The cat falls out, the mustache break: the reasons, what to do, reviews, interesting facts

The cat falls out, the mustache break: the reasons, what to do, reviews, interesting facts

The reasons for the loss of the mustache in the cats.

A mustache at the cat- this is Not just a jewelry, but a kind of radar that allows you to navigate in space. Attentive owners of cats from time to time notice that the mustache in the animal falls out, become rare. In this article we will tell you why the cat has a mustache and what to do with it. 

Do cats fall out in cats?

Many people have a question why a mustache cat, whether they fall out. In fact, this is one of the tactile organs, it is called by the shakes. Thick hairs are located not only in the face of the muzzle, but scattered throughout the body, even on the pads. 

Vibrissa functions in a cat: 

  • Make it possible to move in space 
  • So that the animal does not crash in the dark 
  • To assess the area, wind speed 
  • To tell others about their mood 
  • To perceive movement and sound 

Piton owners may have a question, Do cats fall out? Yes, both people have hair and the wool of pets change throughout life. These processes are very sensitive to atmospheric pressure changes, in blind animals they often become the only organ with which the pet can move around the room. If the pet is cut off the vibrissa, existence becomes inferior, it can stagger, fall. Read more about what will happen if the cat has cut vibrissa, you can find here 


Why do the cat have a mustache?

If the cat has only one hair, do not panic. It is best to see how the pet behaves, and whether a new hair grows in this place. Typically, the gradual baldness of vibrissas is not a sign of pathology, may coincide with the molting period. Just like all the wool, they fall out with it, and are updated.

The fact is that old hairs become very strict, hard and break. Often the cause of absence or baldness is the aggression of the animal and a competition with another male. It is also necessary to carefully see, perhaps the animal was not in contact with fire not so long ago, so the hairs burned down. However, sometimes falling vibrissas can talk about the problems of the health of the pet. 

Why the cat has a mustache, the reasons:

  • Disorders in the endocrine system, thyroid gland or hypothyroidism 
  • Bacterial infections 
  • Infection with worms, helminths 
  • Diabetes mellitus 1, 2 
  • Allergic reaction to food or chemicals 
  • Metabolic disease 

The doctor will help to finally determine the reason. With certain ailments, other symptoms are also observed along with the baldness of vibrissas. 


With what disease do the cat have a mustache?

Below you can find concomitant symptoms of metabolic disorders and diseases of the thyroid gland during vibrating vibrissa.

With what illness the cat has a mustache:

  • In case of violations in the thyroid gland, the wool becomes not so smooth, brilliant, loses a healthy look, becoming matte. 
  • A cat or cat becomes very aggressive, active, or vice versa, sleepy. The cat eats practically nothing, or vice versa, eats everything that they put in a bowl. But at the same time, the weight does not increase, but vice versafalls.  
  • The animal has a thirst. Usually all these symptoms are observed withhypoteriosis. Often, along with this ailment, vomiting occurs, and diarrhea. 

The cat breaks down with allergies

If the pet began to pour vibrissas, along with this there are bloody spots, wounds on the muzzle, the animal constantly itch, this indicates that the pet has become infected with parasites. If the pet of adulthood, often goes to the toilet, then falling vibrisses speak of exhaustion of the body. In adulthood, cats have diabetes.In the animal, vibrissas are often pouring, vibrissa breaks due to allergies. 

The cat breaks up, a mustache falls out during allergies, symptoms:

  • Itching of the skin, constant combs  
  • Swelling, swelling of the mucous membranes 
  • Excessive salivation
  • Giving mucus from the eyes, suppuration 
  • Dropping outwool 

If the cat temperature is and high, an increased heartbeat is observed, the animal is most likely disturbed in the metabolism. 


Why do the cat break a mustache, what to do?

Some breeds are prone to baldness and breakdown of vibrissas. This usually occurs in the sphinxes, which is associated with a lack of moisture in the skin, wool, and hair. Due to excessive drying, the hairs break off. If your animal often breaks vibrissas, there may be some problems withhealth.  

Why do the cat break down a mustache, what to do: 

  • Vitamin deficiency. Typically, at the same time, the wool is available, the claws break and relax, it smells of the mouth just as badly. 
  • Inappropriate nutrition. It can be cheap economy class feed, which is inadequate to the deficiency of proteins andvitamins.  
  • Fungus. Oddly enough, it affects not only claws, but also wool, as well as a mustache. Therefore, if wool falls out with foci, it breaks off, most likely the animal has fungaldisease.  
  • The presence of parasites andvlashedovVlavoedy Destroy not only wool, but also vibrissas. 

The cat has a mustache, is this normal?

Please note that animals that consume a small amount of meat suffer from collagen and taurin deficiency. Along with this, the antennae is observed. In this case, it is necessary to prescribe a pet vitamins and minerals. 

