The internal structure, parts and functions of the plant cell: description, drawing with signatures

The internal structure, parts and functions of the plant cell: description, drawing with signatures

The first cell forms that appeared on our planet had the form of bacteria that existed due to the assimilation of organic substances from oceanic waters, the absorption of the nutrient medium, occurred through the body. Solar energy gave rise to the inclinations of the environmental system.

Gradually, some types of bacteria evolved, as a result of which they acquired the ability to produce organic substances from inorganic elements. Produced by organisms, substances saturated the atmosphere of the planet, oxygen. Which, in turn, made it possible to regulate energy costs, part of it on food, and the rest on the development and improvement of the body.

How to draw a plant cage?

  • Life forms began to actively multiply by the method of dividing the body shell, into parts. Next, organisms were formed, in which the core is separated from the cytoplasm, the core contains information about heredity, and is supplied to the cytoplasm. So the first plants, animals and mushrooms appeared.
  • These types to the class - nuclear organisms include. All living organisms, consist of many cells, united in a holistic mechanism, thanks to which - the course of the development of this organism is carried out. In plants with multicellular parts - functions of physiological processes in cells, divided by the degree of their purpose and location in the body. Plant cells, unlike animals, have an elastic shell, comprehensively enveloping the inner layer. The natural structure of the cell has a streamlined shape, which is often depicted in a flat, in a schematic figure.
  • The shell of the plant cell It is a rather complicated configuration. The outer layer plant cell covered with an impenetrable layer of fiber - cell wallhaving small pores. Then there is a thin film shell covering the inside of the cell - plasmatic membrane.
  • Liquid substance in a cell - cytoplasm, made up of vacuole - particles filled with liquid contents. In the central zone of the cell or near the membrane, placed - nucleus, Taurus, which has nuclear juice inside and nucleus. The core is also, bordered by a separate film and is adjacent to the plaids, small bodies located around it along the cytoplasm.
Vegetable and animal cell
Vegetable and animal cell

Cellular structure of plants - what a living plant cell consists of: shell, cytoplasm, nucleus, ribosomes, organoids, structure

A cell is an important part of the body, equipped with a system of membrane structures and biopolymers responsible for energy and metabolic processes. Due to its internal mechanism, the cell is a supporting and producing element for the whole organism. It should be noted that the cell is devoid of the presence of open membranes - they always have a closed look, completely frames the cell zones.

The plant cell has the following description:

  • The outer membrane is plasmalem. Subtle film cover formed from water, proteins and phospholipids. The shell has a solid moist and elastic surface, with the ability to accelerated recreation of its own boundaries. Its structure is equally characteristic of all plant membranes. The cell membrane is surrounded by a dense frame - a cell wall. This is a waterproof polysaccharide - fiber. This surface protects the cell from external influences and controls the balance of substances coming inside the cell, promotes energy exchange, participates in the nutrition, connection of cells and phagocytosis, monitors the norm of fluid and the removal of residual life products.
  • Endoplasmic reticulum - Small channels that are covered with a membrane and permeate the entire cover continuously. This feature helps transmit nutritious elements from one cell to another. This transmission method is involved in the spread of information and chemical reactions between cells.
Structure and functions
Structure and functions
  • Pores - passages located in the second tier of the layer. In this part, only the primary film and the median diaphragm are present, which are commonly called the pore membrane and closing film. In the last zone there are plasma -transporting channels. The pore function is to simplify the transportation of moisture and nutrients between cells. Pores grow in the intercellular partition.
  • Cell shell - a clearly formed surface, a polysaccharide species, which is the result of the work of the cytoplasm. The endoplasmic network and the Golgi apparatus are responsible for its formation. The composition of the cytoplasm includes a colorless colloidal system - hyaloplasm, creating a transformation of a zola into a gel substance. Its main task is to group all cell compounds in one mechanism and provide favorable conditions for metabolism processes in them.
  • Matrix or hyaloplasm cytoplasm - Intracellular nature. It contains water in the composition of water: polysaccharides, proteins of a diverse nature. In chemical and active property, lipids, nucleic acid, nucleotides, amino acids, monosaccharides. The colloidal environment based on the combination of water and biopolymers can have a consistency in the form of a gel or zola - a diluted substance. Its watery or gel -like structure fills completely the cavity of the cell, and can also be observed in separate areas. Also in hyaloplasm live organella and other introductions that are communicating with each other. As a rule, their location is due to the type of cell. Being a static sphere, hyaloplasm, with the help of a shell, is able to interact with an external intercellular atmosphere and is responsible for the activity of organelles and cells.
  • Organoids - components of the cytoplasm. Are inevitable elements in the formation of cytoplasm. Their microscopic size and form are determined, and the absence or violation leads the cell to death. Considering organoids, you can only if there is an electron microscope. Some types of organoids are prone to reproduction and division.

