Jewelry and gold jewelry with diamonds: photo, how to wear? The most beautiful, expensive diamonds and the largest diamond in the world: photo, description

Jewelry and gold jewelry with diamonds: photo, how to wear? The most beautiful, expensive diamonds and the largest diamond in the world: photo, description

The magical and healing properties of the diamond.

A diamond is a king of all stones. Any representative of the beautiful half dreams of possessing diamonds. However, in order to have them, you need to know how to wear them correctly, with which clothes you can wear diamonds and many other nuances. This will be discussed later.

How to wear diamonds correctly?

There are a lot of rules regarding how to wear diamonds correctly. If you want to have a decoration with such a stone or you already have it, then you need to know these rules and try to follow them. Only in this way you will not look tasteless from the outside.

If you believe in stories, then in the 19th century, only married girls and women could wear diamonds. But the girl, who was not married, received her own precious pebble from the groom on the engagement - it was a wedding ring.

It was also allowed to wear jewelry with diamonds after 17 hours, and for the morning and day output they advised to wear sapphire, pearl jewelry, ruby \u200b\u200band turquoise. Young girls could wear only semi -carcinated pebbles.

Rules for wearing diamonds
Rules for wearing diamonds

Currently, such rules are practically not in our life. We will consider those that are relevant specifically for our time

To work:

  • You can wear elegant jewelry with small diamonds or diamond crumbs.
  • You can not wear large diamonds in earrings and rings.
  • At a business meeting, a bracelet with this stone will be superfluous.
  • A thin chain decorated with a diamond suspension is allowed up to 1.5 cm. It goes very well with a half -open and open neckline.
  • You can wear earrings in the form of cloves with small stones.
  • You can not wear a massive diamond necklace and elongated hanging earrings.
  • Books are prohibited at all. There is really an exception - a thin twig on the left side of the jacket (but the chains in this case are prohibited).
  • It is undesirable to wear diamond jewelry that resemble a zodiac sign.
The purpose of wearing jewelry
The purpose of wearing jewelry

Purpose and type of jewelry:

  • A continuous diamond necklace can only be worn in the evening, combining it with an elegant dress. The dress itself should look like this - open shoulders, neckline or midday.
  • Large rounded pebbles on rings are suitable only for consisting women.
  • It is better for young and slender girls to give preference to bracelets with diamond crumbs and elongated hanging earrings that do not harmonize with a wide and massive neck. In general, it is advisable to choose earrings, given the hairstyle. A large diamond is ideal for a lush hairstyle, medium and small stones - under a short haircut.
  • It is advisable to wear a bracelet on his left hand. A brooch is on the left side. It is better to wear a large brooch with a large stone luxurious ladies, but the young lady is better to choose a more exquisite option that emphasizes the subtlety of nature.
  • You can not wear a diamond decoration over outerwear. You can fix it, for example, on a scarf or scarf.

Is it possible to wear diamonds every day?

The most popular diamond accessory for men is a wristwatch. But you can also meet representatives of the strong half who prefer cufflinks and rings.

Fortunately, a fashion remained in the past when men wore gold chains with crosses that were strewn with diamonds. Of course, the male set of jewelry has become much less. Sometimes diamond bracelets appear, and they are very interesting.

Expensive decoration
Expensive decoration

There are no accurate fashion in diamond jewelry for women and girls. Exhibitions have not been arranged for a long time, where you can go, see jewelry and choose something interesting for yourself. Basically, female jewelry is produced by famous films. Accordingly, new ideas and breakthroughs in jewelry are only in stagnation.

There is no such thing as "decoration for every day." You can choose for yourself the diamond decoration that you like more. But there is one main rule that you should observe - it is not recommended to wear a diamond decoration daily. This is considered Moveton.

Diamonds in jewelry
Diamonds in jewelry

For example, you come to the bank, and you are met by a girl-administrator, on whose neck a diamond necklace sparkles. This is not entirely right. After all, diamonds are considered evening stones. And they, as a rule, work perfectly with candles and special lighting. Dress such jewelry only for special occasions.

On which finger and on which hand to wear a ring and a ring with a diamond man and a woman?

