Technique of performing an exercise vacuum for men and women

Technique of performing an exercise vacuum for men and women

The vacuum of the abdomen is an exercise for pulling up the abdominal muscles and back. A simple, at first glance, element of physical preparation has several methods of execution and a number of recommendations.

When performing, the internal muscles of the press and the muscles of the diaphragm are actively working. Physical activity is accompanied by breathing exercises. In bodybuilding, it is used to improve the figure. The waist narrows and the shoulders visually become wider.

Bulk vacuum: benefit

It is recommended to repeat the practice three times. Each new training allows you to improve acquired skills and increase efficiency.

As well as:

  • improves the digestive tract - soft massage of internal organs;
  • enjoishes the diaphragm - increases the volume of the lungs, saturating the body with oxygen;
  • enhances blood flow to the endocrine system, thereby improves the operation of the circulatory system.
  • improves external forms of the body;
  • relieves back pain.
Useful exercise
Useful exercise

How to make a vacuum of abdomen?

  • Beginners It is preferable to start lying (you can also in bed). The best time to study the inner abdominal muscles is morning hours before eating.
  • On exhalation, the stomach is so much drawn inside and delayed in this position at least for a quarter of a minute. During subsequent training, the time gradually increases and reaches up to 1 minute. Then we relax the stomach and inhale. Beginners are enough to perform 3-5 approaches.
It is important to perform correctly
It is important to perform correctly
  • The vacuum of the stomach standing is an alternative position for a lying position. Here it is necessary to tilt the case forward a little and put your hands on your knees. It is preferable for the press to do an exercise, standing on all fours.
  • The key point is the study of the transverse muscle of the press. It is important to concentrate on this sensation and in the future take it as a rule.

Baby's stomach vacuum

  1. We take the starting position.
  2. Inhale deeply as possible and exhale smoothly. Hold the air and pull the stomach inward. Feel the tension of the transverse muscles. The stomach should go under the ribs, and the center of the abdomen is as close as possible to the spine.
  3. Fix this position of the body for a quarter of a minute. Then relax and exhale smoothly.
  4. Make 2-3 deep breaths without drawing up the abdomen and repeat the vacuum exercise again.
Choose a convenient position for yourself
Choose a convenient position for yourself

Graph of a vacuum of abdomen:

  • In the first week - 3 sets of a quarter minute.
  • In the second week -3 sets of 20-30 seconds.
  • In the third week -3 sets of 30-40 seconds.
  • Further training can be brought to 60 seconds.

Recommendations on the technique of performing the vacuum exercise

  • The vacuum of the abdomen should not bring discomfort. If muscle tension goes into pain, training must be stopped.
  • If after numerous training you stopped feeling the tension of the abdominal muscles, then training should be complicated with an additional set of exercises.
  • Exercise vacuum of the abdomen It should not last more than 10 minutes. Otherwise, muscle overstrain will lead to poor health.
  • The vacuum of the abdomen is accompanied by oxygen delay and appropriate only for a healthy person.
  • If a after a vacuum, the stomach hurts And you are healthy, then the technique of execution is lame.
  • Exhaling the air leave the muscles in a slight tension. Inhale oxygen through your mouth, exhale through your nose.
  • It is very important that the time is allocated between the approaches to reboot the muscles.
In the future, you can perform such exercises
In the future, you can perform such exercises

Abdominal vacuum for men

  • The brilliant results of the belly vacuum technique were shown by Arnold Schwarzenegger. The main task of bodybuilders is give the V-shaped shape of the upper body. The result of Arnold leaves no doubt about the effectiveness of regular training. The exercise partially compensates for strength training.
  • The vacuum of the abdomen for men in their technique does not differ from technology for women. Men are ready to take a higher bar, choosing the maximum level of complexity. For men's training is best suited standing position. According to Schwarzenegger, you need to perform a vacuum of the abdomen in a sitting position. It is in this position that the best result is achieved.
  • Recommended number of exercises performed - 3 sets of 15 repetitions. Rest between approaches 2-3 minutes. Before each subsequent drawing, we give the body several times just catch our breath.
To give a V-shaped form
To give a V-shaped form

Bulk vacuum for women

  • The technique of the vacuum of the abdomen is part of yoga training. The exercise is used not for the relief cubes of the press, but for pumping internal muscles that are visually not noticeable. This option is optimal for women in a normal weight category with a bulging or sagging belly.
  • Women are not recommended to wear tight clothes in training, which prevents the abdomen. Any breaks are resetting the result, so only menstruation can be a good reason for a woman for relaxation.

The vacuum of the abdomen with menstruation is undesirable. During menstruation, the uterus is in good shape, so any voltages can provoke additional discharge. For safe training, start working with your body no earlier than on 5-6 days of menstruation.

  • The exercise also has a number of contraindications, which include pregnancy, inflammatory processes in the uterus, infectious and chronic diseases of the digestive system.
  • This type of load is undesirable during blockage of blood vessels and malignant tumors.
It is important to conduct a vacuum in the complex
It is important to conduct a vacuum in the complex

Lighting belly vacuum

  • Lighting belly vacuumit should become part of a complex of fat -burning training. Training at least 3 times a week with a duration of 40-60 minutes.
  • The process of losing weight should begin with proper nutrition. Forget about flour products. Exclude bold, fried, seasoned food. Enter salads, vegetables, fruits in the diet.

Abdomen vacuum before and after: reviews

  • Anna, 27 years old: I combine a vacuum with strips. I eat right. For two months I lost 10 kg. The result after the vacuum of the abdomen surpassed my expectations. The main thing is not to miss the planned training.
Losing weight
  • Inna, 32 years: I do a vacuum of the abdomen daily. In the first training, breathing was enough for 10-15 seconds. Now I calmly withstand for 20-30 seconds. I repeat the exercise 10 times in two approaches. The waist became a few centimeters and a convex stomach left.
The waist is well removed
The waist is well removed
  • Eugene, 35 years old: I became interested in this after childbirth. It was necessary to pull up sagging skin on the stomach. The first vacuum delayed only 5 seconds. Gradually increased time and was able to perform a large number of approaches. It is very important to breathe correctly, completely exhale air and concentrate as much as possible on inspiration. The result is a fit belly and an excellent physical form after the birth of two children.

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