The level of cortisol in the blood: norm, diagnosis, normalization of indicators

The level of cortisol in the blood: norm, diagnosis, normalization of indicators

The cortisol hormone has another name, which is found at least, namely, a stress hormone. Its production occurs in the bark of paired endocrine glands, known to us under the name of the adrenal glands.

Cortisol is also often called hydrocortisone, 17-oxicorticosterone, the definition of “compound f” is also found. It belongs to the Glucocorticoid group.

What does cortisol mean in the blood?

  • One of the functions of this hormone is participation in the set metabolic processes, including carbohydrate and lipid, protein, as well as water-salt balance.
  • Due to the fact that it is cortisol that contributes to the formation of glycogen stocks in liver cells, it affects energy saving, and also involved in the process of synthesis of enzymes formed in cells.
  • The name "hormone stress" itself suggests that cortisol in the blood forms response to external stress. How he does it? Affects the increase in heart rate, increased blood pressure. But he does this, so to speak, “in gentle mode”, keeping everything under control and preventing the excess of critical values \u200b\u200bof all indicators.
  • Also, thanks to cortisol, during stress, muscle work is activated, in a word, there is a complete mobilization of all resources Our body, which helps in a critical situation when there are risks and threats to life and health.

Cortisol norm in the blood

  • On average, for calm, not containing stress and unrest of the day, the adrenal glands are produced from 15 to 30 mg Hydrocortisone, the largest amount of it is produced in the morning, the smallest-about 8-9 pm.
  • The production of cortisol in the blood is not associated with age or gender, the only “but” in pregnant women, especially in the last period of pregnancy, the indicators of content and production increase.
  • Equally dangerous, both an increase and a decrease in the level of cortisol hormone. If its number is constantly increased, this may indicate, in particular, to the formative neoplasm associated with the brain, adenoma, cirrhosis of the liver, problems with the thyroid gland, nodular hyperplasia, and oncological diseases of the adrenal glands.

What is the danger of a low cortisol in the blood?

  • No less dangerous is the low level of cortisol in the blood, which can be due to the insufficiency of pituitary hormones, the disease of Addison, which consists in reducing the function of the adrenal glands.
  • A decrease in the amount of hormone produced can also occur due to cirrhosis or hepatitis. Among other diseases associated with a reduced hormone content, there is adrenogenital syndrome, manifested by an excess of male sex hormones and, as a result, the appearance of secondary signs in the form of enhanced vegetation, which appears on both female and male bodies and faces.
  • The reason for a decrease in hormone levels may be the use of some drugs acting as cortisol antagonists (in particular, these are barbiturates, ephedrine, different methasons).
  • A decrease in the level of cortisol in the blood may also occur if the intake of glucocorticoid agents stops, especially if they have been taken for a long time before.

How to check the level of cortisol in the blood at home?

  • At home, anyone can notice increasing intensity of body and face hair hair. Women who showed such signs of hirsutism should be especially wary. The fair sex can also suffer due to a violation of the level of cortisol (both towards increase and decrease) infertility, frequent thrush, malfunctions of menstruation.
  • At home, a frequent may indicate a frequent about lowering the level of cortisol weakness in the muscles, state of fatigue, deterioration of appetite. A few more signs are a decrease in blood pressure, weight or glucose, but the amount of calcium with potassium, on the contrary, may increase.
High cortisol is critical of men critically
High cortisol is critical of men critically

There are also several simple tests with which you can check whether everything is in order in the work of the adrenal glands:

