TECILA: How to drink and how to bite? How do they drink tequila with salt and lemon or lime? How do they drink tequila in Mexico and in Russia, what is they drinking?

TECILA: How to drink and how to bite? How do they drink tequila with salt and lemon or lime? How do they drink tequila in Mexico and in Russia, what is they drinking?

How is it customary to drink tequila in Russia, Mexico and Europe? What to serve to tequila? How are such types of tequila as Sauza Gold and Olmeca Chocolate?

Tequila is a popular alcoholic drink around the world from Mexico. In our country, there was little known about this “cactus” vodka until a certain time - almost all the information came to us from the plots of foreign films. Today, the situation is fundamentally changed. Tequila managed to fall in love with many residents of our Motherland. However, despite this, most consumers from Agawa did not learn how to drink and bite it correctly. This material will serve to help them.

How do they drink tequila with salt and lemon or lime?

The classic of using tequila in our nightclubs is its combination with lime (lemon) and salt. It is worth noting that in the homeland of this drink it is rarely combined with the mentioned products.

A way to drink tequila with lemon and lime: licking!
A way to drink tequila with a lemon and lime: “Lestering! Overturn! Cousing! "

Here is a detailed procedure for drinking tequila with salt and lemon:

  • Pour tequila into the stack.
  • We cut a lime or lemon into four parts - you can cut into slices.
  • We drip a couple of drops of lemon juice onto a hollow between the index and thumb of the back of the left hand.
  • Pour a little salt on a hollow.
  • We take a slice or piece of lemon in the same hand.
  • In the right hand we take a stack with tequila.
  • We take a breath and lick salt from the hand.
  • Drink the contents of the stack.
  • Fuck with lemon pulp.
  • Exhale.

This method of drinking tequila is called: “licking! Overturn! Cousing! ”

A way to drink tequila with lemon and salt
A way to drink tequila with lemon and salt

There is another way to use tequila with lemon and salt:

  • We cut lime or lemon in half.
  • We clean all the pulp out of half the citrus fruits, thus receiving an unusual container for the drink.
  • The lower part of the lemon pile is slightly adjusted.
  • Sprinkle the edges of the pile with salt.
  • Pour tequila into a lemon cup.
  • We take a breath.
  • We drink tequila.
  • Tuck it with citrus pile.

How do they drink tequila in Mexico, what is they drinking and biting?

How do they prefer to drink tequila in Mexico?
How do they prefer to drink and how to eat tequila in Mexico?
  1. It is worth saying right away that the indigenous Mexicans prefer the natural taste of their favorite drink not to spoil anything. In most cases, they drink it clean, without drinking and snacks. To facilitate the process of absorption of tequila, Mexican bartenders hold special stacks for tequila (cabalitos or horses) in the freezer. When the stack becomes absolutely icy, it is pulled out and tequila is poured into it. Clouded in this way, agave vodka is drunk in one gulp or slowly, without drinking or biting.
  2. The second popular method of drinking tequila in Mexico is to drink it "sangrita." “Sangrita” is a non -alcoholic, sharp drink, translated into Russian sounding, like “blood” or “blood”. There are quite a few recipes for creating a sangrita - each Mexican has its own, the most favorite recipe. Some prepare it from orange, lemon, pomegranate juice and acute sauce, others prefer to use tomato and orange juices seasoned with salt, chili pepper and favorite spices (sometimes even Tabasco sauce). The finished sangrita is poured into cabalitos, chilled tequila is poured into the second cabalitos. You can drink vodka in one gulp, or you can slowly, feeling every note of it. Any Mexican prefers Sangrit to Sangrit.
  3. The third method is called Banderite or Flag. For the flag, it is necessary to fill the three piles-lots to the top-sangrita, tequila and lime juice. The combination of colors of red, white and green and gave the name to this method of consumption of tequila. When the piles are filled, they need to be drunk in turn in the same sequence.

What is usually served with Mexican tequila: what snack?

What is the bite of Mexican tequila?
What is the bite of Mexican tequila?
  • If you take into account the preferences of the Mexicans, then the dish itself is not so important for them as a sauce for it.
  • Most often, natives of Mexico have a bite of tequila with meat dishes (fried pork, beef or lamb).
  • As sauces for these dishes, they prefer Salsa and Guacamole.
  • A delicious, sharp Mexican dish is in harmony with tequila - a boutos, which is a filling wrapped in lavash (fried pork, beans, corn, onions, chili pepper, garlic and other spices).
  • In the restaurants of Mexican cuisine, it is customary to serve a salad of champignons, pineapples and shrimp to tequila. The refueling to such a salad is the mayonnaise-torn sauce with black pepper.

