Riddles in the Russian language - about pronouns, adjectives, mysterious synonyms, prepositions: the best selection for schoolchildren

Riddles in the Russian language - about pronouns, adjectives, mysterious synonyms, prepositions: the best selection for schoolchildren

A selection of riddles in the Russian language for schoolchildren.

Riddles in the Russian language - the best selection for schoolchildren

Riddles in the Russian language - the best selection for schoolchildren

Riddles in the Russian language are the best selection for schoolchildren:

School, house, grass, earth.
I denote any subject.
Who? Teacher, doctor, neighbor.
What? Sofa, bicycle.
I am different of me:
Sidewalk, window, nature.
I change by numbers, by cases.
I'm in a hurry to visit the students.
That's how am I amazing.
I am called ... (Noun).

Black is all in a row
They speak wisely with us. (The words).

We divide the word into parts.
This is a great happiness.
Everyone will be able to
Make a word from the parts. (Syllables).

Black, crooked,
From birth, dumb.
And they will stand in a row -
They will speak instantly. (Letters).

And in Russian with us
A very complicated program.
We are in words from different phrases
We are looking together ... (Spelling).

Thirty -three girlfriends
They will get up one after another,
All words will be. (Letters).

If we highlight the syllable
When reading it,
We denote a stick
Above… (Stress).

The words of the same part of speech.
But they have different meanings.
I will say "cowardice",
You will answer - "courage",
I will say "sadness"
And you are in response to me - "joy." (Antonyms).

If the vowel is badly heard
This vowel is very insidious,
After all, with an error, the word will be written,
If vowel ... (Unstressed).

With the question of proposal
I called the "asked."
I forgot in excitement
Name… ("Interrogative").

He answers the question "What to do?"
Part of the speech is, for example, "went."
Denotes the action of the subject
And proudly called ... (Verb).

Art read and art to write
More complicated than reading, more complex mathematics.
Science that the language can learn,
It is called simply - ... (Grammar).

I am the main members in the sentence.
There is no subject, somewhere it hid again.
It with a predicate in the connection
Is ... (Grammatical basis).

Words-Words in Russian-mysterious synonyms

Words-Words in Russian-mysterious synonyms

Words-mystery in Russian-mysterious synonyms:

I hope you friends are ready
The hotel call me a Russian word?

In the language of the native, rich
Many similar words guys.
How to call a doctor differently?
I wish you good luck.
(Doctor, doctor, Aesculapius.)

The answer is clear here:
Food, only differently.
It will not be difficult for you
Guess what it is ...

Sea robber, evil pirate,
I will hear the synonym I will hear.

Here you have to think a little
And call the road differently.
Forget the highway and the path!
The word is very ordinary - ...

Noise - roar,
Laughter - ... (laughter).

Praise - approval,
Luck —- ... (luck).

Work - ... (labor).

Steal - athlete,
Secret - ... (secret).

Father - native,
Heat - ... (heat).

Suddenly - suddenly
Comrade - ... (friend).

Go - walk,
Dance - ... (dance).

True - reliable,
Difficult - ... (complex).

The wizard is a magician,
Banner - ... (flag).

Riddles about the Russian language with answers

Riddles about the Russian language with answers

Riddles about the Russian language with answers:

Such a sign is a hook and a point,
I will write it on the line.
If I ask something,
Then I write it at the end.How? Where?When? Everything is simple ...
After the words of those - ... (Question mark).

What the weather!
And the snow is wonderful!
I will put at the end
Another sign - ... (Exclamatory).

I said alone
It was a monologue.
The interlocutor entered,
It became a speech - ... (Dialog).

Part of the word known to everyone.
It may not be it at all
It can be sound
Or maybe zero. (The ending).

She expresses the meaning of the word
And it is called simply - ... (The foundation).

Two brothers live in the neighborhood,
They get into the words every now and then.
One brother softens sounds
Another brother shares them. (Hard and soft signs).

