How not to miss the beginning of childbirth: the first signs of the beginning of childbirth in women. When should the birth begin at what period of pregnancy?

How not to miss the beginning of childbirth: the first signs of the beginning of childbirth in women. When should the birth begin at what period of pregnancy?

Girth activity is a process depending on the individual characteristics of the female body. Each responsible woman in labor should know and understand about the onset of the first harbingers of childbirth.

The first signs of starting birth in women

Women are reported about the onset of childbirth, the so -called "harbingers". Their appearance is very easy to recognize, so it is important to remember the main symptoms. Of course, each of them can manifest itself in different ways, because it all depends only on the individual characteristics of the body.

It is also noted that the intensity of the sensations of “harbinger” can be felt less and stronger, depending on the state of health of the woman, the number of childbirth in the account, the sex of the unborn child, and the preparation of the woman in labor.


Important: progesterone is a hormone that ruled a woman’s pregnancy with all the period of pregnancy, at the end of the term is declining, giving way to estrogen. The hormonal and nervous system by all means signals a woman about childbirth.

There are several main "harbingers" on which all women in labor are guided by:

  • lowering the abdomen below the usual level
  • the expansion of the bones of the pelvis and muscle pain in the perineum, slowing down and making it painful
  • crackers of the limbs, severe swelling and numbness of the arms and legs
  • training contractions
  • frequent bowel movements
  • the departure of traffic jams and amniotic fluid

Video: harbinger of childbirth

When should the birth begin at what time?

Doctors noted that the normal pre -human period begins at 38 weeks, i.e. From 38 weeks from conception, the first harbingers can already be expected. It is from this time that the intrauterine child can be considered fully developed and full -term. Childbirth can occur in any of the weeks: by 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42nd.

Calculation of the date of birth
calculation of the date of birth

Important: but do not worry too much, since the body will definitely begin to report as soon as possible.

Gynecologists put the estimated date of birth in the fortieth week, as this is the most favorable time. If the gestational age lasts more than 42 weeks, then the child is called “transferred” and this can be detrimental to his health.

9 months of pregnancy
9 months of pregnancy

Important: if you count, then in the period from 38 to 42 it turns out exactly 4 weeks of painful questions: "When will the birth begin and how to understand that their harbingers have already begun?"

Video: How to determine the date of birth?

How long does the training contractions begin before childbirth?

Nature is conceived so that the child does not experience any difficulties and be fully provided with the necessary substances in the womb. So nature took care of the mother, giving it the opportunity to prepare the muscles of the pelvis for the upcoming childbirth. It is this "training" is called "training contractions."

Exercises for pregnant women
exercises for pregnant women

Important: training contractions of various intensities can accompany the entire pregnancy. As a result, by the duration of childbirth, the muscles become more elastic, and the cervix is \u200b\u200bsignificantly shortened, giving the baby the opportunity to be born.

It is not rare that doctors call such contractions "Breston Hicks' fights." They are distinguished by a significant contraction of muscles in the period of time for one or two minutes. As a rule, such contractions can be expected from the twentieth week of pregnancy. Many women may not even understand what training contractions have experienced. All because the stomach in the twentieth week is quite small, which means the muscles are not too stretched.

Classes in the pool
classes in the pool

At a later date, a woman may feel:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen
  • the tone of the uterus
  • help hardening
  • real pain at the bottom of the lower back
Breathing exercises
breathing exercises

Important: if the pain lasts no more than two minutes and disappears quietly, and you feel good - there is no reason for concern!

The human threshold of pain is diverse and depends only on individual characteristics. So, women or they feel or do not notice them at all. But if you still feel unpleasant sensations, try to get rid of them:

  • walk in the fresh air, use other muscle groups
  • place, put the pillow under your feet, try to relax and rest
  • ask a loved one to do a light lower back massage
  • try to do relaxing respiratory gymnastics
  • take a warm shower
  • brew herbal or green tea
Rest and relaxation
rest and relaxation

Important: the closer the duration of childbirth, the stronger and unpleasant the sensations that move down the abdomen can be more unpleasant.

