What is useful for the joints: the necessary products and exercises for healthy joints

What is useful for the joints: the necessary products and exercises for healthy joints

So that the joints do not hurt, it is important to support them. And what is useful to them - you will learn from the article.

Joints are movable inter -cell joints with a coating of, the so -called joint bag containing a synovial fluid (lubricant). The joints are located in those places where a clear motor function is necessary, which allows to bend and unbend the limb, remove the arm and leg, rotate them.

They are divided into simple (only 2 bones in their composition) and complicated (from 3 or more bones). They are surrounded by muscle tissue, ligaments, tendons, vessels and nerves responsible for the norm of functionality of compounds.

Which of the products is useful for the joints?

Any negative impact on these fabrics immediately affects the work of the joint. One of the main causes of positive or negative effects on the joints is the diet. We advise you to get acquainted with the list of products, the use of which supports the health of joints, most favorably affecting their condition.


So, the sources of value for the joints are:

  1. Protein products: Lenten beef, tongue, eggs - iron -containing, stimulate the excretion of excess phosphorus from organs.
  2. Products saturated with magnesium: The consumption of vegetables of green, apricots, dried grapes, dates, prunes, bran, buckwheat honey - supports nerve tissues around the joints healthy.
  3. Ice cream - Only from cream or milk, rich in valuable fats and calcium.
  4. Fish And the gifts of the sea, with the phosphorus of organic origin, useful for harmonious operation of the joints.
  5. Milk, cottage cheese and cheese, The composition of which has organic calcium - it is unusual to be transformed into stones and sand in organs. Its benefits are to strengthen the bones and maintain a balanced level of electrolytes in the organs at the cellular level. (It is not recommended to simultaneously consume vegetables containing oxalic acid: sorrel, rhubarb, spinach).

    For healthy joints
    For healthy joints
  6. Sea cabbage, cartilary, and also should pay attention to fill fish and jelly. The composition of these products is saturated with mucopolysaccharides, substances similar to the lubricating fluid of the joint, respectively, their consumption provides the norm of joint functionality.
  7. Gelatin. Similarly, the aforementioned products are capable of giving dishes, and the matter applies not only to salty dishes, but of all kinds of juices, nectars and smoothies - on their basis a useful dessert is obtained.
  8. Fish liver, butter, egg yolks - They have vitamin D in, which preserves calcium in the bones.
  9. Herring, olive oil - Vitamin F in these products, helps to prevent joint diseases.
  10. Citrus fruits, rosehip berries, currants - We are rich in vitamin C that fuel joints.
Useful citrus fruits
Useful citrus fruits

Important tips:

  • Not worth it: Eat pickled products, in particular vegetables.
  • Should: Replace pickled products sauer products.
  • Healthy: Use to cook enameled dishes - this is how vitamins are better preserved. In order for summer fruits and vegetables consumed in winter, they retain their beneficial properties, they should be dried or frozen.
  • It is worth knowing: The minimum heat treatment of vegetables and fruits also retains vitamins.

Useful joint exercises

In motion - life! And the joints are no exception to this rule. It has long been known that the lack of activity in life negatively affects the whole organism and its individual elements. If there is no time to visit the gym, you need to find it at least for hiking (at least 1 hour daily). Human mobility ensures the production of synovial fluid, providing the necessary functionality of the joints.

However, it should be remembered that not all loads are useful for joint health and even useful activity should be dosed. Classes of yoga, Pilates and swimming favorably affect the functions of the joints, and classes of special gymnastics are able to strengthen them.

Age -related changes in the body lead to the fact that the articular cartilage is gradually destroyed, and a sedentary lifestyle further exacerbates this process. Those who suffer excess weight also expose the joints of an unnecessary load leading to their failure. Unfortunately, this is a problem not only of the people of the older, but also the younger generation.

As preventive actions aimed at combating the initial stages of joint diseases (for example, osteoarthrosis), experts recommend performing simple exercises:

  • twins with hands/legs
  • squats
  • "bike"
  • “Scissors” that contribute to the development of joints of the arms and legs (each of the exercises is better to perform ten times).

Joint exercises:

  1. Hands

Warm up: Click your palms in fists, without tension. Perform twenty rotational movements with fists first from yourself, and then the same amount to yourself.

Bend your hands in the elbows and fix the position (the hands should not “hang out”). To rotate with forearms twenty times to yourself, and then from yourself.

  1. Shoulders

Warm up: Get up exactly, put your feet shoulder -width apart. How to drag yourself to the buttocks, fix the rack. Perform fifteen rotations with the right hand first forward, and then the same amount back. Repeat the same exercise with the left hand.

Advice: In order to avoid damage to the elbow, performing this “charging” should be slightly bend it.

Hands and shoulders
Hands and shoulders
  1. Knees

Warm up:get up exactly, put your feet shoulder -width apart. Raise the right leg, bending it at the knee. If the equilibrium is held with difficulty, you can rest against the wall. Carefully, slowly perform ten rotational movements with shin, first to the left, and then - to the right. Similar manipulations are also done with another foot.

Further: Get up smoothly, then bending your legs at the knees and moving your knees as close as possible with each other. Put your hands on your knees and carefully perform circular massage movements along the knee joint first to the right, and then to the left side (fifteen times).

  1. Stop

Warm up:sit on a chair or on a comfortable sofa. Raise the left leg a little, bending it slightly at the knee. Perform rotational movements to the foot first to the left (twenty times), then to the right (the same). The same exercise is performed by the foot of the second leg.

At the end of this exercise, again take a convenient pose “sitting”. Pull the foot so that it turns out to be an absolutely straight sock, as in dancing. Then strongly “pull” the sock to yourself. Repeat ten times on each leg.

Video: a set of exercises for healthy and mobile joints

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Comments K. article

  1. I accept the sport expert Glucosamine Chondroitin and also collagen. There have never been problems with joints and ligaments ... although I train hard ... So it is obvious that there is a result, and very good

  2. Thank you for the exercises for the exercises, tried to do a couple of days, they help good. As they say, the more you move, the less something hurts). The food issue has long studied, the information was familiar, it was useful to repeat. From myself I can advise you to pay attention to the Evalarovsky triple omehu-3, for eating joints an indispensable thing, I also drink it with courses.

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