jam made with honey and lemon, raspberries, grapes, without sugar, five -minute for the winter: recipe. How to cook thick jam jam?

Recipes for cooking kizyl jam.

Kizil berries are not very common in our area, and very vain. In the Caucasus, as well as in the southern regions, in the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthese berries, a huge number are growing. They have a number of useful properties and contain many nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, berries can be harvested for the winter.

How to cook jam with bones so that the berries do not wrinkle: a classic recipe

It is worth noting that they have antipyretic, anti -leica, as well as improving the immune system actions. That is why you can feed children from Kizil. We recommend that you moth the jam and give the baby with a cold. This product is no worse than raspberry jam, because it contains vitamin C, also routine and ascorbic, amber acids. With proper preparation, this dessert will be a great addition to pancakes, pancakes, as well as sweet dumplings.


  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 1 kg of berries
  • 500 ml of water
  • Dessert spoon of baking soda


  • The fact is that in the process of cooking, Kizil berries can wrinkle and become very unattractive. Therefore, if you want the berries to remain dense, intact, do not wrinkle, we recommend that you soak them in a soda solution.
  • To do this, a dessert spoon of soda is required per 1 liter of boiled warm water. Berries are soaked in this solution and withstand 3-4 hours. After that, you can start cooking.
  • After you can withstand the berries in a soda solution, remove the stalks. You can start cooking. Initially, prepare sugar syrup. To do this, dissolve a little sugar in half a liter of water and hold on fire. When sugar dissolves, pour the berries and hold for 5 minutes over low heat.
  • After that, turn off the heating and withstand for three to four hours. Again, then turn on the fire, hold for 2-3 minutes of the berries when boiling with syrup. Turn off again and repeat this procedure twice more.
  • At the last entry, you need to cook until cooked. The readiness of the product is checked by how a drop of jam on a saucer spreads. If it holds its shape and is quite viscous, sticky, the cooking process can be finished. The finished product is poured into glass containers and covered with sealed lids.

How to cook delicious jam from sugar for the winter: recipe

If desired, you can cook jam without adding sugar. It is used in the preparation of sauces, as well as as gas stations for various meat dishes.


  • 2 kg of berries
  • 1 liter of water


  • You need to boil the quiz in boiling water within 5 minutes. After that, throw the berries on a sieve, wipe through it.
  • You will get thick mashed potatoes. Now pour this puree into the container, boil another 10 minutes.
  • You can add a little citric acid, now roll up to banks.
Delicious workpiece without sugar
Delicious workpiece without sugar

How to cook delicious jam from a cizil with a bone without water for the winter: recipe

If desired, you can cook jam without adding water. And many prefer it, because it is more concentrated, rich.


  • 1 kg of berries
  • 1.5 kg of sugar


  • Submerged the washed berries in boiling water and cover with a lid.
  • Then languish on low heat for 10 minutes. After that, drain the decoction, may not pour it, use it as a compote, having previously added sugar.
  • To prepare jam, you need to fall asleep with sugar preheated berries, bring to a boil and leave in this state for 12 hours.
  • After that, bring to a boil again and leave for 4 hours. The last time bring the mixture to a boil, boil a couple more minutes and pour into clean containers. Roll up with lids.
Tasty jam
Tasty jam

How to cook delicious kizili jam five minutes for the winter: Recipe

This is an express option for making jam. It is suitable if you do not have time to bother in the kitchen for a long time.


  • 1 kg of berries
  • 850 grams of granulated sugar
  • 220 g of water


  • Previously, you need to pour water into an enameled pan and when it boils, pour the sweetener and stir until all sugar crystals dissolve.
  • Next, you need to be immered and previously cleaned berries in the solution and bring to a boil.
  • As soon as the whole mixture boils, you need to detect for 5 minutes. After this time, pour it with the juice into jars and roll it up with metal lids.
  • You need to put containers with jam on a towel and wrap it with a warm blanket. Now the workpiece will be guessed under the blanket. Banks under the veil must be kept until completely cooled.
Five -minute
Five -minute

How to cook tasty jam from jigs with honey and lemon for the winter: Recipe

A very unusual, piquant dish, which gives the highlight of lemon juice, as well as the smell of honey.


  • 150 g of linden bee nectar
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 1 kg of berries
  • 300 ml of water
  • 50 g of lemon juice


  • Sort the berries and remove the stalks from them. Put boiling water on the fire and pour sugar into it.
  • When it completely dissolves, enter the berries and increase them on fire for about 5 minutes.
  • When they become soft, introduce lemon juice. Enter honey and boil for another 20 minutes. Roll into sterilized banks.
Kizil's treat
Kizil's treat

How to cook tasty jam from raspberries for the winter: Recipe

This jam is prepared without rolling, that is, it must be closed with nylon lids, stored in the cold. Also, the preparation method is called cold.


