The pose of the turtle in yoga: types, health benefits, contraindications. Kurmasana - how to do, exercises, preparation

The pose of the turtle in yoga: types, health benefits, contraindications. Kurmasana - how to do, exercises, preparation

How to make a turtle pose in yoga?

In yoga, there are a large number of asanas that are named after animals. One of them is the pose groin, and ecurmasana is called. There are several ways to perform this exercise, which we will talk about in the article.

Turtle pose in yoga: health benefits 

Tortoise pose in yoga

As you can guess, Kurma in translation means a turtle. In order to master this pose, it is necessary that the hip joints are flexible, while the spine must also be stretched. Therefore, if you are a newcomer in yoga, do not think that this asan will succeed very quickly and easily. In fact, you may need a long time in order to correctly perform the exercise. To complete the full version, you will have to spend some time. At the initial stage, it is necessary to gradually approach the implementation of this asana, complicating it. 

The pose of the turtle in yoga, health benefits: 

  • Helps to fight with excess fat in the abdomen. 
  • Stimulates the flexibility and elasticity of the joints. 
  • Improves back condition. 
  • It stimulates the nerve endings that are in the kidney and back. 
  • Promotes blood circulation, improves blood circulation in the entire body. 
  • It regulates the work of the female bodies of the pelvic, thereby normalize the monthly cycle. 
  • Helps to cope with pain in the legs, back and neck. 
  • It is useful for those who have pain in joints, muscles, and the elasticity of muscle tissue is reduced. 

It is worth taking into account this andsan People who have problems with kidneys, bladder and reproductive system.But besides this In total, dataAsanas They help to cope not only with diseases associated with the urinary system. In addition, during the exercise, blood flow in the head area is stimulated, due to which attention may improve and painful sensations decrease. The frequency of migraines is also reduced and performance is enhanced.Asana eliminates apathy and drowsiness.


Asana Turtle: How to do?

In general, it is initially necessary to perform the exercise, gradually moving to it, through simpler options. At the very initial stage, if you have a small amount of experience until you have mastered complexAsan, we advise you to perform exercises that help you sit in the pose of the turtles. 

Asana tortoise, how to do:

  • To do this, you need to get down to your knees, and then press the buttocks to the heels. It is necessary to make in such a way that the thumbs look in different directions.
  • Try to ensure that the heels are connected together, and only fingers look around. Next, you need to lower your arms forward, pressing the chest and stomach to the rug. In this case, the head should be raised up.
  • Try to do this without tension, in a relaxed state. This option is as suitable for those who have a curvature of the spine, lordosis or kyphosis. Thus, the muscles of the back are stimulated, due to which the muscle corset is strengthened. 
  • To perform the pose of the turtle, you need to sit on the rug, and spread your legs to the sides to the maximum possible distance. Further, on exhalation, it is necessary to tilt forward, while bending the legs in the knees.
  • Now it is necessary to stick the upper limbs under the space that formed under the knees. It is necessary that the palms are behind the buttocks. Now gradually go down so that your forehead lay on the rug.Try to breathe in this position smoothly and normal.

The pose of the lying tortoise: options

If initially it is not possible to perform the exercise, it is necessary to work on the plasticity of the muscle of the hips, feet, as well as the back. To do this, you need to bend your legs in your knees and translate the feet, closing your heels in front of you. Thus, something like a boat will turn out. After that, in this position you try to sit for as long as possible. Now connect your hands. They must be slipped under the knees and stretched to the sides.

At the same time, fold the shoulders on the floor so that the palms rest against the rug. Breathe smoothly, try to stretch even more forward, stretching out the neck. Be sure to lower your forehead and chin on the rug. Astana is correctly performed if the breast concerns the floor. At the initial stage, it is almost impossible to achieve such flexibility, so you will have to train a lot. Please note that lowering down is performed not due to the flexibility of the lower back, but due to the rotation of the hip joints. Try to make the heels constantly on the floor. 