As a rule, a diamond ring is customary to put on ring finger left hand or right hand. But there are other very important rules:

  • Diamond rings do not like “competitors”, respectively, you should never wear it with ordinary jewelry.
  • It is not recommended to wear an other ring on one finger, except for the engagement ring with a diamond on one finger. Even if it will also have a small diamond. Such a combination is considered unacceptable.
  • Diamond rings can also be worn on the middle finger or index. But it is undesirable to wear on a little finger or thumb. This rule must observe both women and men.
  • Of course, there are exceptions. Men who love rings-prints can easily put on such a decoration on the left hand, on the little finger.
Better to wear on a ring finger
Better to wear on a ring finger

Photo of wedding rings and male and female rings with diamonds of white and yellow gold

Currently release a very wide variety of engagement rings. But the rings with diamonds made of white and yellow gold deserve special attention:

  • Rings made in the form of a crown look very beautiful. They come with a large number of stones, can be made manually.
Wedding rings
Wedding rings
  • Fans of the classics will surely like rings made of white and yellow gold, decorated with engraving or small stones.
Engraving rings
Engraving rings
  • Vintage rings look majestic and very chic.
Vintage rings
Vintage rings
  • It also looks quite interesting on a ring finger, made in the style of Modern. Such a decoration is only made of yellow or white gold, or at the same time from two. But always with a diamond.
Modern style
Modern style

What is the best thing to wear diamonds: in a ring or in a pendant?

No one gives a definite answer to this question. Someone more like rings with diamonds, and someone prefers the pendants. If you do not know what exactly to choose, and what is better worn, then purchase both options.

Diamond pendant:

  • Of course, when choosing this decoration, take into account your own preferences. But do not rely only on these feelings. If you are not particularly versed in such jewelry, then it is advisable for you to choose with a professional consultant.
  • For daily wear, choose a small pendant with a diamond. The length of the chain will depend on what a cut of clothing you will have. Such a decoration with a fair-shaped skirt, an air blouse, and small blizzards goes well. This combination looks quite officially and feminine.
  • You can also wear a diamond pendant with a V-neck. A great option is a jumpsuit made of a black in the lowered material.
Diamonds with diamonds
Diamonds with diamonds

A ring with a diamond:

  • Choosing a diamond ring, you can also take into account your desires. The only thing you should remember about what you will wear the chosen ring.
  • The ring goes well with a classic suit, a plain and not bright blouse, a simple black dress. Such clothes can emphasize the grace of stone and will make the people around the beauty of your common image at the same time.
Diamond pendant
Diamond pendant

Were confused? Then you better choose diamond sets consisting of a ring, bracelets, earrings and a small pendant. If you are married, then the ring will suit you, if you are still in search of the second half - then the pendant.

Photo of pendants and pendants with a diamond of white and yellow gold

Any representative of the beautiful half dreams of becoming the owner of a pendant or pendant of white or yellow gold, and always with a diamond. If you belong to this category, you will definitely choose something for yourself, since at present a huge assortment of these jewelry is being sold in stores.

  • Puppies and pendants made of yellow and white gold with stones of various shapes: in the form of a heart, flower, round pendants and pendants, and so on.
A pendant with diamonds
A pendant with diamonds
Diamond flower
Diamond flower
  • With large, small, medium stones, with diamond crumbs, with a scattering of small stones.
Ball of stones
Diamond decoration
  • Puppies and pendants combining with other precious stones, for example, with sapphire, citrine, topaz, emerald and so on.
Diamond decoration with other stones
Diamond decoration with other stones
Cycle with diamonds and emeralds
Cycle with diamonds and emeralds

How many diamonds can be worn immediately?

Many women, perhaps you, will be interested in such an interesting question - “How many diamond jewelry is allowed to wear at the same time?” There are several options that we want to offer you:

  • Diamond rings with a bracelet.
  • Earrings with a pendant.
  • Earrings with a necklace.
  • Earrings with a ring and a brooch.
A set with diamonds
Diamond jewelry
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Jewelry with diamonds and other stones
Flower jewelry

Also, the following rules will help you in wearing diamonds:

  • It allows a couple, or three diamond accessories.
  • It is advisable not to combine large jewelry with diamonds with another decoration.
  • Try to choose the right jewelry according to style and shape.

