Riddles about fruits for preschoolers and schoolchildren are the most complete selection

Riddles about fruits for preschoolers and schoolchildren are the most complete selection

A large selection of riddles about fruits for children. With their help, you can introduce a small person with the names of fruits, or just have fun with your family.

Riddles about fruits - the best selection

Riddles about fruits - the best selection

Riddles about fruits are the best selection:

What weighs on the twig and looks at the sun?
At least it looks like an apple and even similar in color,
The taste has everything else,
Guess what am I about my friend about?

Apricot and orange,
Pear, plum, nectarine,
Pineapple, banana, grapefruit
We can call a word ...

This is a juicy delicious fruit.
He is growing in the garden.
What is this product called,
Have you guessed? It…

We put in the basket
Apples and tangerines,
Plums and bananas too.
What can we call everything together?

Pear, apple, banana.
Pineapple from hot countries.
These delicious products
All are called together ...

In satin blue dresses
They will roll into the grass under the crown.
Go on jam and compote
Or - wash and immediately in the mouth.

In a golden skin side,
And under the skin, sweet juice.
In every sliced \u200b\u200bsip
And for the son and for the daughter.

Heating in the sun of the sides,
Hangs on a tree for now,
Fragrant juice was filled with,
And you can see the seeds through and through.

Like in a casket at the princess
A handful of rubies of the red ancients.
Sweet juice in rumble rubies.
You probably ate them more than once.

Crescent gold,
As if poured with honey.
He is fragrant, soft, sweet,
And to the touch - very smooth.

This fruit is loved by monkeys,
With him, I saw the compote in the bank.
This is a fruit with the letter "m",
I will eat it today.

Does not fit in the pocket
Guest from hot southern countries.

The first syllable - from the children's porridge,
The second syllable- the game is such
Together you collect syllables -
You get the southern fruit.

Green juicy pulp
Closed by a furry cover.
It is nicknamed "Chinese gooseberries",
How will we call this fruit?

Broken brown skin
And the pulp is emerald inside.
Healthy delicious fruit,
You know him.
Hurry to his name!

Guessing is not very simple -
Here I know such a fruit -
It's not about coconut,
Not about pear, not about plum, -
There is still a bird
They also call - ...

In appearance, the fruit is very inconspicuous,
He looks like potatoes.
But inside is pleasant, juicy,
As you try, you will understand.
He will not give way to
Neither banana nor watermelon,
Neither cherries and no plum -
This fruit is called ...

Fruit is vilest-barkhaty
You take off the skin, sour sour
Outside with potatoes is similar
Is it similar to gooseberries?

Here is a ruddy fat man
Velvety frock coat,
In the belly, the bone is carved.
What is his name? I know!

Berries over the path
Listen leaves hide.
A brush hung on a vine
And from us hid in the leaves.

Ripe berries hangs at a bun
It surprises all passers -by.
Decorate the summer garden
Delicious juicy ...
The answer is grapes.

He matures in the sun
And without bones happens.
Well, not a berry, but a treasure
This sweet ...
The answer is grapes.

This is the best dinner
I am glad and Misha is glad
After all, today is our mother
I bought us ...
The answer is grapes.

Anyone is always glad to eat
Beautiful sweet ...
The answer is grapes.

Where is warm - it grows,
White, red it happens.
The pearl of the garden -
This is a clusters ...
The answer is grapes.

If you dry me,
Then I will become a raisor
Everyone loves - both old and young
Black, sweet ...
The answer is grapes.

He looks like an orange
Well, exactly one, one to one.
Only more and more
And a little greener.
What is the name of this fruit?
Have you guessed?

Golden magic fruit
So he asks for our mouth.
I hid the bones inside.
There are four of them, look.
If not a ripe fruit -
How a rope will connect the mouth.

What a fleshy fruit, sweet
Originally from ancient China,
Where is his lovingly people
They called the "food of the gods."
It is orange
And contains magnesium, potassium,
What is useful for everyone for the heart
According to doctors recipes.
How tasty it is! ..
What, tell me the guys? ...
The answer is persimmon.

The taste is tart and sweet
The inside, as if, cotton wool
In the southern countries it grows up
Orange fruit all knows
She is feminine
Guessed that ...?
The answer is persimmon.

Who is this important gentleman?
He is not lemon, not orange,
Overseas bitter fruit ...
Guys, this is ...
The answer is a grapefruit.

In a yellowish crust
Pink slices.
This bitter-acid fruit
Called ...
The answer is a grapefruit.

This fruit is similar to a yellow ball,
But they are also called citrus.
Although he is a little bitter,
It has a lot of benefits for the guys.
The answer is a grapefruit.

We know all him since childhood -
He is amazing fruit,
Orange reminds
Called - ...
The answer is a grapefruit.

Yellow ball, slightly bitter.
In the summer, thirsty will quench.
The answer is a grapefruit.

We know all him since childhood -
An amazing fruit,
Orange reminds
Called - ...
Answer: Grapefruit.