The pose of the lying tortoise, options:

  • There are more complex variations of the pose of turtles for more advanced yogis. Initially, for beginners, even the most elementary pose is quite complicated.
  • This is due to insufficient body flexibility. But if you have mastered the pose of the turtles, you can gradually complicate it. For this, the legs are bent at the knees, the heels converge together. The head should be under the knees. There is another option, it is crossing the hands behind your back.
  • A person should remain on his stomach, the legs are also in the shoulder joints in the shoulder joints, while the hands are crossed slightly above the level of the buttocks behind their backs. In this case, in order to perform such a pose of the turtles, the presence of joint flexibility in the knees, as well as the elbows and shoulders, is necessary. All this time it is necessary that the chest lay on the floor. 
  • Such the pose is called a sleeping turtle. In the previous version, the legs and arms were widely divorced, the paws of the turtles imitated. In this asana, on the contrary, arms and legs are as grouped as much as possible, concentrated.
  • Thus, the pose is more reminiscent of only the shell of the turtle without limbs. This is one of the best options. Please note that after performing such asanas, it is necessary to perform any exercises that are aimed at stretching the spine, but in the opposite direction. That is, it is necessary to do exercises for the spine, as with a bridge. 

Turtle pose in yoga: Contraindications

Contraindications to the conduct of asana pose of the turtle. The fact is that this type of exercise implies a strong load on the knee joints, as well as joints in the shoulders, on stretching the spine. Therefore, with appropriate ailments, this asana cannot be performed in any case. 

Contraindications include such ailments: 

  • Intervertebral hernia 
  • Disks displacement 
  • Back injuries 
  • Joint diseases 
  • Arthritis 
  • Arthrosis 
  • Radiculitis 

Please note that with a disease such as osteochondrosis, asana is a good way to improve health, get rid of salts in this area. If you decide to engage in yoga yourself, at the initial stage it is advisable to use the services of the instructor. He will show how to properly perform asanas without harm to the body. Some of the exercises, in particular the turtle pose, should be performed in combination with postures that allow you to reduce the load on the back and balance it. 


The pose of an inverted turtle: Benefit - how to do it?

Asana turtles can be performed in an inverted form. In general, all inverted asanas are considered royal or anti -gravity. When they are performed, the pelvis is above the head.

The pose of an inverted turtle, benefits:

  • It is believed that all types of inverted asanas help increase blood flow in the head. When a person returns to its original position, the mind clarifies, while fatigue leaves, vigor appears, consciousness becomes clear.
  • Many recommend that inverted asanas in diseases in the head area. They will help from frequent migraines, with a deterioration in blood circulation.
  • They also normalize sleep and improve concentration if a person’s work is associated with mental work. They help relieve pressure and tension in the neck, improving the condition of this spine, which by the way with osteochondrosis and accumulation of salts.

It is believed that all the inverted asanas help to translate the arrows of the clock back, and to acquire youth, avoiding aging. These asanas also have contraindications, among which we can highlight: 

  • Hypertension 
  • Atherosclerosis 
  • Heart ailments 

They are not recommended if there are injuries associated with the spine. You can not perform the pose of the turtles if there is a hernia or there are no disks between the vertebrae. The contraindication is the ailments of the thyroid gland. Any yoga classes are prohibited in oncology and brain tumors.

If the woman has menstruation, then she should refrain from performing inverted asanas. The fact is that in this case the blood will not flow out of the vagina, but to accumulate in the uterus, which will lead to spikes or endometriosis. When performing an asana inverted turtle, the pelvis is not on the floor, but above the head. 


To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your back, throw your legs behind your head. Gradually bend your knees so that they become on the floor, their location was near the ears. Next, try to bring the heels together. After that, you need to get your hands behind your back and connect them together. It turns out the same asana, only in the reverse position. 

Video: Turtle pose

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