Find out everything you wanted to know about childbirth: stages, tips

Find out everything you wanted to know about childbirth: stages, tips

What is important to know about the birth of a future mother? Read about this in the article.

Now for pregnant women there are many schools and centers in which experts tell women how to prepare for childbirth and what will happen during this process. But not all future mothers can attend such classes, but for example, in small cities and settlements - there are no such schools at all.

Read on our website an article about partner birth with her husband. You will find out what courses and tests need a husband to attend birth.

In this article we will tell you about everything that you wanted to know about childbirth. Below will be given tips and all stages are described. Read further.

What is important to know about the birth of a pregnant woman: tips


In a pregnant woman, when the first fights appear, panic may begin, as well as in everyone who surrounds her at the moment. But do not worry. What is important to know about the birth of a pregnant woman? Here are the tips:

  • Do not panic and look at the clock, because it is very difficult to record each reduction, and this is not necessary.
  • Instead, you should find time to prepare and trust your body, because it will give the best signs.
  • And at this time it is important to relax, because it awaits a long and tiring day or night.
  • If a woman is tired, it is necessary to relax between the fights. Drink a lot of water to avoid dehydration.
  • Do not forget to urinate often, even if this is not necessary. A full bladder can negatively affect contractions, and empty - will free more space for the child.

If there are worries, do the exercises for relaxation and something that distracts from fights. You can deeply breathe, watch a movie or listen to music.

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What you need to know about the first births of primitive women: Stages

For every pregnant woman, especially if she is going to give birth for the first time, this process is always exciting. After all, it is not known what awaits you ahead. What do you need to know about first -born women? Firstly, it should be remembered that childbirth is divided into 3 stages. Read further.

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The first phase of childbirth: what expects a pregnant woman?

The first phase of childbirth begins when contractions occur, causing progressive changes in the cervix, and ends when the cervix is \u200b\u200bfully revealed. This phase is divided into two phases:

  1. Early birth: the cervix is \u200b\u200bgradually thinner and expands.
  2. Active birth: the cervix expands sharply, the fights are longer, stronger, and the distance between the fights is less.

What expects a pregnant woman? Active birth is the moment when something really begins to happen. Contractions become intense, last longer and arise more often. It is no longer possible to talk between fights. The cervix expands faster. This is the last stage of active childbirth.

The general rule is that by the time when the fights are painful and will last about 60 seconds And take place each 5 minutes For at least an hour, you should contact the hospital. In most cases, contractions occur every 2-3 minutesAlthough there are women who have less often fights.

How long does active birth last?

  • For women giving birth for the first time, active childbirth will take 4 to 8 hoursbut this is not a rule for all women, because for some they last longer, and for some they are shorter.
  • Active birth will last faster if a woman has already given birth. If she received epidural anesthesia or if the child is large, childbirth will occur longer.


  • Many women at some point in active birth require epidural anesthesia.
  • But there are other methods of relaxation and to relieve pain - the most effective deep breathing.

Professional staff will also provide a woman with great help with their prompts, what to do.

Second phase of childbirth: transitional stage, child's birth

The second phase of childbirth
The second phase of childbirth

The second phase of childbirth begins when the cervix is \u200b\u200bcompletely “disclosed” and ends with the birth of a child.

  • It is worth noting that this stage ends with the transition phase to the third stage.
  • The woman has already given birth, there is no pain and relief comes.

Transitional stage:

  • This is the last stage of active childbirth. The cervix will be width from 8 to 10 inches.
  • This phase is called transitional because it marks a new beginning of active childbirth.
  • This is the most tense part of the birth. The fights are strong, occur every 2-3 minutes And last a minute or longer. Trembling may begin.
  • By the time the cervix is \u200b\u200bcompletely disclosed and the transition phase ends, the child begins to go outside.
  • The woman will feel rectal pressure, which will remind you of the need to empty the intestine.
  • During this phase, some women have to visit the toilet to free the intestines, which is completely normal. You can even feel nausea and urge vomiting.

Some children are born earlier, and mothers feel pressure on the rectum before the cervix is \u200b\u200bcompletely revealed. Many women do not feel rectal pressure at all. In addition, for the same woman, all childbirth can be completely different. If epidural anesthesia is used, the pressure force will also be present and depends on the type and amount of the medicine.

How long does the transitional stage last? This can take from a few minutes to a couple of hours. Probably, it will end earlier if the woman was already giving birth.


  • If childbirth without epidural anesthesia, at some point you can lose faith in yourself and think that you will not be able to bear the pain.
  • At this stage, the support of others is important. You can consider the possibility of massage, as it is an effective method of relaxation.
  • But it also happens that women do not want to be touched.
  • Sometimes a change of pose can bring relief. For example, if strong pressure in the lower back is felt, the position on all fours can reduce discomfort.
  • A cold compress on the forehead, back or chest can bring relief, while some women prefer warm compresses.

There really are no rules. Listen to your body and staff tips. Think about how these strong and painful sensations and contractions of the uterus and its neck help the child be born.

Third phase of childbirth: birth and exit of the placenta

The third phase of childbirth begins immediately after the birth of the child and ends with the release of the placenta.

It is worth noting:

  • Each pregnancy is individual, and the duration of the birth is different. In some women, childbirth lasts longer, for some - much shorter. Giving birth to women, childbirth is usually much smaller in terms of duration.
  • As soon as contractions begin to occur with relatively regular intervals, and the cervix expands and thinks, childbirth officially begins.

In cases where the fights begin suddenly and immediately begin to arise intensively, it can be difficult to determine whether the birth has begun. Often it is the so -called false birth.

Read on our website another interesting article about natural birth in water. It has a lot of important information about the benefits and danger of childbirth in water.

What a pregnant woman needs to know: Early births

Pregnant woman: early birth
Pregnant woman: early birth

Important: If a woman is not in the last week of pregnancy and fights or other signs of childbirth become noticeable, you do not have to wait to see how the fights will progress. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor to determine whether they are premature birth.

What do you need to know a pregnant woman about early birth? That's what is important:

  • If the early births have begun, the fights will gradually become longer and stronger, and the intervals between the fights will become shorter.
  • After a while it will happen every 5 minutes And last from 40 to 60 seconds, marking the end of the early births.
  • In some women, fights are frequent, but they are light and last no longer than a minute.
  • Sometimes contractions are quite painful, although they expand the cervix much more slowly than we would like.

It is worth knowing: If the birth is typical, contractions at the early stage will not require special attention, like those that are expected later.

You can even take a walk. Probably, reinforced discharge of an unusual color or with a clot of blood will become noticeable - this is completely normal. But if an increase in bleeding begins, you must definitely consult a doctor.

Early birth ends when the cervix is \u200b\u200bopened approximately 4 centimeters And the fights begin to accelerate significantly.

How long does it last early childbirth? It is difficult to say with confidence how long the early period lasts, so it is not easy to say how long the first phase flows in time. The duration of early birth depends on a number of factors and largely depends on how much the cervix is \u200b\u200bexpanded at the beginning of the process, as well as on how strong and frequent contractions.

Now you know what to expect during childbirth. Prepare for this process at the same time as a person who will be with you at that moment. The main thing is not to panic even during delivery, listen to doctors and nurses who will take birth. Good luck!

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