Partner birth with her husband. What courses and tests do your husband need to attend birth?

Partner birth with her husband. What courses and tests do your husband need to attend birth?

If you are planning an affiliate childbirth, the information in the article will help to weigh the pros and cons, as well as prepare for the process correctly.

In the last 10-15 years, the attitude to childbirth and women in labor has changed a lot in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe. The future mother is no longer perceived as an object of medical research. She is the main character in the sacrament of the birth of a new life.

Modern doctors are of the opinion that at this time psychological assistance and support for it are even more important than medical intervention. Therefore, an increasing number of maternity hospitals welcomes partnerships - those on which the father of the child is present.

The presence of her husband in childbirth: for and against

Partnerships, or family-oriented, imply the presence in Rodzal, someone else, besides doctors. This someone is a close person of a giving birth to a woman who will have to support her, to create a favorable psychological mood for her.

A man at childbirth is support for childbirth.
A man at childbirth is support for women.

Important: partnerships and childbirth with my husband are perceived by us as the same thing. In fact, her mother, sister or even friend can support a woman in this hard work. It is simply most often that the father of the child is chosen for the role of a partner.

Often a pregnant woman wants her husband to be with her at childbirth, since:

  • afraid of the process itself
  • afraid of doctors
  • he is afraid that if something goes wrong during childbirth, the husband will be able to control the situation and take care of her rights
  • thinks that such "co -creation" will contribute to its even greater rapprochement with her husband
  • thinks that partners will contribute to the establishment of a close connection between the newborn and his father
  • wants her husband to see how hard the child was given to her
  • he wants to pay tribute to fashion ("All my friends and acquaintances gave birth with husbands")
The presence of her husband in childbirth and against is necessary to weigh before everything begins.
The presence of her husband in childbirth and against is necessary to weigh before everything begins.

But, one of her desires is not enough. The question of whether the husband should be present in childbirth is very difficult, in every pair he is solved individually. In order to decide on partnerships, a man must be well aware of what awaits his wife and himself, what his role will be.

In the process of childbirth, he is not a spectator. A man will require significant efforts, physical and moral. After all, partnerships mean "giving birth with her husband", and not "husband watches the birth of a child."

Important: the decision on the presence of a man in childbirth should not be spontaneous. Even during pregnancy, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and forgive, consult a gynecologist and, possibly, a psychologist, and only after that choose a variant of the partner birth or reject it.

To participate in partnerships, it would be good for a man to participate in all pregnancy. He has all the conditions for this: numerous literature, the ability to go with his wife to an appointment with a female consultation and an ultrasound, the opportunity to attend training courses for childbirth, so on.

WHO calls partnerships family-oriented, as they contribute to the establishment of close communication within the family.
WHO calls partnerships family-oriented, as they contribute to the establishment of close communication within the family.

The obvious advantages of affiliate labor are:

  1. Real physical assistance. A man helps a giving birth to a woman to walk in contractions, supports her on a fitball, does a massage, helps to breathe correctly, push, so on
  2. The moral support. In Poznova and Rodzal, a man can do everything that the fighting spirit of a giving birth to a woman will raise and create a favorable psychological mood for her: jokes, tell stories, sing, communicate with a child, so on
  3. Mediation between the woman in labor and the medical staff. A man present at childbirth can elementarily call a doctor if necessary. It is also no secret that in some maternity hospitals the attitude towards expectant mothers still leaves much to be desired. Partner birth is a kind of reinsurance from the boorish attitude of doctors
  4. Family rallying. Psychologists assure that joint births, the decision of which is made consciously and out of mutual desire, contribute to strengthening the close connection between the born baby, his mother and dad
  5. Awareness of the value of a new life. A man who focused his child, as if dedicated to something secret. He perceives the child as a treasure granted to him by nature and his wife
A man in childbirth - a coherent between a woman and a medical staff.
A man in childbirth - a coherent between a woman and a medical staff.

Important: the role of a man is great not only during natural births, but also in the case of a cesarean section. If it passes under general anesthesia, it is the father of the child that they put a newborn on the chest with the aim of his speedy adaptation to life outside the maternal womb

Unfortunately, partner birth can turn into a real nightmare:

  1. A man has stress if he does not have enough moral forces. Those present on the attempts of husbands often faint. But the worst psychological problems of papa partners can have protracted depression, weakening of libido, and even impotence
  2. A woman is shy about a man, irritated at him or offended. This reaction can cause both the wrong, according to the woman, the behavior of her husband, and the lack of attention or girperopeck. Doctors say that giving birth to women shouted to her husband from the premium due to the fact that they "dared" to offer them water or they said "let's find"
  3. Family and intimate relationships between a man and a woman may worsen. It is impossible to reject the fact that both the man and the woman often cease to perceive each other as sexual partners after joint births
Unfortunately, joint births, if any of the partners for them is not ready, are able to forever ruin relationships in the family.
Unfortunately, joint births, if any of the partners for them is not ready, are able to forever ruin relationships in the family.

