Delicious classic fish made of fish: recipes from ruff, carp, perch, head and tail, red fish

Delicious classic fish made of fish: recipes from ruff, carp, perch, head and tail, red fish

In this article you will find many delicious recipes for a real classic fish soup.

Everyone loves ear, without exception. Naturally, if you cook your ear for children, then you need to choose fish without bones. Read to another article on our website, what fish dishes and from which fish You can cook. Below you will find delicious recipes for the soup, as well as tips on the preparation and choice of fish. Read further.

How to choose fish for the soup: tips, ear from which type of fish is tastier and better?

The ear is tastier and better made of good large fish: carp, pikes, trout
The ear is tastier and better made of good large fish: carp, pikes, trout

Ears are a traditional hot dish that is customary to cook from several types of fish. The most important rule for making such a soup is fresh fish caught. The dish of the lieutenant or even more frozen fish has nothing to do with the real ear. It will be ordinary fish soup. How to choose fish for soup? Below you will find useful tips. What kind of fish is tastier and better?

As mentioned above, it is better to cook an ear of just caught fish. However, if you do not have one, then read the tips below:

  • The best choice for making soup will be river fish, it has a special sweet taste and will give the dish the adhesive and aroma, which is characteristic of the traditional recipe.
  • The most delicious ear is obtained from representatives of red fish - sturgeon, salmon, beluga, trout. In royal times, a dish of such fish was served only for noble rich people.
  • What a sea the most useful fish, read this link.
  • A good ear is also obtained from river representatives - pike perch, perch, ruff, carp, crucian carp, perch.
  • Even professional chefs are preparing such a fish such as cod, a plague, and bulls.
  • Do not advise taking herring fish for the ears, as well as roach, vobla, ram. Such a fish is suitable for ordinary soups, salting and slugging.

Interesting: According to traditional recipes for real cooks, a red fish ear can only be cooked from one type of fish.

In other options, in the ear from other types of fish, it is worth adding 2 to 4 types. Read to another article on our website about the advice of experienced fishermen.

How much to cook, cook sea, river fish for a classic soup?

Cook fish for soup no more than 30 minutes
Cook fish for soup no more than 30 minutes

The main thing in the preparation of soup is the cook of fish. It is important not to digest her so that she does not fall apart. Raw fish is not tasty and not at all useful. How much to cook, cook sea, river fish for a classic soup? Here's the answer to this question:

  • The cooking time of the classic ear directly depends on the fish that is used.
  • Small river fish is cooked for 7-20 minutes.
  • The maximum time is preparing a dish of fish with scales and fins. In this recipe, the fish is washed from mucus and gutters, and scales are left to give the broth a special navar.
  • If you use large fish, you will have to cook your ear 30-40 minutes over low heat.

Important: It is forbidden to digest fish, otherwise it will lose their juiciness and its taste.

The cooking time of sea fish similarly depends on its size, but in general it takes a little less time than cooking river - 5 to 15 minutes. In many recipes, the ears, vegetables or cereals are added to the fish, then the total cooking time will be 50-60 minutes.

Delicious ear from red fish, salmon with cream at home - how to cook: recipe with photo

Delicious ear from red fish, salmon with cream at home
Delicious ear from red fish, salmon with cream at home

If you make a red fish ear, the dish will undoubtedly appeal to all guests. And combined with cream acquires a unique taste and aroma. A similar option for such a soup with the addition of milk or cream is called the ear in Finnish. How to cook? Here is a recipe for delicious red fish soup, salmon with cream at home with a photo:


  • Salmon fillet - 500 g
  • Scraping salmon or other red fish - 500 g
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Water - 650 ml
  • Cream 10% - 250 g
  • Milk - 375 g
  • Dill - 1 bundle
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Red pepper - 1 tsp
  • Onions - 0.5 pcs.