Blood will supply hemoglobin,
Red grains Senate ...
Girls and boys need
Good grandfather ...
The answer is a grenade.

Persian, like a father,
A smaller son,
Many hearts
Love ...
The answer is apricot.

Riddles about fruits for children - funny about an apple

Riddles about fruits for children - funny about an apple

Riddles about fruits for children - funny about an apple:

Dear Worm!
You don't eat my barrel.
I will get the children.
Fidgets, huts!

Korolevich from the gardens
I’m ready to please everyone.
Eat with a blunder barrel
And with a cheerful worm.
Top with a dimple
Invaluious ...

Red -brown sides.
Yellow, green!
Sweet, sour, slightly,
Just not salty!
Fragrant and tasty.
They tear off the tail!
Vitamins are needed -
Forces are added!
Often, birds peck them -
Sparrows and finches ...
Guessed who they are, children,

I'm on a tree in the garden
Everything was wrapped in foliage.
Through it, as if in a window,
The sun comes to me.
I swim in warm rays,
I pour delicious.

Though Alena is hiding
Behind the green branch,
But the red cheek
Visible from afar.

As long as it was small
It did not fall
And it grew - it fell.
Isn't it funny?

Sour and sweet
With a smooth skin.
Juicy, fragrant
With a radiant pulp.
People are useful for people.
Heals from diseases!
Even birds of finches
Delicious. Well ...

Take a look at the autumn garden
Miracle jackets hang.
Reddish, ripe side
Children on the teeth.

Round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch.
Adults love me
And little children.

Kolobok hangs on a branch,
Bloves his ruddy side!

In the garden on a tree is growing
Beautiful, tasty, juicy fruit.
I will tell you: on the letter "I"
He begins, friends.

Sami with a cam
Red barrel,
Touching - smoothly,
You will bite off - sweet.

White blooms,
It hangs green,
It falls red.

Round green on a tree grow
Like a barrel blushes, here they will be broken off
Sweet and ripe will be collected in a basket
Everything looks beautiful, just like from a picture.

Who hid a sheet there
Your ruddy strong side?
Under the sheets-bags
Hide in the heat ...

Though Alena is hiding
Behind the green branch,
But the red cheek
Visible from afar.

As long as it was small
It did not fall
And it grew - it fell.
Isn't it funny?

Fragrant, ruddy,
There are sweet, there are spicy,
There are acidic, there are tart,
There are soft, there are strong.
There are fresh, dried,
And there is even soaked.

I am a ruddy nesting doll
I don't tear off my friends
I'll wait for the nesting doll
He will fall into the grass herself.

There is a queen.
I put on a white dress.
Surprises the people
And the whole garden.
(Apple tree.)

A lot of types of different
Among the apples are yellow, red.
I know the apple Aport
And anise. All this - …
(Variety of apples.)

Riddle about fruits for the smallest - with a pear answer

Riddle about fruits for the smallest - with a pear answer

A mystery about fruits for the smallest - with a pear answer:


There is a fruit in the garden,
He is sweet, like honey,
Blush, like kalach,
But not round, like a ball, -
He is under the leg itself
It will stretch a little.
Answer: Pear.

On me "light bulbs" hang,
But they are edible.
The girls have a name -
On mine is like.
Answer: Pear.

The yellow bulb hangs.
To eat it to us.
Answer: Pear.

This is a fruit, it is juicy, sweet.
It grows on a tree.
We’ll figure it out in order
And take a piece in the mouth.
A narrow fruit is a narrow fruit,
It is expanding down.
Why is he lying here?
Because I like it!
Answer: Pear.

How nesting dolls on the branches hang,
With ruddy cheeks, they are beckoning the guys.
And the bees fly to their aroma,
They will then treat them with matryoshkin honey.
Answer: Pear.

Take a look at the garden under the fall
Bells hang:
Bronze, copper,
The stomach is not harmful.
(Answer: pears)

They eat it, they cook jam,
And the miraculous juice is squeezed,
It looks like a jug in a jug
How is its name all the same?
Answer: Pear.

On the tree, light bulbs grew.
You can tear a light bulb, eat.
For brother, for a friend, for mom
I will break very tasty
Answer: Pear.

She looks like a light bulb
And the pulp is delicious under the skin.
Osa wanted to eat her,
The starling drove away: - Do not be afraid of the darling ...
Answer: Pear.

Very juicy large fruit
It grows in our kindergarten.
He is elegant and good
And it looks like a light bulb.
We love the fruit very much to eat
Because it…
Answer: Pear.

It looks like a drop
It hangs on the branch
Glaps, blushes,
Her appearance!
Answer: Pear.

It grows in the garden, blooms in the spring,
The jug reminds
And someone with a light bulb will compare
What is the name of the fruit?
Answer: Pear.

I thought I threw the apple,
It turned out, I didn't know
The fruit is oblong
The pulp is rich!
Answer: Pear.

