Kamyshi: Bad sign or good? Kamysh at home in a vase: signs and superstitions

Kamyshi: Bad sign or good? Kamysh at home in a vase: signs and superstitions

Should I bring reeds to the house? Signs, superstition and dream book about reeds.

Kamysh is a beautiful, tall, river grass that stands for a long time, decorating the interior with an original design, and is considered an excellent option for floor vases in educational institutions and offices. But Kamysh at home should not be kept. We collected signs related to reeds in this article. Knowing them, you will love this plant on the street - and you will not let it into your house.

What symbolizes reeds?

To better understand signs about reeds, let's figure out what this plant symbolizes. In Christianity, Kamysh found the response of a church that conducts a certain symbolism between parishioners and reeds. It is believed that the reservoir is faith, the church, and the reeds are a dense crowd of parishioners. And just as Kamysh does not rise without moisture in the spring, the parishioners will not find the true faith without the Church and their shepherd. But Kamysh should always be near water, and not take away from it, as parishioners from the church should not be left for a long time.

Also, Kamysh in different cultures of the world was associated with drought, lost opportunities, meaninglessly spent years, and which is worst of all - the loss of youth and warmth. In this symbolism there is a direct threat of youth and beauty for women who share their home hearth (the place where the woman is filled with energy) with reeds.


Bring young reeds in the spring to the house - sign

  • A sign about reeds brought home in the spring that the hosts pulled a water and mask into their house for the whole year. And they decided to read with them and evil spirits, but they allowed the triumph of evil spirits in their house. After all, the house was always considered a shrine in which each member of the family was resting and opened as energetically as possible. And women were completely gaining strength near the hearth and were a reflection of their house.
  • But bringing the reeds young in the spring to any public place did not mean calling evil spirits, but on the contrary, to clear the aura of a public place and attract the strength of nature at the energy level.
  • You can also not bring reeds to the house and to the courtyard if you have a work related to the farm. Water can be angry and drought to the fields.
Kamysh in a vase
Kamysh in a vase

Signs about reeds in the house

Most will accommodate Kamysh clearly against his stay in the house, but it is believed that a snip, or a pipe from reeds, is able to protect the owner from troubles and misfortunes, as well as warn about the intrigues and suggest, about possible confusions in the future.

  • Kamysh is considered a dead plant, and therefore carries negative energy. Signs are warned - you will bring reeds to the house, you famously vague;
  • While the reeds in the house - the woman in the house will be lonely and unhappy;
  • But for the Egyptians - the reeds are associated with the authorities. And today the Egyptians are trying to buy a chair-tone of reed, feeling in it power and regality;
  • It is impossible to decorate the house with reeds according to signs - a series of misfortunes will fire to the owners in the most unexpected places;
  • Imitation of reeds in the house will also lead to anything good. This usually leads to diseases and prolonged problems in the career.

Dry reeds at home in a vase, interior: omen

Signs about reeds in various cultures are not unambiguous. And, for example, the Southern Slavs were convinced that Kamysh could bring not only problems, but also happiness. So, the Slavs personally collected reeds in good sunny weather and carried it into the house, singing songs. They put in floor vases at the threshold, right at the entrance to the house. It was believed that this amulet would protect the family from ill -wishers. They also put small flowerpots with reeds in the pantry and on terraces/balconies. It was believed that in this case there will be peace and peace in the house.

Reeds can be placed behind the threshold of the house
Reeds can be placed behind the threshold of the house

What are the reeds for: sign

Signs about reeds are not all so negative. Some promise happiness and even tender mutual love. According to the note, if the girl met with the guy, she loved him sincerely, but did not see serious intentions in him (did not come to get married), she tore reeds, tied him with a red ribbon and gave her lover. This aroused his feelings, and pushed into a serious relationship and matchmaking.

The sign also says - that if a month passed after the gift, but there was no matchmakers, the Virgin will not have anything with this man, and it is worth getting away from such a relationship.

Another sign says that if a girl does not meet a guy, and wants to arouse his feelings and activity - it is worth giving such a bouquet to the guy quietly. Putting under the door or window, knock and leave before the door opens. The couples of days will not pass, the guy begins to provide signs of attention.

