The development of kittens by weeks and months: the age of the kitten and its characteristic

The development of kittens by weeks and months: the age of the kitten and its characteristic

Kittens like young children develop gradually and in a timely manner. You will learn about how kittens develop in detail from the article.

For good development, each pet needs to choose a diet that is suitable for the appropriate age. If the pet fell ill, then, not knowing his age, it will be difficult for you to guess the dosage of the drug (for example, angelicomers are strictly prohibited by kittens who are less than 3 months), as well as vaccination. If you do not contribute development of kittens At a certain age, some diseases may occur.

Cotton development stages of months

Often the owners know the age of their pet, but when you select him on the street, it is difficult to guess how old or even months he is. But there is no particular difference for loving owners, what is the age of the pets.

The first week of kittens development

Giving birth, kittens can neither hear nor see, but their scent is very well developed. They can find a native and most beloved mother, being even at a distance of half a meter. These crumbs weigh only 100 g and less than 10 cm long. They are not able to warm themselves, since the wool is very thin.

To do this, in the first weeks they should be near mom. Their bones are so fragile that with the slightest careless press, you can break something or turn something. Refrain for a while from taking them in your hands.

First days development of kittens associated with sleep and constant meal, which contribute to the proper development of the nervous system. They cannot walk out of need without the help of mom. She constant licks and washed them.


After three days, the umbilical cord disappears. Hearing manifests itself only on the fifth day. Weak paws do not give them steadily, they crawl slowly to find mom and her nipple.

Second week of kittens development

The hearing of the kittens is a little aggravated, but this is not enough to determine where the sound comes from. Kittens grow 2 times.

  • At the end of the second week, the outlines of the eye are already noticeable. However, they are so muddy because of the film that it seems to the kittens that everything is in the fog. In color, they are bluish.
  • The wool is gradually growing, and the kitten has the ability to independently regulate the heat transfer. Nevertheless, a warm place for mom and the cat will not be superfluous.

It is also unstable on the paws, so he moves only crawling. The kitten is already sleeping less, and frolic a lot.

Third week of kittens development

Vision appears gradually in babies, but in motion they still sometimes encounter objects. It is also unable to rise on full legs. The first teeth are visible. Mom in this period is extremely necessary, but also a person’s care will help to cope with any loss.


Fourth week of kittens development

The first month of the kitten’s life ends, the amount of milk tooth increases. At the moment, it is worth introducing complementary foods and gradually give water. He is playing and constantly wants to play with someone. During this period, they like to detect everything and especially to their mother.

  • The paws become strong enough, which contributes to the stability in movements, but they still can’t run.
  • It is worth getting a tray. The place must be selected next to the place of sleep so that the kitten is easier to find it.

Lasks, games are necessary in this period of life so that a small lump is used to the new owner. The main thing is that it is required to do now is to check the kitten for helminths.

Fifth week of kittens development

This period is accompanied by stress for the kitten. He is taken from his mother, although he has not yet learned the manners. Special feeds for small kittens are introduced into food or prepared it themselves. If the cubs remain near the mother, then she does not give them milk so often, the exception is night feeding.

Every day, motor activity increases, and they sleep less. It is worth being extremely careful and constantly ensure that the kitten does not do anything in the process of such outdoor games. Also, caution will not hurt when walking, so as not to inadvertently step on the restless robber.


The color of the eyes gradually passes into its real natural shade, but this is not the final stage. Kittens gradually acquire their natural color, grows undercoat.

Sixth-eight week of kittens development

Each month, the ability of the kitten increases. He already knows how to wash himself, celebrate the need for a special place for this, hunt, eat solid food.

  • It is better to wait and not tear off the kitten from maternal warmth until he masters all the cat wisdom.
  • The clawtete during this period is extremely necessary, otherwise there is a possibility of damage to the upholstery by already grown claws of the cat.

The variety in food and a settled five -time intake is necessary for the kitten to grow up healthy. At six months age, the trip to the veterinarian is required. It will help to make a vaccination and vaccination schedule.

Two months of kittens development

Milk to the baby at this stage developmentit is no longer necessary, but the smell of his mother returns him to his chest to find calm and comfort there. He is already able to rumble. Activity is not only physical, but also mental just rolls over. Any small details, toys should be removed in appearance. Extremely carefully should be treated with open windows and balcony doors.


Three months of kittens development

Kittens at three months of age already have their own character and behavior. The pet is no longer amenable to education. He is already a master in the apartment, he knows everything where he is and lies, he hears clearly his name and runs at his slightest mention. Now is a great moment to give him in good hands.

Development of kittens from 4 to 7 months

Kittens of this age no longer grow at a pace as before. Weight gain and growth are more dependent on the breed. This is already a well -formed person who is more reminiscent of an adult individual than a baby. The kitten should also be caressed, it will already be in your hands longer, and will not immediately jump and run to frolic.

If any danger arises, the kitten knows how to protect himself and what to do. Dairy teeth begin to fall out and change to permanent.


Half -year -old kittens are no longer children, but adolescents. They are no longer as obedient as before, puberty begins. Lasting of the territory is not excluded. In females, it is accompanied by estrus, but not always.

Development of kittens from 8 months to a year

This is a period of complete maturity and to the end of the formed animal, which can multiply. For mating, this is not the most suitable period of development of kittens, since they will not give healthy and full offspring.

  • Kittens clearly know when they should play and when it is worth soaring on the couch, where they spend most of the day now.
  • Closer to the year, height and weight slow down completely, but the formation of the body occurs even before 2 years. In the first year of life, it is worth transferring a kitten to a good adult nutrition.

Proper care and constant caresses will help the kitten feel happy and constantly delight the owner. Do not forget about it for a second, love your pets and give them joy every day!

Video: Cotton Week

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