Antihistamine diet for the treatment of allergies, pseudo -allergies - what it is: menu for a week, reviews

Antihistamine diet for the treatment of allergies, pseudo -allergies - what it is: menu for a week, reviews

If you began to feel bad, unpleasant symptoms have appeared, you have histamine intolerance. Read the article more about the treatment - antihistamine diet.

The contaminated environment, the genetic factors, pesticides, antibiotics and hormones in food products - all this significantly contributes to the development of allergies and various types of food intolerance. So many people suffer from these diseases that they were recognized as diseases of civilization.

Read on our website an article on what tests should be handed over for allergies to the child, an adult. You will learn how to decipher the results and what standards exist.

In addition to violations caused by inhalation allergies (dust, pollen, animal hair), more and more people suffer from food intolerance. The abnormal reaction of the body to the food consumed is closely related to a violation of the production of enzymes that digest certain groups of products. Doctors are also increasingly diagnosed with increased body sensitivity to histamine. What it is?

What is histamine?


Histamine - This is a chemical that is naturally found in the body and some food. A low content of this substance helps to find out which products cause unpleasant symptoms. Avoiding the use of dishes with these products, you can feel improvement.

The reasons for increasing histamine with urticaria, other pseudo -allergies

Reason increased level histamine In the blood is a decrease in the activity of diaminoxidase (utilizes the excess amin from the body) or increase Activities of histidindsarboxylase (accelerates dedarboxylation of histidine into Amin).

High concentration histamine In the blood, it is also observed with allergies, anaphylactic shock, tissue hypoxia, injuries, migraines, rheumatism, cloud -heat leukemia or myelopoliferative neoplasm.

Symptoms of histamine intolerance: List

Physiological reactions associated with histamine intolerance can manifest itself even a few seconds after the use of the product rich in it. Histamine - This is a neurotransmitter that determines an allergic reaction and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.

It is worth knowing: Histamine intolerance is very often confused with food allergies, although in fact it is not the same disease.

This is due to the fact that the symptoms of these two conditions are very similar to each other. Here is their list:

  • Rashes on the upper layer of the epidermis
  • Itching skin
  • Bronchospasm and cough
  • Angioneurotic edema
  • Headache
  • Laid nose and runny nose
  • Digestive system disorders (nausea, diarrhea)
  • Strong, instant redness of the face
  • Cardiac arrhythmia

As in the case of inhalation or food allergies, histamine intolerance can also lead to a life -threatening anaphylactic shock.

Treatment of histamine intolerance: Recommendations

Treatment of histamine intolerance
Treatment of histamine intolerance

You can greatly facilitate unpleasant symptoms, adhering to a special menu and supporting the body with various types of additives. Patients suffering from histamine intolerance are especially important to take care of intestinal health. A dense “intestinal barrier” prevents excessive suction of histamine from the gastrointestinal tract, due to which much less of this substance enters the bloodstream. This greatly helps to relieve symptoms of the disease. In the treatment of histamine intolerance, three recommendations are crucial:

Cooperation with a doctor and nutritionist, meticulous compliance with an antihistamine diet:

  • In fact, it consists in the exclusion or restriction in the daily menu of products rich in histamine.
  • The diet is very useful, especially at the beginning of treatment, since it helps to analyze in more detail the body reactions to individual components of the nutrition.

It is useful to periodically increase the consumption of products containing cofactors that support treatment with enzymes:

  • Tao -oxidase diamin, the deficiency of which contributes to the intolerance of histamine and leads to chronic inflammation in the body and the occurrence of gastrointestinal infections, inflammatory intestinal diseases.
  • HNMT, or histamine-n-methyltransferase. He is responsible for the methylation of histamine in the liver and turns it into a harmless form for the body. In people suffering from histamine intolerance, violations of the production of this enzyme were found. This leads to unpleasant symptoms in the respiratory, digestive and skin systems.

It is important to gradually expand the diet in combination with observation of symptoms:

  • This is due to the fact that prolonged observance of a very strict diet can lead to a deficiency in the body important for the vital activity of substances.
  • Slowly introducing individual food products one by one, we can observe which of them most contribute to the onset of symptoms of the disease. You will understand which dishes are harmful and which are better tolerated by the body and can safely eat.

Correctly prescribed treatment is of great importance - allergy preparations and antihistamine diet. Read more about it further.

Antihistamine diet for pseudoallergy - treatment of allergies, acute, chronic urticaria, cholinergic crisis, edema: a list of permitted and prohibited products

A diet for people with histamine intolerance is based on the exclusion of products containing it from a daily menu. Thanks to this, excessive accumulation of not decomposed histamine in the body is prevented and, as a result, the formation of unpleasant symptoms of the disease ceases.

After a rigid antihistamine diet with pseudo -allergies for several weeks, the patient measures the concentration of histamine in the blood, and then the products containing histamine slowly begin to introduce one in the diet. It is impossible to assume in advance which of them and in what quantity it will be better tolerated by the body, and which - worse - is a very individual question. Therefore, it must be determined on the basis of thorough observation of his body in combination with daily maintenance of the diet, which will help the doctor and the nutritionist determine the best diet for the patient. This is the only way to treat acute, chronic urticaria, cholinergic crisis, edema.

