Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint: classic complex, exercises on the Norbekov system - step -by -step stages of execution

Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint: classic complex, exercises on the Norbekov system - step -by -step stages of execution

So that your joints are grateful to you, refer to our advice on useful exercises.

Honartrosis, or knee arthrosis is a chronic disease that is characterized by rapid destruction of the cartilage of the knee joint, which entails irreversible changes in bone tissue and the capsule of the knee joint. Most often, athletes and women aged fifty years suffer from this disease.

Treatment of gonarthrosis exclusively with medicines is little effective. Combine drug treatment is necessary with special therapeutic gymnastics. It is she who will help maintain the structure and functioning of the joints for the long time.

What exercises should be performed with arthrosis of the knee joint?

The classic complex begins with a warm -up. This will help warm up the muscles and configure the body at a more serious load.

Usually there is enough to warm up:

  • walking in place
  • walking on the heels and on the fingers
  • breathing gymnastics
It is important to perform exercises

After that, you can proceed to the exercises themselves:

  1. The first exercise is performed lying on the floor. You need to lie on the stomach. In this case, the hands are located along the body, and the legs are straight. Alternately, you need to raise your legs to a height of about fifteen centimeters and keep it raised for at least thirty seconds. One approach for each leg is enough.
  2. Performing the second exercise is similar to the first, but it is enough to keep each leg by weight for two seconds, and perform at least ten lifts.
  3. To relax your legs after a load, you can just make shaking.
  4. Logging your legs, lying on your stomach. It is important to ensure that the pelvis does not come off the floor.
  5. The starting position is the same. Bend your legs, trying to press the heel to the buttock.
  6. Exercise bicycle.
  7. Exercise - scissors.
  8. Take the position of sitting and alternately perform swaying with your legs bent at the knees.

Norbekov gymnastics are given good results. It consists of a complex of physical exercises and psychological training. The main condition is spiritual joy and calm, as well as the desire to perform exercises. When the moral mood is correct, you can move directly to physical exercises.

  1. Simple breathing gymnastics is performed as a warm -up.
  2. The starting position is standing. Five your legs in the knees alternately and perform circular movements with your ships.
  3. The legs are straight, shoulder -width apart, socks look forward. The palms must be laid on the knees and perform circular movements of the knees inside and out.
  4. Legs together, arms on the knees. Perform rotation with knees to the sides.
  5. Press your palms on the cups, holding a flat back.
It is important to perform exercises
It is important to perform exercises

Regardless of which complex is performed, moderate loads stipulated in it stimulate blood circulation in the problem area, improves metabolic processes in cartilage and bone tissues. The periosteum is restored, and bone defects are corrected.

Video: Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint

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Comments K. article

  1. Become very useful. Exercises with such a disease need to be done regularly. They allow you to avoid exacerbations strengthening the joint. Plus, of course, adhere to a diet and take pills if they were recommended by a doctor. I drink Honda Glucosamine in courses. They contain vitamins of group B and 750 mg of hydrochloride glucosamine. I have been buying everything for a phytomarket recently. RU. I am afraid of pharmacies!

  2. I decided to write about the flexotron ultra. It was this drug that the attending physician prescribed me.
    The diagnosis of my chondromation of the knee joint. The injection is not cheap, but only one syringe is needed.
    Improvements are noticeable after a week, no restrictions, only a doctor on the day of production
    The injection did not recommend walking a lot.

  3. I also made a fllexotron ultra in the joints of both knees, the drug has been working for several months. There are no complaints, it is well anesthetized and removes stiffness.

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