Photo of silly and yellow gold -gilding diamonds

Which woman does not like earrings? Not one. And if they are made of white and yellow gold, and even have diamonds - this is generally considered the most favorite decoration of the beautiful half. Currently, you can easily buy such types of diamond earrings:

  • Cuts are earrings in the form of cloves. They can have a variety of decorating elements.
Purussets with diamonds
Cuts with diamonds
  • Earrings with a castle-slip-earrings with ornaments and patterns look very beautiful.
  • Earrings with a locking bouquet-such jewelry is very beautiful, but you need to wear them carefully enough.
Earrings with a castle slope
Earrings with a castle slope
  • Road earrings are a classic version that can be worn for a solemn event or every day.
Road earrings
  • Earrings in the form of rings - these earrings are considered the very first jewelry for the ears.
Robi earrings
Robi earrings
  • Hanging earrings - an elongated option. Can be solid or have pendants. It goes very well with the evening and cocktail outfit.
Extended earrings
Extended earrings

Do diamonds take in a pawnshop?

Diamond jewelry, of course, is taken in almost every pawnshop. Indeed, as a rule, in such institutions there are professional appraisers who can distinguish a precious pebble from a fake. There are true pawnshops where diamond jewelry is not evaluated at all.

Diamonds are taken at a pawnshop
Diamonds are taken at a pawnshop

We offer you to study some points of how to correctly pass diamond jewelry and what nuances you should take into account:

  • If the amount that you will be offered for decoration will be very small, then it is advisable for you to contact another pawnshop. But you also have the right to ask the diamond to appreciate another specialist.
  • If you decide to pass expensive diamond decoration, then you need to clarify in advance whether you have chosen an institution to accept such an expensive decoration. After all, the necessary financial resources are not always at the pawnshop.
  • In the event that you still doubt it, then it is advisable for you to turn to the pawnshop that collaborates with a jewelry store or is its daughter organization.

Photo necklace, necklaces with diamonds of white and yellow gold

Diamond necklaces and necklaces are a real dream of any woman who appreciates gloss and beauty. Currently, jewelers come up with a variety of works of art in which they combine diamonds. So, we will consider with you the most popular diamond necklaces and necklaces, which are made of yellow and white gold.

  • A diamond necklace made of yellow and white gold - this option is considered the most common. They may have floral or abstract themes. A necklace made with geometric patterns and figures look strictly. It can be put on an official event.
Diamond necklace
Diamond necklace
  • Diamond necklace made of yellow and white gold with the addition of sapphire. Such a jewelry is best suited under a blue or white outfit.
Capfirs necklace for white outfit
Capfirs necklace for white outfit
  • Diamond necklace made of yellow and white gold, with the addition of emerald. Such a necklace looks perfect if it has one large stone or several small ones.
Emerald and diamond necklace
Emerald and diamond necklace
  • Diamond necklace made of yellow and white gold, with the addition of pearls. This decoration is considered the most aristocratic.
Pearl necklace with diamonds
Pearl necklace with diamonds

Is it possible to wear diamonds to unmarried girls?

Many argue that unmarried girls can not wear diamond jewelry. This statement is not entirely correct. It is simply an unmarried girl, according to European etiquette, it is not permissible to wear a ring with a diamond and those jewelry in which there are a lot of diamonds.

It is allowed to wear a small pendant or suspension, because this is normal. And all because the diamond ring is considered a symbol of the engagement. And that representative, who already has a diamond ring on his finger, shows that marriage awaits her in the near future.

Photos of bracelets and watches of men and women with diamonds

Bracelets and diamond watches are an ideal decoration for both women and men. If you think that these jewelry are considered ordinary things, then you are deeply mistaken. Manufacturers have long realized that women are more reverent to such jewelry. Since bracelets and watches are able to emphasize the individuality of the lady, as well as her status in society and style.

Men's Watch
Assessor with diamonds
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Stylish diamond watch
Assessoir for women
Stylish watch for men
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Tender and expensive decoration for women
Bracelet with black and white diamonds
Tender decoration
Diamond bracelet for women
Decoration for men
Decoration for men

Diamond watches can be made of yellow gold, white gold, silver, titanium. They always look stylish and elegant. Often, young guys and girls are interested in such jewelry. Bracelets can be made of various shapes and design: wide, narrow, with large and small stones and so on.

Is it possible to wear other people's diamonds?