  • On the pupil. Become in front of the mirror in a dark room. Blick on the pupils with a flashlight and watch for a minute how they change. If a narrowing occurred, and the pupils no longer change during the whole time that you are illuminated by a flashlight, then with the adrenal glands and, accordingly, the level of cortisol in the blood is in order. If the adrenal glands are weak - then the pupils will be pulsating, alternately narrowing and expanding.
  • Measurement body temperature Three times during the day, starting from the time when after you woke up, about 3 hours will pass. Next, measure the temperature twice (the gap between the measurements - three hours) and derive the average indicator. If within 5-6 days your temperature is about 36.6ºС in the morning and about 37 ºС closer to dinner-everything is normal. With a reduced level of hormones, the temperature is usually constantly lower than 36.6ºС.
  • Verify pressure First in a lying position, and then in vertical. As a rule, the pressure does not rise much if all indicators are normal. If dizziness begins or darkens into the eyes, and the pressure decreases, then the cortisol is produced in insufficient quantities.
  • Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of salt in water and drink. Wait a couple of minutes and measure the pulse: its increase in more than 10-12 beats compared to the usual means that it would not hurt to undergo a full diagnosis of the adrenal glands.

Cortisol studies in the blood

If you suspected that the adrenal glands are not in full force, you need to seek qualified medical care.

Diagnosis of the level of cortisol in the blood is based on the following methods:

  • Morning blood test for the content of cortisol (in the morning the production of the hormone is the largest) and adrenocorticotropic hormone;
  • Possible also saliva analysis, The content of cortisol in which is determined four times a day from 8 in the morning to midnight.
  • Analysis daily urine to the level of cortisol.
  • Blood examination for content in it chlorine, potassium and sodium.
  • Mandatory examination by the TB.
  • Traditional blood and urine tests.

How to adjust the level of cortisol in the blood and normalize the work of the adrenal glands?

The amount of hormone should be neither increased nor reduced - only then can we talk about health. And in order for the level of cortisol in the blood to be proper, you need to start in compliance with the simple rules that must be adhered to.

  • Use more watersince its lack also affects the level of hydrocortisone. And not only hydrocortisone, but also of each organ of our body. By the way, he himself signals about whether there is enough water: if urine has a dark color - This indicates a partial dehydration of the body, if the light - water balance is in order.
  • Diet It should consist of products containing fiber, antioxidants, various nutrients. To maintain normal homeostasis and stable functioning of the adrenal glands in the menu should be vegetables (tsukkini, celery) and fruits, greens (basil) and legumes (especially beans). Cabbage is very useful broccoli, red pepper and olives, black chocolate with high content cocoa, mushrooms, nuts, freshly squeezed natural juices. All sorts of smoking, sweet pastries, soda, trans fat are unacceptable.
  • Regular classes sports, best of all 5-6 days a week for half an hour, and if possible-an hour. This will help both overcoming stressful situations and in the fight against possible depression, which ultimately makes our condition calm and balanced, as well as the produced amount of stress hormone. The main thing is to remember that excessive loads can provoke an increase in the level of cortisol, so do not abuse.
  • Full dream At least 7-8 hours, during which the whole body relaxes, is an excellent help in normalizing the level of cortisol and the work of the adrenal glands in general.
  • Helps relaxation well cup of tea (better with honey, not sugar), dripping in a calm atmosphere, engaging in meditation, breathing practice, relaxation to relaxing calm music, and most importantly - if possible to saturate your life with pleasant minutes filled with joy: to do your favorite thing that brings pleasure, visit Cinema and theaters, i.e. - Enjoy art. Favorite dog and a walk with her, a picnic with friends outside the city, the weekend on the sea coast - such minutes and hours of joy take off constantly saving nervous tension and pose all indicators normal.
  • Walks in the open air As miraculous luminaries, if possible walking on foot, including And to work and from work is an integral part of a set of exercises. And the sun's rays absorbed by your skin during such walks will become an additional source of vitamins, and primarily Vitamin D.
  • A specific and clear necessity for normal stable work of the adrenal glands is mandatory breakfast, which includes protein food.
  • Try to abandon any stimulants: alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, etc. The rejection of them will largely reduce the load on the adrenal glands.
You need to refuse coffee and normalize in another way
You need to refuse coffee and normalize in another way