I wrote a letter to Seryozha,
About business, friends a little.
I did not write many words
Well, five sheets came out.
At the end of the fifth leaflet
I finished. I put it ... (Point).

If we highlight the root,
We determine the suffix
And we will find the prefix,
We will circle the end.
Our actions are not nonsense
In composition then .. . (Analysis).

Words explanation
The dictionary calls ... ("Meaning").

Medium, female and male happens.
How is it called? (Genus).

You are parts of these - union,
Assume, particle, - remember.
You, schoolboy, wind it on the mustache
Remember their name.
Named is not magical,
And easier. So… (Official).

We start with her every paragraph.
Remember the name about it.
And any schoolboy will say correctly,
That the apart is called ... (Red line).

Part of the text in the textbook is not new to us:
That maybe a paragraph may be half.
This is from the text of any "scrap"
We all call it clearly - ... (Passage).

Work on errors
I did a whole Saturday.
Patience has been exhausted
Ready… (Corrections).

The words in the textbook are written incorrectly,
Random mistakes here, probably.
Take, for example, “Korarda”, “pyrckers”,
In the words of the textbook I found ... (Typos).

Punctuation mark is very necessary for us,
He is similar to the point and is generally friendly to her.
Sister points with a curl of a funny
We always call ... (Commas).

If the text is suddenly unfinished,
Instead of a point is worth ... (Ellipsis).

There was one candy in a vase.
Mom poured it, it became full.
Answer me the question, kids,
What has changed in sweets? (Number).

Riddles with pronouns in Russian

Riddles with pronouns in Russian

Riddles with pronouns in the Russian language:

She wags her tail,
Zubasta herself, not barking. (Pike.)

He has a bright red birch,
The jacket is black, satin,
He doesn't look at us,
Everything is hollowing wood . (Woodpecker.)

She flies everywhere,
Buzzing, boring. (Fly.)

She is in a yellow jacket and strip,
It is very rich in honey and wax. (Bee.)

The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring.
In the hut, he rests in the winter. (Bear.)

She deftly jumps on the Christmas trees,
And hides nuts in the hollow. (Squirrel.)

Lies a ball - thorny side.
He hunts mice at night. (Hedgehog.)

Some master applied to the windows
A pattern of blades of grass and white roses. (Freezing.)

In the morning, diamonds sparkled on the field,
But in vain we have been looking for them for so long. (Dew.)

She grows down her head,
Never blooms,
And spring will come
He will cry and die. (Icicle.)

This pillar grows from the roof,
Rises higher,
Grows to heaven
And then completely disappeared. (Smoke.)

On a black scarf
Pilled peas.
The cockerel came
And I could not scare. (Stars.)

He walked in the sky
Yes, he fell into the water.
But he did not stop
Even the surface did not stir. (Month.)

If you leave the threshold,
Then you will see the road
In the afternoon she is not visible
Only at night is she. (Milky Way.)

Someone in the morning this ball
He pouts slowly.
When he releases from hands,
Everything around will illuminate . (Sun.)

In the summer she runs
In winter, she sleeps.
And spring will come
He will run again. (River.)

Young mountain ash look into it.
Correct their colorful scarves.
Slender birches look into it,
Admire their curly hairstyles.
In it, the moon and stars are reflected.
What is this mirror called? (Lake.)

Project in the Russian language - adjectives in riddles

Project in the Russian language - adjectives in riddles

The project in the Russian language - adjectives in riddles:

Russian beauty
It stands in the clearing
In a green blouse,
In a white sundress. (Birch.)

I stand on a thin leg,
I stand on the leg smooth
Under a brown hat
With velvet lining. (Mushroom.)

Scallop Angky,
Rippled caftan,
Double beard,
An important gait.
It gets up before everyone,
Singing vocally. (Rooster.)

I am black, red, yellow, blue,
With a solid filling in the middle.
I'm friends with a sharp knife
And what I want - I will portray. (Colour pencils.)

This fruit is sweet
And round and smooth.
Inside it is fragrant
Outside, fluffy. (Peach.)

