Healthy back in 10 minutes a day: complex, exercises for a healthy back, yoga, recommendations, video

Healthy back in 10 minutes a day: complex, exercises for a healthy back, yoga, recommendations, video

In this article, we will consider a set of exercises for a healthy back, removing pain and fatigue.

Pain in the back and its curvature are now common phenomena, which almost every person in his life has come across to one degree or another. However, only one case of ten is associated with any disease and requires serious treatment. The rest are a consequence of the effects of many external factors that we ourselves create a harmful way of life, the formation of improper posture, obesity, overwork, stress, lifting weights or simply a weak physical form. Therefore, every day it is worth performing simple exercises for a healthy back. Moreover, they will not take you much time.

Exercises for a healthy back at home: complex

Our body, on day a day, undergoing harmful influences, is nevertheless quite “patient” that can withstand it. But sooner or later comes the moment when it signals us with pain in the back of various localization and intensity. In this case, of course, you should immediately consult a doctor. But it is better to avoid this, try to create conditions for its normal functioning in advance and devote only 10 minutes a day to do exercises for a healthy back.

Bending helps to eliminate stagnation in the muscles
Bending helps to eliminate stagnation in the muscles

You need to carry out exercises before eating and be sure to start a lesson with a slight warm -up to “warm up” muscles and joints.

There are many versions of warm -up, but the most popular and universal is The articular warm -up, which often acts as the basis for morning gymnastics:

  • we do deep breathing 3 times with raising your hands above your head. Raise on inspiration, when exhausted, we lower
  • walking in place - 30 seconds
  • after that, we make rotational movements clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times in each direction: with your head (without throwing it back), with your shoulders, elbows, hips, legs (lifting the knee up and taking it to the side) and in the feet.
Superman step is another exercise that will relieve pain and put the vertebrae in place
Superman step is another exercise that will relieve pain and put the vertebrae in place
  • Vertical stretching

Become, spreading your feet shoulder width apart, put one hand on the waist, raise the other up and stretch as high as possible to the ceiling. Then change your hands. In each direction, do 6 times each.

  • Extending with a delay

We become in the position, as shown in the photo (B), hands down. We take a step forward and bend both legs at right angles, dropping. On inspiration, we raise the arms up, while the back muscles should also reach up. You linger in each position for 1-2 seconds. Repeat 12 times on each leg.

We pull the back muscles up
We pull the back muscles up
  • We keep balance

We stand in the pose A, raise our hands up, bend one knee and hold at right angles to the floor. On the exhale, we lean forward, the bent leg is straightened parallel to the floor, hands along the body. On inspiration, we return to its original position. We do 10 times on each leg.

We breathe smoothly and calmly
We breathe smoothly and calmly
  • Side inclinations

Become, spreading your feet shoulder width apart, bend your knees slightly. Lower one hand behind your head, put the second on the waist. Slowly lean toward the hand lying at the waist until the other hand takes the diagonal position. Then change your hands. On each side 10 times.

  • Tilt forward

Stand on one leg, bend the second at the knee at an angle of 90 °. We lean forward, touching the opposite hand of the thumb of the leg or a little beyond, while trying to maintain balance. On inspiration, return to its original position. Perform 10 times on each leg.

  • Backing back

Become exactly, put your hands back on the lower back. Inhale deeply, make a slow exhale, at the same time gently bending back and supporting your back with your hands. Repeat 8 times.

  • We stretch upside down

We lean on our hands and feet, the head looks in front of us, the neck is relaxed. On inspiration, stretch one leg up, do not raise our heads. On inspiration, we return to its original position. Repeat with each foot 15 times.

Feel burning in the shoulder blades
Feel burning in the shoulder blades
  • Turning the body

Stand up, spreading your feet shoulder width apart, bending your knees slightly, close your hands into the castle in front of you in the chest area. Slowly turn the upper part of the body, as far as you can without much effort - first to the left, then to the right. Repeat 10 times in each direction.

