Toxic friendship: signs in adults and children. Do you continue toxic friendship?

Toxic friendship: signs in adults and children. Do you continue toxic friendship?

Healthy friendship is filled with pleasant and positive moments that attract people to each other, it fills from the inside, pleases and helps to live a full -fledged life. Do you maintain friendly relations that give you psychological discomfort, do your friends follow the balance between “give-to-do”?

It is difficult for you to identify what exactly does not suit you? Do not know how to fix the current situation? Let's try to figure it out what does toxic friendship mean And is it possible to adjust it.

Toxic friendship: signs

  • To recognize a toxic friendit is important to look at his behavior - it is most often aimed at manipulating the actions and desires of another person. In such a relationship, you become a driven, and this cannot continue for a long time. You get tired of dancing someone else's pipe.
  • Of course, sometimes you need to concede and sacrifice, but this is not a norm of behavior. Interpersonal relationships can fail, the main thing is that this does not happen on an ongoing basis. Before a friend takes the most important place in your life, exclude signs of a toxic friendship between you.

Signs of toxic friendship

  1. A person is not able to sincerely share your success.
  • We are always in a hurry to share pleasant news with a friend. Separating our happiness with another person, we want us to be happy for us. The reaction does not always correspond to our expectations.
  • If a friend is trying faster to change the topic of conversation, begins to contrast your failures with your achievements, then most likely it is least interested in your successes.
  • As a result, instead of discussing the pleasant news, you have to reassure and rehabilitate a friend.
  1. He does not perceive your environment, showing inappropriate jealousy.
  • Your friend wants to be part of all your plans. Any pastime without it causes bewilderment and indignation.
  • He does not miss the moment to remind himself of his presence, call, message on the social network.
  • He likes to sort things out and reproach for lack of attention on your part.
Does not rejoice and often criticizes
Does not rejoice and often criticizes
  1. Conversations with a friend take too much energy, leaving you broken and devastated.
  • Any emotional discomfort in a conversation with a friend pours into physical fatigue.
  • If communication with a friend strains you, causes nervous overvoltage, headache and psychological discomfort, you need to take a timeout or completely stop toxic friendship.
  1. You are not ready to fully open to your girlfriend.
  • Negative reaction to some things forces you make silence about significant events.
  • The more you conceal, the less space remains for a trusting relationship.
  • As a result, the understanding will come to you that next to you is not the same person.
  1. It is important for a friend to look better than you, and she does not miss the moment to emphasize her superiority with words.
  • In real friendship no place for competitions and competition.
  • If a friend constantly seeks to surpass you, then this indicates the presence of complexes and self -doubt. Verbal superiority acts as a mask.
  • Whether to continue toxic friendship With a person whose presence always overshadows you, decide for yourself.
Emphasizes his superiority
Emphasizes his superiority
  1. A girlfriend accurately copies your actions, desires, behavior.
  • If a girlfriend has no opinion, constantly doubts his choice, does not know what he wants, It is easier for her to follow a visual example.
  • As a result, we get an exact copy of ourselves - the same hairstyles, outfits, hobbies, tastes and plans.
  • What is useful to communicate with a person who lives under a carbon copy?
  • Psychologist about toxic friendship expresses a double opinion. If you do not bother you when you are on the heels, you can maintain a relationship.
  1. A friend prefers to complicate and aggravate the sections.
  • If there is a person next to you who sees the negative aspects in everything, out of nothing builds problems and obstacles, then toxic friendship It will gradually poison you.
  • You yourself will not notice how to begin to adopt a bad habit and the eternal neurosis will become the norm of your life.
  1. Your friendship is used for selfish purposes.
  • If your friend asks too often for help, then it is worth considering if they will exploit you for selfish purposes? You play the role of a lender, taxi driver and ambulance in all insoluble issues.
  • A friend should not only take, but also give. Is your help and support compensated? If you help unilaterally, then it is worth stop toxic friendship.
Friendship has selfish goals
Friendship has selfish goals
  1. Consciously gives incorrect tips and recommendations.
  • The advice of a girlfriend is very often hidden envy. A toxic friend will do everything to aggravate your situation. Ask how to maintain a relationship with a guy - they will advise you throw.
  • Ask to help choose a dress - they will advise you the worst Of the options. Superficial care will play against you at the most inopportune moment.
  1. Your point of view is always ignored.
  • Transfer with a friend should be comfortable for two people.
  • Yours desires, yours point of view and your choice They must be appreciated in real friendship.
  • If a person who is next to you is always right and perfect, then your relationship is toxic.
  • In any situation, it will be better, and you are worse.