Round green on a tree grow
Like a barrel blushes, here they will be broken off
Sweet and ripe will be collected in a basket
Everything looks beautiful, just like from a picture. (Apples.)

Bright, sweet, poured,
All in the cover of the gold.
Not from a candy factory -
From distant Africa. (Orange.)

I keep hot,
I keep cold
I am a stove and a refrigerator
I'll replace you on the campaign. (Thermos.)

The rain is warm and thick:
This rain is not simple
He is without clouds, without clouds
All day is ready to go . (Shower.)

The father had a strange boy
Unusual - wooden.
But he loved the father of his son.
What a strange one
The man is wooden
On the ground and under water
Looking for a golden key?
He pours the long nose everywhere.
Who is this? .. (Pinocchio.)

Little animals,
Gray fur coats,
Strained teeth. (Mice.)

Who runs along the mountain slopes
Taratorya himself with himself,
And in the thick grass of green
Does the tail hide the tail? (Stream.)

High mountains
And deep seas,
Because of the mighty rivers
And dense forests
Singers fly to us in the spring,
Long -awaited ... (Squorses.)

Wings of Orlovs,
Ivory trunks,
Horse breasts,
Lion legs,
The voice is copper,
The nose is iron.
We beat them -
They pour our blood. (Mosquitoes.)

Red beads hang,
They look at us from the bushes,
These beads are very fond of these
Children, birds and bears. (Raspberry.)

I am friends with a noun
And do not at all go.
My main sign:
I mean a sign of an object.
What ice? Cold, smooth.
What tea? Hot, sweet.
I change by childbirth
Numbers and cases.
I love attentive children.
Who am I? (Adjective.)

What is the snow? He is clean and white.
Mel Kakov? He is fragile, chalk.
What? Always a fluffy.
And the maple leaf is beautiful.
What is my window?
Widely, the sun is visible in it!
Owls of sulfur and dark,
At night, the mice are not visible.
All such words -
The form of adjectives.
What and what - what -
They will definitely say!
(Brief adjectives)

The key is large, and less - the key.
Brighter a ray than a thin ray.
The cake is tastier than the candy.
Autumn is colder than summer.
Snow is whiter than milk.
Above the house of the cloud.
Green grass green.
Pussy is cleaner than a pig.
Agree, these words
They compare everything in the world!
This adjective
We are very grateful!
(Comparative degree of adjective.)

Russian language game-about letters and words

Russian language game-about letters and words

The Russian language game game is about letters and words:

We will insert other people's words into the text
And put them in quotes.
You all know, guys,
What's in quotation marks, then ...

Russian speech sovereign
Nicknamed ...

The name is given
And the beast and the subject,
Things around are full, full
And there are no nameless!
And all that the eye can see is
Above us and under us -
And all that we have in our memory -
Mean ...

On the snow slope
Black horses.
They stand in a row
They talk to us.

In the old tree hollow
Well, just like a letter ...

I'm learning. I look at the notebook.
I have a serious look.
"A", "b", "c", and in order
I repeat ... (Alphabet.)

Sounds stretch, sing,
They live without barriers.
They are red in color,
These are sounds ... (Vowels.)

It is not easy to say such letters,
The barrier is teeth and tongue in their way.
There are 20 of them in the alphabet.
They are all different,
And they are called ... (Consonants.)

He is botanical, fruit,
Zoological, cherry,
And even child happens,
Who will guess this word? (Garden.)

There are a lot of homonyms:
Here is a product, pork fat.
There was a moment in history -
A secret agent was called so. (Spick)

So that we will collect water into the bath,
We will open it.
Well, at the construction site he is different:
Large, lifting and steel. (Tap.)

So called kindergarten
For the smallest guys.
They’ll call the box more,
Where the cow is put the food. (Nursery.)

The word is divided into parts,
Ah, what happiness it is!
Maybe every letter
Make a word from the parts.

