Why soak the liver in milk? What and how much can pork, beef and chicken live before cooking? How much pork, beef and chicken in milk need to be soaked: tips

Why soak the liver in milk? What and how much can pork, beef and chicken live before cooking? How much pork, beef and chicken in milk need to be soaked: tips

Ways to soak with beef, pork and chicken liver in milk and water.

The liver is a dietary and very useful product. With proper preparation, it will be appreciated by both adults and children. In nutrition, the offal is not inferior to the meat, but there is much more benefits. After all, this food can increase hemoglobin and become a building material for muscles.

Do I need to soak with beef, pork, chicken liver before cooking?

This procedure is optional if you are sure of the quality of the product. If you doubt and purchased the offal from an unknown seller, then soaking is a mandatory procedure. The chicken and goose liver is very rarely soaked, since it is quite soft and it can be prepared directly from the package.

Soaking options:

  • In water with spices. This option is more suitable for pork liver, as it allows you to remove extraneous flavors and saturate the product with aromas of herbs and spices.
  • In milk. Usually in it is soaked in a beef liver. This is necessary in order to remove the characteristic bitter taste and make the product soft. After all, the beef liver is quite tough.
Do I need to soak with beef, pork, chicken liver before cooking?
Do I need to soak with beef, pork, chicken liver before cooking?

Why soak the liver in milk?

The entire soil procedure is aimed at eliminating extraneous smells, bitterness and stiffness. After soaking, the liver becomes soft and loses a bitter taste. In addition, milk allows you to improve the taste of the product. This is especially true with beef liver, which is bitter and tough.

Why soak the liver in milk?
Why soak the liver in milk?

How much pork liver, beef and chicken need to be soaked in milk, water: tips

It all depends on your preferences. Some housewives are soaked with a whole piece, but many immediately cut into portioned pieces, and only then soaked. So do this right, because there will be more than pores to absorb milk.


  • In milk. It is necessary to divide the beef or pork liver into portioned pieces and put in a bowl. The product is poured with milk and left for 3 hours soaked. Do not add spices and salt to milk. Chicken and turkey liver are not soaked. If you doubt the quality of the product, you can soak 1 hour.
  • In water. The product is cleaned of the films and bile ducts and is laid out in a bowl. It is poured with water. After that, spices and quite a bit of salt are poured. Some housewives instead of salt administer sugar. Duration of soaking 2 hours.
How much pork liver, beef and chicken need to be soaked in milk, water: tips
How much pork liver, beef and chicken need to be soaked in milk, water: tips

What and how much can pork, beef and chicken live before cooking?

Experts advise not to soak the liver if you are going to boil it. She will be soft. Your task is to clean it well and remove the bile ducts. It is necessary to soak the beef and pork offal, since the taste is quite specific. At the same time, during frying, the liver can become stiff. That is why soaking is carried out in milk.

Features of soaking:

  • Pork. Many cooks recommend portioned pieces to pour cold water and introduce spices and a little salt into it. Before frying, you can sprinkle with cinnamon. This will give a unique aroma during frying. Before frying, the product is dried on paper towels.
  • Beef. Such a liver is also previously cut into pieces and poured with warm milk. Salt, pepper and herbs are introduced into it. 1 hour is enough. Before frying, the product is thrown back on a colander and allowed milk to drain. After that, you can dry with towels.
  • Chicken. In general, this offal is not necessary to soak. But if desired, you can pour cold water with pepper and herbs for 1 hour. In milk, such a product is rarely soaked.
What and how much can pork, beef and chicken live before cooking?
What and how much can pork, beef and chicken live before cooking?

As you can see, everything is quite simple. When soaking and choosing the right recipe, you will definitely surprise your household with delicious and healthy dishes.

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