Fold the fish soup in the broth
Fold the fish soup in the broth
  1. First of all, we clean the onion of the peel and with a knife make an incision on both sides so that the onion gives its juice.
  2. We take a pan, best with a thick bottom, put in it 400-500 grams Cutting red fish, pour water, and throw onions, salt and pepper there. Cook - 15 minutes.
  3. At this time, we clean potatoes and carrots, cut into large cubes. Professional chefs advise cutting vegetables in the ear, as larger as possible. So it will turn out tastier.
  4. When the broth was cooked, we catch fish and onions and in return we throw potatoes, carrots and onions, cook again 15 minutes.
  5. We cut fish fillet into pieces, the optimal size is approximately 2 cm.
  6. Mix the cream fill, for this we pour milk, cream and pour a little flour, stir and pour into the broth.
  7. Let the dish boil a little and add fillet and chopped dill to it. Cover with a lid and leave to stew on low heat again 5-7 minutes.
  8. Turn off the fire and let the ear brew 5 minutes. After that, you can serve on the table.

Important:It is necessary to remove the foam during cooking with a noise, which is formed during cooking. This will allow the broth to remain transparent.

Tasty, classic ear from river fish - how to cook: a recipe for a homemade carp from carp, a ruff with a photo

Tasty, classic ear from river fish
Tasty, classic ear from river fish

The peculiarity of this recipe is a double broth. At the same time, the first broth must be boiled in small ruffs, and the second on any other fish. Below you will find a recipe for a delicious, classic homemade soup made of river fish with a photo. In it, the second broth will be cooked from carp, and the first of the ruff.


  • Ruff - 250 g
  • Carps - 300 g (or other river fish)
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Potato-2-3 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Bay leaf - a couple of pieces
  • Black pepper (peas)


Fish from fish is almost ready
Fish from fish is almost ready
  1. We start processing the catch. The most important thing is that there are ruffs, because it is for them that the first broth will be cooked. The second, and if desired, the third and even fourth broth can be boiled on any fish, depends on your imagination and catch. If the fish is small, then we do not clean the scales, but cut only the gills. Then we rinse the fish well from the inside to remove the intestines.
  2. The washed and cleaned fish is still put off, we proceed to the rest of the products. We cut onions and carrots, make a roasting in sunflower oil from them. Some are done on creamy, it turns out a slightly different taste. We also cut potatoes, you can cubes, can be bars, the main thing is larger.
  3. While we cut vegetables, the water should already boil, reduce the fire a little and put the prepared fish, salt the broth and cook it for minutes 15-20.
  4. We remove boiled ruffs from the pan, filter the ear, and throw the second type of fish, again cook around 15 minutes. If you use some other type of fish, we repeat the procedure. Thus, you will get a triple broth, and the ear will be called the national team. But do not overdo it, it is not recommended to use more than four types.
  5. When the dish is almost ready, we throw on it an onion-gluing roasting, bay leaf and spices. Be sure to add pepper with peas, the rest is at your request.

We remove carps and other fish from the finished dish and serve separately. Enjoy your meal!

Tasty Ear from perch: recipe

Delicious ear from perch
Delicious ear from perch

Perch meat is distinguished by special juiciness and tenderness. The ear from it is tasty, rich and fragrant. Many fishermen and cooks prefer perches for dishes. In this recipe, the ear is prepared in nature in the cauldron, small perch are taken as the basis.


  • Water - 5 l
  • Small perch - 15 pcs.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • A mixture of peppers - 1 tsp
  • Large carrots - 1 pc.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Lavrushka-2-3 pcs.
  • Fragrant pepper-4-5 pcs.
  • Fresh greens-4-5 twigs.


  1. First, we will deal with the fish. We take our perch, rinse them well and take out all the insides, cut off the gills and rinse it again. Do not cut off your head and fins, with them the dish comes out more richly.
  2. We make a fire and put a cauldron on it, filled with water, wait until the water will boil, and send a onion and carrots there ( 1 pc. whole).
  3. Through 5 minutes We send the fish to them, season with laurel sheet and several peas of black pepper.
  4. Near 15 minutes We extinguish our dish at the stake, the main thing is to ensure that the water does not boil very much.
  5. The foam will appear periodically, be sure to remove it, otherwise the broth will be cloudy.
  6. We throw boiled vegetables, we put the fish, you can also throw it very small, leave the larger specimens and serve separately to the main dish.
  7. We fill the greens and other spices in the already finished dish under the lid or add portioned each to the plate.