What does a living plant cell look like a microscope: what is in the cytoplasm of a plant cell?

Organoids of the cell

The structure of the nucleus

  1. Nucleus - The most pronounced part and a large cell organella. First examined and studied in 1831, biologist Brown. It has a different configuration, from an oval shape to a lens -shaped form. A cell in which there is no core stops the production of substances and its growth. The presence of a nucleus is a vital component of a cell. The absence of a nucleus - initiates an excess of decomposition products, and triggers the process of murder of the cell. You can’t get a new nucleus, without the presence of an old one, just like that, the core is not restored from the cytoplasm, it is obtained only by the method of dividing the existing nucleus. The internal space of the core is filled with nuclear juice in which the components float: one or more nucleoli, histones, DNA molecules.
  2. Nuclearine - consists of special proteins and RNA. It is engaged in the development of ribosa responsible for the synthesizing properties of protein in the cell.

Golgi complex

  • This organoid is equally contained in all eukaryotic types of plant cells. He acts in the form of flat membrane bags, folded in several tiers. The bags are thickened from the center to the end of the plane and create spongy branches that are depriving small bubbles.
  • Are located mainly near the nucleus. Bubbles carry out transit of special granules between the cells, designed to develop lysis.
  • Enclose substances in bubbles and send to the cytoplasmwhere they are distributed into two categories: some for internal use, others - for conclusion to the outside. Helps the plant cell to equip the walls of its boundaries.


  • it small bubbles - oval organellessurrounded by a membrane, the number that depends on the viability of the cell.
  • Their task - adjust the digestive system inside the cell. Functional activity of lysosa can be observed in the process of germination of seeds.


  • One of the main parts in the cellular structure. In shape resembles a certain flat container In the structure of cytoplasm, which is filled with liquid contents: aqueous solution of mineral salts, pigments, organic and amino acids, carbohydrates.
  • Between cytoplasm and vacuoles A specific plate is formed - tonoplast. In the cells of young plants, cytoplasm occupies the entire inner space. Then, during the period of growing up, vacuoles filled with juice are formed in the cavity of the cytoplasm. Cytoplasm acquires a spongy appearance.
  • In the next stage, between some vacuoles occurs merger, Layers of cytoplasmes depart from the center to the shell, and in the middle one large vacuole is formed. Mineral and organic water composition of vacuols determines osmotic qualities, allowing you to control the hit and excretion of fluid from the cell, metabolic molecules and ions.
  • A set of cytoplasm and its plates - Vakuol forms a good osmotic organization. This is pronounced in certain plant abilities: turgor pressure, sucking function, osmotic possibility.


  • Organoids who occupy second place in size, after the nucleus. Only in plant organisms are formed, mushrooms are exception. The plastis is integral in their genesis and isolated by a double plate from the cytoplasm.
  • Certain species have an internal system of plates, which is sufficiently formed. Plastids are involved in the functions of metabolism and take a significant position in this process.