Video: Why give birth with a husband? Do I need a husband during childbirth?

Partner birth preparation, courses

It would be very good that together with the future mother, dad, who is going to attend birth, took place along with the very future mother.

Important: such courses exist in women's consultations, the maternity hospitals themselves, in private clinics, family centers.

For partnerships, you can prepare in special courses.
For partnerships, you can prepare in special courses.

Training courses are a class cycle conducted by experienced instructors. Of these classes, a man can extract a lot of useful things. He:

  • will receive an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat childbirth is, how they pass
  • watch a video with real births, then what is happening in Rodzal will not be a surprise for him
  • will learn how to distinguish real fights from false, find their duration and the duration of the interval between them
  • learn to do anesthetic massage
  • will master the technique of breathing during fights and other techniques of their anesthesia
  • he learns how to behave between fights, how to help a woman relax between them
  • he learns how to behave on attempts, how to help his wife sit down and breathe
  • he learns how to behave with a newborn child, will master the basics of care
In the courses of preparation for partnerships, a man will be taught how to help a woman pushing.
In the courses of preparation for partnerships, a man will be taught how to help a woman pushing.

As a rule, such classes are group, so a man will feel more comfortable in the company of other popes who want to attend birth.

Video: partner birth [Course of natural birth]

Partner birth tests

If a decision has been made on partnerships, it is necessary to specify this opportunity with a doctor in the hospital and take a list of analyzes that a man to take there in advance. Requirements on this subject may differ.
Previously, in order to go to the prenatal or gear, a man needed to take a large number of tests:

  • on HIV
  • on syphilis
  • on viral hepatitis
  • stains on staphylococcus

And also, do fluorography and take a certificate of epidemiological correlation from a local therapist. Today, as a rule, in addition to fluorography, in the maternity hospital they do not ask for anything. But each institution may have its own characteristics.

In what maternity hospital is the birth with her husband

The World Health Organization encourages family-oriented birth and recommends creating conditions for them in each maternity hospital. Unfortunately, you can give birth with a husband in the countries of the former USSR not everywhere, since this is needed:

  • individual godzals
  • specially prepared personnel
  • chambers of a joint stay (sometimes a man remains with a woman for the entire term of her stay in the hospital)
Today, the conditions for partnerships are created in most of the maternity hospitals.
Today, the conditions for partnerships are created in most of the maternity hospitals.

Important: during an epidemic of influenza or acute respiratory viral infections, when quarantine in the hospital, in the presence of her husband in childbirth, may be refused.

Partner birth: reviews

Usually, in the reviews, men describe several options for family-oriented births:

  • a man supports a giving birth to a woman during the fights and retires when she has attempts, then returns again to take the child in his arms, is next to his wife before their transfer to the ward
  • the man has been next to the woman from the moment he arrived at the hospital until she gives birth to her and her child until they transfer them to the ward
  • men "gives birth" with a woman and is with her in the room of a joint stay until she and the baby are discharged from the hospital
A man can be present only in contractions.
A man can be present only in contractions.

Important: couples who gave birth to together, say that, carried away by thoughts about the births themselves, preparing for them, they forgot about the practical moments of the presence of a man in childbirth, because of this, unpleasant force mopes arose

So that this is not the case, it is necessary to clarify in the hospital, where the couple plans to give birth, what a man needs to take with him. As a rule, this is:

  • indoor shoes
  • clean clothes
  • medical costume with a mask, hat and shoe covers (sometimes they are given out in the hospital itself)
Partner birth gives his father the opportunity to be with his child from the first seconds of his life.
Partner birth gives his father the opportunity to be with his child from the first seconds of his life.

You also need to remember that childbirth can drag on for many hours. A man needs to take water, yogurt, fruits, sandwiches or pies with him, in a word, what he can have a bite.
Devices for photo and video shooting will not be superfluous, thanks to them, the man has the opportunity to capture the first minutes of the life of a daughter or son.

VIDEO: Partner birth

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