We are always attached to the beginning of the word
And we change without difficulty
Its meaning is new.
There are a lot of us in speech!
For, y, before, no, demon, software, races!
And there are others too,
It’s hard to count us all!
Remember firmly, friends, -
In the language you can’t!

Here is raspberries, blueberries,
Strawberries, blackberry.
How to call us the gift of that forest?
It is very interesting!

Smallest if you want to become
Learn to generalize items.
Kayak, barge, icebreaker.
Did you find a common word?

A common word certainly
Name the athlete for me:
Karatist and sumoist,
Judoist or samboist.

Bulls, rams and cows ...
Can you call them a common word?

School riddles in the Russian language about cases, for the topic about the spelling of the combinations of Zhi, Shi, Co, Scha, Chu, Schu

School riddles in Russian

School riddles in the Russian language about cases, for the topic about the spelling of the combinations of Zhi, Shi, Co, Schi, Chu, Schu:

Nominative, genitive,
Dative, accusative,
Coming, prepositional ...
It is difficult to remember them all.
Always keep in your memory
Names. It… (Answer: cases.)

Everyone will recognize me easily
And in the subject they call.
I do not like prepositions since childhood,
I can’t stand them nearby.
My questions - what?, And who? -
No one will confuse. (Answer: nominative case.)

Oh, in toys - a cavard!
I don’t understand myself in any way:
To blame whom? and what?
Lenka? Cubes? Lotto? (Accusative.)

I want to compose songs.
WITH WHOM? What should I study with notes?
With sister? And write ... pen
Or a colored pencil? (Instrumental case.)

I think about who? ABOUT WHAT?
About Dasha, about verbs.
Brotherly, I think about
How tired of the school ... (Prepositional.)

Create - by whom? Create - what?
I will tell you - no problem!
Prepositions "before", "under" and "above"
At any moment I am very happy.
If you are smart
Find out the case ...

I do not like prepositions since childhood,
I can’t stand them nearby.
My questions - what? and who? -
No one will confuse.
(Nominative case.)

Who is not?
I am very worried.
What is not?
I will go to search.
Please, friends, help rather!
What a case, rather tell me!

Who to give everything? What to call for? -
Only I can say.
I sometimes friends with the pretext of "K"
With the pretext of "soft" I go for a walk.
Remember be sure to
Druzhok, you are the case ...

Who to blame, ask me
Without accusations, no day passes.
But I can not only blame
What I see, I can also tell you.
Prepositions "B", and "on", and "under"
You will find with me without trouble.
Prepositions "through", "pro" and "pros"
You will also catch your eye.
So who is the smart one here
Who will say my name is?

Everyone is thinking about who they dream about, —
They only open their secrets to me.
The white light is not sweet to me without prepositions,
Without them, relatives, I didn’t live a day.
It’s not difficult for you to guess my name,
If I'm with prepositions, then I - ...

Where it will rest on the tail
There will be a hole later. (Awl.)

Under the mountain - horseback
Uphill - wood (Skis.)

What kind of stars are like
On a coat and on a scarf?
All through, cut
And take it - water in the hand. (Snowflakes.)

Grass grows on the slopes
And on the mounds of green.
The smell is strong and fragrant,
And her flower and sheet
You and I go to tea.
What the grass, guess! (Oregano.)

I am so similar to a rose
Unless not so good
But then my fruits
Everyone is suitable for food. (Rose hip.)

Orlitsa flies in the blue sky,
The wings spread out, the sun was stuck. (Cloud.)

They will tell the truth, if they go.
Stop - Close. (Watch.)

Not sewn, not crown,
And on the thread is bought. (Stocking.)

She drank in her mouth,
She lived under water.
Scared everyone, swallowed everyone,
And now I got into the boiler. (Pike.)

Riddles in the Russian language 6-7 class about preposition, prefix, for the topic about paired consonants

Riddles in the Russian language 6-7 grade

Riddles in the Russian language 6-7 class about preposition, prefix, on the topic of paired consonants:

On the road, the cat sits.
For an expensive pillar stands.
Run along the path
To the road, there is an underground passage.
The cat goes from the road.
By the road - a turn.
Above the road are clouds.
Walked to the road a pedestrian
Half an hour from afar.
We are going with mom on the way.
We will be on the road for a day.
We were lucky with the road.
In the rain she could not take it.
We were very helpful in the story about the road ...
(Answer: prepositions.)