Drugs for lowering cortisol in the blood and restoration of the adrenal glands

To regulate the work of the adrenal glands and normalize the level of cortisol in the blood, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • Glucocorticoidswhich are analogues of cortisol. They help in the formation of glucose, a decrease in energy flow rate, enhance the excretion of nitrogen by the kidneys, etc. The main drugs of this group are popular and widely used prednisone and hydrocortisone. Dexamethasone, met prophet, and beklometazone are also used to restore adrenal glands.
  • Mineralocorticoids, similar in action with aldosterone, are usually prescribed for life if the adrenal glands are removed. Increase the degree of sensitivity of blood vessels to the action of adrenaline and contribute to an increase in the volume of heart emissions. They are introduced intravenously. Among the drugs are dox, as well as perkocated and cortineff, prescribed in case of insufficiency of the adrenal glands.
  • Antagonists of glucocorticoid hormones are designed to stop the production of steroid hormones, and block their receptors. Can be used in the case of a fungal disease (for example, I didn’t), with fibromyoma of the uterus (in this case, use Mifepriston). For diagnosis, drugs are often used Metirapon and Mitotan.
  • The effects of the effects produced by mineralocorticoids stop the production of glucocorticoid hormones. Among the most popular drugs are metirapon. Conditions complicated by kidney diseases, severe form of hypertension or heart failure, are treated using Veroshpirone.
  • To restore the adrenal function, in addition to the main treatment, ascorbic and panthenic acids, amino acids, etc. are prescribed. Prove their effectiveness vitamin complexes Vitrum Suptress, Glyciers.

Herbs for the adrenal glands

  • Among the herbs that can act as an addition to the main treatment of problems with the adrenal glands, use a horsetail decoction. Pour a tablespoon of crushed horsetail with a glass of boiling water and insist for 10 minutes. Pour a quarter of an hour after eating.
  • You can insist on vodka snowdrops - You will need 0.5 liters of alcohol, which should fill the snowdrop flowers (usually recommended number of flowers - 80). Put in a lit place (you can on the window) and insist 40 days. Then dial the insisted liquid and drink 20 drops. This should be done before meals three times a day.
  • To stimulate the production of cortisol in the blood, a well -known home flower is used geraniumwhich is crushed and a teaspoon of this composition is brewed in a glass of boiling water. After cooling, you need to drink a filtered infusion, ending with an example of food.
Herbs will also help
Herbs will also help
  • Take the crushed medunitsa (about 30 g) and brew it in a liter of just boiled water. After 40-minute insist, drink a glass before each meal.
  • You are growing white and black mulberry? Take equally the leaves of each of them and finely yell, and then pour a liter of boiling water. Let it stand for about 5 minutes, then you need to boil this mixture for about half an hour. You can use this broth instead of ordinary water by drinking it per day.

Exercises for the adrenal glands

It has already been said that the adrenal glands and stress have the closest relationship. In order to avoid fatigue, anger, irritability that accompany this state, such a method of prevention as meditation was also mentioned.

Here are a few exercises to normalize the level of cortisol in the blood:

  • Sit in your usual pose, straighten the spine and breathe through the lips, trying to keep them tense and pursed.
  • When sitting, pull your palms, and then, on inspiration, stretch your hands to the sides, turning your palms up your fingers, and on the exhale, fold your arms together so that your thumb and little finger come into contact.
  • If you have mastered lotus pose, then sit in it and, resting with your palms on the floor, on inspiration, fix the body up, as if throwing it, and on exhalation - down.
  • Sitting, connect hands opposite the solar plexus And breathe deeply. The more powerful and deeper your breathing will be, the stronger the effect.
  • Sit and stretch your legs forward, squeeze your fists, stretch out your hands, and tilt forward on inspiration, and straighten up on the exhale. Try to keep the spine straight.
  • Lying on your back and bending your legs, pull the heels on the floor, trying to touch the buttocks. Then, holding your hands by the ankles, make the pelvis, inhaling, and lowering - exhaling.

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Video: About cortisol and adrenaline

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