  • 2 kg of kizila
  • 2 kg of raspberries
  • 3 kg of sugar


  • Sort out the berries of Kizil. And in a separate bowl, boil them in boiling water until softening. Wipe through a sieve or colander. Raspberry does not need to be washed. Put it on a colander and rinse it under a thin stream of water.
  • Next, dry it and cross it in a blender. Mix these two mashed potatoes: kizili and raspberry. Pour sugar, leave the mixture stand for three hours. During this time, raspberries will let the juice and the whole mixture will become quite thick. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for a couple of hours.
  • After that, pour the mixture into clean jars and cover with nylon lids. Store in the cold. This is a great vitamin supplement in winter with colds.
Home blanks
Home blanks

How to make tasty jam from cizil with grapes

An interesting and unusual recipe. To prepare it, it is better to take blue grape varieties.


  • 1 kg of grapes
  • 1 kg of kizila
  • 3 kg of sugar


  • You need to skip grapes through a sieve, removing the seeds. The result will turn out grape mashed potatoes.
  • Boil boiling in boiling water for 7 minutes before softening. After that, wipe through a sieve. Mix two mashed masses and pour sugar into them.
  • Mix, put on fire, languish with constant mixing, removing the foam.
  • Prepare jam for about 20 minutes. If during this time it has not thickened, you can let him stand on the fire a little more. Until the consistency suits you.
  • Pour into jars and clog. You can store both under the nylon lids and under the metallic lids, rolling them in advance.
Grapes workpiece
Grapes workpiece

How to cook thick jam from Kizil?

To cook thick jam, it is not necessary to cook long enough. You just need to do this in several techniques, a cyclic method.


  • 1.5 kg of berries
  • 1.5 kg of sugar
  • 100 ml of water


  • Pour sugar into a bowl, pour water there. Do not think that there is very little water. Put the brew on the fire and hold until the mass becomes liquid.
  • Pour this boiling liquid of the berry of the boat and mix. Leave for 10-12 hours. During this time, the berry will let the juice.
  • Now put on the fire again and languish for two minutes after boiling. Turn off, leave again for 10-12 hours. We recommend this in the cycle in order: day and night.
  • So it is necessary to make four approaches. The last time boil the mass and boil for 5 minutes. Remove the foam, pour into sterilized jars and roll up.
Thick jam
Thick jam

How to cook delicious jam from Kizil with gelatin for the winter: Recipe

Kizil jelly is an excellent addition to pancakes, pancakes for the winter. Turn your household with such a delicacy.


  • 1 kg of berries
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • Two packs of gelatin


  • Boil 5 minutes of berries in boiling water, and throw it on a sieve. Wipe through it. You need to add sugar into the resulting mass.
  • For 1 liter of prepared kizili puree, 500 grams of sugar are needed. Stir and add two packs of gelatin to it.
  • Tash on the fire for about 30-40 minutes. During this time, the amount of jam will be reduced by about a third.
  • Pour it according to pre -prepared banks and roll up.
  • It is advisable to store in the cold.
Jelly for the winter
Jelly for the winter

Kizil jam: Prevention features in a slow cooker

Multicar is a great assistant for the hostess. With its help, you can cook very tasty jam, while maintaining the integrity of the berries.


  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 1 kg of berries
  • 220 ml of water


  • Previously, you need to wash and sort the berries, fill them with granulated sugar. Leave about the night, after mixing.
  • During this time, berries will let juice. Now completely a mixture of sugar, water and berries is immersed in a slow cooker, after removing the steam valve. Because there will be a lot of steam and the mixture will heat up. Therefore, the slow cooker can turn off.
  • Turn on the “Extinguishing” mode, increase the time to an hour and a half. Turn on the kitchen device. For these hour and a half, you need to mix the workpiece several times so that the berries are evenly cooked. If after an hour and a half the mixture is still liquid, increase the time by half an hour and prepare in the “extinguishing” mode.
  • As soon as you see that the jam has become very thick, put it into banks and roll it up.
Kizil jam
Kizil jam

Despite the fact that Kizil is not very common for our country, it is a very tasty and healthy berry. Therefore, if you have bushes with healthy berries in your country house, do not miss the opportunity to treat your loved ones with delicious jam from the dogwood.

Video: Kizyl jam

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