Advice: If you are preparing an ear in nature, there is a fishing custom - before the end of cooking, to put out a burning birch fire in the ear. To this custom, a couple more glasses of vodka are added directly to the soup, so the broth will turn out clean and transparent.

Tasty, classic ear from the head and tail of fish - how to cook broth at home: a recipe from fish and potatoes with a photo

Tasty, classic ear from the head and tail of the fish
Tasty, classic ear from the head and tail of the fish

If there are no whole fish in stock, but only heads and tails remain, this will not hurt to make a good ear. How to cook delicious broth at home? Below you will find a recipe for fish and potatoes with a photo. It will turn out a delicious and classic ear from the head and tail of the fish.


  • 2 l of water
  • Fish and tails (take pike perch, but you can replace another fish)
  • 5-6 pcs. potatoes
  • 1 onion head
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 parsley root (also use parsnip, onions and celery)
  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 1-2 tsp tomato paste
  • Softened butter (you can take margarine)
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • Ground paprika - on the tip of a knife
  • Salt, pepper - according to your preferences
  • Fresh dill or parsley (can be used together)


Fold the heads and tails and cook the broth for the soup
Fold the heads and tails and cook the broth for the soup
  1. If you gave baked pike perch for dinner, and bones and head with a tail remained from it, do not rush to throw them out. Boil a real delicious ear from them. To do this, we put fish scraps into a pan or cauldron, pour water.
  2. We suck boiling water and cook the broth approximately 25 minutes, we make sure that the water does not boil much, this will poorly affect the taste of the finished dish.
  3. In addition to fish, we will need vegetables, mainly take onions, potatoes and carrots, but many recommend adding parsley, garlic or celery stalk also to add also.
  4. In this recipe, we will need a couple more tomatoes.
  5. Rinse all the vegetables, cut it as it is convenient.
  6. It is desirable to get rid of the skin. To do this, it will be poured with boiling water, and the skin will move very easily.
  7. While we were engaged in vegetables, pike perch broth is ready, the heads and tails themselves can be thrown out and vegetables (except for tomatoes).
  8. Cook the ear until the potato becomes soft, add tomato paste and tomatoes. We pour our favorite spices and stew the dish for a few more minutes.
  9. To make the dish even tastier, add a little butter and greens to it and leave it on the plate under the lid.
  10. Now you can pour it on portioned plates and serve.

Note: If you want to make the ear more thick, it is permissible to add a little millet, rice, semolina or potato puree.

Tasty, classic ear from small fish: recipe for cooking

Tasty, classic ear from small fish
Tasty, classic ear from small fish

For cooking, such a fish as bleak, perch, umbra, fast and any other small river will be suitable - you will need 12-15 pieces. Here is a recipe for cooking a tasty, classic sulfur from small fish:


  • Small fish - 15 pcs. (you can use the same fish or assorted of 3-4 types)
  • Carrot - 2 pcs.
  • Parsley root - 1 pc.
  • The stalk of celery - 2 pcs.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Pigles with peas-7-10 pcs.
  • Parsley - 5 g
  • Dill - 5 g
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Vodka - 50 ml.


  1. If one trifle and more than one large fish came across in the catch, prepare the ear. An ideal option will be a different fish, but if only one species is also good in the catch.
  2. We wash the “trifle” and relieve the insides. If this is not done, the broth will be given bitterness. We cut the gills too. It is recommended to cook small fish by wrapping it in gauze. But you can do without it.
  3. 12-15 We send cleaned fish to the cauldron and cook around 15 minutes, the main thing is not to digest.
  4. At this time, we go to the vegetables. We will use carrots, celery and parsley for dishes. Half of the vegetables, so that it becomes greeting and tastier, throw it entirely into the soup and then throw it out.
  5. Grind the second half of the vegetables and, if desired, fry in oil. If you are in nature, you can do without frying, the main thing in your ear is a fish, the rest simply complements the dish.
  6. Cook the ear on low heat approximately 25-30 minutes. If large fish came across in the catch, we also throw them into the soup, but first remove the trifle and strain the broth. We continue to cook some more 20 minutes.
  7. The broth must be strain again, do not throw large fish, we return it to the ear or serve separately.
  8. Almost before the presentation, we throw fried vegetables, spices, a little salt. It turns out deliciously if you add a little spice for fish and bay leaf. Let the dish stand under the lid 5-7 minutesand serve to the table.