I stood under a tree,
I ripped a drop from the twig,
Even though she is green
But at the same time juicy!
Answer: Pear.

The fruit is similar to the bulb,
Only in form,
And when he matches,
Eat it easily you!
Answer: Pear.

In the greens of leaves,
Many bubbles,
But on the shelf do not stand
And they hang on the twigs!
Answer: Pear.

This is what a sculptor
I pulled out the figures
And I hung it on a tree,
As if I hung bulbs!
Answer: Pear.

The jugs hang are not empty,
They have a pulp, the bones are large,
On the branches in a row they hang,
They ripen, fly from a tree!
Answer: Pear.

Riddles about fruits with answers for preschoolers: apricot

Riddles about fruits with answers for preschoolers: apricot

Riddles about fruits with answers for preschoolers - apricot:

You just get him,
He loves the hot south,
And it will not grow like that, suddenly.
Answer: Apricot.

In the orange caftan
Well done stately.
Not fasteners
Not a hook
But the caftan is firmly fastened.
Answer: Apricot.

On the branches of green -
Newcomers season:
Hang bright and yellow
Wonderful chests.
Answer: Apricot.

Keeps nuclei reliably
Bee and OS favorite,
Consped, fragrant
With the name ...
Answer: Apricot.

I am honey and amber.
I am like a radiant sun.
Outwardly smooth, not shaggy.
I hint, yellowish.
Answer: Apricot.

My trunk is hard, wooden.
My taste is gentle and welcome.
I'm not growing in a clearing
And in the gardens of half -eaten.
Answer: Apricot.

The smell is drain and tea roses.
As the name is a big question.
I report a secret:
My name - …
Answer: Apricot.

There used to be flowers here,
And now in the freckles of the cheek.
It has grown sweet juicy,
Roy OS flew to him.
Answer: Apricot.

Yellow fruit. It is very sweet.
Not needed chocolate.
I can dry it,
I will get a dried apricots.
Answer me a question.
What is this? - ...
Answer: Apricot.

This happens every year:
In spring, it blooms,
And as if the sun is hello
Its fragrant delicate color.
Fragrant he is useful
And it looks like the sun.
Attracts bees and OS
My favorite ….
Answer: Apricot.

Juicy fruit from southern countries,
Light gold caftan,
Everyone grew for joy,
Appetizing ...
Answer: Apricot.

Yellow-pink barrel,
And the size - with a fist!
He hung on a twig,
And under the southern sun was matured.
Both in spring and summer grew up
Very tasty …
Answer: Apricot.

From above - the skin is gold,
In the center - the bone is large.
What kind of fruit? - Here's a question for you.
It's sweet ...
Answer: Apricot.

Jam is sunny like the south -
After all, I grew under the sky warm.
In dried form I am ur -in
And in natural ...
Answer: Apricot.

Something he looks like a plum,
The yellowish fruit is beautiful,
It is better to eat it fresh.
He is dried,
And add it to the roll,
There is nothing tastier.
Answer: Apricot.

The skin is golden on top,
In the center, the bone is large.
What kind of fruit? Here's a question for you.
It's sweet ...
(Answer: apricot)

It grows high on a branch
The fruit that children love.
He is silky to the touch,
Bright, yellow and fragrant.
A delicious smell catches his nose -
The fruit is called ...
Answer: Apricot.

To be urged fruit,
We must work hard.
This fruit grows on a branch,
All in amber it is a color.
Sore, tasty, and fuzzy, he is
And tastes - fragrant and sweet.
Who it? - The question matured.
Well, of course…
Answer: Apricot.

The fruit tastes so pleasant,
Sweet, juicy, fragrant.
And dried - dried apricots
We will be for the pie.
He grew under the South sun -
Useful to everyone ...
Answer: Apricot.

Riddle about fruits for children - interesting about tangerine

Riddle about fruits for children - interesting about tangerine

A mystery about fruits for children - interesting about tangerine:

The whole honest people know
The New Year smells of me!
Only I'm not a Christmas tree at all
Not green, not in needles,
And, like a gold ball,
Sweet juice poured.
From the country of the distant southern
I arrived at your Vyzhny holiday,
To give happiness,
Red citrus ....
The answer is mandarin.

I am fragrant, but small,
Orange is my older brother.
Pick up, kids -
I am treated from the bottom of my heart!
For everyone on a slope - you
I will give it near our Christmas tree!
My brother, I am more likely to be a hundred.
Any child is glad to me!
Well, together, like one,
How am I calling? ...
The answer is mandarin.

Orange younger brother,
Everyone is glad to see him.
In hot climate is growing
It is orange and juicy.
Every time for the new year
It comes to visit us for sure ...
The answer is mandarin.

I look so much to the orange
What are we, as if, brothers with him.
I'm small, I am the youngest
And he is big, he is the eldest.
But my pulp is tastier
She is sweeter and juicier.
The answer is mandarin.