Be careful and among the training contractions exactly recognize the birth fights. If the pain does not pass in two, maximum - three minutes, and it occurs after a while with a greater intensity - you should consult a doctor!

Video: Training contractions

How the birth begins in original women: sensations

The expectation of the first -born in every woman is associated with strong excitement and upcoming unrest. The unknown of upcoming sensations simultaneously scares and inspires a woman. As a rule, by the end of the term of woman in labor, they are already getting tired of their weight, serious condition, reluctantly move and complain of many discomfort.

The original woman
the original woman

Important: with confidence, we can say that every original woman is not ready for the pain that she has to feel. But all future sensations can still be experienced if you prepare yourself and correctly configure.

Excessive nervousness, fright, fear of the upcoming and unpreparedness knock down a woman from a calm and balanced state, leaving her thoughts and body in tension. Nowadays, there are many ways and modern methods aimed at reducing unpleasant sensations:

  • respiratory gymnastics
  • special poses and exercises
  • massages and methods of relaxation

Each original mother must know that childbirth precedes several basic actions:

  1. The discharge of the mucous plug, which clogged the cervix from the penetration of infection into it. It looks different, but basically it has a size no more than a coin and a jelly -like structure of a yellowish tint with blood interspersed
  2. Not regular, characteristic and intensity of training contractions. They can be caught by a woman at any time of the day: day and night. If you constantly feel the return of pain with periodic breaks, do not bother to find a sheet of paper and record each interval: pain (duration) - rest (duration). If the "rest" becomes five -minute and regular - to go to the hospital
  3. Opinion down the abdomen can be either noticeable or completely incomprehensible. The stomach does not fall sharply and it is impossible to feel. The symptom has its name because the uterus tenses, hardens, is heavy and due to this the fruit pulls the stomach down
  4. Reducing the activity of the fetus often suggests that the child is preparing to be born
  5. The intestines are a clear sign of prenatal activity. The body begins to prepare and facilitates its task, displacing excess masses from the intestines. It often happens that women are tormented by constipation, and in recent days a liquid chair suddenly rarely occurs
Preparation for the first birth
preparation for the first birth

Important: if you feel the premium symptoms, do not try not to pay attention to them. Going to the maternity hospital, try a bite to eat, even if you don’t want to - soon you will not be up to meals at all, and the energy oh you will come in handy! Do not raise heavy and do not carry bags with things yourself!

Video: First birth. Training

How does the birth begin in multiparous women?

Casting mothers are confident in confidence and sufficient baggage of knowledge, experience and skills. Such women are confident in themselves and significant restraint. Reviva are sensitive to their smallest sensations. At the right time, they know for sure that it is time to go to the hospital and are not panic.

A multiplier woman
a multiplier woman

The symptoms of the harbinger of childbirth in those who give birth to a second time are very similar to the symptoms of original. The only thing they can be stronger or brighter only because a woman knows them and consciously feels:

  • excessive emotionality, nervousness and sharp change of mood
  • not significant weight loss, not more than three kilograms
  • omission down the abdomen for a week or several days before the upcoming birth
  • reducing swelling of the arms and legs
  • pain as a result of pelvic bone extension
  • cleansing of the body: frequent urination, liquid chair, vomiting

Why do the second birth in women begin earlier?

The difference between the second birth can be untimely birth of a child ahead of time. The generic activity in multiparous can begin at 34 weeks. All this is due to the fact that the muscles and cervix are stretched and easily tolerate the process familiar to them. The female body more easily tolerates hormonal bursts.

Preparation for childbirth
preparation for childbirth

Important: each symptom proceeds with a different intensity of every woman. It all depends on the sensitivity, emotional state and state of health.

Video: Second birth. What are the differences from the first?

How do premature births in women begin?

Premature birth is always the struggle for survival. The reasons for such childbirth can be different:

  • endocrine diseases
  • infectious diseases
  • genital infections
  • somatic infections
  • pathologies and malformations, anomalies
  • genetic diseases
  • various complications of pregnancy
  • back and abdomen injuries
  • early age of the woman in labor (up to 18 years)
  • flexive living conditions
  • not full nutrition
  • bad habits: smoking, alcohol consumption
  • physical work
  • wearing
  • stress
Premature baby
premature baby

Each reason corresponds to a different term of premature birth. Childbirth from 22 weeks to 27 most often end in the death of the fetus. All because having a weight of 500 grams or more, the child is simply not able to survive. If the child survives, he has huge chances to stay disabled for the rest of his life.

