What is the number of chromosomes in the cells of a healthy person? What will happen if the chromosomes are more or less?

What is the number of chromosomes in the cells of a healthy person? What will happen if the chromosomes are more or less?

From this article you will learn how much chromosomes have a healthy person, and what will happen if the genes are mutation.

If we consider a person at the cellular level, then we will find out that he is laid on the basis of chromosomes. And a certain amount is always laid in chromosomes, if more or less, a sick person will be obtained. So how much chromosomes should a healthy person be? What will happen if there are extra chromosomes or not enough to normal? We find out in this article.

What are chromosomes?

Chromosomes - These are cells storing hereditary genes. Chromosomes consist of DNA molecules. They were discovered by the German scientist Walter Fleming in the middle of the 19th century, studying under the microscope of the cell.

Chromosomes are invisible to the naked eye, their size is 1.5-10 microns.

All living creatures on Earth consist of chromosomes, but everyone has a different amount:

  • The fly has 12 pieces
  • In humans - 46
  • At the monkey - 48
The amount of chromosomes in different living organisms

What is the number of chromosomes in the cells of a healthy person?

A healthy person has 46 chromosomes, and they are all distributed in pairs, so we can say that people have 23 pairs of chromosomes. And this is what they are:

  • 22 pairs of chromosomes are the same for men and women
  • 23rd steam in women consists of chromosomes XX
  • 23rd pair in men-from XY
A set of chromosomes in people (men and women)

What will happen if there is more chromosomes or are they damaged?

If a chromosomes The little man in the womb increased or they are damaged, a person is born with the following diseases:

  • Daltonism. In this case, the sexual X-chromosome is susceptible to mutations. Men are more likely than women. The disease is hereditary. A person perceives colors in a distorted form.
  • Hemophilia. Mutation in the sexual X chromosome. Men are sick. This is due to the fact that in men the sex chromosome X in only one copy, and if a mutation has occurred in it, then a person will hurt this disease. In women, sex chromosomes in a double copy (XX), and if the gene muttered in one chromosome, in another chromosome the same gene can be healthy, so women can often be carriers of the disease, and not get sick with it. The disease lies in poor blood coagulation, and any scratch can become a problem with a large loss of blood.
  • Daun's disease. Another 1 chromosome clings to the 21st pair of chromosomes (the total amount of chromosomes 47). Deviations in a newborn child are noticeable immediately: a wide or too narrow forehead, large ears, mental retardation over time is noticeable. It is highly likely that such a child can be obtained by people with diabetes, irradiated by radiation, and simply in middle -aged parents.
  • Klainfelter syndrome. Boys are sick. They have a 23 sexual pair, instead of one X - two. The picture looks like this: XXY. It is manifested in adolescence by the fact that testosterone is not produced, male organs do not develop, but atrophy, the figure acquires female forms. The reasons for this disease can be:
    Various viruses;
    The poor environmental situation of this area;
    Serious diseases of the future: mother or father;
    Children from close relatives;
    Too young or late age of the future mother.
  • Shereshevsky-Terner Syndrome. Basically, girls are sick. They have one instead of two XX chromosomes. They are small in stature, female genitals are underdeveloped, and pregnancy is impossible, there are other internal diseases. The child is born prematurely. The cause of the disease is various genes of genes in parents.
  • Patau syndrome. In the 13th pair of chromosomes not 2, but 3 chromosomes. This disease is quite rare. It is manifested by the following signs: small eyes, the number of fingers is more than 5, a cleft between the lip and the sky. In addition to external signs in the child and internal diseases (heart disease, brain diseases), and the child most often dies to 3 years old.
  • Edwards syndrome. 18th pair of chromosomes with 3 chromosomes. A child is born with wide eyes, low ears. Of the internal diseases, most often these are: heart disease, digestive problems. Such children die in infancy. In order not to turn out such a child, it is especially necessary to be examined at the genetic level for couples, which have thyroid diseases, and if a woman is about to give birth after 35 years.
One of the diseases of a person with excess chromosome

What are the causes of genes in chromosomes?

The causes of genes mutation in chromosomes can be different:

  • Building viruses (measles, papillomas, influenza) in human chromosomes.
  • Drug use, alcohol.
  • Introduction to the human body with foods of a large number of nitrates, nitrites and pesticides.
  • Constant use of food with food additives: chemical dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers.
  • Long work with varnishes and paints.
  • The use of certain drugs: cytostatics (usually used in the treatment of malignant tumors), immunosuppressants (used in transplantology and in severe forms of arthritis, arthrosis).
  • Radiation.
  • Ultraviolet rays for pregnant women.
  • Constant accommodation in areas with a very low or very high temperature.
Causes of mutations of chromosomes

So, now we know how much chromosomes have a healthy person, and what diseases threaten a child if a mutation of genes in the chromosomes occurred.

Video: What are chromosomes?

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Comments K. article

  1. chromosomes are not cells, these are structures in the core nucleus

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