He is orange and juicy,
Loves New Year.
Look under the Christmas tree - for sure
He is waiting in gifts!
This red -haired gentleman -
Delicious sweet ....
The answer is mandarin.

He is in my New Year's gift
Shines bright by the sun,
And this is the aroma.
It’s like a marvelous garden nearby!
The answer is mandarin.

Orange and bright
We love with all our hearts.
Almost like an orange, he
But only small.
The answer is mandarin.

Tasty - lick your fingers
Orange balls.
But only in them I do not play
I invariably eat them.
The answer is mandarin.

Anyone dreams of eating it:
After all, in his mouth he seems to be melting.
We are in desire to burn
Give the kids ....
The answer is mandarin.

This fruit for the New Year
Everyone calls to his house.
They are decorated with a Christmas tree,
And the kids are treated.
The answer is mandarin.

With orange skin,
Similar to the ball,
But the center is not empty
And juicy and tasty.
The answer is mandarin.

Red ball will throw off the raincoat
And argue: who is sweeter? -
Thick -skinned orange
Or juicy ....
The answer is mandarin.

Well, to guess it
Very simple:
Orange, neither give nor take,
Only less growth.
The answer is mandarin.

He is almost like an orange
With thick skin, juicy,
There is only one drawback -
Very, very sour.
The answer is mandarin.

Grandfather will bring as a gift
Orange balls and sweets,
Sasha, Masha and Marina
They love it very much ....
The answer is mandarin.

And one more I know
An amazing fruit,
Orange reminds
Called - ....
The answer is mandarin.

Without it, we are bored with everyone
On the New Year's holiday.
He is the Chinese gentleman
Juicy, sweet, sweet ....
The answer is mandarin.

Among a variety of fruits
There is one New Year -
Sweet, juicy, very ripe.
It's delicious ....
The answer is mandarin.

"Orange ball"
Name differently
On a wonderful tree
In the foliage of emerald!
The answer is mandarin.

Citrus is sweet,
Very aromatic,
Joy gives taste,
Guess what they call!
The answer is mandarin.

Orange citrus,
Sweet to the taste,
As if honey
He lives inside!
The answer is mandarin.

What fruit lies on a dish?
We all love him very much
Very important gentleman,
Golden ....
The answer is mandarin.

The path, sometimes very long,
Make tangerines
To collect them is useful work,
And what are they growing on?
The answer is mandarin.

Orange fruit. And spray
Sweet juice from it.
He is also red under the skin.
You will eat it on slices!
The answer is mandarin.

New Year is coming
What will he bring to us?
Holiday, jokes and fun
(Many even congratulations)
Well, what is the new year
If he doesn't come to us
This yellow gentleman
The answer is mandarin.

Brother Lesser, orange,
Because small.
The answer is mandarin.

The aroma of the New Year,
The holiday is saturated with it,
"Balls" orange,
A festive table is strewn!
The answer is mandarin.

Orange younger brother,
Everyone will eat to eat,
The crust is always thin,
Emits the aroma!
The answer is mandarin.

Lie in the vase "Balls",
But I don't play with them,
I remove the crust from the "ball",
I eat it with slices!
The answer is mandarin.

Very aromatic,
Joy gives taste,
Guess what they call!
The answer is mandarin.

Orange "ball",
It hangs on the Christmas tree
Your aroma,
Sweet taste promises!
The answer is mandarin.

Sweeter than an orange,
Slices ...
The answer is mandarin.

Thin peel,
Clean without difficulty
The pulp is fragrant and sweet,
Like a delicious candy,
He is called ...
The answer is mandarin.

Fruit salad is added,
The pine and Christmas tree are decorated
He gives a holiday and of course,
Taste improves mood!
The answer is mandarin.

From warm edges,
It comes to us
Orange "ball",
The taste of sweet gives us!
The answer is mandarin.

Soft, juicy,
The colors of the sun,
Small and sweet,
"Ball" fragrant!
The answer is mandarin.

Riddles about fruits for children 3-4 years old-a selection about bananas

Riddles about fruits for children 3-4 years old-a selection about bananas

Riddles about fruits for children 3-4 years old-a selection about bananas:

Very sweet, but useful.
He is given to us from Africa.
Very delicious ours
Answer: Banana.

Very tasty, children love
Monkey is a feast.
This is a guest from hot countries
Answer: Banana.

Bright, yellow fruit,
They bring us from hot countries.
Soft, sweet to the limit,
But useful at the same time.
What kind of fruit did you ask you?
Yes, of course,
Answer: Banana.

These fruits are dried, fried,
You can just eat them.
Just don't take green
He has not ripened yet.
How will it ripen, there will be yellow,
Here is its usual color.
Now tell me, children:
What fruits were here?
Answer: Banana.

Adults love, kids,
And even more so monkey
This sweet, soft fruit,
What is being taken from Africa.
Answer: Banana.

This fruit is very useful,
He gives energy.
He is sweet, as if sugar,
But it will not do harm.
Very bright, beautiful color,
As if the sun had risen
By the way, this fruit is far
He loves all heat.
Answer: Banana.