Do you continue toxic friendship?

Break toxic friendship Not everyone succeeds. How to maintain healthy friendships and prevent infringement of your own interests? Which people need to be completely excluded from the circle of communication, and who is enough to keep at a distance?

Tips will help these questions on how to resist toxic friendship:

  • Specify which person needs to resist.Abstract from your friends and make an independent image with a line of behavior that causes indignation you have. This category of people should not adapt to your feelings. You must either find an approach to toxic friends, or exclude them from your circle of communication.
  • Out the personal boundaries.The behavior of toxic people should not go beyond your boundaries of the permissible. For example, determine the topics of conversations that you will enjoy supporting. Let others understand what is a taboo for you. Events that you are interested in those that you consider a waste of time. What does toxic friendship mean In this case, when they specifically affect the topics unpleasant for you and artificially create a situation that is not very comfortable for you. Any relationship should have the boundaries of the permissible. It is better when such moments speak, and do not think up after mistakes made.
Out the boundaries
Out the boundaries
  • Confrontation with love.Any approach to a person should be accompanied by love. Cruel and offensive methods are unacceptable. If you want to adjust toxic friendship and at the same time not to frighten a person, bear responsibility for your actions so as not to turn into a toxic friend yourself.
  • Do not give up your position and adhere to your values.No one should dispose of your life. How to understand that friendship is toxic - Set your own boundaries, guard them, and if they are grossly violated, follow the distance.
  • Have endurance and patience.If you correct the behavior of your friend, then you do not need to wait for instant results. Learn to forgive for mistakes, give a second chance. Whether to continue toxic friendship Or breaking a relationship is your choice. In any case, you do not need to keep resentment against a person.
Try to be patient
Try to be patient

Toxic friendship - signs of unhealthy relations between children

Loving parents want to protect their child from toxic friends. How to recognize that your child does not experience psychological discomfort in friendship?

Toxic friendship between children - signs:

  • The best friend does not come to visit.If your child goes to visit, but friends do not come your territory, parents should think. Why are they afraid to fall under adult control? Perhaps they are afraid to lose their superiority in foreign territory?
  • Your child’s friend intervenes in his relationship with other children.It impedes friendship with children from other companies - next door, on circles, on vacation, etc. It focuses on the status of a best friend. Controls pastime with the help of the phone. Inappropriately commenting on photos on social networks.
  • A friend makes your child come against will.Children are served manipulation. Fearing ridicule, contrary to their own desires. It is very important in such a period to maintain trust with parents. It is they who will help to explain how it should be in normal relations and will help to break toxic friendship.
Such friendship happens in children
Such friendship happens in children
  • A friend speaks poorly about your family.Toxic friends strive to prick, hurt, reduce self -esteem. The easiest way is disrespectful statements to parents, brothers and sisters. Here it is very important to help out the child’s personal boundaries through which no one should cross.
  • Sharp changes in the behavior of the child.If your child changed his style and began to behave into his own desires, only in order to please his friends, then he needs to tear them out of this circle of communication. Imitation to a friend can occur under pressure.
  • Regular unreasonable grievances.One way to manipulate your child. A toxic friend is offended by every nonsense, developing guilt. During the period of quarrels, children glow the situation and put forward ultimatums for reconciliation.

Continue toxic children's friendship, So lose your "real" child. If parents are accused of an erroneous point of view, then you can offer a test for toxic friendship. In difficult situations, the best medicine will be the change of environment. It can be a move, a change of school, a visit to new circles.

Toxic friendship: real reviews

  • Tatyana, 20 years old. In conversations with my friend, we are talking only about her. Most often it looks like this - she calls, shares her next story, after which she breaks off the conversation under an important pretext. I periodically try to hint for her, they say, be more attentive towards me. In response, I receive accusations that I myself am silent about myself, and then I complain. She stopped toxic friendship For a while, she corrected, but gradually returned to her original line of behavior.
  • Natalia, 34 years old. Our friendship has been going on for three years. Reflecting past events, I understand that we unevenly invest resources into our friendship. If I sacrifice my time on vacation, relations with a guy, strength and energy, then my friend generally stopped straining. I pull everything and it suits her. I do not need friendship in which one strains, and the other acts as a passive observer .

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