Pregnancy: How to call and accelerate childbirth? Is it possible to cause childbirth by 38, 39 and 40 weeks?

Pregnancy: How to call and accelerate childbirth? Is it possible to cause childbirth by 38, 39 and 40 weeks?

Ways to stimulate labor. Medication and non -drug methods of acceleration of childbirth are described.

Pregnancy usually lasts 40 weeks. Doctors note that women awaiting the birth of a daughter give birth earlier. But boys can be born in 40-42 weeks. But what if the preliminary date of birth is behind, but there are no fights? In this case, you can cause childbirth.

40 weeks, but no birth. Can I cause childbirth?

In general, nothing strange is that the pregnancy lasts more than 40 weeks. This does not mean that something is wrong with the baby. In this case, doctors are often mistaken in calculations. In addition, in some women, menstruation irregular and accurate date of the last menstruation does not mean the beginning of pregnancy.

The reasons why you need to cause childbirth:

  • There is meconium on an ultrasound in amniotic fluid. These are the first bowel movements of the baby, respectively, he will swallow this liquid with excrement and poison himself
  • A woman has pronounced edema and a deterioration in well -being
  • Gestosis, nausea and vomiting
  • The aging of the placenta

In this case, childbirth stimulates in a hospital using oxytocin. This hormone stimulates the disclosure of the cervix and the fight.

What week are the birth?

Usually, they resort to stimulation after 40 weeks of pregnancy. But now the instructions have changed in many maternity hospitals, and doctors do not want to stimulate without good reason.

If a woman feels normally, she has no edema, and the water is light on an ultrasound, then doctors wait for the independent beginning of childbirth up to 42 weeks.

Indications for causing childbirth:

  • Overstraining (more than 42 weeks)
  • Gestosis
  • Diabetes
  • Aging or detachment of the placenta
  • Oxygen starvation of the fetus

How do birth in the hospital cause?

There are many ways to stimulate childbirth, the doctor will independently select the desired method.

Methods of stimulation of childbirth:

  • Expansion of the cervix manually. In the process of this procedure, the midwife with the help of fingers stretches the cervix in different directions. This is a very painful procedure, but it helps to save time, that is, the child will be born faster
  • Puncture of the bubble. This is a painless procedure, during which a probe with a hook at the end is introduced through the cervical canal into the uterus. The fetal bag is pierced and the liquid flows. This stimulates childbirth
  • Medicines. These are mainly hormones that are administered intravenously or local in the form of gels. Hormones activate labor activities


These are hormones in the form of droppers. Simply put - this is a solution of hormone in a saline. Often, doctors with a syringe introduce a hormone into the bottle of saline.

Hormones to stimulate childbirth:

  • Oxytocin. It contributes to the rapid reduction of the uterus and accelerates the fights. It is often used to stop bleeding after childbirth
  • Enzprost. This is prostaglandin, which makes the cervix softer and accelerates its expansion. It stimulates myometrium muscles and provokes contractions
  • Platifillin. This is an antispasmodic and anesthetic. He removes spasm and makes contractions less painful. Softens the cervical tissue


These are also hormones, the same oxytocin or prostaglandin. They can give folliculin, it does not stimulate childbirth, but makes the uterine opening faster.

Names of injections to stimulate childbirth:

  • Deaminoxytocin
  • Enzaprost-F

How to call childbirth pills?

Usually they give drugs that provoke abortion in the early stages of pregnancy. In this case, the fetal egg is rejected and goes out. All these drugs are hormonal.

Names of tablets:

  • Pencrofton
  • Mirolyut
  • Mifepriston

How to call childbirth yourself?

There are many ways to stimulate childbirth. Many women believe that drugs that administer in the hospital are very harmful and can affect the health of the child. Yes, there is really a dependence between the use of hormones to stimulate and the number of neurological disorders in a child.

Ways to cause birth at home:

  • Physical exercises
  • Decoctions of herbs
  • Products that stimulate labor
  • Intimate intimacy
  • Enemas

How to cause childbirth in a natural way?

  • The easiest way to make love with my husband daily. Of course, you may not want sexual intimacy, but doctors note that this tool works
  • You can regularly wash the floor in the apartment. And you need to do this not with the mop, but on all fours
  • You can do physical exercises. Select a fitness for pregnant women or fitball classes
  • Try to move more, take long walks
  • You can sit on a special diet

Do not resort to sexual intercourse if you have a placenta presentation.

Giving birth exercises

There are special exercises that provoke birth activities:

  • Climb and get down the stairs
  • Sit down, swaying from side to side
  • Immediately after waking up, go for a walk in the park. This must be done at a fast pace
  • Roll up on a swing
  • Swim with a brace. In addition, this is a great training of all muscles
  • In no case do not lift severity. This can cause detachment of the placenta and a large blood loss.

Gate products

Some products contain substances that help soften the cervix.

Grocery list:

  • Sea cabbage
  • A pineapple
  • Mint leaves, ginger and parsley
  • Spicy food
  • A lot of fresh fruits and vegetables

Pineapples and seaweed contains substances that resemble oxytocin in action. This hormone is tone of myometrium and the uterus is reduced. Do not follow the advice to drink castor. This substance can harm you and your child.

On the Internet, you can find tips daily to make a salt enema. When the intestine is overflow, the uterus is compressed and the generic activity may begin. But with frequent procedures, you run the risk of washing the intestinal flora and accidentally infection.

How to safely cause childbirth: tips and reviews

Of course, among the tips to cause childbirth are also very dubious. Do not drink decoctions of herbs, which you do not know about the action. Traditional medicine in your particular case may be contraindicated.

The fact is that some medicinal herbs increase pressure, which will adversely affect labor. Better trust doctors and do not be an experimental rabbit.

In hospitals, cases of detachment of placenta and bleeding due to independent stimulation of childbirth are not uncommon.

Do not rush events if you wear a child for no longer than 42 weeks, everything goes according to plan. Relax and enjoy your position.

Video: Birth stimulation

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