Why the cat has a mustache, this is normal:

  • Very often the owner himself becomes the fault of the bald mustache. Some owners independently shorten the vibrissas of animals, cutting them completely so that they grow more thick. This is by no means to do this, since the animal can get sick.
  • There are several more reasons why the vibrisses fall out in the animal. It can be excessive dry air in the room. Oddly enough, but not only children need a humidifier of air, but also cats. Try to purchase a humidifier, or ventilate the room in the heating season, hang wet towels on central heating radiators. 
  • Often, the female who educates kittens can shorten their antennae. This is done with the purpose that the kids are less likely to run away from the mother, and are most of the time near her.
  • After shortening the hairs, kittens become more calm, flexible, most of the time are near the mother. Therefore, do not worry if the kittens have recently brought a cat, short mustache. They can periodically decrease in length. Perhaps the cat is on their ownshortens.  

What to do if the cat has a mustache?

To choose the right treatment, it is necessary to establish a diagnosis. For these purposes, it is worth contacting the doctor to inspect the animal, and take the necessary tests. After the doctor gets the test results, he will prescribe the necessary drugs that will prevent the mustache. 

What to do if the cat has a mustache:

  • If the cause of hair loss and antennae became disease, then after treatment the growth of wool on the body of the animal will be restored. If the vibrissas fall out due to a lack of nutrition, a diet that excludes an allergen and includes products saturated with proteins and vitamins can be prescribed.
  • The doctor can also prescribe nutritious shampoo, as well as the rejection of the chemicals used to clean the house. Often, allergies in animals are observed precisely for these means. Oddly enough, but a new couch can cause a pet to the antennae.
  • Modern beds that are ordered on Chinese sites can be made of poor -quality materials using glue containing formaldehyde and acrylic. Often it is for these substances that the animal has an allergy that provokes the loss of a mustache.
  • If a failure is detected in the endocrine system, hormonal drugs and tablets are prescribed to help normalize the concentration of hormones in the blood. 
Black cat
Black cat

How to prevent the loss of a mustache in a cat? 

To do this, you must adhere to certain rules.

How to prevent the loss of a mustache in a cat:

  • Be sure to use anthrax preparations for prevention. 
  • Give the pet food that corresponds to his age, and needs for vitamins andmicroelements.  
  • You should not feed the animal exclusively with dry food-class food, since it has few proteins, a lot of carbohydrates and a decent amount of preservatives, allergens. 

There are many interesting facts about cat mustache. Oddly enough, but not all animals can boast of the presence of vibrissas. For example, there are breeds such as Canadian Sphinx, which do not have hard hair at all. Until the end, scientists did not understand how the cat feels objects and is guided in space. Presumably, she does this with her bald skin, which is very sensitive.

The most mustached are Maine Coons. In this breed, the length of such hair reaches 20 cm. Thanks to this feature, the breed fell into the Guinness Book of Records. It is also necessary to take into account the genetic characteristics of some animals. For example, the sphinxes are distinguished by thin skin, the presence of a minimum woolen cover on the skin. In this regard, the antennae are very soft, quickly break and twist. It is in these cats that the mustache is most often falling, but there is nothing wrong with this.


Why do cats have a mustache: reviews

Almost every owner of a purring friend faced such a problem. Below you can find the reviews of the owners of cats.

Why do cats have a mustache: reviews

Elizabeth. I have Maine-kun, a very pretty, unusual breed, with long antennae. I somehow noticed that on the one hand the hairs became much shorter. As it turned out later, the cat ruined near the fire, so he sewed his mustache. This significantly affected his orientation in space, sometimes he did not quite correctly calculate the trajectory, fell out of bed, hit the nightstand. When the hair has grown, everything normalized.

Oksana. I had trouble, the children were naughty, and cut off the antennae of our Musa. She behaved quite strangely for a long time, staggering from the side to the side, and could not jump onto her favorite chair. As soon as the new antennae has grown, everything became as before.

Valery. We have a sphinx, and he has a very short mustache. From time to time they fall out, and change to new ones. I did not notice any change in behavior. The cat, as always, is very peppy and active.

Many interesting articles for breeders can be found on our website:

Be sure to pay attention to the signs of allergies during the change in the diet of the animal. With the introduction of new food, fix the concomitant symptoms, such as lacrimation, swelling of the mucous membranes. Be sure to vaccinate the cat to avoid viral and bacterial infections. A veterinarian and vaccination schedule will help you with this. Be sure to bring the animal to the veterinarian once every few months. Provide the cat with the necessary food, a place to relax, toys. Proper care prevents hair loss, helps to restore the health of the pet. 

Video: The cat breaks up and the mustache break

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