The table of kitchen measures, weights and volumes of products in grams, spoons, milliliters for bulk and liquid products. How many grams and milliliters in one dining room and teaspoon and a facet?

The table of kitchen measures, weights and volumes of products in grams, spoons, milliliters for bulk and liquid products. How many grams and milliliters in one dining room and teaspoon and a facet?

Without scales in the kitchen: how many products are in a glass, dining room and a teaspoon. How to quickly measure the ingredients without weights.

When there are no scales in the kitchen, modern housewives often panic. How can you cook anything without them? Is it unrealistic to make rolling without scales? Confectionery art, tasty meat and even cereal fall asleep on a recipe in a slow cooker. But after all, our grandmothers and great -grandmothers coped well without Libra in the kitchen, and this does not mean that their eye was ideal, unlike our “sight”. It’s just that every hostess in the kitchen had a recording of kitchen measures and scales.

We have compiled this article for those who want or are forced to do without weights, and at the same time deliberately cook according to recipes.

How many grams and ml in one faceted glass?

As we know from school lessons, all liquids, and solid products have different weights with the same volume. To cook according to the recipe, it is enough to have a glass, glass, tablespoons and teaspoons at hand.

Note that the calculation is taken 200 grams with a glass. To find out the volume of a glass/glasses, take a measured glass and check with water, or pick up water into a liter jar and pour into a glass. From a liter of water should be 5 glasses. You can also find out the volume of a glass using 200 g of a glass.

Below we give a table in which the main components are described in detail.

There are also popular products that are not included in this wonderful table, but are so in demand in our kitchens.

Table of measures and weights: Part 1
Table of measures and weights: Part 1
Table of measures and weights: Part 2
Table of measures and weights: Part 2


Table of measures and weights: Part 3
Table of measures and weights: Part 3
Table of measures and weights: Part 4
Table of measures and weights: Part 4
Table of measures and weights: Part 5
Table of measures and weights: Part 5
Table of measures and weights: Part 6
Table of measures and weights: Part 6

So, in one 200 gram glass:

  • Kefira - 200 gr.
  • Cottage cheese-220-280 gr. (depending on fat content, moisture moisture)
  • Mayonnaise - 200 gr.
  • Starch - 130 gr

How many grams and ml in one tablespoon?

The same products are often used in smaller proportions. So, in one tablespoon:

  • Kefir - 18 g
  • Cottage cheese - 17 g
  • Mayonnaise - 15 g
  • Starch - 12 g
  • Dry yeast - 8 g
  • Cocoa - 15 g

How many grams and ml in one teaspoon?

  • Kefir - 5 g
  • Cottage cheese - 6 g
  • Mayonnaise - 4 g
  • Starch - 6 g
  • Dry yeast - 3 g
  • Cocoa - 5 g

How many tablespoons and teaspoons in one faceted glass?

Another important issue for cooks and cooks is the proportionality of a glass, a teaspoon and a dining room.

In a yarn of 200 grams, 10-12 tablespoons without a slide and up to 40 teaspoons of liquid or bulk products fitting.

How many tablespoons and teaspoons in one faceted glass?
How many tablespoons and teaspoons in one faceted glass?

How many teaspoons are in one tablespoon: ratio, volume

It is worth noting that in most professional recipes exclusively large portions are considered. For convenient crushing, it is sometimes useful to know that 3-3.5 teaspoons fit in one tablespoon.

How many teaspoons are in one tablespoon: ratio, volume
How many teaspoons are in one tablespoon: ratio, volume

Table of kitchen measures, weights and volumes of products in grams, spoons, milliliters for bulk products and cereals

Table of kitchen measures, weights and volumes of products in grams, spoons, milliliters for bulk products and cereals
Table of kitchen measures, weights and volumes of products in grams, spoons, milliliters for bulk products and cereals

Table of kitchen measures, weights and volumes of products in grams, spoons, milliliters for liquid products and water

Most liquid products are present in the above tables from above. In this section, we will only add a table of standard volumes, which is probably useful in culinary calculations.

Volume table
Volume table

Video: Graduation Table in grams

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