  • We develop the spine

We get on all fours, but we pull one leg along the floor. On the exhale, pull the leg to the chin, bow your head to the chest, bend the back up. You must feel how your muscles stretch on your back. On inspiration, we return to the starting position - to do 15 times on each leg.

We strain the back muscles
We strain the back muscles
  • Reverse or gluteal bridge

This exercise perfectly trains the muscles of the buttocks. But few people suspect that it is it that develops the muscles of the back in all areas. Lie down on your back, bend your legs in your knees, hands along the body, palms look down. Put one leg on the knee of the other. On the exhale, raise the buttocks as much as possible, making support on your back. On inspiration we return back - repeat 15 times.

You should not feel the back of the lower back
You should not feel the back of the lower back

Video: Exercises for a healthy back from stooping in 20 minutes

Exercises for a healthy back: fast workout at work

The back we call the back area of \u200b\u200bthe body from the neck to the lower back, which consists of a whole complex of bones of the spine, ribs, muscles, nerve endings and skin tissues. The result of pain in the back can be any of these fragments. Very often, overwork, fatigue, and a sedentary lifestyle become a trigger. Sensing a slight discomfort in the back, instead of relieving tension with correct physical exercises, we try to take a more convenient pose, thereby changing the posture, creating even greater discomfort to our body and aggravating the problem.

It is important to remember - so that our back does not respond with pain, the body needs to be trained! Only 10 minutes a day is enough so that you will forever forget about back pain associated with improper functioning of the body. And being in the office, you should definitely have such a break to perform exercises for a healthy back!

Exercises should be performed sitting on a chair, evenly. One exercise should be done at least 5 times, every day and, preferably, 2-3 times a day. Only then will the result be noticeable!


Video: Fast a stretch for stretching and exercises for a healthy back

Exercises for a healthy back: yoga and asanas

Exercises for a healthy back or their complex, of which your daily physical “ten -minute” can consist, can change - there are a lot of them. It is important to remember that they should be gentle. Because our task is to maintain health, and not set Olympic records! And it is asanas that allow in gentle mode to eliminate the pain and relieve stress. And not only physical, but also spiritual.

Complex 1

This is a special yoga for those who are sitting a lot. Pity your spine - highlight him 10 minutes to relax!

  • Lugs with a deflection backward

Make a lunge forward, the knee should be in the same line with a heel, and your shoulders with buttocks. On inspiration your arms up, reject your back back. Do 5 times on each side.

  • Navasana or boat

We make support on the tailbone, raise our legs up, only put our hands near the knees. Do not hold your legs with your hands! We linger in such a position to take 5 deep breaths.

  • Grasshopper/locust

Lie down face down, close your hands behind your back into the castle. On inspiration, raise your arms and nugas, arched your back. Hold the situation up to 5 breaths.

  • Luke's pose or our "frog"

We lie on your stomach, grab your ankles or heels with your hands. On inspiration, raise your chest, stretch up as much as possible - hold up to 5 breaths.

  • Hero pose

We sit on the ass, bend our legs at the knees, press the ankles to the buttocks. We hold the back evenly - take 10 breaths.

  • The pose of the sleeping hero

From the previous pose you go back to your back. Remove your hands behind the head. Make 10 breaths.

  • The pose of building a bridge

We lie down on your back, hands along the body. We bend the legs in the knees at right angles. However, they should be so close that you can reach them with your fingers. Raise the pelvis top. Lye for 5 breaths.

  • Inverted onion

Lying on the back, bend our legs at the knees, placing them in the pelvis, put your hands near the ears. We get into the bridge and linger for 5 breaths.

  • The pose of the corner

Lie down on your back, take the soles, look to the side. You have one hand on your heart, the other on your stomach. Breathe calmly.