Childbirth from 28 weeks to 33rd allow the child to survive with proper care and provision. The weight of the child ranges from 1 kilogram to 1800 grams. At this age, the baby has quite developed light and medications can fully support it. Childbirth from 34 weeks are almost not dangerous. Such a child born in the hospital will remain completely healthy and secure necessary care.

Premature birth
premature birth

Premature birth most often begins with inexplicable abdominal pain and lower back. A woman cannot endure such sensations and they have the character of fights. It is not rarely that the women in labor notice the discharge of the mucosa in the early stages of pregnancy, which also suggests that the birth will be premature. If the birth has begun, they can’t stop them anymore. Therefore, you need to urgently contact the hospital for help.

Video: Symptoms and causes of premature birth

A woman’s stomach dropped: when will the birth begin?

A huge belly by the end of pregnancy gives a woman a lot of inconvenience:

  • back pain and lower back
  • labored breathing
  • slow movement
  • heartburn
  • pinching of the nerves of the upper extremities as a result of heavy weight and the load on the spine
  • frequent urge to the toilet
  • constipation
Owrted belly
owrted belly

Usually the stomach “sinks” slowly, he begins to do this a few weeks before the birth itself. And if this is not noticeably visually, then you can recognize with sensations - you can:

  • heartburn disappears or becomes not so tangible
  • it becomes easier to breathe
  • the belch was eliminated
  • reduced appetite is reduced

Important: the omission of the abdomen is due to the placement of the child with the “previous” head. The uterus sinks and prepares for childbirth.

Omitted belly in the last month of pregnancy
omitted belly in the last month of pregnancy

If you notice the omission of the abdomen, try to change your lifestyle:

  • do not wear bags and bags
  • relax more and are in a horizontal position
  • ask loved ones to make you massages
  • relax your muscles and do not do any exercises

Important: observe your sensations, the dropped belly is not a sign of urgent hospitalization. Wait for regular fights.

Video: Pregnancy. Omission of the abdomen

What to do if the pregnant woman has the fight at home?

Most often, fights do not occur in the hospital in a cozy bed, but in completely unforeseen situations, even in a dream. If you feel that the fights have come (you will recognize them in any case), try not to panic and find the most comfortable position for yourself. Put the pillows under your head and back and try to eat the time of the fights using a timer.

Light fights
light fights

An acceptable period is 5 minutes of rest and 2 minutes of fights. With such a symptom, you should take a bag prepared in advance in a maternity hospital and with her husband or with a mother to go to the hospital. If you live far from the hospital, call a taxi or an ambulance.

Strong fights
strong fights

Important: some helps the “dog” pose when a woman rests with her elbows and knees into a bed or floor. You can just bend, resting your hands on the table and waiting for a favorable time for hospitalization.

Video: What to do if contractions began?

Why is the birth starting?

The “pregnant” state very often bothers women and sometimes just drives crazy, so many women are tormented by the question: “When will the birth come and why are they not starting?” The birth activity is the natural process and its speed depends only on the needs of the child and your health.

Waiting for childbirth
waiting for childbirth

An unconventional or medical intervention is not required. Help a woman to reproach the natural process for favorable timely childbirth, if they did not come on time, they will help:

  • nipples massage
  • sex in the last period
  • not intense charging
  • rise the stairs
  • eat ginger
  • acupressure
  • enema

Video: How to speed up childbirth without harm to health?

How to determine that a woman has a birth: tips and reviews

It is impossible to determine the time of your childbirth as extremely accurately, you can only feel an approaching event in advance and fully prepare for the event. It is noted that the date of birth can depend significantly on the one you expect: a boy or a girl. Indeed, in most cases, girls are born earlier, and boys - later. In any situation, attentive to your feelings and do not stop taking care of health.

Video: 10 main harbingers of childbirth


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