All of you will call them barely
The shortest words.
Why are they so important, I don’t understand?
“Po”, “on”, “for”, “c”, “from” and “y”.
(Answer: prepositions.)

Just set in front of the root
What do we call this part?
(Answer: prefix.)

In the words "gave", "entered", "stand"
It is written in front of the root ...
(Answer: prefix.)

This is the recognition:
All people I am serving with all,
That along with the end
I will connect the words together.
I left the class
He went to the checkout,
Paid for the fare,
He went to his entrance.
I'm just a small manner.
I am called ... (Pretext.)

We will always stop
Only by the beginning of the word.
And we change without difficulty
Its meaning is new.
In speech - there are a lot of us: at, for, before, according to, demon, no, one.
And there are others, it’s hard to count us all.
And remember, friends, you can’t in the language without us!
(Answer: prefixes.)

If we highlight the root,
We determine the suffix
And we will find the prefix,
We will circle the end.
Our actions are not nonsense
In composition then ... (Answer: analysis.)

He is tall and spotted,
With a long - long neck,
And he feeds on leaves,
Leaves from trees. (Giraffe.)

Yaichko in a cup
It fell from the tree
And it did not break. (Acorn.)

On the back of the needles,
Long and sharp
And he will curl up in a ball
There is no head or legs. (Hedgehog.)

I walk in the rain and in the heat,
My character is like that . (Umbrella.)

Guess easily and quickly:
Soft, magnificent and fragrant.
He is black, he is white,
And it is burnt. (Bread.)

He is big as a football ball,
If ripe, everyone is happy.
It tastes so pleasant
And his name is? (Watermelon.)

You need to go carefully.
You can hold on to the horns.
It’s a pity that there’s no mane.
What kind of horse? (Bike.)

I am a humpbacked beast
And I like the guys. (Camel.)
He floats along the sheet
Like a boat in the wave.
He is a good friend to the hostesses
Electric? (Iron.)

This is who is there with a black tape
Does the stream glide quickly?
Through the bushes he made his way deft
And on a small head
(Everyone should know about it)
Yellow spots are visible . (Already.)

Riddles in the Russian language 4-5 class about parts of speech

Riddles in the Russian language 4-5 class about parts of speech

Riddles in the Russian language 4-5 class about parts of speech:

We all use this
Instead of the name of the subject,
Instead of a sign of an object
We use this too,
And the number of items
It often replaces it.
It will indicate to us everything,
But names will not say names.
It is often very applied
It changes very much.
Without him, whatever it may be,
We cannot do in speech.

Everything that exists, it means
Who are the questions? and what? answers correctly.
And so that the whole honest people are not offended,
It always has a number and a clan.
He also has three declensions,
There are six various cases at once.

He revives items
All of them involves them in business,
What they say to them
Strictly watching it himself.
He has three times
And he knows how to conjugate.
Many schools are being built for children,
So that everyone knows about ...

Our artist knows the whole world:
The artist will paint every object.
Will always answer the questions as follows:
With a dad
Lives extremely together:
Change the ending,
When he needs so.
She will not part with him
Never already:
Stands with him in one way,
Number and case.

Mom is an adjective,
Dad is the verb itself,
Their son is dear
Two went to them.
Mom’s questions
The son sets everything,
Signs in action
It gives out objects.
This child
From birth was lucky:
Like mom, he has
Rod, case, number.
He has time
Like a native father
You will guess the name -
You will be well done!

We will enter the forest thicket -
The bear is wandering there.
There are trodden paths,
The hedgehog is frightened and timid.
There is a singing nightingale
And the crawling ant.
In these lines, I will note
There is a special part of speech.

