What games to play a child with cars: description of games

What games to play a child with cars: description of games

If you have a son, then the house has a large number of cars. However, they can not only be a toy, but also help the baby develop.

Read more about what games with cars you can play with the child will be told in this article.

Why do children play cars?

  • Such toys can be given not only to older boys, but also to kids. Almost all children love to play with cars, regardless of their age. Scientists decided to conduct research on why children love such toys so much. They determined that with severe stress, boys begin to roll cars on the floor. The car is associated with the steering wheel. Therefore, the baby is trying to manage his life.
  • Children aged 1-3 years play cars, to gain your experience. During the first plot games, they try to comprehend what is happening. Thanks to this, an understanding of how the world around us arises. In this case, the development of logic occurs, because the child is trying to learn how to contact the toy correctly. It must be put on the ground, and moved, accompanied by certain sounds. Games with small cars will develop hands and fine motor skills.
  • At the age of 3-7 years, the child begins to contact his peers. At this age, children use Small cars, To create plot scenes on the road. This helps them in the future correctly resolve conflicts, concede and negotiate.
  • At the age of 3-7 years you can play developing games and teach a child traffic rules. To do this, prepare home -made road signs and traffic lights. Thanks to this, the boy will be independent in the future. During the games, children remember shades, automobile spare parts, believe, etc.
Small boys love to play cars
Small boys love to play cars
  • Children who go to school can also play games with cars. However, games at this age should be more realistic. The best option will be toys on the radio. This helps boys develop coordination and self -confidence. Particularly popular are designers in the form of cars. This helps the child to form his own collection of vehicles. Experienced psychologists advise buying a few cars, paying more attention to the quality of toys.
  • When the child constantly moves toys and provokes clashes, this gets rid of the negativity, which he faces daily. Movement along one trajectory help to form stability.

Games with cars and child development

  • It should be noted that boys are constantly evolving in all ages. Moreover, they need the help of adults and the environment. That is why during games with cars, parents should be near. This helps to prevent furniture and clothing deformation. You can also make sure that the baby does not harm himself.
  • You can prepare ordinary paint for drawing, and dip the wheels of the vehicle into it. After riding it on a sheet of paper in different directions.
  • If the child likes to draw, let him circle the car contour on paper. Then remove the toys, and let the baby put them on the right contours.

What games to play a child with cars: TOP-10 games with machines for children

  • There are different games with cars for the child. Some of them are universal, and suitable for all ages.
  • Some are suitable for older children. When choosing, you should focus on the development of the baby. More about the best options will be described later.
Come up with a variety of games to entertain the baby
Come up with a variety of games to entertain the baby

Games in a taxi

  • Put several toys (animals or dolls) on the carpet, and let them call the vehicle by phone. The machine can be used to transport toys between houses, shops, etc. If there are trucks, you can transport large goods with their help. Payment with the driver is carried out by toy money.
  • For such a game, the best option would be a machine that has a trailer or open body. In them you can sit dolls and design details. Such a game is suitable for those cases when you need to lay out all the toys in the evening in the evening. The game form of restoring order will be relevant regardless of age.

City from paper

  • On a sheet of paper, you can draw a metropolis with an extensive road. You can supplement the picture turns, traffic lights and forks. Focus on your skills or strength. You can attract a child to drawing.
  • Using such a card, you will teach the baby to turn right or left. You can study the shades of the traffic light and their value.

Automobile salon

  • If your child prefers to play games with sales and purchases, you can build a car dealership for him. Prepare cash register, banking checks etc. Remember that the consultant must communicate with the buyer.
  • Let the baby tell about everything that he knows about cars. There should be different cars in the car dealership so that the baby can advise you the best option. After you can change roles when the child himself selects a car for himself.

Garage in several floors

  • To build a garage in several floors, use ordinary cardboard boxes. It is better if they are of different sizes based on the dimensions of cars. It is better to glue the boxes among themselves so that they do not fall apart. Make a gate and doors in them using scissors.
  • With the help of such a game, you can train the child to count. Let him follow how many cars entered and left. As you develop, increase the number of sections.

Car wash

  • Before starting the game in the cars, read the baby with how the cars are washed. After put the cars in the queue, and dial in a bowl of water. Prepare a brush and detergent.
  • Let the boy wash the cars himself. Believe me, he will be completely delighted. Be prepared for the fact that after you have to carefully wipe the floor, because the puddles will be huge.

Round highway

  • On a sheet of wallpaper, draw a winding road, and cut it off. Apply special flags, sides and markings.
  • Let the child arrange races on the highway. If he asks to draw up a company and arrange competitions, do not refuse. For such a game, toys on the radio control are more suitable.

Family of cars

  • To develop psychological resistance from the boy, you can play with him in a family of cars.
  • This will play many situations that will teach the basic rules of the family.
Such games undoubtedly positively affect the development of the child
Such games undoubtedly positively affect the development of the child

Special equipment

  • For this game you need to choose machines for various purposes (Police, ambulance, fire department and city cars). For example, a red car can violate the rules of the road, and collided with a blue car.
  • Police officers come to the scene of the accident, and they find the offender who runs away. They begin to chase behind the car, and stop it. Ambulance can provide first medical care to victims in a blue car. The emergency machine can be used to deliver the blue car to the repair site.
  • When you play with the baby, try to voice all the actions. It will not only be useful, but also interesting. It is better if grandfathers or dads play with the boy. After all, they know much more about different situations.

Games for training

  • With children, age up to 3 years, you can play training games. At this time, the baby can study the dimensions and shades of vehicles.
  • At the very beginning, study the structure of the car (steering wheel, wheels, internal parts, etc.). Machines can be used to study speeds, distances and heights.


  • Children will definitely evaluate situations when cars will go down from the hill. They can be built from available materials. The main rule is that they should be dense.
  • Put the machine upstairs, push it, and let it go down. Accompany this with certain sounds to make the boy more interesting.

Tuning cars

  • This game will help your child create unique and individual toy collection. To do this, prepare markers and plasticine. Stickers are also suitable. Markers choose those that are washed off. If the child gets an unsuccessful tuning, everything can be fixed. If you try, you can even change the design of the vehicle.
  • So that things and furniture do not get dirty during the game, follow the baby's games. Try to take an active part in games.
Create a cool collection
Create a cool collection

As you can see, games with cars for a child can be different, depending on imagination. You can play with the baby not only dads, but also for mothers. This will bring you closer to the child, while the emotional connection will intensify. You can also engage in the development of a boy.

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