On which day is it better to get a job: signs, which is better not to do?

On which day is it better to get a job: signs, which is better not to do?

You need to get a job on certain days - as signs say. What else you need to know, read in the article.

Signs from ancient times surround a person. Each event has its own certain superstition, whether it is the purchase of real estate or household chores. There are special signs that are relevant when choosing work.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Signs to thin and good". You will learn about all the signs with the interpretation.

Many believe that the predictions and advice of esoterics are now losing their popularity, but they can be very useful. On signs related to a work on work - in this article. Read further.

Signs when you are going to get a new job

Goes to get a new job
Goes to get a new job

So, you will soon go to work. You are already ready, bought a new suit or dress, prepared for the head of the boss at the interview. It remains only to study signs when you are going to get a new job. Here are a few of them:

  • New notebook

During the interview, it is recommended to have a notebook for records and mark the necessary points for themselves. This opinion is also supported by signs, but with clarification: you need to take a clean notebook in which there are no records yet. This is explained by the fact that with an old notebook, a person leaves all the negativity in the old workplace and enters the new stage of life “from scratch”. If you use the old one, then the problems that were at the old place of work will be repeated on the new one.

  • Any day except Monday

As everyone knows, from Monday it is better not to start new things. This opinion is also confirmed by esoterics, which strongly do not recommend going for an interview on Monday. It will be best to shift this event on Tuesday, and on Monday to go about your business and tune in tomorrow.

  • Early rise

Esotericists believe that you need to get up early, and especially on the day of employment. This is due to the fact that a person will be able to eat the energy of the sun and be more active. Doctors have the same opinion - early people in the morning, are always full of energy, as they observe sleep and rest.

  • Talisman or amulet

Each person has his own amulet, bringing good luck. To be sure of the positive result and remain calm, you need to take it with you. There are many talismans bringing good luck and success in work. One of them is a red thread. Those who prefer Slavic amulets - Kolovrat or Velesovik. Perhaps someone has individual amulets with which an interesting story is associated.

So, when employing at a new place of work, esotericists advise: start a clean notebook for records, do not look for work on Monday, get up early and have a talisman with you, bringing good luck and financial well -being.

If you got a good job - which is better not to do: signs

After successful employment for a new job, you also need to comply with a list of certain signs. Many do not attach much importance to this, but protected - means armed. So, if you got a good job - which is better not to do? Take a note the following tips:

  • No business cards

After concluding an employment contract, many are in a hurry to acquire new business cards. This is not worth doing. Such a rush can lead to the possibility of soon dismissal. The best option is to wait about a month, adapt in the new team and in the new workplace and only then order business cards.

  • Broken mirror

According to all the well -known signs, a broken mirror is a bad sign. In relation to the employer, all the more so. A broken mirror entails a lot of problems with the authorities, conflicts with colleagues and many other troubles at work. And in principle, a broken mirror is a very bad sign. If you have it, throw it away. If you break at work, do not look at it.

  • Pigeon

Most of the signs associated with uninvited birds in the room promise negative changes in life. However, a sign with a dove flying through the window has nothing to do with them. This sign means a quick increase, an increase in wages and a constant increase in income. If this event has occurred, you can confidently conclude - the desired work was found.

  • Unceptible door

You should not leave the door to the opening office of their usual reasons - unkind colleagues can harm, spoiling or abducting important documents or personal belongings. However, esoterics claim that there is another reason to close the door to the office - the energy from the person who works in it can go through the open door. As a result, it will become diffused, irritable, and the work will not be successful.

  • The place of the dismissed person

If the new employee takes the place of the predecessor, who was fired from this position and sits in his office, at his table, then it is best to finish the chair and table with holy water before starting work on the first day. Otherwise, the fate of the former employee will be repeated.

  • Spider in the corner

According to folk beliefs, spider in the corner is an omen of a successful and happy path. Therefore, if an uninvited guest is found, it is better not to drive him out. So work in a new place will be calm, a successful career, and relations with new colleagues will be friendly.

  • Light road

If the path to the place of work was fast and did without trouble, then according to the signs we can assume that work in a new place will be the same - easy and difficulty.

  • Seeds at work

Do not eat seeds at the workplace. This, firstly, is not aesthetically aesthetically pleasing, and secondly, is interpreted as a bad sign preceding the early dismissal and quarrels with superiors.

