Yukka Garden: transplant, care, reproduction

Yukka Garden: transplant, care, reproduction

For the first time, Yukku began to be planted in Europe in the 19th century, then the plants were decorated only with the yards of the nobility. Now culture can be found not only in private areas, but also in city parks.

If you want to plant Yukka in your garden, you should know the basic rules for landing and care. Read more about this in this article.

Yukka Garden: Description of the plant

  • Yucca Garden Flower is a beautiful evergreen plant. It has pointed leaves of lanceolate. Gathering together, the leaves form a dense outlet. The width of the leaf plate is 3-5 cm, and the length is 60 cm.
  • In the process of plant growth, the lower leaves begin to fade. Over time, they sag, forming an unusual “skirt” around the barrel of the bush. If you properly care for culture, then it will annually delight the gardener with beautiful flowers.
  • Massive peduncles. They grow up to 2 m in length. After they, beautiful flowers are formed and revealed (their number reaches 150 pcs.). They can be pink, yellow or white. The shape of the flower resembles a bell.
The plant is garden
The plant is garden

Yucca Sadovaya: landing and care

  • If you want to grow a beautiful and healthy plant, consider many features. First of all, you need to decide on the terms of landing.
  • It is necessary to take into account the features of the variety and climatic conditions of your region. Otherwise, Yucca Sadovaya can die from low temperatures.
Description of Yuki
Description of Yucca

When to plant yucca?

  • Sadovaya is proceeding to the landing of Yukki in early May. Follow the temperature of the soil.
  • As soon as it warms up up to +12 ° C, You can start planting a plant. Air temperature should be not lower than +20 ° C. Such conditions allow you to form powerful roots, which is why the plant will be more resistant to low temperatures in the fall and winter.
  • Yukka is suitable for landing in the southern regions of the country. Here the climate is more suitable for the growth of the plant.
  • In the suburbs of Yukku, garden is planted in the spring. In the south of the country, you can start landing in August. After all, the plant needs enough time to root before frost.
Planting for beautiful flowering
Planting for beautiful flowering

Recommendations for planting Yukki Sadovaya

If you want the yucca garden flower to take root in open ground, adhere to such recommendations:

  1. Leave the root neck above the surface of the earth.
  2. Dig the hole several times more compared to the width of the root system.
  3. Do not forget about drainageso that moisture in the soil does not linger.
  • If you planted Yucca in the garden, do not use powder for soil decor. Because of them, the soil becomes too dense, which prevents the penetration of oxygen to the root system.
  • It is recommended to plant yucca in the soil, the acidity of which is within the range 6-7.5 pH. The plant grows poorly in areas where direct sunlight falls. Try to plant seedlings in places where there will be a shadow at noon.
  • The site intended for planting, first cover with a layer of mulch. For this, hay or sawdust of trees is used. Thanks to the mulch layer, moisture will not evaporate from the soil.

Planting technology for the Garden Flower Yucca

If you have purchased a small seedling, dig a small hole. It should be 1.5-2 times more than the width of the roots, because the plant will grow. If the seedling is at least 3 years old, then the width of the pit should be about 1 m. The optimal depth of the hole is 45 cm.

The process of landing Yukki Sadovaya:

  1. Dig the hole.
  2. Install the plant in it, and spread the roots.
  3. Sprinkle with the soil.
  4. Remember with your hands.
  5. Pour a small amount of water at room temperature.

Yukka Sadovaya: Care

  • In order for the plant to be pleased with beautiful flowers, it must be properly taken care of. Watering should be moderate in order to prevent rotting of the root system or dry leaves.
  • Do not forget to process the bushes with insecticides and trim. This will prevent the appearance of pests and diseases. Follow the quality and number of fertilizers. More about this will be described below.
With high -quality care, flowering will be incredible
With high -quality care, flowering will be incredible

Optimum temperature and lighting

  • Yucca bushes need sufficient light and heat. It is better to plant plants in open areas of the garden with good lighting. But, the best option is penumbra. Thanks to this, the bushes will not dry from the scorching sun at noon.
  • If the plant does not have enough sunlight, the number of leaves will decrease. Because of this, the bushes will not look so beautiful. The propagation of yukki garden begins at a temperature of +20 ° C.

Features of watering

  • Make sure that the soil is not very moisturized. To understand when to start watering, take a closer look at the bushes. If the leaves have not twisted and remained even, then the culture does not need watering. If the sheet plate curls, it is required to pour a little soil.
  • In the cold season, Yucca also needs to be watered. But, at the same time, reduce the amount of water. If in the period from May to September, 2-3 liters of warm water are poured under each bush, then only 1-1.5 liters are enough in winter. Lie water to the very root.
  • If moisture lingers on the leaves, then under the influence of direct sunlight, they will begin to dry.

Remember: the lack of moisture leads to dry plants, and an excess - to root rot.

When is it better to transplant the yukka garden?

It is impossible for the plant to grow for a long time in the same place. Otherwise, it will grow strongly. Periodically, the bushes need to be transplanted. It is better to do it In May or in August.

At the same time, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. When you dig a plant, do not damage the root system.
  2. Deepen the roots to a depth of 70 cm.
  3. Plant the processes as a separate plant.
  4. Fertilize.

After transplantation, the plant will bloom after 10-12 months.

How to feed Yukka Sadovaya?

