Do you see the invisible: water, complex molecules, cells, amazing order

Do you see the invisible: water, complex molecules, cells, amazing order

This article describes how to see the invisible. You will learn about complex molecules, lines, amazing order, etc.

What happens when people, using new inventions, raise the edge of the curtain over previously invisible? They get the opportunity to find out more about what was once unknown.

Read an interesting article on our website about why is hot water freezing faster than cold. You will find out why even rinks are poured with hot water.

At one time, people believed that the Earth is the center of the universe. But later, thanks to the telescope, it turned out that she and other planets rotate in their orbits around the sun. Closer to our time, with the invention of powerful microscopes, people even began to explore the atom and saw how atoms of various species are combined with each other, forming molecules, cells, and all this creates an amazing order. Read more below.

"Miracle Voda" makes invisible visible

"Miracle Voda" makes invisible visible

Consider how the water molecule is built - a vital substance. For the formation of one such molecule - and in each drop there are billions of them - two hydrogen atoms, due to their structure are connected in a special way with one oxygen atom. What can you learn about when exploring the water molecule and reflecting on its properties under various conditions?

Although individual drops of water seem very simple, in fact it is an incredibly complex substance. Exactly "Miracle Voda" makes the invisible visible. John Emley, the author of scientific articles from the Imperial College in London, said that this is "one of the most studied chemical compounds that remains the least understandable." The magazine "New Saientist" said:

  • "Although the water is the most famous liquid on Earth, it is fraught with the most secrets."

Emley explains that, despite the simple molecular structure of water, "its properties are very unusual." For example, he says:

  • “H2O should be gas, but there is a liquid. In addition, when the water freezes, the ice, its solid form, does not sink, (as this should be expected), but swims on the surface. ".

Regarding these amazing properties, Dr. Pol E. Klopsteg, the former president of the American Association for the Promotion of the Development of Science, noted:

  • It seems that this was planned specifically to maintain life in the water, such as fish.
  • Think about what would happen if the water, cooling to the freezing point, had other properties.
  • More and more ice would form until he would fill the whole lake, leading to the death of all or most representatives of the sea flora and fauna.

According to Dr. Klopsteg, these unusual properties of water " indicate that a large mind is purposefully acting in the universe". According to New Sainchable magazine, today researchers believe that they know the reason for such unusual properties of water. They developed the first theoretical model, which exactly involves the degree of expansion of water. “Reduction of secrets- the researchers realized, - - lies in the method of placing oxygen atoms in these structures».

Or is it not a miracle? The molecule, which seems so simple, is not amenable to human understanding. But the water is most of the weight of our body. Or do you also see in this amazing molecule built only of three atoms of two chemical elements, evidence that “a large mind is purposefully acting”? Nevertheless, the water molecule is very small and much easier than many others.

Complex molecules: visible and invisible living organisms

Visible and invisible living organisms
Visible and invisible living organisms

Some molecules consist of thousands of atoms of various species belonging to the group 88 chemical elementsMeeting on Earth In a natural state. For example, DNA molecule (reduction for deoxyribonucleic acid), which contains encoded hereditary information of each living organism, can be built of millions of atoms of several elements. These are very complex molecules.

  • Despite the incredible difficulty, the DNA molecule has sizes - 0.0000025 millimeters, so it can only be seen in a powerful microscope.
  • AT 1944 Scientists have found that DNA decides the heredity of the human body.
  • This discovery laid the foundation with a tense study of this incredibly complex molecule, which is a component of visible to the human eye and invisible living organisms.

However, DNA and water molecules are only two of the many types of molecules from which the world is built. Since many molecules are part of both living and inanimate matter, we can conclude that between living and inanimate are only one insignificant step. Or maybe, on the contrary, a simple transition?

For a long time, many believed that it was. "Especially in 1920-1930s Many authoritative persons in biology and chemistry expressed the hope that, thanks to an increase in knowledge of biochemistry, it would be possible to eliminate the gap in the chain of living and inanimate, ”explains Michael Denton, microbiologist. But this, of course, did not become clear over time.

The world is visible and invisible - life: something special and exceptional

The world is visible and invisible
The world is visible and invisible

Although scientists hoped to find transitional links, or a number of intermediate forms between living and inanimate, Denton noted that " after the revolutionary discoveries made in molecular biology in the early 1950s, the existence of a clear gap was finally proved ”. Speaking of this amazing fact that has now become obvious to scientists, we can say with the confidence that we are surrounded by the world visible and invisible. Denton explained:

  • « Now we know not only about the existence of the abyss between the world of living and inanimate, but also that this is the most amazing and fundamental gap in nature. There is an abyss between a living cell and the most highly organized non -biological system, such as a crystal or snowflake, and as deep and obvious as you can only imagine ”.

This, of course, does not mean that the molecule is easy to create. Life is something special and exceptional. In the book " From molecules to living cells"(English), explains that:

  • « The synthesis of tiny building blocks of molecules is already a rather complicated process in itself ".

And then it is added that, however, the creation of such molecules - "Children's game compared to what was supposed to happen then so that the first living cage arises.".

Cells can exist independently as individual living organisms, such as bacteria, or to be part of a multicellular organism, such as a person. At the point at the end of this proposal could fit 500 cells medium size. Therefore, it is not surprising that with the naked eye it is impossible to see how the cell functions. What opens when through a microscope, look into a separate cell of the human body?