On a note: If you want the broth to get a beautiful golden hue, send an uncleaned onion to it. Then just get it and throw it away.

Tasty, classic ear from large fish: recipe for cooking good fish

Tasty, classic ear from large fish
Tasty, classic ear from large fish

If it so happened that you bought a large fish in the store or in the catch, such as bream, you can make a delicious, earned dish from it. Here is a recipe for making good fish - a classic ear from large fish:


  • 1.5-2 kg bream
  • 1 large carrots
  • 1 onion (on -hand)
  • 2 young potatoes
  • 50 grams of millet or other cereals
  • 2 branches of fresh herbs (dill, parsley)
  • 5-6 peas of fragrant pepper
  • Sunflower oil to fry vegetables
  • 1 tsp salt, pepper, favorite spices


  1. First we gut the large breams, it is best if they are freshly.
  2. We cut off their heads, tails, cut the gills.
  3. If a large fish is worth cleaning it from scales.
  4. Rinse the fish in water and cut into steaks, send them to cook on a stove or bonfire. We also throw the onions and carrots there.
  5. After boiling, cook the fish about 15 minutes.
  6. When the foam appears, remove it with a slotted spoon. If you neglect this rule, the broth can become cloudy.
  7. When the fish was welded, we take it out of the broth.
  8. We also act with vegetables. Onions and carrots can be safely thrown away, they have already completed their work. But if you like carrots, it can be cut and returned to the soup. We put the bream steaks aside.
  9. We filter the broth, you can do this with a sieve. If it is not at hand, we take ordinary gauze.
  10. Now you will need millet or other cereals. Fishermen do not recognize the addition of cereal in the ear, but if you want to make it thicker, then feel free to add. The washed millet and chopped potatoes are sent to the soup and cook until they are ready.
  11. At the very end, we send all the other ingredients - tomato paste, salt, pepper, spices, bay leaf and leave under the lid for a while, the dish will become even tastier.

For serving, pour a hot dish on plates. We lay out in each portion 1-2 pieces Boiled bream.

How to get rid of the smell of fish on the hands, in the house: tips

Get rid of the smell of fish in your hands, in the house simply
Get rid of the smell of fish in your hands, in the house simply

The fish made of fish is truly a fragrant and tasty dish, but after preparing it you can encounter an unpleasant smell of hands, which does not disappear even after repeated washing. How to get rid of the smell of fish on the hands, in the house? Here are tips and available funds:

  1. Citruses - The juice of lemon, orange or tangerine will help remove the smell, sprinkle your hand with juice, and then rinse with water. If there is no lemon at home, you can use citric acid diluted in water.
  2. Acetic acid - You should mix two tablespoons of vinegar and slightly water, wash your hands in this solution.
  3. Toothpaste - Pour a small amount of pasta on your hands and rub it for a minute.
  4. Coffee - Coffee grains are famous for the ability to neutralize different smells, you just need to wet your hands and grind in them grain or ground coffee.
  5. Alcohol - Any alcohol or vodka is suitable, you just need to moisten the cotton pad with alcohol and wipe your hands.
  6. Shampoo - The easiest option just wash your hands, using hair shampoo instead of soap.

If the obsessive fish smell is in the apartment, you should well ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning with water with a few drops of vinegar. If you have, you can use the aroma lamp, with which the apartment will be filled with a pleasant smell of essential oils.

To remove fish smell from dishes or knives You can use soda or mustard powder diluted in a small amount of water. Grate the dishes with the resulting mass and let it stand a little, then rinse with water. Now you can safely serve dishes on the table and not worry that it smells of fish. Enjoy your meal!

Video: ear. The most correct recipe for real fish soup. Preparing Nikita Sergeevich

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