  • You can not use the yukki for the fertilizer cow or bird droppings. Such components provoke plant dryness. Follow the number of fertilizers. If there are too many of them, leaves will grow, but the flowers will not be formed.
  • The first top dressing is made when they appear the first leaves. Use drugs that are used to fertilize indoor plants.
  • You can make complex mineral components, which include a little nitrogen. Cook the solution according to the instructions so as not to harm the plant. Pour 1 liter of fertilizer under each bush.
Feed Yuki so that she blooms beautifully
Feed yucca so that it blooms beautifully

How to trim the yucca garden?

  • The main purpose of the pruning of Yukki Sadovaya - rejuvenation plants. To arouse the side buds, cut off the main stem. If you do not need new shoots, it is enough to remove the spoiled leaves.
  • Start trimming in the fall, when the culture blooms. Pre -remove damaged leaves and stems. In order not to break the structure of the plant, the leaves do not need to be cut completely. It is enough to retreat 2 cm from the barrel.

Yucca Sadovy flower: how to care for in winter?

  • If in winter not to care for Yukka, she will begin to die.
  • Therefore, you need to protect plants from frosts. How to do this will be told later.

Digging for the winter

  • Not every variety needs to dig in the winter. Variety yucci sizai or filament They have high resistance to frost. Therefore, at short temperatures, they will not suffer.
  • If you live in a region where winter is quite cold, better cover the bushes. Young bushes that were planted 1-2 years ago also need shelter.

How to prepare Yucca Sadovaya for winter?

There are several ways to prepare Yukki Sadovaya for winter frosts:

  • When dry weather is installed on the street, collect the bush in a bund with a dense rope. Tilt the leaves located below to the ground. Cover them with wood sawdust and plastic film. Cover the basis of the barrel with a pitch from the soil.
For the winter
For the winter
  • Cover the plant Box made of wood. Pour on the sawdust on top of the sawdust, and cover with a film.
  • Cover the bush polystyrene. Then sprinkle with dry leaves and straw. Wrap the plant with a film.

It is better to start warming yucca in October, A few weeks before the alleged frosts. Remove protective shelters only after frosts disappear.

Yukki Sadovaya diseases and their treatment

Yucca Garden is a plant that is often affected by diseases and parasites. It is necessary to carefully monitor the state of the bush, and timely take measures to combat them.

Treatment of diseases

Most often, Yucca Sadovaya suffers from such diseases:

  • Anthracnosis. Symptoms appear in the form of brown and brown spots on the leaves. It occurs due to high humidity. To combat anthracnosis, the bushes need to be sprayed with a solution of "Fundazole" (30 g per 4 l of water).
Spraying is required
Spraying is required
  • Powder. The disease occurs if high humidity and cool weather are combined. A white plaque appears on the plant. Treatment is carried out using "topaz" (40 g per 5 l of water).
  • Currently. The disease appears if you often water the culture. Symptoms are in the form of brown convex spots. To get rid of signs of the disease, treat the bushes with a solution of Fundazole. Dilute the drug according to the instructions. Carry out processing every 10 days.

The fight against parasites

On the bushes of Yukki you can notice such pests:

  1. Slugs. You can get rid of them with insecticides.
  2. Shield. To eliminate parasites, wipe the leaves with a wet cloth. You can also spray the bushes by the "actor".
  3. Spider mite. The drug "Iskra" helps to fight it.

Yucca Sadovaya: Propagation

Yucca Garden is propagated in several ways. More information about each of them will be described later.

Propagation with tops

The process of dividing Yukki Sadovaya is as follows:

  1. Cut the upper leaf outlet.
  2. Remove the lower leaves and dry the planting material for several hours.
  3. Put in the ground.
  4. Cover with a glass jar.
  5. Water the seedling until he grabs the roots.

Cutting technology

  • In April, Yucca is propagated by cuttings. This process occurs when you need to remove extra shoots. First, the cuttings are dried for an hour. After transplanted in a small greenhouse.
  • Literally after 30-45 days, roots are formed. Then you can transplant the plant into open ground.

Sending lateral processes

  • If you want to plant a yucca, cut a slightly root system. The incision should be done at a distance of 35-40 cm from the lower leaves.
  • Apply wet moss to the cut site, and wrap it with plastic wrap. Over time, stalks with roots will form. It must be cut off from the main part, and put in a flower pot. When the plant reaches a height of 30-40 cm, transplant it into open ground.

Care for Yukka Sadovaya: Possible problems

If you do not comply with the rules for the care of Yukka Sadovaya, such problems may arise:

  1. The pallor of the leaves. The problem occurs if the plant does not receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. To correct the situation, transfer the bush to a more sunny site.
  2. Brown shade of leaves. It occurs if the plant does not have enough moisture or strong drafts on the site.
  3. Light spots on leaf plates. The problem appears if moisture falls on the leaves. Under the influence of the sun, burns are formed.
  4. Twisting the leaf plate. The main reason is the lack of heat.
Follow the plant so that your yucca blooms just as beautiful
Follow the plant so that your yucca blooms just as beautiful

So, now you know how to grow yucca at home. Try to choose the right place for landing, soil and planting material. The intensity of growth and flowering of the bush depends only on your efforts.

We will also talk about leaving such plants:

Video: Care for Ninchate Yukka

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