Bartholite disease in women: causes, symptoms of acute and chronic form, prevention, consequences, photos, reviews. Treatment of Bartholinitis in women, during pregnancy, folk methods and drugs: therapeutic mixtures, herbs, antibiotics, ointments

Bartholite disease in women: causes, symptoms of acute and chronic form, prevention, consequences, photos, reviews. Treatment of Bartholinitis in women, during pregnancy, folk methods and drugs: therapeutic mixtures, herbs, antibiotics, ointments

Bartolinitis is worried and you do not know how to get rid of this ailment? Read the article - there are many useful tips in it.

Women's health requires attention and care. After all, the health of a woman is the health of the whole family.

  • If the symptoms of some disease appear, discomfort or even pain, you should immediately consult a doctor, since delaying is dangerous.
  • Especially, this applies to infectious diseases.
  • Bartholinitis is a common disease among women.
  • It develops in 1 case out of 50, causing strong pain.
  • What is it, how to treat when an operation is prescribed, what are the stages of the disease? Answers to these and other questions, you will find in the article below.

Bartholite disease in women - what are these: reasons, photos

Bartholinitis is an infectious ailment, inflammation of large bartolin glands. They are at the entrance at the beginning of Vulva.


Bartholine gland is a paired organ that is located in the fat layer under the skin at the base of the labia label. The functions of this body include the production of secretory fluid. It appears during intercourse and lubricates the entrance to the vagina. Bartolinitis can occur in a woman at any age, but most often doctors make such a diagnosis to ladies aged 20 to 35 years.

Why such a disease develops. These are the causes of bartolinitis in women and risk factors for the development of the disease:

  • Long -term stay of a woman in the cold
  • SPPP (sexually transmitted diseases)
  • Avitaminosis
  • Sexual intercourse during menstrual bleeding
  • Conducting random sex
  • Constant stressful condition
  • Non -compliance with personal hygiene rules
  • The weakness of the body of the body
  • Complications that appeared after termination of pregnancy or surgical intervention in the field of detergent organs
  • The presence of microtrauma
  • Wearing tight underpants, which is why the outflow of secretory fluid is disturbed, it is stagnated and as a result of this excellent conditions for the development of pathogenic flora are created

The inflammatory process in the area of \u200b\u200bthe large gland at the vestibule of the vagina begins after the microbial flora enters it: staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli and other. Bartholinitis develops if a woman has infections such as gonococcus and trichomonas.

It is worth knowing: During the examination, not one, but several infections are often detected, and bartolinite appears against the background of an attack by many microbes. But not every lady suffering, for example, by gonorrhea or trichomoniasis, will get Bartholinite.

Poor bacteria can fall into the flow of a large gland of vulva with urethritis or colpite, as well as with an outflow of blood or lymph.

Symptoms of Bartholinitis in women at different stages of the disease: acute bartolinitis, chronic, cyst

Symptoms of Bartholinite
Symptoms of Bartholinite

All symptoms of bartolinite depends on the course of the disease and the place of the inflammatory focus. The following stages are distinguished by the problems:

  • The acute course of the disease
  • Chronic
  • Subacute
  • Recurrent or return

Such stages of the disease are distinguished at the place of damage:

  • Canaliculite (inflammation of the duct)
  • Abscess - suppuration
  • Cyst - tissue formation with secretory fluid inside

Symptoms of the disease at different stages can be as follows:

The acute course of the disease

  • Canaliculite develops.
  • The appearance of redness is characteristic near the output of the flowing canal of a large gland. Secretory mucus is released from it.
  • The test channel of the gland may be felt, and on palpation, a drop of purulent fluid appears.
  • The edema is increasing in nature, the outflow of secretory mucus is difficult, pus accumulates, which leads to the appearance of a false abscess of a large gland.

A false abscess of a large gland of the vagina

  • It manifests itself acutely, proceeds with a sharp pain in the large labia. It becomes unbearable when walking, sitting, during defecation and sexual intercourse.
  • An increase in body temperature to 39 ° C occurs almost always. In addition, the woman is chilling and she feels brokenness and weakness.
  • The swelling of the labia appears in the area of \u200b\u200bthe disease. Swelling fabrics can even cover the entrance to the vaginal hole.
  • The appearance of redness of the skin is observed, but its mobility remains.
  • A woman feels unbearable pain on palpation of a large labia.

Then edematous fabrics become softened (fluctuation) - this suggests that the true abscess of the large gland is developing, and a purulent secret has appeared.

Microbes under a microscope that cause the development of bartolinite
Microbes under a microscope that cause the development of bartolinite

True abscess of bartolin gland

  • The body temperature rises to 40 ° C. Relaxation is observed, a woman is shivering, her head hurts.
  • Painful sensations in the field of development of the disease are pulsating - in terms of growth and constantly intensify.
  • Biochemical blood test shows high leukocyte values \u200b\u200band deviations in the erythrocyte settlement indicators (ESR).
  • Inguinal lymph nodes may increase.
  • The layer of the epidermal over the edema becomes motionless. Painful sensations accompany the woman constantly and not only on palpation, the color of the tissues is bright scarlet.