Colorless plastids - leukoplasts

  • Elements of cytoplasm with clear outlines of its shape. Have small size and more rounded body structure, Two membranes, where the inside creates up to three outgrowths. Come across in roots and tubers.
  • Perform food of nutrient substances - starch grains. Some individuals are able to accumulate fats.
  • A feature of leukoplasts - Create stocks, sometimes forms deposits of crystalline forms of protein or shapeless inclusions. When the light enters leukoplasts, the internal structure changes, turning them into chloroplasts.


  • it organella of microscopic size With the presence of two membranes: the outer membrane is a smooth texture, and the internal - consists of two -layer shells. Chloroplasts are oval element, Green colour.
  • Chloroplasts are characteristic of plastis, for plant cells. Are organelles capable of producing free oxygen and carbohydrates, from inorganic substances, the method of photosynthesis. Different types of plants have their own size of chloroplasts, their average value reaches 6 microns.
  • The higher the variety of the plant, the more complicated the structure of chloroplasts. Organelle data, can move along the cytoplasm, as well as movement, actively respond to lighting, are thickened from the side of the light source. Create their own protein compounds.
  • In the autumn period they are transformed into chromoplastsDue to this, you can observe redness or yellowness of foliage and fruits. A substance filling chloroplasts - chlorophyll, contributes to the perception of solar energy and staining of plants in green.


  • Formed from chloroplasts or leukoplasts. More often, have a spherical shape, and those that were formed from chloroplasts - crystalline, kaatenoids. Their presence, breaks green chlorophyll.
  • With the help of characteristic pigments, they give yellow, red and orange color.


  • Another Type of organelles, characteristic plant cell.
  • The structure of mitochondria is not constant, their appearance can acquire the shape of flagella, grains or sticks. The first references to this organella date back to 1894, the elements were discovered by the German Anatom Altman. And later, the German histologist gave them the name - mitochondria. And only in the middle of the 20th century the organelles found were studied in detail, with the assistance of an electric microscope.
  • It is known that mitochondria belong to structure of two membranes. The outer plate is smooth, and the internal - forms outgrowths of different structures, a semblance of tubular fabric. In the matrix with a semi -liquid substance filling mitochondria, there are ribosomes, lipids and enzymes, RNA and DNA. They multiply by dividing.
  • Life expectancy is up to 10 days. Mitochondria is an energy and respiratory focus of processes. In the course of the work of a semi -liquid substance, oxidative and oxygen modifications, with the assistance of enzymes, organic matter is being processed and energy. This energy ensures the compilation of ATP.
  • The accumulation of energy potential is leaving to maintain development and growth.


  • Organoids, mushroom -shaped or rounded shape, composed of two dissimilar components. Do not have a membrane structure. Each particle of ribosomes, able to divide into two units and generate protein, After reuniting in a holistic ribosome.
  • Organoids are formed in the nucleus, after which they go into the cytoplasm and are attached to the outer wall of the plate of the endoplasmic network, sometimes arranged in arbitrary order.
  • Ribosomes can work individually or group - It depends on the type of protein produced. Combined groups of ribosomes are called Polyribosomes.
An important organoid
An important organoid

Endoplasmic reticulum

  • The system of plates that make up the network of tubes, bubbles, tubules, tanks in the cytoplasm. It forms membranes, universal configuration, connected into one integral system with an external plate, using a nuclear cover and an external cell membrane.
  • ES are recognized by structure: Smooth system - devoid of ribosomes, and rough - possesses them. Carries out the delivery of nutrients inside and to adjacent cells. Separates a cell into several sectors. In each of the sectors, all kinds of reactions and processes of vital activity are synchronously.
  • The rough type of Es - takes part in the formation of the protein. Complex protein molecules formed in the channels of the endoplasmic network solve the problems of delivery of ATP and the synthesis of fat. The endoplasmic network was identified by the English scientist Porter, in 1945.

Video: Plant cell structure

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