On the first day after successful employment, signs do not advise ordering new business cards, close the door to the office and not eat seeds at the workplace. You should take a closer look at such details as a broken mirror, a dove flying into the window or an unexpected guest - a spider in the corner.

On which day it is better and to whom to get a job: signs

Settles to work
Settles to work

Success at the interview depends on many factors, among which, for example, the patron of the week of the week, the direction of the human profession, clothing, tone and style of speech, human behavior. In order not to hit the mud at the interview and enlist the support of space forces, read about signs below. So, on what day is it better and to whom to get a job?


  • The heavenly body, patronizing this day of the week, is the moon. She personifies tenderness and modesty.
  • Therefore, the style of clothing needs to be chosen the same - modest, but with taste. An ideal option would be a business style.
  • The behavior must be restrained, the answers are calm and concise.
  • On this day, luck will smile at someone who wanted to connect life with communication, medicine, education and improvement of real estate.


  • The patron of Tuesday is the god of war Mars. This means that the day for the interview is not the most suitable.
  • In place, misunderstandings and conflicts may arise, so you should not wait much success from the interview.
  • To appease the warlike patron, you need to dress appropriately - bright colors in clothes will help in this.
  • It is important that several elements of the image are red.
  • The behavior must be confident, and speech is accurate and decisive. So you can regain the support of the god of war and make an effect on the opponent with your leadership qualities.


  • The day of the week is under the control of the god of eloquence of Mercury.
  • If you try to be on the same wave with the patron of the day and not be afraid to show the mind and oratory, you can count on obtaining the desired vacancy.
  • Mercury loves educated, able to convince people.
  • You need to dress according to the latest youth fashion trends - a relaxed version with jeans, sneakers and shirts or sweaters is best.


  • Jupiter refuels during the day.
  • This planet will help people working or wanting to work in the public sphere, that is, managers, lawyers, analyst and so on.
  • Jupiter strives for continuous expansion, so the applicant for the workplace should also be ambitious and educated, desire to develop in his field and not be afraid to take risks.
  • A classic style is ideal for the meeting.


  • Responsible for this day is the beauty goddess Venus.
  • Luck will accompany the future designers, makeup artists, hairdressers, masseurs and representatives of other professions from the sphere of beauty and design.
  • The image that should be chosen is a stylish and elegant, appropriate to the patroness of the day.

Now let's put things in order in the house. Read further.

What do you need to do at home to get a job?

Fatigue helps in finding prestigious work
Fatigue helps in finding prestigious work

Folk traditions have identified 4 subjects that will help everyone without any problems with dreams of dreams to everyone. What do you need to do at home to get a job? Here are a few nuances:

  • New shoes

It is worth buying shoes that will delight the eye with its appearance, and in which it will be convenient and pleasant to go to work. After the purchase, you do not need to wear it right away. You should put a couple of shoes at the door, thereby showing the universe that a person is ready to go to a new job and enter into a new stage of life. Shoes should truly bring aesthetic pleasure and delight the eye.

  • Plant of a fat woman

This plant is also considered monetary. It can not only attract money, but also help in finding a prestigious and favorite job. Do not take a flower from friends or acquaintances - there will be no positive effect. When growing a plant, imagine how, together with the sprout that appears from the Earth, the chances of getting a job are also growing to the desired vacancy.

  • Fresh suit

As in signs with a new pair of shoes, before new employment you need to buy a new suit. Hang it at home in a prominent place. Each time, looking at him, visualize your dreams and imagine how good it looks and how the image will look spectacular.

  • Cinnamon sticks

The spice often used in cooking can be not only a seasoning for dishes, but also a powerful cash talisman. The fact is that in ancient times it was considered a “money spice”. It also needs to be laid out in a prominent place and represent successful employment.

So, in order to create atmosphere at home to attract finances and not to miss the chance to be at the work of dreams, you need to buy a new couple of shoes and a fresh suit, get a fat man at home and find several cinnamon sticks in the kitchen, laying them out in a prominent place. Summing up, I must say that, paying attention to these signs and following the tips from the article, you can be more confident in a successful device for a new job. However, the most significant and active sign is to act and not be afraid to take risks, because water will not flow under a lying stone. Good luck!

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