Fulfillment scheme
Fulfillment scheme

Complex 2

These exercises will allow you to forget about back pain forever. In addition, asanas are even able to eliminate the progressive stages of diseases of the spine. You need to stand in each pose for 30 seconds. If it is too easy for you, you can increase to 1 minute. Also do not forget to repeat the exercises with the other foot/hand or in the other direction.

Yoga for the back
Yoga for the back

Video: Morning complex and exercises for a healthy back

Exercises for a healthy back: Recommendations

  • What should be training?

Training should not be intense and painful for the body, but they should be regular, like daily brushing. They should be aimed at ensuring muscular endurance, flexibility, increase oxygen efficiency and proper functioning of the heart. If your body was not trained before, you should start training during the period of remission, When you do not feel painful symptoms in the back.

All exercises for the back can be conditionally divided into three categories: Power, respiratory and aimed at the formation of flexibility. The first includes all exercises aimed at developing endurance and improving the work of muscles; to the second - exercises aimed at increasing oxygen efficiency and heart function; To the third - improving joints and forming body flexibility. All these exercises should be equally included in the training program, but you should master exercises for a healthy back gradually, introducing one additional and alternating them in the future.

  • Posture

The criterion of the proper posture of a person is the maximum straightening of the back, but at the same time preserving the natural S-shaped position of the entire spine when viewed on the side. This structure optimally distributes body weight and retains its correct balance. The loss of a natural body configuration entails an increasing load on the spine and, as a result, pain. Mosque is not something static, it is rather a habit formed by a way of life. Therefore, it can be controlled and changed. Try to do it always and everywhere with a conscious effort.

To strengthen the back and form posture It is important to have strong abdominal muscles - This is its basis and reliable support for the spine. Having formed the abdominal muscles, you will notice how the balance of the back and body moved, the change in posture, it became not so tiring for a long time in a standing or sitting position.

A good exercise for posting posture is Walking with a book or pillow on the head. You can use visualization, mentally representing, for example, a long thread tied to your crown and pulling your head right upside down with a slightly raised chin. Use such practices during the day and try to keep your body and position of the head under constant control.

An exercise. which not only helps keep your back healthy, but also determine curvature
Exercise, which not only will help keep your back healthy, but also determine the curvature
  • Flexibility formation

With age, any person has a loss of flexibility, the joints lose their mobility, the muscles dry out, the tissues are dehydrated and compressed. All this directly affects the spine, causing back pain. This process can be resisted if you enter the flexibility exercises into the daily routine and constantly train joints. Relaxation should always precede these exercises, it is it that helps the muscles to completely stretch, and the fabrics adapt to the loads, which should also not be unnecessary.

  • How to stand correctly, sit, be driving?

Whatever you do and whatever action at one time or another performed, always try to change the situation! Do not stand, do not sit motionless! Change your body position, move from foot to foot, deviate slightly forward or backward, bend your back if possible, get up and walk from time to time.

When sitting on a chair with a back, try to sit as deeply as possible, while holding your back straight.

The sitting position creates the largest load on the spine. Therefore, if your work is connected with a sedentary lifestyle, use a convenient office chair and make sure that it is absolutely suitable for you. The same applies to the car chair. When you rise from the chair, first strain your back, raise your head and only then raise your body.

  • How to lift weights correctly?

Firstly, it is better not to lift severity at all, especially for women. This can provoke a lot of problems that will respond to back pain. But if this arises, then the raised item follows Keep as close to the body as possible, pressing the elbows to the sides. When lifting the cargo is mandatory Bend your knees To lower the center of gravity and transfer its main weight to the muscles of the hips. You can not rotate with a heavy object without moving the legs in the same direction. When placing the load, also bend your knees.

Video: Exercises for a healthy back

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Comments K. article

  1. Exercises for back pain, of course, are needed. And yet, if there is already pain, we must go to the doctor. With pain in my back, I first turned to the therapist, and then he forwarded to the neurologist. That eight -eight wrote out, feel better)

  2. Great complex - I will save myself and try to do hetya every other day)

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