Comparison of the animal and plant cells: signs of similarities and differences in cells of all living organisms

Comparison of the animal and plant cells: signs of similarities and differences in cells of all living organisms

What is common and what are the differences between animal and plant cells.

What is the difference between animal cells and plant cells? What answer will be correct? How to formulate the most accurate and complete answer? How is the student to answer briefly? How to supplement the answer? Our article is about this.

Animal cells and vegetable - how different: a brief answer

  • Plant cells have chloroplasts. Thanks to these structures, photosynthesis reaction occurs. In animal cellular elements, chloroplasts are not contained.
  • The cells of representatives of the flora, unlike animal cells, have a rounded shape. Animal cells are rectangular.
  • Cellular elements of animals have centriols. These microstructures are located in the central part of the cell. Representatives of the flora do not have centriol inside. And only the cells of some lower plants can differ from their own by the presence of centrioles.

Video: Plants under a microscope

Comparative characteristics of the cellular structures of plant and animal organisms

Both forms of cells (plants and animals) have common signs and some differences.

  • Among the common features, the following can be distinguished: cellular structures can have a core, or can be without a nucleus.
  • Both structures from the marthes of eukaryotes: inside there is a membrane shell and a fully designed core, there are organelles endowed with various functions.
Organella of the plant cell
Organella of the plant cell
Organella of the animal cell

Comparison of animal cells and plant: what is common?

General in vegetable and animal cells:

  • These cellular structures have both cytoplasm and nucleus
  • Both cell forms have mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, EPS (membrane canals and cavities that penetrate the entire cell), lysosomes, ribosomes
  • Metabolism reactions at the cellular level of both structures occur similarly
  • The scheme of inheritance of the genetic code from the mother cell to the subsidiary has a single principle
  • The structure of membranes is universally in both structures
  • General chemical composition
  • The division of cell forms occurs according to a single principle

Differences in the propagation methods of cellular and animals of forms

The cells are divided by:

  • Amitosis with minimal energy loss (in the process of amytosis, the core is separated by a plug, there is no revitalization of chromosomes). Thus, highly specialized cellular elements are propagated, in which low activity is noted. For example, cartilage tissue cells, seed endosperm, the pestle ovary wall, dying degenerating cellular structures of animals and plants.

  • Mitosis - division of somatic eukaryotic cellular elements. With this method of division, the chromosomal set is transferred to the subsidiary in a constant form (the growth of organisms, the restoration of damaged areas, asexual, vegetative propagation of plants)
Division process: mitosis
Division process: mitosis
  • Meiosis - the division of eukaryotic cellular elements with a decrease in the chromosomal set by half and the formation of haploid cells (animal gametes, plant spores)
Division process: meiosis
Division process: meiosis

Video: Mitosis

Video: Meiosis

Differences in the supply of cellular and animals of forms

  • Plant cell - autotrophic power supply
  • Animal cell is a heterotrophic method of nutrition
  • The cell wall of the plant is located outside. It has a static shape. This is a cellulose shell.
  • The wall of the plant cell (glycocylics) is protein-carbohydrate. The shape of the cell may change.
  • There is no cell center in plant forms. In animal cells, the cell center is available.
  • When dividing between plant cells, a jumper appears. In the cellular structures of the animals, the division occurs in such a way that the protruding that appears shares two subsidiaries.
  • The spare carbohydrate of the plant cell is represented by starch, animal - glycogen.
    Vegetable plastis is chloroplasts, chromoplasts, leukoplasts (the separation of plaids depends on their color).
  • Vacuols of plants are large cavities, inside of which there is cell juice. The composition of cell juice includes various nutrients, as well as final products.

Food of animal and plant cells

The structure of the cell cell

  • Among organic formations having a cellular structure (plants are also considered to be), unicellular, colonial, multicellular forms can be distinguished.
  • Ensuring the vital activity of a unicellular plant cell is carried out according to the same principle as this happens to the animal's cell. Since a unicellular plant organism is an independent holistic element, it also performs all the necessary functions.
  • In shape, such an organism resembles a ball or egg. Multicellular plant organisms can differ in forms, structure, dimensions. It all depends on the functions performed by the plant.
  • The separation of the cells of the embryo performing a single function provides a variety of plant organisms.
  • The size of the cellular structures of plants ranges from 10-1000 microns. Plant forms that relate to multicellular can be rounded, ellipsolent, cubic, cylindrical, stellar.
  • Cell structure