It is worth knowing: Some products contain a large amount of histamine, in others - low. Medicinal herbs can also be useful in the fight against the disease.

Here is a list of permitted products:

  • Eggs
  • Vegetable oils and butter
  • Low -fat dairy products that were not subjected to fermentation
  • Millet, oats without gluten, rice, buckwheat, film, amaranth
  • Potato
  • Almond
  • Poppy
  • Fruits - blueberries, currants, cherries, melon, apricots, peaches, apples, mangoes
  • All vegetables except tomatoes, eggplant and pepper
  • Light fish meat - hake, polish, flounder, cod, cooked, baked or grilled;
  • Low -fat light meat, such as chicken, turkey
Products not recommended in the antihistamine diet
Products not recommended in the antihistamine diet

Products not recommended in the antihistamine diet include:

  • Cereals rich in gluten - wheat, rye, barley and oats
  • Dairy products - kefir, groove, mature cheeses, as well as blue and smoked cheeses
  • Cabbage, cucumbers
  • Tomatoes - also ketchup, tomato sauces and tomato paste
  • Eggplant
  • Pepper
  • Spinach
  • Legumes, especially soy and products from it
  • Seafood - shrimp, crabs, mollusks, fish - smoked, raw and pickled with dark meat
  • Meat - fat parts of beef and pork
  • Such fruits as: all citrus fruits, avocados, kiwi, bananas, plums, grapes, strawberries, pineapples, raspberries and pears
  • Chocolate and cocoa
  • Mushrooms
  • Nuts
  • Carbonated drinks, alcohol, strong coffee and tea

It is also not recommended to use some spices:

  • Hot peppers
  • Carnation
  • Curry
  • Nutmeg
  • Cinnamon
  • Anise
  • Vinegar

In addition, the patient should exclude from his diet all processed products containing artificial taste amplifiers:

  • Broth cubes
  • Soups in briquettes and other powder dishes
  • Chips and other salty snacks

As you can see, the antihistamine diet is very strict. However, do not be afraid of her, because in this form, she must adhere to everything 4 to 6 weeks, and then we will begin to gradually expand it.

It is very useful for patients to include herbal fees containing:

  • Black cumin
  • Shlemik Baikalsky
  • Perilla
  • The evening is evening
  • White -skinned

Studies have confirmed that these herbs are effective in combating bristine intolerance. Their effect is comparable to the action of popular oral antihistamines used in the treatment of allergies. So they definitely should use them.

Video: What do we eat! How to calculate your dose of histamine? Histamine and its doses in food products

Antihistamines menu: for a week for a child and adult

You can live a normal life with histamine intolerance, and most unpleasant symptoms can be eliminated. However, a little patience and one hundred percent compliance with the recommendations of specialists - the attending physician and an experienced nutritionist will be required. It is also important to observe a diet. Here is a menu for antihistamine diet for a week for a child and adult:

Antihistamine diet menu
Antihistamine diet menu
Antihistamine diet menu
Antihistamine diet menu

On Sunday, cook dishes from any of the previous days. As you can see, the dishes are simple, the most common products. Prepare only steam or boil. Frying and baking in the oven (especially, in the first 4-6 weeks) is prohibited.

It is worth knowing: With histamine intolerance, it is forbidden to drink alcohol. After all, you may have allergy to beer, vodka and in general for ethyl alcohol.

Video: hypoallergenic diet

Antihistamine diet: reviews

If the doctor has prescribed an antihistamines for you, but you are afraid or do not want to switch to this power system, then read the reviews of other people. They crossed through their fear, began to observe the prescribed nutrition plan and they had all unpleasant symptoms.

Anton, 35 years old

Recently, I had urticaria - acute, with edema and redness of my face. My wife was very scared, called an ambulance, it turned out to be a pseudoallergy. The doctor prescribed an antihistamine diet. In the first period of treatment, it was difficult due to the preservation of severe symptoms and the need for a significant change in the diet. But I survived this difficult time, because after a few weeks I felt a significant improvement in well -being. And after choosing the optimal diet and its use for several months, I almost completely forgot about the aforementioned. Health problems have disappeared.

Barbara, 40 years old

I never thought that angioedema is so scary. I practically could not breathe. If the ambulance had not arrived on time, it is not known what could happen to me. The “edema of Quincke” was diagnosed. The nutritionist prescribed a diet. She adhered to her for six months. Then she began to introduce forbidden products one at a time. It turned out that I have a terrible allergy to strawberries. When I ate the first berry after such a long break, I repeated the symptom. But it was no longer so scary, since in the first -aid kit lay an antihistamine drug for injection.

Ivan, 39 years old

From the age of 15 I have been allergic to spinach. Therefore, always, especially in cafes and restaurants, I ask what a particular dish is prepared from. But it so happened that we went abroad, and because of the ignorance of the language in another country, this could not be done. As a result, there was spinach in the dish, and immediately after dinner it became ill. It’s good that I followed the diet and the edema was small. But I still had to take medicines.

Video: the first 7 steps with not tolerance of histamine and what to do when you are allergic to histamine

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