We bought such a miracle:
He is very sweet, like honey,
And what kind of soft, as if
A cloud floats across the sky.
Guess you yourself,
What we bought
Answer: Banana.

Favorite treats of monkeys,
But we are not averse to profiting.
So guess the guys:
What is the mystery talking about?
Answer: Banans.

What a wonderful fruit,
What are we transported from Africa!
There is no tasty
All in the pulp is a secret.
Answer: Banana.

It does not grow on the palmam,
From the branches of clusters hangs,
With yellow skin
Hangs with a comma,
A treat for monkeys.
What is it called ...
Answer: Banana.

Yellow brothers
On Palma will be born
Underfective friends -
They can’t do it without each other!
Who travels through countries
Together, side by side ...
Answer: Banans.

This delicious fruit is growing
Where summer is all year round.
He is like the edge of the moon
We all should know him ...
Answer: Banana.

Reliably hidden in the peel,
It grows well in the heat
Favorite fruit in monkeys -
It's yellow ... (Banana)

A guest from Africa arrived,
And frosts are not a hindrance
Zheltel is slightly on the road
To please many here.
Send hello from monkeys
Fruit removed from the palm tree ...
Answer: Banana.

This fruit is not growing here,
Goes to us, flies, swims,
Do not get confused in the answer
Children have long been familiar with him,
Monkey treats -
Long in the peel ...
Answer: Banana.

Riddles about fruits for children 5-6 years old-a selection of plums

Riddles about fruits for children 5-6 years old-a selection of plums

Riddles about fruits for children 5-6 years old-a selection of plums:

I'm growing on a tree
Or maybe on the bush.
The berry is full of baking,
And I am just called - ...
The answer is plum.

Birds demolished
Blue testicles,
Wooded on wood:
The shell of the pulp,
Sweet protein,
And the yolk is bone.
The answer is plum.

I ripen late in the summer
And I cast a blue,
I am covered with a leaflet on my side
The morning fog is covered,
I taste sweet-acided,
Inside a little yellowish.
And so I'm the berry beautiful
And I'm called children ...
The answer is plum.

This is a very tasty fetus
Both Hungarian and Renklod,
Red, yellow, dark blue,
Sweet, juicy and beautiful!
From it onastonishment
Very tasty jam!
What is this wonder?
Well, of course, this is ....
The answer is plum.

In the early autumn, cool in the morning
From the foliage of trees proudly
In a purple outfit with mother of pearl
Looks at the garden, ripening, tight ...
The answer is plum.

The fetus all summer
Green colour,
And in the early autumn -
Red with ascension.
The answer is plum.

In satin blue dresses
They will roll into the grass under the crown.
Go on jam and compote
Or - wash and immediately in the mouth.
The answer is plum.

For compotes and jam
This fruit is very good.
And it tastes - a lot of ease,
You will find him in the garden.
And in the spring it blooms beautifully
Together with apple trees ...
The answer is plum.

Among the fruit muses she,
Always stands out.
Likes to show off in blue,
Sarafan green will throw off.
Guess what kind of diva?
Well, of course, this is ...
The answer is plum.

Everyone knows this lady
She changes her sundress
Green, red, blue,
Which one is more beautiful? ..
The answer is plum.

What kind of young lady is this
He looks from the branch without blinking.
Blue sundress on a marvel.
Have you guessed? It - …
The answer is plum.

Blue uniform,
Yellow lining,
It is sweet in the middle.
The answer is plum.

Riddles about fruits for children 7-8 years old-a selection of grenades

Riddles about fruits for children 7-8 years old-a selection of grenades

Riddles about fruits for children 7-8 years old-a selection of grenades:

A small stove with red coals.
The answer is a grenade.

Red grains
Inside stood in a row.
Sweet and sore ripe ...
The answer is a grenade.

What a fruit is a casket with a secret!
Seeds like glass in appearance,
All transparent, all pink color,
Shock how strange it is not.
The answer is a grenade.

Like in a casket at the princess
A handful of rubies of the red ancients.
Sweet juice in rumble rubies.
You probably ate them more than once.
The answer is a grenade.

Under a thick red peel,
Like in the hive, the children are a swarm.
Everyone is happy to taste them
What is his name?
The answer is a grenade.

A ball with a crown, fat -haired,
It looks like a box -
In it, Rubinov is hidden the treasure.
This strange fruit - ...
The answer is a grenade.

It hangs on a branch and is similar to an apple,
But red, like cancer, and, like a bull, thick -skinned
And to the top is full of ruby \u200b\u200bbeads -
Transparent, both juicy and sweet taste.
The answer is a grenade.

They torn the edge of the shirt -
The glass sprinkled down.
Do not collect them all back.
What kind of fruit is this?
The answer is a grenade.

Add “a”, then I am dangerous.
And without it, I am a delicious fruit.
To be afraid of me here in vain.
Absolutely, completely - on the contrary.
The answer is a grenade.