Quickly it counts items,
The strict order is known to the score.
Only two questions will answer you only
These are questions which? and how much?
The numbers often replace it,
People include it in oral speech,
Often they are mistaken,
How to call him, who will soon guess?

Signs of actions it means
It answers all the curious
AS? and when? WHY? FROM WHAT?
WHERE? And where? WHY? FOR WHAT?
It really does not like to change,
Rod does not have, does not want to be inclined.
The degree of comparison can have,
As his name, rather answer!

I am also part of the speech
I'm waiting for a meeting with you.
What will you do tomorrow?
Can you tell about it?
We don't know the future,
One can only assume
That I'll get up early tomorrow
And I won’t get fun,
I will collect a satchel
I'll run to school.
In the present - I stand
And I speak with you.
And yesterday I played all day,
He jumped, ran, did not miss.
So, I mean the action of the subject.
Who am I? Waiting for your reply.

Riddles about the Russian language 2-3 Grade-themes about punctuation marks, soft sign, paired consonants

Riddles about the Russian language 2-3 grade-Topics about punctuation marks

Riddles about the Russian language 2-3 Grade-themes about punctuation marks, soft sign, paired consonants:

I'm a small figure
The point above me is big,
If you ask what you will be,
You can't do without me.
(Punctuation marks.)

Point, stick, hooks,
Inconspicuous badges,
And while reading
Demand reading.
(Punctuation marks.)

I am a small figure,
The point under me is large.
Kohl ask what you are going to
You can’t do without me.
(Question mark.)

The punctuation mark is very necessary for us,
He is similar to the point and is generally friendly to her.
Sister points with a curl
We always call ...

On a tiny ear
The curl looks like.
Tells us to stand a little bit
And go further on the road.

I'm not an easy girl
Guess my name.
I barely have enough day
Everything, a little, call me!

Find me a trifle:
I'm the most delightful
Merry, good sign!
Usually in the sentence
I stand in order
To highlight excitement,
Anxiety, admiration,
Victory, celebration:
I am the right from birth
The grammar is given:
Where am I proposal
With a special expression
It must be uttered!

What the weather!
And the day is wonderful!
I will put at the end
Another sign -...

A little sad
Musical flower. (Bell.)

Funny and strict walks
The floor is not touching.
Whoever comes out, nor will enter
He will always brush her hand. (Door.)

Pichuzhki lurked
Square to each other.
That a day - one flies out of a pack . (Calendar.)

I rush like a bullet, I'm forward
Only creaks ice.
And the lights flash
Who carries me? ( Skates.)

Then I'm in a cage, then in a ruler,
Write for them,
You can draw,
I am called ... (Notebook.)

So that I will take you
I don't need oats.
Feed me with gasoline,
Give the rubber to the hoof,
And then, raising the dust, he will run. (Automobile.)

I pull a thin column
On the glass tube,
I'm compressed from the cold
I grow from heat. (Mercury in thermometer.)

They often ask me, they are waiting
And only I will appear, they will immediately begin to hide. (Rain.)

You are behind her - she is from you
You are from her - she is behind you. (Shadow.)

You have, I have, oak in the field.
And the fish does not have in the sea. (Shadow.)

I carry a new house in my hand,
The door of the house on the castle.
There are paper residents
All terribly important. (Briefcase.)

Bathed in the water,
And dry remained. (Goose.)

The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring.
And in winter for a black howl
He sleeps in a hut snow. (Bear.)

A beast of my branches is afraid.
The nest will not build a bird in them.
In the branches of beauty and my power.
Say quickly: who am I? (Deer.)

Herbs touching with hooves,
Haughty in the forest handsome.
Walks proudly and easy
Horns spread widely. (Elk.)

Not a deck and not sing,
And he lies all day. (Lodyr.)

In the spring flies and buzzes,
It will sit on a flower
That will fly again. (Bumblebee.)

She meets spring -
Puts on earrings.
Threw on the back
Green scarf,
A strip of a dress.
You'll find out … (Birch.)

I don't eat it myself
And I feed people.
(A spoon.)

