Cherry jam without bones: recipe. How to do it and we are waiting for confiture from cherries: recipe for the winter

Cherry jam without bones: recipe. How to do it and we are waiting for confiture from cherries: recipe for the winter

Cherry jam is a delicious treat that is easy to cook yourself. This requires a minimum set of ingredients and time. This article offers recipes for cooking jam with different thickeners and additives.

How to cook jam from cherries without bones with gelatin at home?

Jam - Beloved berry beloved by many or fruit jam. It is prepared in an original way so that a homogeneous thick mass is obtained Without a single bone. It is nice to add such a jam to baking, ice cream, desserts, spread on bread, and just eat a spoon during a tea party.

Depending on the recipe, you must use different thickening:

  • Gelatin
  • Agar-Agar
  • Pectin
  • Starch
  • Sugar

Not rare jam cooked with gelatincalled "jelly". The reason for this is a pleasant solid consistency of jam, which after cooking "Falls" in a jar. A pleasant feature of the jam is that it does not require much effort and time.

Cherry jam - a delicious dessert cooked with your own hands

To prepare a cherry jam with a gelatin, you will need:

  • Ripe cherry - 1 kilo
  • Sand sugar - 1 kilo
  • Gelatin - pack (about 20 grams)

This recipe is very simple, as it contains the minimum set of ingredients. Such a jam can delight you with the taste of fresh cherries all year round.


  • Before you cook jam, cherry should be prepared. To do this, it is washed carefully and is cleaned of the seeds. You can use a special device that carefully removes the pulp of the pulp.
  • All cleansed number of berries should be filled with a kilogram of sugar And leave in order for the berry to “let the juice” and the sand dissolves.
  • While the berry is "standing", you can leave to swell the gelatin. A pack of gelatin should be poured with half a glass of cold water and left in a calm state for half an hour. After that, gelatin is heated in a steam bath until completely dissolved.
  • When you notice that cherry "let the juice" Put it on the fire. It’s not worth boiling for a long time. It is enough to wait for a boil and wait five minutes. In all the time stir the jam thoroughlyso that it does not burn.
  • Five minutes later, pour the gelatin with an onca stream, Mixing the jam. Without waiting for the mass of mass, roll up jam into sterile jars. After the jam has cooled, it will take a more elastic thick shape similar to jelly.

Such a jam is very nice to open in winter. It has a saturated berry taste and a thick yield structure. Jam easily spreads the bread and "holds shape."

Video: "Cherry jelly for the winter"

Cherry confiture recipe for the winter

Confitis is a sweet "French jam." It is ideal for filling in any pastries: pies, pies, desserts, straps and even cakes. It is not difficult to cook real "confin", because this will require a simple set of ingredients:

  • Cherry without a bone - 1 kilo
  • Sugar - 1 kilo (you can reduce the amount to 700 to taste)
  • Vanillin - One bag
Confiture - cherry jam


  • Cooking confitures should only from cherry washed and peeled. To do this, you can use a special device, or you can remove the bone manually.
  • Cleaned cherry falls asleep with sugar and left In this state for two or three hours. Cherry should be filled with sugar in an enameled bowl, then put it on the fire.
  • "Proceeding the juice" cherry should be put on fire For boiling. Boil jam for about ten minutes and all this time thoroughly interfere with the mass so that it does not burn, and also does not spoil the taste.
  • During boiling add vanillin bag And mix the mass thoroughly, completely dissolving it. Vanilin will give the confiture a pleasant dessert aroma.
  • A long boiling confiture is needed in order to maximize the gross skin as much as possible. After cooking, let the mass cool and chop it with a blender.
  • The grinded cherry should be boiled again. If you notice a high foam - be sure to delete it at every appearance.
  • Hot confiture roll up In sterilized jars and remove them for storage for the winter. During the storage of confiture, it will become thicker, and also find a rich taste.

Video: "French cherry confiture"

Cherry jam with soda, how to cook for the winter?

Cherry is a sour berry, this is known to every mistress. To cook sweet jam from cherries, you have to add a large amount of sugar. But it often happens that the jam comes out with liquid. This is because cherry is a berry with a non -high pectin content.

Exactly sugar thickens jam Or jam, but also gives him a taste of caramel. Such a taste is not always pleasant and can give a bitterness. To get rid of excess acid Cherries and cook really delicious jam, you should use the "cunning grandmother's recipe."

You can extinguish the acid of cherries with ordinary baking soda. As a result, sugar in jam is less and it is not bitter. “Jam with soda” turns out to be light, but has a slightly purple unusual shade.