It is worth noting that an abscess without the help of a surgeon can open independently. A woman will feel better: the temperature will fall, pain will decrease and edematous fabrics will return to normal. But the ailment still requires treatment, otherwise complications will appear and the disease will confidently flow into the chronic stage.

Chronic bartolinitis

  • The disease at this stage always takes place with relapses. Symptoms can be increasing in nature, but from time to time subside.
  • Exacerbation appears under the influence of external factors: hypothermia of the body, menstrual discharge, in which there is pathogenic flora.
  • When the exacerbation retreats, the woman feels great, although pain can manifest themselves during sexual intercourse.

If the chronic stage is launched, then a cyst forms that requires the immediate help of the surgeon.

Bartolite cyst
Bartolite cyst

Big gland cyst

  • A small cyst often does not bring discomfort to a woman and does not cause her unpleasant sensations. A woman can feel normally for years, knowing anything that she needs to urgently contact a gynecologist for treatment.
  • A cyst the size of a nut and more always inflams, so the woman feels obvious pain in the labia. Well -prominent swelling, on which the cystic neoplasm is located.
  • If the formed cavity with pus is inflamed, then the body temperature rises above 38 ° C, a trembling appears in the body, poor health, pain in the temples, breakdown.

Cystic formation can open independently. This condition requires immediate assistance from the surgeon.

Bartholinitis during pregnancy

Bartholinitis during pregnancy
Bartholinitis during pregnancy

The expectant mother should be careful about her health, since the health and life of the baby depends on her well -being. It is necessary to take a shower every day, keep the body warm, use vitamins. About bartolinitis during pregnancy, you need to know the following facts:

  • If the expectant mother fell ill in the period from conception to the 22nd week of pregnancy, then the fetus will be infected with a high probability and this can lead to a miscarriage.
  • If the expectant mother fell ill in the third trimester of pregnancy, there is also a high probability of infection of the child. But at this time there is a risk of premature birth of the baby.

In addition, if a woman still managed to bear the fetus, then the child will be infected at the time of its birth, and this almost always leads to suppuration of the eyeball, lungs and the navel.

Treatment of Bartholinitis at home: antibiotics, ointments

Bartolinite - treatment
Bartolinite - treatment

Bartholinite treatment is usually carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. But, if the disease is not difficult, then you can treat at home, most importantly, do everything that the doctor prescribed. The purpose of the treatment of Bartholinitis is to prevent the formation of cysts and a true abscess. For this, such treatment methods are used:

Local treatment:

  • Salt solution 10%. Salt stretches the liquid without destroying the tissues and cells. To prepare a solution, 3 tablespoons of salt are stirred in 1 liter of warm boiled water. Moisten a cotton or gauze swab and attach to a sore spot.
  • Vishnevsky ointment or levomekol. Apply a little ointment to the cotton pad and attach to the abscess. It must be fixed for several hours. You should alternate ointments, for example, to do an application with one day, and on the other - at night.
  • Disinfectants - Rinsing the place of the abscess. Solutions are used that do not cause a burn: chlorhexidine, miramistin, chlorophyllipt.


  • They are appointed a few days after the acute process is subside.
  • A woman should normalize body temperature, pass chills and weakness.
  • UHF, magnetotherapy, treatment with UV rays are prescribed.


  • Azithromycin, amoxiclav
  • Cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cephasolin)
  • Fluoroquinolones (offloxacin, ciprofloxacin)
  • Macrolides (clarithromycin, ermitromycin)
  • Trichopol and Tinidazole

Also prescribed drugs for pain relief - analgesics and anti -inflammatory - Ibuprofen and others.

In what cases is an opening operation to open bartolinite?

Operation for the treatment of bartolinite
Operation for the treatment of bartolinite

Indications for the appointment of bartolinite treatment with surgery - a large abscess. The doctor performs manipulations that allow you to open the fabric cavity with pus. All contents are removed, and tissues are treated with 3%hydrogen peroxide. In order for the pus to leave well, a drainage tube is introduced into the fabric cavity, which is removed after 5 days.

The doctor also prescribes antibacterial drugs and compresses with ointments. At this time, bed rest should be observed, refrain from sexual intercourse and not hypothermia.

Treatment of Bartholinitis with folk methods: therapeutic mixtures, herbs

Traditional medicine offers many drugs for the treatment of diseases, including Bartolinite. You can use such folk methods:

Baths of grass decoctions

  • Chamomile, calendula, oak bark and others are well suited.
  • Brew one tablespoon of grass with a glass of boiling water. Insist to cool completely, and then strain.
  • Pour this infusion into a basin with warm water-36-38 degrees, mix well.
  • Make a bath for 15 minutes.