I’m going, there is no trace.
I cut, cut blood.

In winter, in the hours of fun, inisha on a bright spruce.
I just shoot a gun.
My name is … (CLAP.)

On the twine of the ring for tea
I buy in the store.

I wake up early in the morning
Together with the sun is rosy,
I fill the crib itself
I do quickly ... (Charging.)

You enter one door
And you get out of three.
You think you came out
But actually entered.

Gave the brothers a warm house,
To be five.
Big Brother did not agree
And he settled separately.

For rainwater,
What flows from the drain pipe,
(What flows down the roof to the ground),
The clay hut was standing ... (Tub.)

If people at the table do not yawn,
They deftly grab food with this thing,
This thing is skillfully slurping borsch,
They always hire those to work. (A spoon.)

Riddles in the Russian language for grade 1-funny puzzles with a catch

Riddles in the Russian language for grade 1 - funny with a catch

Riddles in the Russian language for grade 1 are funny puzzles with a catch:

My friend, Mimeltsev Lech,
I made gunpowder ... from peas!
And the recipe is very simple.
Guess, dear!
(Replace g with p: peas - gunpowder.)

At least small, a pot of pan,
But our Julia sits in her!
It is simply placed in it
But Julia with dad is tall.
Give me soon the answer:
Being like that or not?
(Maybe: Custrass-yulya.)

How is it? How is it?
I softened ... cutlet.
I am now afraid of her
I will figure it out before.
Which of you will tell you, children
Who was hiding in the cutlet there?
(Cat: Cat-Ophe.)

The beads of women are decorated
Everyone knows about it firmly.
To wear them for men,
You need to unhook something.
What? Speak rather!
I think: one, two, three ...
(You need to unhook the letter b: beads - mustache.)

What to add to the bus,
To rush by car?

Gray ox, hungry, evil,
Wandering through the forest in the winter.
(Wolf - wolf.)

The table is tall, three meters,
Holds the lanterns tightly.
(Table - column.)

The old cat is digging the ground,
He lives under the ground.
(Cat - mole.)

The tap lighted up blue -
We'll see the film with you.
(Crane - screen)
The ball tied to the neck
And I didn’t catch an Angina.
(Ball - scarf.)

Laziness with branched horns
He rushes to meet me and my mother.
(Laziness - deer.)

From a cheerful sharp duck
We laughed all a day.
(Ducks - jokes.)

Fish in the boat are sitting,
A look is faced with the float.
(Fish - fishermen.)

Our city is for us every year
Gates a large crop.
(City - garden.)

An hour is already languishing in the stove
The porridge is delicious from the river.
(River - buckwheat.)

Beans are river carpenters,
Toothy workers.
(Beans - beavers.)

With a long thief fox fur coat,
Lyuba does not freeze in it in winter.
(Thief - pile.)

The bangs circled nearby,
And then she plunged into my forehead.
(Bangs - bee.)

The bus with his brother entered the lard,
The places there are free, alas, they did not find.
(Lard - salon.)

He worked in a glorious mouth -
He dug a move underground.
(Mouth - mole.)

Treats a patient's woodpecker,
The woodpecker is the best doctor of the forest.
(Table - trunk.)

The sharp meadow plowed the fields,
Earth is waiting for seeds now.
(Meadow - plow.)

A strong rose in the garden raged,
With a downpour and wind, already broke the branch.
(Rose - Thunderstorm.)

Tender seedlings warm saved a wig,
After all, frost to our sprouts did not penetrate.
(Wig - greenhouse.)

Dad is sleeping on Ivan
And quietly snoring.
(Ivan - sofa.)

I will draw all your fairy tales,
There would be only a brush and helmets.
(Helmets - paints.)

Squirrel in the muzzle drags nuts,
She doesn’t even know the rest.
(Muzzle - hollow.)

After the rain, the oster in the yard -
A lot of joy by barefoot children.
(Ezhi - puddles.)

On the sunny gun of the forest
Flowers bloom in the spring.
(Gun - edge.)