Kamysh in the house on Feng Shui

In addition to the signs of reeds, it is worth paying attention to the eastern practice of Feng Shui, according to which the plant can be near the house-behind the threshold, in the yard, etc. But it is categorically cannot be introduced into his house, since it promises troubles and misfortunes, illness and loneliness. In addition, according to Feng Shui, after the appearance of reeds in the house, insomnia may begin.

According to Feng Shui - the reeds in the house should not be
According to Feng Shui - the reeds in the house should not be

Bouquet with reeds and flowers: sign

Kamysh is a beautiful plant, both green and dried. Decorators and florists very often add reeds to the bouquets, and thereby you should look more carefully at the bouquets that are given to you.

If he is with flowers in a bouquet, then a sign about reeds states that at first he will pull the strength from flowers, and then from the house in which he found himself. Flowers in such a bouquet will be faster than if the reeds were not standing nearby, and the surrounding space would be filled with negative energy.

The solution is very simple - put flowers on the balcony, loggia, in the corridor. If such an opportunity is absent, you can remove the reeds from the composition, throw it out of the house, and place the bouquet in a vase in the house.

If you dreamed of reeds: signs

Signs about reeds also apply to dreams. Depending on the dream book, they are slightly different:

  • Kamysh dreams of gossip, undergraduates, and discussions behind their backs;
  • Also, the disputes about the inheritance are reed if a person enters into one;
  • Dreams that the reeds are growing - to luck and soon happiness;
  • It is a dream that you cut the reeds - ahead of failure and problems, and in addition, it is recommended not to start new things, they are doomed to failure;
  • I had a dream of reeds - pay attention to what is happening nearby and be on the final difficulties;
  • Cover the roof with reeds in your dreams-you probably have a controversial business, which is about to be resolved in your favor;
  • In a dream, run along reeds or reeds - in reality you run into the arms of love;
  • If the reeds are dreaming from Friday to Monday - more carefully with alcohol and its consequences;
  • I dreamed that you yourself gathered and brought reeds home to the imminent death of a loved one;
  • Give a man in a dream to a person - in reality, you will soon part with this person;
  • On the way in a dream, reeds come across all the time - in life you are on the right track.
Reeds can be carried to offices and public places
Reeds can be carried to offices and public places

Reeds: signs

Signs about reeds also talk about reed fluff:

  • For girls, Kamysh acted as a predictor. In the summer, in windy weather in the night, when the moon was clear, the girl herself broke the reeds and went to the intersection. She tore and scattered fluff at the intersection and watched which way he would fly, from that groom and will come to get married;
  • If the reeds at the threshold flooded and the fluff shattered throughout the house, matchmakers will come in the next couple of days.

How to carry out reeds from home: signs

Signs about reeds also tell what to do if, by negligence, he ended up in the house, and the family is overcome by evil spirits and all kinds of sorrows:

  • Kamysh take out of the house;
  • From the farthest room to the entrance, and even the threshold or entrance of the house, wash and do generally wet cleaning;
  • In each room, shaking the consecrated candle, and while the candles are burning in the rooms to go to the next step;
  • Reading the prayer “Our Father”, spray all corners, windows and doorways with consecrated water;
  • If the guests will ask for the next day, do not let them into the house without clearing the reason.
Decorative reeds should also be raised exclusively on the street
Decorative reeds should also be raised exclusively on the street

Signs about reeds: tips and reviews

Lily: always admired the reeds who stood in a floor vase at school. But we could not pass at our place, and such a vase, of course, could not be put. As soon as she moved to live separately - she immediately bought a vase and brought the reeds herself. He stood for a year, and I complained all a year that all the guys in me see a comfort, and none of them offers even to meet. The issue was decided when an elderly neighbor came to visit, she said that the reeds for loneliness. Kamysh carried out, cleaned the housing and next month, the familiar guy who I always liked, offered to meet.

Irina: Mom spoke to me about evil from the reeds since childhood. I love him madly, as well as the view of the rivers and lakes, but I will never bear it home. This beauty, like the flight of swallows, should be exclusively on the street. But recently I dreamed of reeds, but I'm running along it, and I don’t see the edges. I woke up - to the dream book. And there is a favorite meeting. And the sun did not have time to sit down, a man came up on the street, said, a month is watching me leaving the office, and decided to approach, invite coffee. And what do you think? Today we are flying to our first joint vacation! I hope this is fate!

Signs help to understand life issues and difficulties. Want to know more? You may like our articles:

Video: Folk signs about reeds - can you keep it at home?

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