How do they drink and how to eat tequila in Russia?

In addition to the methods of using pure tequila described above, in Russia today, tequila-tequila-boom and Margarita have become very popular in Russia.

Tequila boom

Tequila-boom cocktail
Tequila-boom cocktail
  • Pour 50g tequila into a glass
  • We add to the vodka 50-100g tonic
  • We cover the glass with the palm so that its contents do not spill out
  • We hit the table with a glass
  • In one gulp, drink a foamed drink


Cocktail Margarita
Cocktail Margarita

This cocktail is considered a classic of tequila cocktails. The Americans have long popularized this drink - not a single American party is held without it. Thanks to this popularization, this cocktail has many different interpretations and options. But we will consider the classic recipe:

  • We pour two parts of tequila, one part of the Kuantro liquor into the shaker and the two parts of the lime juice (can be lemon).
  • Add ice.
  • Mix all the ingredients in the shaker thoroughly.
  • We take a special glass for Margarita, which is called Margarita.
  • The edges of the glass are decorated with salt.
  • Pour the cocktail into the glass, filtering it through a strainer.
  • On one of the edge of the glass we place a slice of lime.

In addition to the indicated cocktails based on tequila, there are also a lot of other, no less popular and tasty cocktails, such as Long Island Ice Tee, Tsunami, Palom Light, Tequila-Martini, Tequila Sanraise.

As for the snacks, in our country, tequila, like any strong alcohol, is customary to bite either with fruits, or meat slicing, or fatty meat.

How do they drink tequila cold or warm?

What is the best way to drink tequila cold or warm?
What is the best way to drink tequila cold or warm?
  • Mexicans prefer to drink tequila chilled due to an ice glass.
  • In rare cases, a native of Mexico can afford to overturn a cup of tequila medium temperature.
  • Drinking warm tequila in the country of cacti is considered simply a nasty mockery of oneself.

How to eat tequila at home, except lemon, lime?

How to eat tequila at home?
How to eat tequila at home?
  • At home, you can set the table under which it is customary to drink vodka under tequila. In the fortress and other indicators, these two drinks are practically no different from each other.
  • Fried potatoes and meat (any), spicy sauces, pickles and cold snacks are well suited under cactus vodka.
  • The fair sex, watching the figure, can prepare a fruit cut of pineapples, lemon, oranges and grapefruit under tequila. On top, the cut can be triggered with grated cinnamon.
  • Desserts and other sweets are considered an inappropriate snack for tequila.

How to drink tequila with cinnamon and orange?

How to drink tequila with cinnamon and orange?
How to drink tequila with cinnamon and orange?

Europeans, or rather the Germans, introduced the fashion for the use of teques with oranges and cinnamon:

  • Cut the orange with rings or half rings.
  • In a small plate, mix sugar and grated cinnamon.
  • Pour tequila into a stack.
  • We take a slope of the orange and roll it into a mixture of cinnamon and sugar.
  • We drink in one gulp of tequila and bite it with a fragrant orange.

How to drink and bite Sauza Gold's golden tequila?

How to drink and bite Sauza Gold teak?
How to drink and bite Sauza Gold teak?
  • Tequila Sauza Gold is a type of tequila from the Sauza brand, which is characterized by a light brown shade and a taste of agave with caramel.
  • This type of cactus vodka is recommended to drink in its pure form in order to feel its delicate aroma and a rich aftertaste.
  • Sauza Gold will appeal to the fair sex, at any age loving caramel.
  • Ladies will be able to bite her with favorite fruits and berries.
  • Also, gold tequila can be used in various cocktails, from Margarita, and ending with Macho Min.

How to drink and eat chocolate tequila Olmeca?

How to drink and bite Olmeka chocolate?
How to drink and bite olmee chocolate?
  • Olmeca Chocolate is an outlandish type of tequila. This drink is based on agave, yeast, reed sugar and chocolate flavor. The chocolate tequila fortress is 35%. Her softened chocolate, the taste is suitable for both gentlemen and ladies.
  • It is possible to submit Olmeca Chocolate tequila, both in stacks-rumans and glasses. This sweetened drink does not need to be decorated with salt. The lemon on the edge of the glass will not be superfluous.
  • From Olmeca Chocolate you can also create delicious cocktails. The combination of this drink with milk or cream, vanilla, blueberry, coffee liqueurs or vodks has proven itself very well.

Summing up, it is worth saying that tequila is a rather self -sufficient drink and in order to evaluate its unique taste, it is best to use it in its purest form. Well, if you have already enjoyed its natural taste, then from cocktails you will definitely never get tired of it.

How to drink tequila: video

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