Bath with food and sea salt for weight loss: benefit, recipe, reception rules

Bath with food and sea salt for weight loss: benefit, recipe, reception rules

Bath for weight loss with food salt: benefit

Salt baths gained widespread, this is due to their availability and effectiveness. There are many ways to lose weight and the use of salt is no exception.

Important: salt baths normalize the hormonal state of the body, the violation of which is the cause of excess weight, and accelerate metabolic processes.

What does it give?

  • The body gets rid of extra pounds
  • Signs of cellulite disappear
  • Excess water is excreted
  • Stretches are eliminated
  • The skin acquires a fit
  • The body is cleansed of toxins and is saturated with nutritional components
  • The skin is made delicate and silky

Salt baths are pleasant to take in combination with citrus essential oils, while their components penetrate deep into the skin and affect the breakdown of the fat layer, or add natural plant extracts, such as chamomile, eucalyptus, aloe, nettles, sage, pine buds, oats, sea Algae that benefit with the body.

Bath for weight loss with food salt: recipe, reception rules

  • The required amount of food salt is half a kilogram
  • Previously, the skin should be cleaned
  • The water temperature is 35-39 degrees (cool water tones, hot-relaxes)
  • Procedure time 10-15 minutes
  • The course of use 2-3 times a week (10-15 baths)
  • The upper body (heart area) should be above the water
  • Before and after taking the bath, it is advisable not to eat 1.5 - 2 hours
  • At the time of taking a bath or after it, it is recommended to drink a cup of herbal or green tea without sugar
  • Pre -add essential oil to salt, and not to the bathroom
  • After the procedure, grind the body with a terry towel
  • Relax under the covers for 20-30 minutes

IMPORTANT: In one reception of a salt bath you can throw up to 500 g of excess weight.
If you have diseases of the cardiovascular system or hypertension, you must consult a doctor before using a salt bath.

Recipe for the preparation of salt bath from sea salt for weight loss

  • Pour a hot bath
  • Dilute 300 g of soda and 500 g of sea salt in water,
  • Add 10 drops of orange essential oil, grapefruit, bergamot or lime in
  • 200 g of honey or 10 drops of the same oils in 200 g of milk (you can only choose one)
  • Stir and add to the water.

Video: a bath with salt for weight loss at home

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Comments K. article

  1. I took turpentine baths and made wraps with the Hors Forsa gel tonic and the volumes left. Plus cellulite disappeared

  2. As relaxation will definitely help coolly, but I don’t know for weight loss. It is important to burn the fat, and here rather a shortage of kcal + sport will help. I trained 3 times a week in the hall and 3 times at home. Cardio did at home, before that, L-Carnitine was necessarily drank and even saw cubes after two months, although they had not smelled before))

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