Diamonds, which previously belonged to someone, are usually called energy surprises. The precious stone has its biofield, so it can also be supplemented by the energy of the previous owner. What will be the effect of the merger of such biofields, no one knows. Accordingly, before you get together to wear such a decoration, be sure to clean the stone.

Stones have strong energy
Stones have strong energy

The diamond that you will inherit, for example, from your grandmother, is considered a very strong talisman. This stone has powerful protective forces than the diamond that you buy yourself. But this is only if you get the decoration after the death of a loved one. Another thing is if relatives give you a diamond during your lifetime. Such a stone does not carry negative energy with it.

Photo of brooches with diamonds

A brooch with diamonds is an exquisite and multifunctional jewelry. Such brooches can carry a decorative function. They perfectly emphasize the individuality of the style.

They can decorate the collars of blouses, edges of scarves and shawls, scraping, blouses and so on. A brooch is an accessory intended for those women who want to give their own image of completeness and elegance.

The variety of brooches is simply fascinating. Currently, you can choose a brooch in any jewelry salon at your discretion: in shape, style, according to the manner of execution. Jewelers boldly conduct experiments with both materials and with styles. There are three types of brooches by type of fastening:

  • Books-bulars. They are considered mega-popular. On such a jewelry there may be a flower or a small bouquet. It can be easily attached to an easy scarf, handbag, collar of a jacket or cloak.
  • Broke-worshipers. Such jewelry can be applied in order to decorate not only clothes, but also a hairstyle.
  • Books-igls. These brooches are attached to clothes using a special needle. They differ from two other species with lightness and sophisticated beauty. Ideal for decorating a coat or hat.
A brooch with jewelry
Decoration with stones
Beautiful brooch
Expensive decoration
Flower decoration

Diamond brooches are a classic version that is suitable for aristocratic natures and real connoisseurs of precious jewelry. Such brooches do not harmonize with a knitted sweater and sportswear, as well as with a dress with colorful drawings.

Should I wear a diamond found?

A diamond for a person can get in a variety of ways. But is it allowed to wear the found stone? Maybe he is able to bring trouble with him? The new owner of the jewelry will not even know that his ring or bracelet previously belonged to another person.

Why do you need to know the history of the product? And all because the product has the ability to maintain and accumulate the energy of the previous owner.

As a rule, most of the diamond products are made of pure gold. This precious metal can store the energy information that he receives from a person. If such a jewelry is worn close to the skin, it will share the energy that has accumulated.

Do not wear the decoration found
Do not wear the decoration found

If you have found a diamond, then you should know - this decoration can carry a very great danger. You do not know his past, who previously wore it, what difficulties of life the stone survived, for what reason the last owner lost it. Often, diamonds are drawn by magically rituals, for example, conspiracy, damage.

Also, a storage of diseases and various adversities can be a harmless diamond ring. And therefore, if you found a diamond, try to get rid of it quickly.

The largest diamond in the world: photo, description

The largest diamond well -known today is "Kullinan". He weighs a little over 621 g. When he was removed, they realized that this stone is part of a larger mineral. But, unfortunately, they could not find him. In England, one jeweler made a cut of stone. As a result of this, several large diamonds were obtained, and almost 100 small ones.


The largest modern diamond is "The Great Star of Africa." Its weight is a little more than 530 carats. He decorates the scepter of Britain.

The Great Star of Africa
The Great Star of Africa

But he was replaced by an even larger mineral "Golden anniversary"Found in 1980. This stone was not noticed for a long period of time, so it was given to Gabrielian the sensation, which masterfully processed it. Now this precious stone decorates the Thai crown.

Golden anniversary
Golden anniversary

The most beautiful and expensive diamonds in the world: photo, description

The most expensive and beautiful diamond throughout the world is a stone called "Pink Star". This is a large pink diamond, the weight of which is almost 60 carats. It was sold at the auction in 2013 by almost 83,000,000 dollars, thereby breaking all records for diamond prices. But a little later information appeared that the buyer was not able to pay for this decoration, respectively, Sotheby’s bought it for $ 72,000.

"Pink Star"


Video: interesting facts about diamonds

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  1. Ubiring Jewelry jewelry in Moscow specializes in creating exclusive jewelry with diamonds to order

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