What a fruit is a casket with a secret!
Seeds - glass in appearance,
All transparent, all pink color,
Shock how strange it is not.
The answer is a grenade.

Tightly packed with grains
It is famous for its juice
Vitamins are rich
This is the southern fruit ...?
The answer is a grenade.

Under a thick red peel,
Like in the hive, the children are a swarm.
Everyone is happy to taste them
What is his name? ...
The answer is a grenade.

Children's riddles about fruits - a selection of orange

Children's riddles about fruits - a selection of orange

Children's riddles about fruits - a selection of orange:

I'm growing in subtropics,
I am beautiful there.
The fruit to the apple is similar:
He is round and juicy too.
Sweet-sour, often I,
The peel is fragrant.
The fruit is torn by orange,
It is eaten with slices.
I ripen in the winter,
I am called ....
The answer is an orange.

It burns with a hot flame
Orange, like the sun,
A strong smell beckons
Juice under a thick skin.
We will remove the zest carefully -
Here you need a knife.
We will get tender slices,
We will enjoy the taste.
- What is this gentleman?
- Bright ripe ....
The answer is an orange.

He hangs on a tree
And, how the sun burns,
This bright, juicy fruit,
So he asks for our mouth,
It is orange and tasty,
Fragrant sweet-sour,
Only he is not mandarin
These are kids, - …

The answer is an orange.

In the New Year under the tinsel -
Bright ball of gold,
And how it removes the peel,
So he asks for the mouth!
There is a smaller brother -
To distinguish them is very simple!
Brother is an important gentleman,
He is in China - Mandarin!
Who is under the Christmas tree, all in the juice,
With label on the side?
The answer is an orange.

He has slices under the skin.
Enough Tanya, Vanya, Olga.
And also - Natasha, Anya.
He will fit in his pocket.
Juicy, delicate, fragrant,
Everyone will like the guys.
He is red, not a blond.
It's delicious ....
The answer is an orange.

I love guys very much
The fruit is orange and sweet.
It grows in the warm south,
But we love in our district.
We come to the store,
We buy ....
The answer is an orange.

Citrus it is growing in the south,
In a warm grove, not in the garden,
But we love in our district
The fruit is orange and sweet.
We come to the store,
We buy ....
The answer is an orange.

Yellow, round, where are you from?
Right from the sunny south.
It looks like the sun itself.
You can eat me, but only
First divided into slices.
The answer is an orange.

His smell is just ah.
Juicy and orange.
Like the sun in heaven,
Only he is in your hands.
You divide it into slices
And you rush for both cheeks.
The answer is an orange.

Orange fruit, beautiful,
Eat it - add strength.
Vitamin C is rich
And useful for the guys.
The answer is an orange.

Guess what kind of fruit
In an orange coat?
Everyone loves him very much
Especially kids!
The answer is an orange.

Fragrant, sweet, juicy,
Orange - for color,
You yourself will guess
Or do you need the Internet?
The answer is an orange.

He is orange, pleasant,
Tasty, smell fragrant.
We go quickly to the store,
Buy round ....
The answer is an orange.

The color "orange" grow in the south,
They love them in our district.
They are imported to shops,
What do we take there? ..
The answer is an orange.

And the fruit’s brother is not alone:
Grapefruit and Mandarin.
I hope you guessed
What is it - … !
The answer is an orange.

On a small sun
He looks very much!
But, but tastes guys,
There are no words how good he is!
The answer is an orange.

The fruit has this brother,
His name is lemon,
And when compared to taste -
He is much sweeter.
The answer is an orange.

It grows in hot countries,
Where is the sun and water
And it does not grow in places,
Where is snow and cold.
The answer is an orange.

Who loves this fruit very much
And he always eats it
There is nothing to the disease
For many years!
The answer is an orange.

In appearance, he is like a red ball,
Only now he doesn’t rush to jump.
It has a useful vitamin -
This is ripe ....
The answer is an orange.

And then the juice will sprinkle right away!
He is fragrant and sweet.
It has already been proven that he
Useful chocolate!
The answer is an orange.

Orange fruit -
Like the sun in hot summer!
We go to the store with mom,
Buy juicy ....
The answer is an orange.

He goes to us from afar!
In Orange, he is a fur coat,
And so I want to go to him
Rather, stick your teeth!
The answer is an orange.

Fruit is sweet like sugar
And it grows not alone.
Slices carefully stores
This red lord ....
The answer is an orange.

He floats to us by the sea,
In the hold of the ship,
Or maybe on an airplane
He flies to us, friends.
The answer is an orange.

Orange fruit.
Sweet juice inside it.
He is also red under the skin.
You will eat it on slices!
The answer is an orange.

Juicy, sweet, it happens a little sour,
He loves his children!
So be it, I'll tell you guys
The word on "A" begins.
The answer is an orange.