Cell structure

The main types of plant cells

  • Parenchymal is cells, in the form of an isodiammetric multi -senior (the value in all three dimensions is the same)
  • Nickname - long cell structures (length exceeds the width and thickness 5 times)

Cells of plant forms consist of a kernel, EPS, ribosomes, mitochondria, golji apparatus, which is characteristic of eukaryotic organisms (mushrooms, plants, animals). But there are some differences:

  • the cell wall is strong
  • there are plastids
  • the system of constantly developing vacuoles is characteristic
  • some cellular structures are deprived of the cell center and centriol

Video: Biology. Preparation for the exam. Plant cell

The cell structure of the animal and plants: common properties

An animal organism is complex organized, consisting of a large number of tissue shells. Cells are elements of fabric membranes, which determines their shape and purpose.

  • Elastic membrane consisting of two layers (may have a diverse shape)
  • In the cell membrane there is cytoplasm - a constantly moving viscous substance. The intracellular movement of cytoplasm provides the course of various chemical processes and metabolism.
  • The core of the animal cell is larger in size of the nucleus of the plant cell. The location of the animal core is central. The core of nuclear juice, nucleus and chromosomes consists.
  • Mitochondria are numerous folds - Christists.
  • Endoplasmic network is a system of channels through which nutrients enter the golji apparatus.
  • Golgi apparatus is a system of tubes accumulating nutrients.
  • Lysosomes are used to regulate carbon and nutrients.
  • Ribosomes are located around EPS (endoplasmic network), which gives its surface roughness. With smooth EPS, it is possible to argue that there is no ribosa.
  • There are no special microtubules called centriols in plant cells.

Functions of organoids of animal cells

  • The cell membrane is a kind of customs checkpoint for passage and exchange of useful substances both inside the cell and in the direction from it.
  • The core contains a genetic code. When transmitting code to a child body, genetic information is transmitted. The cell nucleus regulates the activity of cellular organelles.
  • Mitochondria are energy drives inside which the ATP substance is formed. The process of splitting ATP releases a large amount of energy.
  • The walls of the Golgi apparatus synthesize fats and carbohydrates necessary for the formation of other organoids membranes.
  • Lysosomes are necessary for the splitting of unnecessary fats and carbohydrates, harmful substances.
  • In ribosomes, proteins are synthesized.
  • The role of the cell center (centrioli) is the formation of a spindle of division in the process of mitosis of the cell.
  • There are no vacuoles in animal cells, but temporary substances are formed for removal.

Video: Cell structure (9-11 grade)-biology

What conclusions can be drawn about the similarities and differences of the plant and animal cell?

  • The structure of animal cells does not differ from the structure of plant cells.
  • In the cells of the animals there is a cell center - centrioli. The main role of the cell center is the formation of a spindle of division in the process of mitosis.
  • Animal cells are devoid of vacuoles, plastic, cellulose cell wall.
  • An animal cell membrane is elastic, which allows the cell to change shape and size.

Video: Similarities and differences in the structure of cells of plants, animals, mushrooms

Features of the cells of the human body

The human body consists of a billion cells. Scientists voiced a figure of 220 billion. All these cellular elements make up 200 separate groups. However, in the scientific world there are 2 types:

  • The first group consists of 20 billion cells, of which nerve formations are formed (nerve cells - neurons). This group is conditionally called "immortal cells."
  • The second group includes 200 billion "mortal" cells. These are cells with the property of replacement.

The existence of the cellular element of different human organs

  • Intestinal cells are replaced after 5 days
  • Erythrocytes are replaced after 120 days.
  • The life life of liver cells is 480 days.
  • Neurons and muscle tissue "live" for more than 100 years.
  • The function of the skin cells consists in protecting internal organs. These cellular elements remain strength due to the continuous process of their update. Young external cells of human skin appear every 27 days.

Plant cells: interesting facts

  • In some plants, for example, mimosa is bashful, the petals turn off. This happens with a sharp decrease in the pressure inside the cellular structures. The pressure difference occurs due to interaction with external stimuli: chemicals are released inside the petal, which contributes to the outflow of water.
  • The Chinese nettle has the strongest cell fibers. As a result of the experiments, scientists have found that this strength is 95 kg/cm.
  • It stings nettles with stinging cells concentrated along the stems. At the time of touching the plant, the following occurs: that part of the cell, which is closer to the upper part of the stem, digs into the skin and injects its contents. Nettle poison consists of vitamin B4, ant acid and histamine).

Video: Great leap. The secret life of the cell

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