A sign associated with an umbrella: the interpretation of everyone will accept an umbrella

A sign associated with an umbrella: the interpretation of everyone will accept an umbrella

Signs about umbrellas: how and where to dry, whether it is possible to raise the lost, whether it is possible to give, etc.

The umbrella initially defended tender female faces from the sun, and only eventually became a faithful companion during the rains. A lot of years have passed since then, and the umbrella has settled down by many superstitions and signs. In this article we will talk about signs about the umbrella and about everything connected with it.

Why is it impossible to open an umbrella in the house: interpretation

Since the appearance of a folding umbrella, a sign has appeared about umbrellas, according to which it is impossible to open an umbrella. And that's why. An instructive story from Ancient Rome is told, where there were huge folding trade umbrellas from the sun, and the woman accidentally opened this umbrella at home, thereby destroying the walls of the house. Today we are well aware of what quality the walls of this shack were, as well as how much the umbrella should be to touch several walls and fill up the house. What is the house, even a tent. But in past centuries they loved to “educate” citizens with horror stories, and this one had great power.

Another version says that the first umbrellas were invented from the sun, and were allowed only at lunchtime. But if in a house where the roof closes from the sun, the gods will notice an umbrella, then they decide that the people living in the house do not want to be caressed by the god of Light Apollo and send the night of the Knox and the god of the death of Morse for the house of the god.

You can’t open an umbrella at home - to thin
You can’t open an umbrella at home - to thin

And in our latitudes, the open umbrella did not complain to the brownie. All under the roof of the house - protects the spirit of the brownie, and he does not need any umbrellas for this. If people will leave this open, the brownie will send many troubles and troubles on them. The brownie was also considered an open umbrella - a symbol of disorder. And in this case he punished the hostess.

There is also a sign about an umbrella, which reports that when opening an umbrella in the room, on which water drops flow - you are depriving yourself of money. With each drop they flow from the wallet.

Why can't you select the lost umbrella?

Signs of umbrellas say that if you have found a lost umbrella, it is categorically impossible to carry it into the house. This promises misfortunes.

It is also believed that you can’t categorically take a lost someone else's umbrella with your bare hands - you will pull the misfortunes of the previous owner to yourself. You need to pre-put on gloves or close your hand, something (the edge of the sleeve, a scarf, etc.), and raising an umbrella, hang or take it to a prominent place.

If the umbrella has fallen, the sign says that it is better not to raise it by ourselves, but to wait for help. So you will give all your problems to the earth and water and will not pick them up again. And if a passerby serves, the sign will not go to him and does not touch.

No matter how beautiful the umbrella is - you can’t choose lost
No matter how beautiful the umbrella is - you can’t choose lost

Why it is impossible to get water to the floor to flow from the umbrella: a sign

Another interesting sign about umbrellas. It is impossible for the water from the umbrella to flow with jets to the floor. Be sure to put fabric, pelvis, bucket, or hang over the bathroom. The sign says that flowing, the water annoys domestic spirits (brownies and assistants), who will bring all kinds of troubles associated with water on the head of the negligent residents of the house so that the residents understand how unpleasant to the brownie.

Sign of an umbrella and bed

Signs of umbrellas say that the umbrella is best suspended in a closed state, having previously thoroughly dried. It is strictly not recommended to put zones on a bed, a sofa or sofa on which they sleep. This blocks the cash flow into your home.

Can I walk under one umbrella?

On the street, it seems to be very humane to put under the umbrella of another unfortunate, whom it rained on the road. But signs of umbrellas say that together to walk under an umbrella - the money owner will be expelled into the pocket of the one who was launched under the umbrella.

This sign is canceled only if you have a common budget. The way out of the position is simple - you can give an umbrella to another person, and go in the rain yourself. For example, if you go with a girl, or an elderly person.

Go under one umbrella - the money will flow
Go under one umbrella - the money will flow

Is it possible to give an umbrella for the holidays?

Signs of umbrellas are categorical:

  • You will give an umbrella for a birthday - and there will be bad weather in your personal life;
  • You will give an umbrella for a housewarming - and there will be difficulties in everyday life;
  • You will give an umbrella for a holiday - and complicate a person life;
  • To cancel the gift - give a few coins for the umbrella. So you will “redeem” a thing.

What to do if the umbrella breaks?

Signs of umbrellas are very interesting relatively broken things:

  • An umbrella has broken - there will be troubles in business. You can annul the sign by acquiring a new umbrella and giving the seller the old. (The seller will simply throw him away);
  • They deliberately broke an umbrella - in your life there will be a series of failures, you just need to wait out;
  • We saw how the umbrella broke down - give a person a few coins “on a new umbrella”. So you neutralize the negativity associated with a breakdown of the umbrella.

Signs about umbrellas

In this section, we have collected general signs about umbrellas:

  • In the rain, open the umbrella from the sun (lace) - call the laughter of the gods and get good luck in deeds;
  • Young, having arrived in a new house, should go to the store and first of all buy an umbrella. So that their life is dry and calm;
  • On a sunny day, open an umbrella from the rain - cause rain;
  • Put an umbrella on the table - leave an empty wallet;
  • You are quick -tempered and impatient - buy a red umbrella, it will give you energy;
  • Salad and green umbrellas - attract happiness and family benefits;
  • White umbrella - will attract gossip in your back;
  • Do you often get colds? Buy a blue umbrella;
  • But orange umbrellas are not recommended. They make the owners capricious, fearful, and also attract the negative, negative people and illnesses;
  • But an umbrella color of the rainbow, even in cloudy weather, is able to pull Apollo's eyes, and fill your life with positive moments.
Rainbow umbrellas attract luck and happiness!
Rainbow umbrellas attract luck and happiness!

Why is the umbrella dream of?

The signs of umbrellas reports what the umbrella is dreaming of:

  • It is dreaming that you are going or standing under a strange umbrella - to bad news, troubles and squabbles;
  • It dreams that you hid from the rain under an umbrella - problems at work and at home;
  • It is dreaming that you hid from the sun under an umbrella - to money.

Sign associated with an umbrella: tips and reviews

Angelina: The other day we walked with a friend, and I noticed an umbrella on the ground. A friend forbade me to pick him up, and ran to the nearest store for a bag, picked it up and carried it to the nearest stop. At home, she told her grandmother’s story, and she said that we would do everything right or would bring to ourselves the troubles of the person who lost the umbrella. Now I try to learn more about signs in order to prevent stupid things in the future.

Marina: I never opened an umbrella in the room for drying, according to the rules of etiquette, but then she succumbed to fashion trend and bought double. She began to dry open, because he was more dense and noticed that in the fall our budget with her husband became many times less. The mother -in -law, who saw an open umbrella read me, and said that in addition to etiquette, there is such a sign. Money will flow. She stopped drying the umbrella openly, bored the brownie and not believe it - they gave her husband a bonus like a half -year salary!

Want to know even more? You may like our articles:

Video: Folk signs about an umbrella

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