With orange skin,
Similar to a velvety ball,
Inside is not empty,
And juicy and tasty.
The answer is an orange.

Well, let's, faster
Guess the word!
I assure you, friends -
You are familiar with you!
The answer is an orange.

He is round, like a tennis ball,
And orange - like fire,
The smell in the house will disperse!
The peel is only a little touch!
The answer is an orange.

I am sweet, grew up in the south.
Like the sun in the foliage.
Orange and round,
I like the kids.
The answer is an orange.

Porous peel
With bright coloring,
As if painted the fruit
Orange paint.
The answer is an orange.

He is round like a ball
The mouth rides in the mouth.
What a red -haired gentleman?
This is sweet ....
The answer is an orange.

His homeland is warm countries,
He is not growing in Russia anywhere,
If he suddenly appeared in the house,
I just want to take it in my mouth.
The answer is an orange.

In a golden skin side,
And under the skin, sweet juice.
In every sliced \u200b\u200bsip
And for the son and for the daughter.
The answer is an orange.

Loves him, old and young!
But if you eat without measure,
The bellies will hurt -
There are examples of this!
The answer is an orange.

Bright, sweet, poured,
All in the cover of the gold.
Not from a candy factory -
From distant Africa.
The answer is an orange.

In a bright, red peel
Grows in the heat.
Round, delicious "vitamin",
This is juicy ....
The answer is an orange.

In stores all year round
The fruit is sold.
And among the people he is with us
Citrus is called.
The answer is an orange.

I wear an orange outfit,
And Mandarin is my younger brother.
My older brother is Signor Grapefruit,
Who will call, what a fruit I am?
The answer is an orange.

Juice will glue his fingers to you,
Juicy, sweet, like honey!
He is orange and bright,
As in our first -aid kit iodine.
The answer is an orange.

In the golden peel,
Matures, matures,
Like the sun on the branch,
Joy evokes!
The answer is an orange.

Riddles about fruits for entertainment - a selection about pineapple

Riddles about fruits for entertainment - a selection about pineapple

Riddles about fruits for entertainment - a selection of pineapple:

"Bump" that grows in the south,
Not on Palm - on Earth.
He keeps his sweet in "chain mail":
Who will tell her me?
The answer is pineapple.

The fruit looks like a cone ate,
We took a chance - we ate a bump ...
The best, upper class -
Ripe, juicy ...
The answer is pineapple.

This bright juicy fruit
It grows on plantations.
It gives delicious juice,
It has a crest.
Everyone loves, and old and young
This taste and aroma!
Somewhere in the tropics now
Blinds sweet ...
The answer is pineapple.

This bump with a crest,
Who is not familiar with her,
This delicious fruit,
It is not growing on a tree.
He is big. Together in an hour
We do not eat
The answer is pineapple.

Neither in the fields and in the gardens,
Neither you nor we
And in tropical forests
Grows up ...
The answer is pineapple.

This fruit looks like a bump,
He is in joy to all the children.
Sweet and sour and large,
By the way, in the spring.
Vitamins in reserve
I accumulated us ...
The answer is pineapple.

From birth in scales is dressed,
It is given to you for dessert,
You will recognize him at a time
After all, this is juicy ...
The answer is pineapple.

To enjoy fruit,
It will be necessary to work hard:
Remove the shirt-fire,
Like a tree bark,
And try at least once
Who is so tasty?
The answer is pineapple.

He will quench the juice,
And he will take the pulp to eat -
You can’t refuse a miracle fruit
And you say more thanks!
Guess who the story is about?
Just eat ...
The answer is pineapple.

Far in the south somewhere
It grows in winter and summer.
Surprise us
Tolstoye ...
The answer is pineapple.

He is not a berry not a vegetable,
The chubchik has a mischievous
And the thorny is armored,
Protecting yourself will be able to!
The answer is pineapple.

“Bump” grows in the south,
Not on Palm - on the ground.
He keeps his sweet in “chain mail”:
Who will tell her me?
The answer is pineapple.

It grows on a stump,
Like cabbage in a clean field.
It smells delicious with strawberries,
Heat loves in the vastness.
He has foliage like feathers,
The fruit covered with scales ...
Juicy taste, but sweet and sour,
Many people like it in the winter.
What for the New Year with us
Will the table decorate? ...
The answer is pineapple.

A bump with a crest green.
It grows on the grass -
The sun is brightly scorched:
Juicy, tasty ...
The answer is pineapple.

He was brought to us from America distant,
As a bump sits in the grass high.
Prilute scales, delicious pulp.
Very useful for the big and guys.
The answer is pineapple.

Neither in the fields and in the gardens,
Neither you nor we
And in tropical forests
Grows up ...
The answer is pineapple.

Light puzzles about fruits - with the answer lemon

Light puzzles about fruits - with the answer lemon

Light puzzles about fruits - with a limon answer:

His brother is orange,
Very juicy, tasty.
He himself is bright yellow,
Ah, tasting - sour.
The answer is lemon.