Therapeutic mixture for oral administration

  • Pass 300 grams of walnut nuclei and 100 grams of garlic through a meat grinder.
  • Add a couple of tablespoons of fennel (chopped on a coffee grinder) to the resulting mixture and 1 kg of natural honey.
  • If the honey thickened, warm it a little in a water bath.
  • Mix everything well and take 1 tablespoon for 30 days.
  • This mixture improves the body's defenses and increases immunity.

Remember: Self -medication is dangerous! Before treatment, consult your doctor. Folk methods can be used in the absence of an abscess and an acute period of the disease.

Bartholinite consequences, forecasts after surgery


Most often, bartolinitis is a chronic disease that can give relapse.

  • If you open the abscess on its own, then this will quickly lead to relapse. The cavity devastated from pus can be additionally infected with bacteria that fall from the vagina or anus. Such infected tissues then heal for a long time.

Therefore, when the first symptoms of Bartholinite occur, you should immediately contact the female doctor - a gynecologist!

  • After surgery, the doctor frees the cavity from pus, processes fabrics. After independent opening of the abscess, the woman does not consult a doctor, and this faster leads to the chronic course of the disease or the formation of a cyst.

What should a woman do in order to prevent the development of a relapse of an abscess of a large gland? Here are a few important nuances:

  • Bartolinite in the abscess stage - This is an ailment that you need to urgently contact the surgeon and the sooner, the better.
  • Only the surgeon should open the purulent cavity. The independent autopsy of the abscess leads to undesirable consequences and the development of the chronic stage of the disease.
  • When the spontaneous opening of the abscess occurs, the cavity is not completely freed from pus, and the help of the surgeon is required. The doctor will clean the fabric and treat with disinfecting substances.
  • Incorrect care for the open purulent cavity Be sure to lead to undesirable consequences and complications.

If, nevertheless, the abscess has opened spontaneously, the following should be performed:

  • Urgently contact the surgeon For complete cleansing the cavity of pus.
  • Follow the rules of personal hygiene: Washing 2 times a day, wearing free underwear, regular change of gaskets (every 2 hours) during menstruation. If you wear everyday gaskets, then they must also be changed every 2-4 hours.
  • Follow the doctor's recommendations: Take prescribed drugs and use antiseptic drugs.

In general, if you do everything right, then you will be able to avoid the consequences of Bartholinite and the chronic development of this disease.

Bartholinite prevention

Bartholinite prevention
Bartholinite prevention

Preventive actions from Bartholinitis are simple, and every woman can perform them:

  • Follow the rules of personal hygiene: Wash 1-2 times a day. It is also important to wash the genitals, the anus after defecation.
  • When washing the stream of water, the front should be sent back back - From the genitals to the anus.
  • Use herbal infusions and douching is only necessary after consulting a gynecologist.
  • Use a condom During random sexual intercourse, but it is better to have one sexual partner.
  • Do not wear tight underwear.
  • Timely treat all chronic diseases: pyelonephritis, urethritis, kolpit, caries and others.

In addition, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist twice a year. This will help to recognize the problem in a timely manner, if any. The doctor will prescribe treatment and a woman will be able to forget about the unpleasant Bartolinitis forever.

Treatment of Bartolinite independently: reviews

Dr. Bartholinite treatment
Dr. Bartholinite treatment

If you suspect that you have a bartolinite, then it is better to immediately contact a doctor. Self -medication can be dangerous, because there can be many causes of this disease, from infectious and ending with sexually transmitted diseases. Here are a few reviews of women who have encountered Bartholinitis:

Elena, 30 years old

I managed to get rid of Bartolinite on my own, but it turned out that for a short while. I read on the Internet a folk method of combating a pustular fistula - applying potatoes in raw form. When I felt pain, and a swelling appeared in the area of \u200b\u200bthe large gland, rubbed potatoes, and put on the night. My husband laughed at me, and said that tomorrow I could neither walk nor sit. But it turned out the opposite, the swelling slept, the discomfort began to disappear. However, after a couple of months, the problem appeared again, but the body temperature rose and general weakness arose. I had to go to the doctor, he said that from improper treatment, a cyst developed. Therefore, it is better to immediately contact a gynecologist.

Lyudmila, 35 years old

I never self -medicate, and always go to doctors, especially if a problem appears in the female area. Bartholinite was once in my life - 2 years ago. The doctor took sowing on the flora, prescribed treatment and a week later there was no trace of the illness!

Alexandra, 28 years old

When I had a bartolinite, I did not even understand this. There was simply a swelling near the vagina the size of a nut, could neither sit nor walk - the pain was unbearable. This ailment overtook me during the holidays, the clinic did not work. I called an ambulance, immediately hospitalized in the department of gynecology. The doctor opened the cavity with pus, cleaned and prescribed treatment. I spent another 5 days in the hospital, and then I was discharged. Now everything is fine, but I follow the recommendations for prevention doctors.

Video: Bartolin gland cyst and bartolinite

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