Why do you need stretching for beginners at home? How to stretch and how much to stretch? Strengthening at home for beginners: exercises

Why do you need stretching for beginners at home? How to stretch and how much to stretch? Strengthening at home for beginners: exercises

In this article, we will talk why stretching at home and how to do it correctly.

Stretching is important for each person. If you do exercises regularly on it, then the muscles will be much easier, and they will also be strengthened. Of course, dancers and athletes are necessary for stretching. But even ordinary office workers will be useful. The fact is that when a person is constantly sitting at a computer or in a car, his muscles seem to be fixed. In the end, this does not allow joints to move naturally. So it is recommended to still perform exercises at least to restore the naturalness of movements. Let's figure out how to perform exercises correctly and why it is needed at all.

Why do you need stretching for beginners at home?

Stretching for filling
Stretching for filling

So, stretching for beginners at home or, as it is also called, stretching is the only chance to compensate for overloads of the body that he receives with strength work and ordinary activity. Only when stretching, there is no compression on the joints, and this is an excellent prevention of possible inflammation. Moreover, due to the presence of stretching, mobility improves and pain leaves.

Among the advantages of stretching, several stands out:

  • The muscles become less constrained and move freely
  • If the body is not too plastic and graceful, then stretching will help to fix it
  • The mobility in the joints becomes better
  • It becomes much easier to perform strength exercises and techniques
  • The muscles are saturated with oxygen and blood. So they are recovering faster
  • The central nervous system relaxes
  • Ligaments and neuromuscular fibers are strengthened
  • Muscle coordination of movements works better
  • Movements become more smooth and accurate. A person controls his own body better
  • Posture straightens and an imbalance disappears and disappears

What is the stretch: views

Types of stretching
Types of stretching

Many only know that stretching for beginners at home can help stretch the muscles smoothly and calmly. However, there are also exercises that are not even associated with stretching. At the same time, they stretch the muscles.

In fact, exercises are divided into several types:

  • Ballistic. They are quick sweeping movements. Usually they are found in training fighters and gymnasts. But in fitness they are prohibited, because sedentary joints and the lack of control can lead to injury.
  • Passive. The masseur or coach himself stretches the muscles, and the task of the person himself is simply relaxed. Although it looks just from the outside, it is very painful and causes a lot of inconvenience. Success in this case depends on the ability to relax, as well as on the qualifications of the master himself.
  • Active. This implies a classic stretch that is done independently. A person takes the desired pose and puts pressure on the muscles. By the way, such a stretch is the most popular. It is used at home and is easy to master.
  • Static. In principle, they somehow resemble an active stretch, but in Russian-speaking sources it is usually associated with yogis training. In general, these can be called any exercises in which movements arise only with the help of natural muscle stretching.
  • Dynamic. This means that the exercises are performed in full amplitude, but only they do not burden the muscles. For example, this is the transfer of weight from one leg to another or deep squats. Also, stretching is dynamic when muscle tension is specially weakened in order to then strengthen it.

How to stretch correctly before stretching: exercises, tips

Warm up before stretching
Warm up before stretching

So, before you are stretched for beginners at home, it is important to stretch. Without warming up muscles, you risk getting severe injury. In the best case, you will only get off with a small stretch, but in more difficult situations, the consequences can be much more serious.

So, it’s enough to carry out a simple warm -up:

  • First open the joints - twist them, make tilting
  • Further 5-7 minutes, take the cardio training or run on the spot. Jumping through the rope helps still good

When your muscles are already heated, you can begin to boldly stretch them.

How to stretch and how much to stretch?

So, stretching for beginners at home is not done for a couple of minutes. It always takes a lot of time. In general, one lesson takes about 60-90 minutes. If you need to stretch out quickly, it will be enough to do a pair of exercises for each of the muscle groups.

If you want the muscles to stretch well, then withstand each pose for about 30-120 seconds. At the same time, you need to either stand completely motionless, or slightly spring. If you move sharply, this can cause an injury.

Stretching for beginners at home is performed according to certain rules, because we want to get maximum benefits from it, and not harm to health:

  • The main rule is that all movements are performed smoothly and carefully. There should be no jerks. It will only harm muscles
  • Think in advance which particular muscle group you want to practice. To avoid injury, heat them well
  • When you begin to study, pay more attention to the muscles so that blood flows better to them. They are quite vulnerable, so you have to be more accurate
  • Since you are engaged at home, be sure to study safety precautions to avoid injury
  • If you plan to sit on the twine, then you will have to train not only your legs, but also your back. The fact is that if you always bend it, then the muscles cannot become elastic
  • During stretching, do not hold your breath in any case, because the body needs a lot of oxygen and it can simply suffer from its lack
  • In the process of performing exercises, your muscles should relax as much as possible. It is also important to take into account the amplitude, as well as the training time
  • You need to stretch gradually. Mild pain is allowed, but if the exercises cause severe discomfort, it is better to stop doing them for now
  • If you go to classes in the gym, then try to improve your performance. To get started, you can at least for a roommate, and then before the instructor
  • Remember that each person has their own flexibility indicators, and they also develop in different ways
  • Try to get better every day. If something hurts you, then it should alarm, because it indicates too high loads or incorrect execution technique. The main thing is not to rush to sit on the twine

These are the basic rules that you must remember. Now let's go directly to the exercises.

Strengthening at home for beginners: exercises

Exercises for stretching
Exercises for stretching

In general, stretching for beginners at home is quite complex, but at first it is enough to do only a few exercises. They will allow you to get the first results. For an unprepared person who is just starting classes, the load should not be high, otherwise there is a risk of damaging muscles and ligaments.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with several exercises, which will be enough for stretching:

  • "Cat". Performed from the position on all fours. Be sure to ensure that the back is straight. Then begin to bend up and freeze for a short time in this position. After that, return down and bend the back as soon as you can. In this position, it is also recommended to linger for a briefly.
  • Stretching of the buttocks. This exercise is performed from the position of lying on the back. One leg bends in the knee, and the second stretches to the chest. It should be as direct as possible. There is another exercise. You also need to bend one leg, but only in a sitting position. Then try to lean on the second.
  • Stretching of the calf muscles. Make a lunge by bending your leg at the knee. It seems that the exercise is very simple, but not everything as it seems. The fact is that you should press the feet to the floor. They should not break away from him.
  • The front surface of the thigh. Stand exactly and bend one leg back, pressing it to the buttock. The same thing is repeated for the second leg.
  • Breast stretching. In this case, there will also be several exercises. First - make a lock behind your back with your hands and start lifting them up. The second - raise your hands up in the castle and stretch.
  • The side surface of the thigh. From the position of sitting, bend one leg at the knee, and take the second to the side. After that, lean sideways. For the second side, repeat the same actions.
  • Press. It should also be trained. To do this, go to your stomach and take your hands on the floor. From this position, rot back the back.

For beginners who are just starting to engage, this complex will be enough. Over time, it will already feel that the load is too small and then you can already begin to perform more complex exercises.

Stretching for beginners at home: reviews

Many people know what stretching is for beginners at home and not by hearing. Someone just tried to start, someone could not do everything himself and went to the hall. In fact, it is really difficult. Not even training themselves, but discipline. You will have to train regularly and without any excuses. As a rule, people are going to the hall so that this very discipline is.

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Reviews 1
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Reviews 3
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Reviews 4
Reviews 5
Reviews 5

Video: Stretching for beginners. Fitness at home

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