The goal was measured by Ira
In a notebook by a transporter.
(Goal - angle.)

The videos in the burrows of the family live,
Foxes and wolves will not find them there.
(Videos - rabbits.)

They play a rocket in tennis -
Children know all this.
(Rocket - racket.)

So as not to know the diseases,
We need to deal with a dispute.
(Sports - sports.)

The gift of the boxer was strong -
He knocked down his opponent.
(Gift - blow.)

The queue to the dent is approached -
In the panties, rye suddenly appears.
(Rye - trembling.)

Rom is heard on the street, -
This means that the rain will begin.
(Rum - thunder.)

A traveler in space flies,
He knows all the weather in the world.
(Traveler - satellite.)

A leather cobra on a belt hangs,
The service pistol in it always lies.
(Cobra - holster.)

The shepherd plays on a fishing rod,
Burnyok collects in a herd.
(Fishing rod - pipe.)

Give birds delicious cats,
Worms, grains and midges.
(Cats - crumbs.)

The fisherman screams with happiness:
"The baker came to the hook!"
(Baker - sandcar.)

The traffic light is red gas
They will make us all.
(Gas - eye.)

It is very harmful to sit at home:
You will become poor without sun and air!
(Poor - pale.)

Stands at the helm calmly a sailor,
Since he shines in the night of a friendly manner.
(Mac - lighthouse.)

Who carefully does not know how to wash their hands,
That's necessarily the ferret will overcome.
(Ferry - ailment.)

Oar at the concert happens
When Vinokur protrudes.
(Oar - fun.)

Bor is thick and fragrant
I am pleased with garlic.
(Bor - borsch.)

Riddles for children - Russian for preschoolers in vocabulary words

Riddles for children - Russian for preschoolers

Riddles for children - Russian for preschoolers:

Letters - digits, like fighters per parade,
In strict order are built in a row.
Everyone in the assigned place is worth
And the building is called ... (Answer: alphabet.)

Galka arrived in the field
And sat down in the snow ...
I will study at school -
I can understand them.
(Letters on paper.)

The field is white,
Black sheep.
(Paper, letters.)

In the white field blue
The lines stretched out
And the friends are going on them,
They lead each other's hands.
(Letters in notebooks.)

Two brothers
They look into the water
The century will not converge.
(Answer: coast.)

I will swing a birch
I'll push you
I will visit, I will whistle,
I’ll even drag the hat.
But I can't see me
Who am I?
Can you guess?
(Answer: wind.)

Kids know this fruit,
They like to eat his monkeys.
He is from hot countries
The tropics are growing ...
(Answer: banana.)

Not caring about the weather,
In the sundress, it walks white,
And one of the warm days
May gives her earrings.
(Answer: Birch.)

Green House is cramped:
Narrow, long, smooth.
They sit in the house side by side
Round guys.
In the fall, trouble came -
The house cracked smooth
Someone galloped where
Round guys.
(Answer: peas.)

I am a drop of summer on a thin leg,
Bonds and baskets weave for me.
He who loves me is glad to bow.
And the name gave me my native Zemlyatsu.
(Answer: strawberries.)

It is almost like an orange,
With thick skin, juicy,
There is only one drawback -
Very, very sour.
(Answer: lemon.)

Not water and not land -
You won't swim on the boat
And you won’t pass your feet.
(Answer: Swamp.)

Left asphalt belt
Through a hundred villages.
(Answer: highway.)

Everywhere, everywhere we are together
We are inseparable.
We walk in the meadows,
On the green shores,
We run down the stairs,
We walk along the street.
But a little wind on the threshold,
We are left without legs
And legless - that's the trouble! -
Neither there and here!
Well, climb under the bed,
We will sleep quietly there,
And when the legs return,
Again, we’ll jump on the road.
(Answer: boots.)

The instrument is in the window
Knock, and ringing, and Kuter.
On straight steel tracks
Red houses go.
(Answer: tram.)

Video: Dictionary words in riddles

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