Cherry jam with soda, original cooking

You will need:

  • Cherry without a bone - 1 kilo
  • Sand sugar - 0.5 kilos
  • Soda - a large pinch
  • Cinnamon - to taste


  • Cherry follows clean the bone the usual way. Often in cherries there are worms, but this berry does not spoil at all. Just soak it for half an hour in the cold. After that, throw at a colander and dry.
  • Dried cherries should be transferred to a blender And grind until a homogeneous mass. Put the mass in an enameled saucepan on the fire and cook for about half an hour until evaporation.
  • Add soda to the cherry mass. You can notice how unusual green foam is formed on the surface. You do not need to remove it. Just mix the mass.
  • Add sugar and again Mix jam thoroughlyso that it completely dissolves and does not have the opportunity to burn. Such a cook should continue about 25 minutes. All this time, the mass should be thoroughly interfered with the desired consistency.
  • Five minutes before the end of cooking jam, you can add cinnamon. It can be one wand, or there can be a powder (half a teaspoon). If you put a wand, after cooking it is pulled out.

Video: "Cherry jam with soda, an unusual recipe"

Cherry jam with agar-agar, workpiece for the winter

Cherry does not have a large supply of pectin and therefore poorly “thickens” in jam or jam. That is why they try to add to the mass thickenersOne of which is Agar-Agar.

Agar-Agar - This is a natural gelatin of plant origin, which is extracted from algae. It differs in that it has quite strong binding properties, stronger than that of gelatin.

You will need:

  • Cherry without a bone - 1 kilo
  • Sand sugar - 1 kilo
  • Agar-Agar-no more than 5 grams (this is one and a half teaspoons)
Cherry jam, cooking with agar-agar


  • Cherry it is cleaned of the bone. The purified cherries should be folded into a blender bowl and finely interrupted to a liquid homogeneous state.
  • Transfer the berry mass in a pan for cooking. Add sugar right away and start cooking jam. Before boiling - over high heat, after a moderate fire.
  • After you bring the mass to a boilA white foam will appear ten minutes later. Each time when it appears Remove the foam.
  • During the cooking of jam follows regularly interfere with the massso that she does not burn due to a large amount of sugar. After ten minutes of cooking, remove the pan from the fire and leave her to cool.
  • Prepare Agar-Agar for Jem: Mix five grams of agar-agar with a spoonful of sugar. Gradually pour it into the mass, mixing thoroughly.
  • After that, the berry mass should be boiled and hot in sterile dry jars should be boiled again, and then rolled up and removed for storage.

Video: "Cherry in jelly for the winter"

Cherry Jam: Pectin Recipe

You can increase the amount of pectin into cherries using artificial pectin. Pectin is a polysaccharide that serves as a “thickened”. Jam with a pectin is thick and has a pleasant rich taste.

You will need:

  • Cherry without a bone - 1.5 kilos
  • Sand sugar - approximately two full glasses
  • Pectin - a full teaspoon (approximately 6 grams)
Preparation of cherry jam with the addition of pectin


  • The whole number of cherries follows clean the bone And with the help of a blender, grind into a homogeneous mass. The presence of the berry part is acceptable in the form of small skins.
  • Put the mass on the fire and boil it to thicken About half an hour. After that, pour the entire amount of sugar and continue cooking for ten minutes, actively mixing the jam.
  • Remove the berry mass from the heat And pour pectin. Mix thoroughly. Boil again and roll up hot jam into sterile jars. During the storage, jam will harden and become thick.

To taste in jam you can add cinnamon, zest or lemon juice so that the jam gains a pleasant and unusual shade.

Video: "Why do you need pectin in jam?"

How to cook jam from cherries with chocolate

A very unusual and original jam recipe will be his cooking with cocoa. The classic combination of cherries and chocolate pleases its pleasant sweetness and saturation. You can cook cherry-chocolate jam at home.

You will need:

  • Cherry without a bone - approximately 800 grams
  • Sugar sand - 0.6 kilos
  • Cocoa - (powder) 60 grams
Cherry jam with chocolate - a delicious combination of ingredients


  • Clean the cherry of the bone, trying to maintain its integrity. Fold the cherry in the bowl of the blender And grind to the liquid homogeneous mass.
  • Start mass boiling In an enameled pan, adding sugar. Cook the mass for about ten minutes after boiling, thoroughly mixing every 30 seconds.
  • Add cocoa to the mass. Add it gradually and mix the mass thoroughly. In this case, cocoa will act as a thickener and will be able to give Jem the desired consistency.
  • If the mass turns out to be too thick and it seems to you that it will burn - add water. No more than 100 ml. Bring the mass to boiling after adding cocoa and remove from the fire. Roll up.

Video: "Cherry in chocolate"

Jem from cherries with lemon, how to cook?

