Temporary hair dye, colored crayons, lipstick, hair markers for Aliexpress: price, catalog, reviews

Temporary hair dye, colored crayons, lipstick, hair markers for Aliexpress: price, catalog, reviews

In the article - about what means for temporary hair coloring can be bought for Aliexpress. Find out how to buy crayons, lipstick, male, hair mascara, how to use them.

Do you like to look bright and unusual, often change your appearance? Buy on Aliexpress Temporary hair dyeing agent. Among the huge number of colors and shades, you will certainly find the one that you will like.

One -time temporary paint on Aliexpress: catalog, price

Important: to buy skin care products, hair and nails, as well as many other products, from clothes and household trifles to digital equipment, register for Aliexpress. Read the article on our website " The first order for Aliexpress. How to make an order for Aliexpress step by step?", So that when registering and placing the first order you do not have difficulty.

A one -time temporal dye with Ali will help you change your hair color to quite natural or very unusual, such as pink, green or orange. Do not think that the word “one -time” means that the color will disappear immediately when washing the head first. He will go very quickly to “no” with every contact with water, but for some time the shade will remain. Consider this if you want to radically change your image for any event.

Means for temporary hair dyeing for aliexpress.
Means for temporary hair dyeing for aliexpress.

To choose a temporary hair coloring tool from one of the sellers of the Chinese trading platform:

You can also use the search window on the main page of the site by introducing a request into it " temporary hair dye».

Croes for temporary hair dyeing with aliexpress.
Croes for temporary hair dyeing with aliexpress.

Having studied the assortment of tools for one -time hair coloring, you will see that it includes:

Pasta for temporary hair dyeing with aliexpress.
Pasta for temporary hair dyeing with aliexpress.

These funds have a lot of advantages:

  1. They are easy to use. Read in the description to the product, reviews to it or in the instructions on how to apply the product. Usually, it is necessary to divide the hair into strands, alternately dye it into one touch.
  2. They do not stain the skin. If by negligence you stained your forehead or ears, just remove the remedy for a napkin moistened in water.
  3. They quickly wash off. Not at a time, most often. But quickly enough so that the bright hairstyle does not have time to get bored with yourself and others.
  4. They are safe. The paint, which is washed off when using shampoo only a couple of times, less harms the hair, their roots and scalp than persistent paint.
  5. They are cheap. You can buy several shades at once to try on several images in a short time. Choose shops with free delivery. For example, for one tube of hair for hair you will have to give only about 100 rubles, for a comb - about 150 rubles.
  6. They are very diverse. From the blonde do you want to become red? Want to add a rubbish or plum to your dark color? Want to make several pink strands or wear a rainbow on your head? Please! The palette of funds sometimes consists of dozens of colors.
Mascara for temporary hair dyeing with aliexpress.
Mascara for temporary hair dyeing with aliexpress.

IMPORTANT: Carefully read the instructions! Not all shades of not all means are able to completely block the color of your hair if it is too dark.

Means for disposable hair dyeing will undoubtedly help out if you have a daughter - a teenager who strives to express her personality or just really wants to be like you, adult. Ordinary persistent hair dyes are harmful and contraindicated to her. A one -time remedy will satisfy the whims of transitional age without prejudice to the girl’s health.

Do you want your hair to shine in the dark? Buy a fluorescent hair coloring agent for aliexpress.
Do you want your hair to shine in the dark? Buy a fluorescent hair coloring agent for aliexpress.

Color cosmetic hair for hair on Aliexpress: catalog, price

If you or your daughter are going to a disco, an evening walk in the summer, you just want to experiment on yourself and surprise others with an unusual and unnatural, but beautiful and bright hair color, small ones With Aliexpress will allow you to change the image in the literal sense in a few minutes!

Loars for temporary hair dyeing with aliexpress: the palette has dozens of flowers.
Loars for temporary hair dyeing with aliexpress: the palette has dozens of flowers.

What do I need to do?

  1. Go to Ali, enter the “Loars for Hair” request into the search window.
  2. View the range of sentences.
  3. Choose shops with the best rating, a large number of orders and free delivery.
  4. Choose the colors you need. Usually, they are bought a set. For a set of 4 colors, you will have to pay about 200 rubles, out of 6 colors - about 300 rubles.
  5. Put an order and wait until the parcel with Ali comes to your post office.
  6. Starting to stain, put gloves in your hands and tighten your shoulders with an old towel.
  7. Divide the hair into strands, twist each of them into a flagellum.
  8. Dark hair must be slightly moistened!
  9. Spend shafts on the strands 1-2 times to achieve the color you need.
A set of 4 small hair for Aaliexpress costs about 200 rubles.

Important: crayons are coloring! If your dyed hair reaches clothes and leave traces on it, do not panic. Everything is being ground successfully at a time.

In order not to stain your hands, buy such a convenient chalk for hair dyeing.
In order not to stain your hands, buy such a convenient chalk for hair dyeing.

Before staining crayons, think through the design of your hairstyle well. The combination of pink-red-lilac, purple-green-turquoise, pink-yellow-orange and rainbow is very beautiful.

Video: Hair Chaklin Smings with AliExpress

Hair lipstick on Aliexpress: catalog, price

On the Aliexpress can buy hair lipstick for hair coloring. Her shades are natural:

  • black
  • brown
  • dark brown
Lipstick for dyeing gray hair.
Lipstick for dyeing gray hair.

The product is designed to dye gray hair on strands in one touch. It is suitable for both women and men.
Hair lipstick for Aliexpress 150 - 200 rubles per tube.

Hair Markers for Aliexpress: Catalog, Price

Hair markerswith Ali, these are the same shallows, only more fat and in a more convenient form. Their advantages are as follows:

  • they do not get their hands getting stained
  • thanks to creamy texture, it is better for dyeing dark hair
  • markers' consumption is more economical
A means for dyeing gray hair in the form of a marker.
A means for dyeing gray hair in the form of a marker.

On the website of the Chinese trading platform you can choose temporary hair dye in the form of a marker of natural colors to paint a gray hair, for example, and bright and unusual.

Colored markers for temporary hair dyeing with aliexpress.
Colored markers for temporary hair dyeing with aliexpress.

Paints, crayons, lipsticks, markers for hair: reviews

From reviews about paints, crayons and other means for temporary hair dyeing with Aliexpress You will receive information about:

  • how quickly the order is delivered from a particular store
  • whether the product corresponds to the description
  • is it easy to use it
  • does the product have disadvantages (paints, gluing hair, is nothed off poorly, does not take dark hair, so on)

On the photos attached to some reviews, you will see how the product you choose in reality.

Reviews of the crest
Reviews about the crest for temporary hair dyeing with aliexpress.
Pencil reviews
Reviews of pencils for temporary hair dyeing with aliexpress.
Reviews are small
Reviews about crayons for temporary hair dyeing with aliexpress.

Video: how to dye hair with "shallows for hair"?

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