Signs related to guests to be visiting

Signs related to guests to be visiting

Signs of guests: when to wait for what you can and can not be done by guests, when it is better not to let guests go, and when the guests want the best.

Since ancient times, it was believed that guests, coming to the house, carry their energy. Positive or negative, attract the good to the house or on the contrary “rob” the house with their energy. Regarding guests there are many signs and beliefs by which you can determine many household and life nuances.

Signs about guests that animals promise

In this section, we have collected signs about guests who are “called”, or that animals and birds warn:

  • Stork flies over the house or yard - wait for the long -awaited and desired guests, as well as people who you miss strongly, but you could not meet for a long time;
  • A girl lives in a new house, and Voroskushki walked nesting - wait for the groom's arrival in the house;
  • When the baby had the first tooth, they always made a holiday, like the first step into adult life. But not in a leap year. According to the venue - to celebrate the first tooth with the guests this year, to provide the child with poor teeth for life;
  • Magpie on the window or balcony - at the arrival of guests and news, and if there are patients in the house - to the speedy recovery;
  • But the nightingale cried, on something in the house or courtyard, carries wealth and prosperity into the house;
  • Sinichka, who flew to the window, warns that the desired guests will come soon and there will be fun;
  • The cat is always washed at the arrival of guests: warm paws - awaits friends, cold - enemies;
  • A wedge of cranes flies over the yard-the family will be replenished, or distant, long relatives will come;
  • God's cow carries good news, with good fun guests;
  • If the birthday fell on Saturday - you can’t call guests in the sake of signs, or a small amount, otherwise there will be a bad mood and depression next year;
  • The cat scratches behind the ear - wait for guests for an hour;
  • Two forty sat on the cornice - to the guests, three forty sat on the cornice or near the house and look towards the house - wait for matchmakers;
  • Magpies screams, and look at the house - wait for the guests with the baby;
  • The bird hit your window - wait for guests with the news;
  • The rooster on the porch Kukarika - calls the guests, sits and screams at the gate - look in which direction he looks, the guests will be from there;
  • Is the cat stand on the windowsill and paws on the window? Meets guests. If he looks out the window and hisses, guests carry evil;
  • Chickens fight - to scandalous guests;
  • If the bird breaks from the shock on the window, there will be guests that will bring troubles and misfortunes to your family during the day;
  • If a spider on the web went down in front of the nose - wait for an increase at work and be sure to arrange a holiday with the guests on this occasion.
Cats always are washing guests
Cats always "wash" guests

Signs about the arrival of guests

In this section, we collected signs about guests, how to wait for them, and what to pay attention to:

  • Когда пришли гости их следует сразу же угостить: желанных, чтобы чаще приходили – молоком, нежеланных, непрошенных – медом или медовухой;
  • If before the arrival of guests, water is spilled or salt is spilled, troubles and bad news will be brought to lead;
  • Cheeks burn - wait for relatives to visit;
  • A guest came for the New Year - be sure to look at the arch of the foot. The higher the rise, the more successful the year. If flat feet - the guest should not go into the house with the first person in the new year so as not to attract misfortune to the house;
  • Eyebrows itch - to the speedy arrival of guests;
  • Cheeks burn on Friday - wait for a relatives to visit on Saturday;
  • Two family members said one word at the same time - get ready for the guests, if the word is abusive - for problematic, unwanted guests;
  • The guest who wants to be welcome and bearing good and good to the house - gives the owners a tablecloth. Linen tablecloth - as a symbol of friendship and kinship, silk - promise the owners of good and pleasure;
  • Yawned several times - wait for the guests;
  • If a funeral has passed in the house, you can’t go to visit the house for up to 40 days or call guests to the house. The soul may be angry and not go into time due to it. These days it is best to remain in silence and not indulge in fun;
  • When planning the arrival of guests, be sure to calculate the number of people. It is never allowed to allow 13 people (damn dozen) at the table, since this is in acceptance to each of the guests;
  • Opposite the front door, be sure to hang a mirror into the house. It will take away all the negativity from coming guests. And if the guest went into the house, and the mirror cracked for no reason - the guest brought evil and the mirror saved you. But such a guest is better.
They gave a tea service - to well -being in the house
They gave a tea service - to prosperity in the house

Signs about how guests came

In this section, we collected signs about guests to understand what intentions the guests came to your house:

  • If the guests came to the wedding completely in black, their intentions are insidious and bad. They should be asked to leave and sprinkle the threshold with salt, in order to avoid sorrows in the young;
  • It is impossible that at the table on name day or birthday to be 9, 13, 18, 21, 50, 99 and 100 guests. A bad sign with the sad consequences for the hero of the occasion. If someone comes without a couple, he must warn, so that the owners can adjust the number of guests;
  • If the guest was at the funeral and goes to you - he carries sorrows, illness and evil. You can’t let it into the house. If passing by, he became ill, not good - you will take out a chair, water and medicines for the threshold of the house, you can in the courtyard, but do not let it on the threshold of the house;
  • The owner choked at the table-the guests are in a hurry, the guest choked at the table-someone changed his mind to visit you;
  • The guests eat crossed food - the mistress of the house fell in love!
  • Came to the sweet to visit and stumbled on the threshold? This promises a quick marriage proposal;
  • Did the man tripped over, visiting his lover? Live in with his mother -in -law, even if you have your own housing;
  • In the name day they try to remove dogs from the yard and at home. If the guests on the named after began to sing, and the dog howled - to the death of the birthday man;
  • On the birthday of the birthday man, it is better to spit several times in the evening over the left shoulder 3 times so that the guests do not frighten good luck with praise and laudatory speeches;
  • At the table of the hero of the day there should never be fried pigeons or pork head, this promises the hero of the problem and troubles;
  • An empty bottle on the table - to empty pockets sitting at the table;
  • Lying bottle on the table - to drunk guests at the end of the holiday;
  • Is there a lot of bitten bread on the table? Wait for the guests!
  • If a guest drops a fork, knife or spoon, wait for the guests;
  • The guests gave a tea service - invite them to a tea party within a month after the gift.
The fork fell - wait for the guests
The fork fell - wait for the guests

Signs about guest departure

In this section, we collected signs about guests when they say goodbye and leave:

  • Did the guest forget the clock? So, your paths will disperse in the future;
  • Before the guests leave the house, it is necessary to drink “on the track” so that the guest remembers your hospitality, and he was accompanied by luck on the way home. From this signs we went to drink “on the staff” and “on the horse”;
  • If before the holiday, when there are no guests, dishes broke - fortunately, during the holiday - unfortunately. You can only fix it if the guest who has broken the dishes will buy it - on the threshold will leave a coin (payment to the house), which cannot be removed for 7 days. And the dishes can be taken out of the house after the last guest leaves the house;
  • After the guests have gone - wipe the tablecloth outside so that the money was from in your house;
  • Do you want guests never come again? After their departure, thoroughly notice to the exit, and sprinkle the threshold with salt. This will remove all the negativity brought by them, and decay them in the future.
Notice after leaving guests if you do not want them to come to you, or only the next day - if guests are welcome
Notice after leaving guests if you do not want them to come to you, or only the next day - if guests are welcome

Signs about how to be visiting

In this section, we collected signs about guests, or rather, how to behave in a guest, what we need to say and do, and what is categorically impossible:

  • It is impossible to wash the dishes at the guest, otherwise it is believed that the guest “washing off” the money from the house;
  • The left elbow scratches - you will rest at a party, itching and annoying - rest will not bring pleasure;
  • Drinking a third glass - get out gifts!
  • To always live in peace and harmony when coming to visit, cross the threshold, holding your spouse by the hand.
Guests can not wash the dishes!
Guests can not wash the dishes!

Signs about guests: tips and reviews

Inga: My mother believed in signs and taught the whole family to them. As my mother said, special attention to the guests. After all, you let strangers into the most secret, into your house. Recently, a neighbor, going from a funeral, asked for my house, my head was spinning. I refused her and offered to relax in the garden in the gazebo, where I would take out everything that is required. She was offended, and went to condemn me to the next neighbor on the street. A week later, the husband went to the hospital, and the neighbor stopped laughing from my superstitions, and she came to consult what to do next.

Mila: on a household she broke a glass and immediately wanted to remove it, but the housewife was alarmed and said that only the owners should remove, and I should put the coin on the threshold. And guests can help remove from the table, but you can’t wash the dishes to have money at home. They came home with her husband consulted and decided to do the same. And indeed, without changing the work of the house, it became more to “settle” money. Signs work!

You can also read about other signs on our site:

Video: Signs about guests. What portends the arrival of guests?

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