The lemon "note" in cherry jam will add to it aroma and a pleasant taste shade. You can add in jam both lemon juice and zest. You will need only one citrus.


  • Cherry without a bone - 1 kilo
  • Sugar - 1 kilo
  • Lemon - 1 piece
Cherry jam with lemon


  • Clean the cherry the usual way. You can leave the berries whole, or you can kill in a homogeneous mass by a blender. Put the mass on the fire.
  • Add to the berry mass the zest of one lemongrated on a fine grater and squeeze juice of half lemon. Mix the mass thoroughly.
  • Pour sugar, cook jam until thickened for about ten minutes. After boiling, jam should be rolled into sterile jars and remove for storage.

Video: "Cherry Jam"

Jam from cherries and gooseberries, recipe for cooking

Jem from gooseberries and cherries are often called “velvet July” for its “warm” and rich taste. Jam is sweet and has a pleasant berry acidity.

You will need:

  • Cherry without a bone - 1 kilo
  • Gooseberries - 200 grams
  • Sakha - 1 kilo
  • Water - several spoons
Cherry jam with gooseberries, recipe for cooking
Cherry jam with gooseberries, recipe for cooking


  • Clean the cherries from the seeds and chop the blender until a homogeneous mass. Cherry should be put on fire and boiled, adding half a kilo of sugar. After that, the mass is cooked for about ten minutes and removed for cooling.
  • Cleaned gooseberries It is spilled into a separate bowl, filled with sugar and several tablespoons of water are poured. Cooking from gooseberries should about seven minutes.
  • After that, the mass of gooseberries should be pull through a sieve. Throw out the cake, and add the juice to the cherry. The berry mass is boiled again and rolls into storage jars.

Video: "Jam from cherries and gooseberries"

Cherry jam with starch, simple recipe

Starch- beautiful thickener For a cherry jam. It will help the jam to find a pleasant thick consistency without any taste.

You will need:

  • Cherry without a bone - 2 kilos
  • Sugar - 0.7 kilo
  • Lemon - zest and juice of one fetus
  • Starch - 4 tablespoons
  • Vanilin to taste
cherry jam with a thickener made of starch


  • Cherry without a bone follows chop a blender In a homogeneous mass. Put the mass on fire and bring to a boil. In boiling jam add sugar, juice of one lemon and its zest.
  • Carefully kneading the jam, add starch to it And Vanilin (one bag). Do not stop interfering with the mass until it seems to you that everything has been thoroughly dissolved.
  • Starch will thicken the jam when it he will start to cool. Therefore, it should be rolled into sterile banks in hot form.

Video: “Cherry Jam. Harvesting for the winter "

Cherry apple jam, recipe for cooking

Apple - A great taste addition for cherries. It will give Jema and density. Choose a sweet apple for the preparation of cherry-apple jam.

You will need:

  • Cherry without a bone - 1 kilo
  • Apple - 0.5 kilos
  • Sand sugar - 0.5 kilos
Cherry jam with apple


  • Clean the cherry the usual way. Berry pulp should be folded into a saucepan and filled with sugar, leaving it for a while to “let the juice”.
  • The apple should be neatly cleaned From seeds and skins. Apple pulp goes to the blenderwhere it is crushed in mashed potatoes. You can use a regular grater.
  • The apple is mixed with cherries. The pan is placed on the fire and is brought to a boil. The mass should boil About half an hour to evaporate excess water.
  • Hot jam follows Roll into banks. If you want to add cinnamon or lemon zest, this must be done five minutes before boiling.

Video: "Jam from apples and cherries"

Cherry jam in a slow cooker: simple recipe

Multicar is a modern kitchen technique that allows any hostess to simplify and speed up the cooking process. It is easy to cook cherry jam in a slow cooker.

You will need:

  • Cherry without a bone - 1 kilo
  • Sand sugar - 1 kilo
  • Lemon - 1 piece
  • Vanilin (on the tip of a knife)
  • Gelatin-one bag (approximately 15-20 grams)


  • Cherry it is cleaned of the bone. The purified cherries should be folded into a blender bowl and finely interrupted to a liquid homogeneous state.
  • Put the berry mass into the multicooker bowl. Add sugar right away and start cooking jam in mode "Baking" or "double boiler". After boiling, the jam should boil at least twenty minutes.
  • While the jam is preparing in a slow cooker, prepare the gelatin: Pour a bag of half a glass of cold water and leave for ten minutes. After that, melt in a steam bath.
  • Pour gelatin with a thin stream In the berry mass, mixing thoroughly. There, squeeze the juice of half the lemon and add a little vanillin.
  • Wait for the next boiling of the mass and turn off the mode. Prepare cans for sterilization. Roll up with jam and remove for storage.

Video: "Cherry jam in the bread machine"

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