Visible and invisible lines - a cage: did it occur by accident or was constructed?

Visible and invisible lines - cell
Visible and invisible lines - cell

First of all, it should be recognized that the complexity of living cells is simply amazing. For the normal growth of even the simplest living cell, it is necessary that tens of thousands of chemical reactions occur harmoniously. How can one go away in one tiny cage simultaneously 20,000 reactions?

According to Michael Denton, even the smallest living cells resemble:

  • « A real microscopic factory that places thousands of perfectly planned parts of a complex molecular mechanism built as a whole out of one hundred billion atoms. This mechanism is much more complicated than any machine built by a person, and he has no equal inanimate things in the world».

Scientists do not cease to be surprised at the complexity of the cell, and ordinary people have the question: did the cell arise by accident or was designed? In the newspaper New York Times, on February 15, 2000, it was noted:

  • « The more biologists learn about a living cage, the more incredibly it seems to them the task of understanding everything that happens in it. A medium -sized human cell is too small to see it, but at any time, a circle of 3 million. Its genes turn on and off, controlling the cellular economy or responding to the message of other cells».

How can you investigate such a tiny and at the same time such a complex mechanism? How did scientists manage to conduct experiments with visible and invisible lines? And even if, thanks to huge efforts, it was possible to completely understand the structure and functions of one cell of the human body, then at least another 200 million other types of cells would remain unidentified.

In the journal "Nature" (English), in the article "Real Creation engines" was reported about the opening of tiny engines within each cell of our body. They create adenosineric acid - cellular energy. One scientist reasoned:

  • “What could be achieved if we learned to design and build molecular systems like cellular?”

Every time the cell is divided, all this information is transmitted to the new cell. How, in your opinion, these data fell into each of 100000000000000 cells human body? Is this happening by chance or thanks to some great “designer”? Perhaps you will draw the same conclusion that the biologist Russell Charles artist. He said:

  • “If you discard the wise and logical thought that the cell appeared as a result of the activity of the mind, then in attempts to explain its occurrence and further functioning, we are faced with huge, simply insurmountable difficulties.”.

Just think about the creative capabilities of the cell. In DNA, only one cell of our body contains so much information that it could fill a million such pages in this article.

Amazing order: to see the visible in the invisible

Amazing order: to see the visible in the invisible
Amazing order: to see the visible in the invisible

Many years ago, Kertli F. Meter, who was at that time a professor of geology at Harvard University, came to this conclusion:

  • “We live in the Universe, where it is not a case or variability, but law and order dominate. His management is absolutely reasonable and deserves the greatest respect. Let's think about the wonderful mathematical system of nature, thanks to which we can give consecutive atomic numbers to each element of matter. ”

Let's think for a minute on this "mathematical system of nature." She creates an amazing order. We can see the visible invisible. In ancient times, people knew about the existence of only such elements as gold, silver, copper, tin and iron. In the Middle Ages, alchemists opened arsenic, bismuth, and later, in the 18th century, it became known about many other elements. In 1863, in order to identify India, they used a spectroscope with which one can distinguish a unique spectrum of each element. India was the 63rd open element.

At the same time, Russian chemist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev came to the conclusion that the device of elements is not a matter of a blind case. In the end of March 18, 1869, at a meeting of the Russian Chemical Society, his treatise was read "Essay on the system of elements". In it, he said:

  • « I had to dwell on such a system of simple bodies so that in their distribution it is not guided by random considerations, but with a specific and exact beginning».

In this famous treatise, Mendeleev predicted:

  • « We must hope for the discovery of many more unknown ordinary bodies; for example, similar aluminum and silicon, elements with atomic masses from 65 to 75».

Mendeleev left free places for 16 new elements. When he was asked if he had any evidence in confirmation of his assumptions, he replied:

  • “I do not need evidence. The laws of nature, unlike grammar rules, do not allow any exceptions. ".

Mendeleev added:

  • « I think that when my unknown elements will open, more people will listen to us».

This is exactly what happened. Over the next 15 years, Gallium, Scandium and Germany were discovered, and the properties of these elements precisely corresponded to those that Mendeleev provided for them. This proved the correctness of the periodic system and brought glory to its author. At the beginning of the 20th century, all existing elements were already opened.

It is undoubtedly, as the researcher in the field of chemistry Elmer V. Maurer noted, "this wonderful system cannot be a case." The main thing is to see the visible invisible. Chemistry professor John Cleveland Koren spoke out about the likelihood of an accidental occurrence of this amazing order of elements:

  • « The discovery in later times of all elements, the existence of which predicted (Mendeleev), and engage in their properties, almost accurately provided for them, completely eliminated this opportunity. A great generalization of Mendeleev is never called “periodic accident”, but, on the contrary, “periodic law».

A detailed study of the elements, as well as how they are combined, creating everything around us, prompted the famous physicist of Dirac Field, who was a professor of mathematics at the University of Cambridge, to say:

  • « This situation could be described by saying that God is a great mathematician and he used the latest mathematical knowledge when creating the universe.».

Indeed, what a huge admiration is caused by an acquaintance with the invisible world, incredibly tiny atoms, molecules and living cells, as well as giant star galaxies that are simply impossible to see with the naked eye. After that, a person is better aware of his modest role in the universe. Good luck in new knowledge!

Video: How to see the invisible? Schliren-method

Video: How to see the invisible? Simple experiment. Schliren-method

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