What will happen if the cat or cat cut off the mustache: consequences. Will the cats grow cut mustache?

What will happen if the cat or cat cut off the mustache: consequences. Will the cats grow cut mustache?

What will happen to a cat without a mustache?

A cat's mustache is a kind of radar, as well as one of the senses. The most interesting thing is that with the help of this organ, cats are guided in space, can feel the size of objects. In this article we will tell you what will happen if you cut off the cat's cat.

What will happen if a cat or cat cut off a mustache: consequences

Many families containing domestic animals have children who are very often rumbling. Mounting kids can be very unusual, diverse. Often, children decide to cut off the cat's cat. If you see that the kids are going to do this, be sure to prevent.


  • The fact is that if a pet lies with a mustache, it will be poorly navigated in space. It can be entered while walking. Special difficulties are observed in the dark, as well as when jumping a cat on some surfaces.
  • The animal cannot navigate in the distance that you need to jump, as well as in the size of the surface. After making several attempts, the cat can either crash into the cabinet, or break and fall. This provokes the occurrence of extremities injuries, as well as the head of the pet.
  • In the dark, the cat is poorly oriented without a mustache. It can crash into the surface, which is also fraught with injuries.
  • Having lost his mustache, the cat becomes helpless, this is tantamount to blinding the eyes of a person, his throwing around the room. This is how the animal feels without a mustache.
A cat without a mustache
A cat without a mustache

Will the cats grow cut mustache?

The cat on the right and left side has 12 mustache. The most sensitive those that are above the upper lip. It is interesting that such radars are on the ears, on the tail, and also in some places on the body. These are a kind of navigators that help the animal move in space, feel the danger, and also navigate in distances. The mustache grows after about 2-3 weeks, but all this time it is necessary to look after his pet so that he does not harm himself.

A mustache at the cat
A mustache at the cat

Therefore, try to protect your cat. You can wear a special cap to the neck, which will prevent head injuries. You can at this time keep the cat in a cage or in a specific container so that he does not harm himself. In no case do not let the injured animal out into the street, do not allow him to walk. Because it can get under a car or break off a tree, crash into it, damage your head or paws.

Do not let the children be naughty and mock the cat, cut the claws, as well as a mustache.

Video: a cat without a mustache

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