Contains a lot of vitamins,
Can cure scurvy, sore throat.
There is only one drawback -
I can’t eat entirely.
The answer is lemon.

From one family they are
Both are juicy and bright.
Orange and yellow
Lying in the market on the counter.
The answer is orange and lemon.

What could not hurt,
We must eat with sugar.
It is better to add a slope to tea,
There will be a lot of use at once.
The answer is lemon.

Very yellow, like the sun is a ray.
And, it tastes so powerful.
Vitamins in it cannot be counted,
You can’t eat it whole.
There are so many acids in it
You will immediately make a mine.
The answer is lemon.

With vitamin C he,
This fruit is called ....
The answer is lemon.

It is growing on a tree,
In white, it blooms.
How will it ripen -
Will become yellow.
He likes the champion
He is very, very sour.
The answer is lemon.

This yellow sour fruit
In the countries of the sun, it is growing.
You will find a lot of benefits in it,
Ah, he is called ....
The answer is lemon.

The skin is called
With a cold in tea, it is placed.
It tastes very sour,
Because he ….
The answer is lemon.

We must eat him guys.
Well, and what, that he is sour.
If you want to be healthy,
Put in the seagulls ....
The answer is lemon.

If it grows in the house,
Its smell gives out.
The yellow fruit hangs on the branch,
But do not eat him, children.
Put it in tea:
"Help from diseases!"
He is rich in vitamin,
Ah, his name is ....
The answer is lemon.

Yellow, juicy he is very,
There are also many benefits in it.
In tea, put it for yourself
And drive a cold.
The answer is lemon.

Yellow citrus fruit
In the countries of the sun, it is growing.
But it tastes the most acidic,
What is his name ...
The answer is lemon.

Yellow, sour, fragrant,
In tea with sugar, pleasant.
He is full of vitamins ...
What is his name? ...
The answer is lemon.

In the skin of yellow,
He is sour,
Called ...
The answer is lemon.

Since it is yellow, it means ripe.
But what's the matter:
I put the fruit in a glass -
My sweet tea has become sour!
The answer is lemon.

His peel is a thickness,
The sour taste is always inherent,
Like the sun on the branch,
He hangs in his vest!
The answer is lemon.

In the skin of yellow, golden
With a tasty aroma, it is sour,
Called ...
The answer is lemon.

The fruit, of course, is well known -
Both beautiful and useful.
The orange is the brother of the native
And what a fragrant!
It is a pity that he is very sour -
Vitamin fruit ...
The answer is lemon.

Dear, do not hurt!
You drink tea with him more often.
There is so much benefit in it - do not count!
Just do not eat it.
You’ll make a mine right away -
It has so much acid!
The answer is lemon.

If the throat is sick,
Get it boldly
Daster with honey, tea,
And stop getting sick!
The answer is lemon.

For the treatment of diseases
He is more useful for all citruses.
Very sour, juicy.
This is a yellow fruit ...
The answer is lemon.

This fruit, well, is very sour,
Squinting the eye, gritting teeth,
We want to swallow soon
But the tea is tastier with him.
Well, if you get sick,
Then we will check in practice
Prooping the slope certainly
We will get better instantly.
Vitaminka lives in it,
The letter "C" calls itself.
What is the name of this fruit?
Guess - ka, dear friend.
We will call it without doubt
It's yellow ... ..
The answer is lemon.

Riddles about fruits - a selection about peach

Riddles about fruits - a selection about peach

Riddles about fruits - a selection about peach:

Here is a ruddy fat man
Velvety frock coat,
In the belly, the bone is carved.
What is his name? I know!
The answer is a peach.

Fruit to the touch velvet.
Fragrant, sugar.
You eat it and look -
Big bone inside!
The answer is a peach.

This fruit is sweet
And round and smooth.
Inside it is fragrant
Outside, fluffy.
And the middle of the fetus
Like a stone, hard.
The answer is a peach.

Large fruit, in the side of a hollow,
Inside the bone is the filling.
Slightly villous, with delicate skin,
A little to the apple similar,
He is browned on the side -
Are you enough hints?
I'm waiting for an answer from the guys
What fruits are here?
The answer is a peach.

Apricot is the best friend.
Redhead, with a fluff around.
Large, fragrant
And the taste is pleasant.
The answer is a peach.

He has a fluff on the cheeks
And inside it is very hard.
The taste of sweet harbinger -
Our golden friend ...
The answer is a peach.

Would you like to eat
Ball with a peel of plush?
I am unusual, not smooth,
But healthy, juicy, sweet.
I love heat and south,

The cold is not a friend at all.
In the South I was born to China,
What is my name - who knows?
The answer is a peach.

Top, fluffy,
Sweet, fragrant.
It is growing on a twig
With a hard bone fruit.
The answer is a peach.

The fruit is fragrant and fluffy;
And the middle of the fetus
Like a stone, hard.
The answer is a peach.

Video: Guess the fruit! Riddles about fruits for children

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